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Category Archives: Genome

What’s a Genome? – Genome News Network

Posted: October 23, 2015 at 12:47 am

A genome is all of a living thing's genetic material. It is the entire set of hereditary instructions for building, running, and maintaining an organism, and passing life on to the next generation. The whole shebang.

In most living things, the genome is made of a chemical called DNA. The genome contains genes, which are packaged in chromosomes and affect specific characteristics of the organism.

Imagine these relationships as a set of Chinese boxes nested one inside the other. The largest box represents the genome. Inside it, a smaller box represents the chromosomes. Inside that is a box representing genes, and inside that, finally, is the smallest box, the DNA.

In short, the genome is divided into chromosomes, chromosomes contain genes, and genes are made of DNA.

The word " genome " was coined in about 1930, even though scientists didn't know then what the genome was made of. They only knew that the genome was important enough, whatever it was, to have a name.

Each one of earth's species has its own distinctive genome: the dog genome, the wheat genome, the genomes of the cow, cold virus, bok choy, Escherichia coli (a bacterium that lives in the human gut and in animal intestines), and so on.

So genomes belong to species, but they also belong to individuals. Every giraffe on the African savanna has a unique genome, as does every elephant, acacia tree, and ostrich. Unless you are an identical twin, your genome is different from that of every other person on earthin fact, it is different from that of every other person who has ever lived.

Though unique, your genome is still recognizably a human genome. The difference is simply a matter of degree: The genome differences between two people are much smaller than the genome differences between people and our closest relatives, the chimpanzees.

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Updated on January 15, 2003

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What's a Genome? - Genome News Network

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Genome dictionary definition | genome defined

Posted: at 12:47 am


Genome is defined as all of a somatic cell's genetic information, or a set of haploid chromosomes.

An example of a genome is what determines the physical characteristics of a person.

Origin of genome

also genom


Origin of genome

Related Forms:

(plural genomes)

From German Genom; gene + -ome

SentencesSentence examples

But this (a listing of illustrations of how the genome can change other than by mutations) doesnt constitute a crisis its a very interesting finding that shows that variation in a genome can arise by processes other than mutation of an organisms own DNA. The disposition of that variation still must occur via either natural selection (it can be good or bad) or genetic drift (no effect on fitness). This hasnt really changed the theory of evolution one iota, though its changed our view of where organisms can acquire new genes. Jerry Coyne

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Genome | Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard

Posted: at 12:47 am

A genome is the full set of instructions needed to make every cell, tissue, and organ in your body. Almost every one of your cells contains a complete copy of these instructions, written in the four-letter language of DNA (A, C, T, and G). The human genome contains 3 billion of these "letters" or bases. This means that if your genome were written out on sheets of paper and stacked as books, the tower of tomes would be almost as high as the Washington Monument!

If you think of the human genome as an encyclopedia, the information it contains is divided into 23 volumes, called chromosomes. Each chromosome contains genes - "sentences" of genetic instructions that tell the cell how to make proteins. We know the human genome contains about 20,500 of these genes, but the meaning of much of the remaining text within it is a mystery.

Surprisingly, the human genome is not static. Throughout life, exposure to certain substances - such as X-rays, sunlight, chemicals, and more - can begin to subtly change the genome in some cells. If a cell acquires a set of genomic changes that allows it to grow out of control, invade surrounding tissue, and spread to other sites in the body, cancer develops. A cancer patient is thought to harbor two distinct human genomes - the version contained in normal cells, and an altered one contained in tumor cells.

But ours is not the only genome on the block. All organisms have genomes - not just humans and animals, but also bacteria, fungi, viruses, and other microorganisms that cause diseases. Studying microbial genomes as well as the genomes of their hosts (including humans) can shed light on the nature of infectious diseases. Moreover, analyzing the genomes of our closer relatives - primates, mammals, and vertebrates - and comparing them to our own genome can help researchers determine what parts of the human genome have remained unchanged over time and are therefore likely to be essential.

In 1990, researchers set out to sequence (determine the order of As, Cs, Ts, and Gs in) the human genome. The effort, known as the Human Genome Project, was an international collaboration that concluded in 2003. However, sequencing the human genome was just a first step - now scientists face the challenge of using the tools and knowledge gained from the Human Genome Project to better understand human health and improve disease diagnosis and treatment.

Want to learn more?

You can learn more about some of the efforts to decipher important information in the human genome and other genomes by reading about the Broad's Genome Biology Program. You can also read about how Broad researchers are applying genomics to the study of infectious diseases like malaria and tuberculosis by visiting the Broad's Infectious Disease Program page and the Genomic Sequencing Center for Infectious Diseases. In addition, scientists involved in the Broad's Cancer Genome Projects are working to document all of the genome-based abnormalities in tumor genomes.

The Human Genome Project website will give you more insights into the public effort to sequence the human genome. You can also watch a NOVA program on "Cracking the Code of Life" to find out more about the race to complete the sequence.

Interested in where the word "genome" comes from? Joshua Lederberg and Alexa T. McCray offer a brief history of the word, as well as a "lexicome" of terms ending in "-ome."

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Genome | Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard

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genome | genetics |

Posted: September 28, 2015 at 10:42 pm

Thank you for helping us expand this topic! Simply begin typing or use the editing tools above to add to this article. Once you are finished and click submit, your modifications will be sent to our editors for review.

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an international collaboration in which researchers aimed to sequence the genomes of a large number of people from different ethnic groups worldwide with the intent of creating a catalog of genetic variations occurring with a frequency of at least 1 percent across all human populations. A major goal of the project was to identify more than 95 percent of variations known as single nucleotide...

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The development of the technology to sequence the DNA of whole genomes on a routine basis has given rise to the discipline of genomics, which dominates genetics research today. Genomics is the study of the structure, function, and evolutionary comparison of whole genomes. Genomics has made it possible to study gene function at a broader level, revealing sets of genes that interact to impinge on...

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The nucleic acids of virions are arranged into genomes. All double-stranded DNA viruses consist of a single large molecule, whereas most double-stranded RNA viruses have segmented genomes, with each segment usually representing a single gene that encodes the information for synthesizing a single protein. Viruses with single-stranded genomic DNA are usually small, with limited genetic...

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genome | genetics |

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what is a genome? give some example.? | Yahoo Answers

Posted: at 10:42 pm

Best Answer: The genome includes both the genes and the non-coding sequences of the DNA.More precisely, the genome of an organism is a complete genetic sequence on one set of chromosomes; for example, one of the two sets that a diploid individual carries in every somatic cell. The term genome can be applied specifically to mean that stored on a complete set of nuclear DNA (i.e., the "nuclear genome") but can also be applied to that stored within organelles that contain their own DNA, as with the mitochondrial genome or the chloroplast genome. The genome of a diploid organism including eukarya refers to a full set of chromosomes or genes in a gamete; thereby, a regular somatic cell contains two full sets of genomes. In haploid organisms, including bacteria, archaea, viruses, and mitochondria, a cell contains only a single set of the genome, usually in a single circular or contiguous linear DNA (or RNA for retroviruses). In modern molecular biology the genome of an organism is its hereditary information encoded in DNA (or, for retroviruses, RNA).


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what is a genome? give some example.? | Yahoo Answers

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Home – Complete GenomicsComplete Genomics

Posted: at 10:42 pm

Complete Genomics is a leader in whole human genome sequencing based in Mountain View, California. Using its proprietary sequencing instruments, chemistry, and software, the company has sequenced more than 20,000 whole human genomes. The companys mission is to improve human health by providing researchers and clinicians with the core technology and commercial systems to understand, prevent, diagnose, and treat diseases and conditions.

Over the past three years, Complete Genomics has initiated a large number of clinical utility studies designed to demonstrate thatpatients, payers, and physicians may be better off with a whole genome sequence as compared to standard of care. We have engaged key opinion leaders around the world to explore this question. While these studies cover many different clinical areas, three examples of the outcomes in autism, intellectual delay, and the lifetime benefit of whole genome sequencing are illustrated in these short videos.

Complete Genomics is now previewing its first commercial product, the Revolocity system. Unlike other providers who focus on providing only sequencing equipment, Complete Genomics has designed the Revolocity system to be a total end-to-end genomics solution for large-scale, high-quality genomes.

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UCSC Genome Browser Home

Posted: August 27, 2015 at 11:41 am

To receive announcements of new genome assembly releases, new software features, updates and training seminars by email, subscribe to the genome-announce mailing list. Please see our blog for posts about Genome Browser tools, features, projects and more.

12 August 2015 New blog post: How to share your UCSC screenthoughts

Do you want to save your UCSC Browser screenthoughts, or share them with a colleague, or make a slide for a talk, or publish them in a paper? Saving the state of your screen can take two forms: static or dynamic. You can snap and save a picture of the screen, or you can share a link to an active Genome Browser. We talk about both approaches here and discuss some of the advantages and pitfalls of each.

29 June 2015 GENCODE Genes Now the Default Gene Set on the Human (GRCh38/hg38) Assembly

In a move towards standardizing on a common gene set within the bioinformatics community, UCSC has made the decision to adopt the GENCODE set of gene models as our default gene set on the human genome assembly. Today we have released the GENCODE v22 comprehensive gene set as our default gene set on human genome assembly GRCh38 (hg38), replacing the previous default UCSC Genes set generated by UCSC. To facilitate this transition, the new gene set employs the same familiar UCSC Genes schema, using nearly all the same table names and fields that have appeared in earlier versions of the UCSC set.

By default, the browser displays only the transcripts tagged as "basic" by the GENCODE Consortium. These may be found in the track labeled "GENCODE Basic" in the Genes and Gene Predictions track group. However, all the transcripts in the GENCODE comprehensive set are present in the tables, and may be viewed by adjusting the track configuration settings for the All GENCODE super-track. The most recent version of the UCSC-generated genes can still be accessed in the track "Old UCSC Genes".

The new release has 195,178 total transcripts, compared with 104,178 in the previous version. The total number of canonical genes has increased from 48,424 to 49,534. Comparing the new gene set with the previous version:

More details about the new GENCODE Basic track can be found on the GENCODE Basic track description page.

26 June 2015 New Bonobo (panPan1) Assembly Now Available in the Genome Browser: We are pleased to announce the release of a Genome Browser for the May 2012 assembly of bonobo, Pan paniscus (Max-Planck Institute panpan1, UCSC version panPan1). Read more.

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Genome Biology

Posted: July 9, 2015 at 3:41 am

Biology for the post-genomic era

Fully Open Access. Genome Biology covers all areas of biology and biomedicine studied from a genomic and post-genomic perspective. Content includes research, new methods and software tools, and reviews, opinions and commentaries. Areas covered include, but are not limited to: sequence analysis; bioinformatics; insights into molecular, cellular and organismal biology; functional genomics; epigenomics; population genomics; proteomics; comparative biology and evolution; systems and network biology; genomics of disease; and clinical genomics. All content is open access immediately on publication.

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Enter exitrons

Dorothee Staiger and Gordon Simpson discuss the discovery of exon-like introns and their contributions to proteome complexity and phenotypic diversity

Focus on splicing

Chris Burge and Daniel Dominguez discuss how splicing-regulatory proteins modulate assembly of the spliceosome to activate and repress splicing

Diagnosing Mendelian diseases

Advantages over clinical exome sequencing can be achieved by using an NGS-based multiplexing assay involving comprehensive gene panels.

Read length cost-benefit

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Genome Biology

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The Human Genome Project (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

Posted: at 3:41 am

HGP at the start

The HGP began officially in October 1990, but its origins go back earlier. In the mid-1980s, three scientists independently came up with the idea of sequencing the entire human genome: Robert Sinsheimer, then chancellor of University of California at Santa Cruz, as a way to spend $30 million donated to his institution to build a telescope when that project fell through; Salk Institute researcher Rene Dulbecco as a way to understand the genetic origins of cancer and other diseases; and the Department of Energy's (DOE's) Charles DeLisi as a way to detect radiation-induced mutations, an interest of that agency since the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Such a project had become technically feasible due to advances made during the previous decade or two: in the early 1970s, recombinant DNA technologies (use of restriction enzymes to splice DNA, reverse transcriptase to make DNA from RNA, viral vectors to carry bits of DNA into cells, bacterial cloning to multiply quantities of DNA); in the late 1970s, DNA sequencing and use of RFLP (restriction fragment length polymorphism) markers for gene mapping; and in the early to mid-1980s, DNA synthesis, pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and automated DNA sequencing.

Sinsheimer's, Dulbecco's, and DeLisi's idea found supporters among a number of prominent molecular biologists and human geneticistsfor example, Walter Bodmer, Walter Gilbert, Leroy Hood, Victor McKusick, and James D. Watson. However, many molecular biologists expressed misgivings. Especially through 1986 and 1987, there were concerns about the routine nature of sequencing and the amount of junk DNA that would be sequenced, that the expense and big science approach would drain resources from smaller and more worthy projects, and that knowledge of gene sequence was inadequate to yield knowledge of gene function.[1] In September 1986, committees were established to study the feasibility of a publicly-funded project to sequence the human genome: one by the National Research Council (NRC) on scientific merit, and one by the Office for Technology Assessment (OTA) as a matter of public policy. Both committees released reports in 1988. The OTA report, Mapping Our Genes: Genome Projects: How Big, How Fast? downplayed the concerns of scientist critics by emphasizing that there was not one but many genome projects, that these were not on the scale of the Manhattan or Apollo projects, that no agency was committed to massive sequencing, and that the study of other organisms was needed to understand human genes. The NRC report, Mapping and Sequencing the Human Genome, sought to accommodate the scientists concerns by formulating recommendations that genetic and physical mapping and the development of cheaper, more efficient sequencing technologies precede large-scale sequencing, and that funding be provided for the mapping and sequencing of nonhuman (model) organisms as well.

It was the DOE that made the first push toward a Big Science genome project: DeLisi advanced a five-year plan in 1986, $4.5 million was allocated from the 1987 budget, and recognizing the boost the endeavor would provide to national weapons laboratories, Senator Pete Domenici from New Mexico introduced a bill in Congress. The DOE undertaking produced consternation among biomedical researchers who were traditionally supported by the NIH's intramural and extramural programsfor example, Caltech's David Botstein referred to the initiative as DOE's program for unemployed bomb-makers (in Cook-Deegan 1994, p. 98). James Wyngaarden, head of the NIH, was persuaded to lend his agency's support to the project in 1987. Funding was in place in time for fiscal year (FY) 1988 with Congress awarding the DOE $10.7 million and the NIH $17.2 million.[2] The DOE and NIH coordinated their efforts with a Memorandum of Understanding in 1988 that agreed on an official launch of the HGP on October 1, 1990 and an expected date of completion of 2005. Total cost estimated by the NRC report was $3 billion.

The project's specific goals at the outset were: (i) to identify all genes of the human genome (initially estimated to be 100,000); (ii) to sequence the approximately 3 billion nucleotides of the human genome; (iii) to develop databases to store this information; (iv) to develop tools for data analysis; (v) to address ethical, legal, and social issues; and (vi) to sequence a number of model organisms, including the bacterium Escherichia coli, the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the roundworm Caenorhabditis elegans, the fruitfly Drosophila melanogaster, and the mouse Mus musculans. The DOE established three genome centers in 198889 at Lawrence Berkeley, Lawrence Livermore, and Los Alamos National Laboratories; as Associate Director of the DOE Office of Health and Environmental Research (OHER), David Galas oversaw the DOE's genome project from April 1990 until he left for the private sector in 1993. The NIH instituted a university grant-based program for human genome research and placed Watson, co-discoverer of the structure of DNA and director of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, in charge in 1988. In October 1989, the Department of Health and Human Services established the National Center for Human Genome Research (NCHGR) at the NIH with Watson at the helm. During 1990 and 1991, Watson expanded the grants-based program to fund seven genome centers for five-year periods to work on large-scale mapping projects: Washington University, St. Louis; University of California, San Francisco; Massachusetts Institute of Technology; University of Michigan; University of Utah; Baylor College of Medicine; and Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.

As the HGP got underway, a number of philosophers weighed in on its scientific meritin terms of cost, potential impact on other areas of research, ability to lead to medical cures, and the usefulness of sequence data (Kitcher 1995; Rosenberg 1995; Tauber and Sarkar 1992; Vicedo 1992). However, of particular interest to philosophers is goal (v) concerning ethical, legal, and social issues. At an October 1988 news conference called to announce his appointment, Watson, in an apparently off-the-cuff response to a reporter who asked about the social implications of the project, promised that a portion of the funding would be set aside to study such issues (Marshall 1996c). The result was the NIH/DOE Joint Working Group on Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications (ELSI) of Human Genome Research, chaired by Nancy Wexler, which began to meet in September 1989.[3] The Joint Working Group identified four areas of high priority: quality and access in the use of genetic tests; fair use of genetic information by employers and insurers; privacy and confidentiality of genetic information; and public and professional education (Wexler in Cooper 1994, p. 321). The NIH and DOE each established ELSI programs: philosopher Eric T. Juengst served as the first director of the NIH-NCHGR ELSI program from 1990 to 1994. ELSI was funded initially to the tune of three percent of the HGP budget for both agencies; this was increased to four and later five percent at the NIH.

Map first, sequence later

As the NRC report had recommended, priority at the outset of the project was given to mapping rather than sequencing the human genome. HGP scientists sought to construct two kinds of maps. Genetic maps order polymorphic markers linearly on chromosomes; the aim is to have these markers densely enough situated that linkage relations can be used to locate chromosomal regions containing genes of interest to researchers. Physical maps order collections (or libraries) of cloned DNA fragments that cover an organism's genome; these fragments can then be replicated in quantity for sequencing. The joint NIH-DOE five-year plan released in 1990 set specific benchmarks: a resolution of 2 to 5 centimorgans (cM) for genetic linkage maps and physical maps with sequence-tagged site (STS) markers (unique DNA sequences 100200 base pairs long) spaced approximately 100 kilobases (kb) apart and 2-megabase (Mb) contiguous overlapping clones (contigs) assembled for large sections of the genome. Sequencing needed to be made more efficient and less costly: aims were to reduce sequencing costs to $.50 per base and to complete 10 million bases of contiguous DNA (0.3 percent of the human genome) but otherwise to focus efforts on the smaller genomes of less complex model organisms (Watson 1990). HGP goals were facilitated by a number of technological developments during this initial period. For physical mapping, yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) introduced in 1987 (Burke et al. 1987) permitted much larger segments of DNA to be ordered and stored for sequencing than was possible with plasmid or cosmid libraries. A new class of genetic markers, microsatellite repeats, was identified in 1989 (Litt and Luty 1989; Tautz 1989; Weber and May 1989); because these sets of tandem repeats of short (either dinucleotide, trinucleotide, or tetranucleotide) DNA sequences are more highly polymorphic and detectable by PCR, microsatellites quickly replaced RFLPs as markers of choice for genetic linkage mapping and furnished the STS markers which facilitated the integration of genetic and physical maps. Another technological achievementthe combined use of reverse transcription, PCR, and automated sequencing to map expressed genesled to administrative changes at the NIH when, in April 1992, Watson resigned from his position as director of the NCHGR following a conflict with NIH director Bernadine Healy over gene patenting. In 1991, while working at the NIH, J. Craig Venter sequenced small portions of cDNAs from existing libraries to provide identifying expressed sequence tags (ESTs) of 200300 bases which he then compared to already identified genes from various species found in existing databases (Adams et al. 1991).[4] Watson disagreed with Healy's decision to approve patent applications for the ESTs despite lack of knowledge of their function.[5] Soon after Watson's departure, Venter left NIH for the private sector.[6]

Francis Collins, an MD-PhD whose lab at University of Michigan co-discovered genes associated with cystic fibrosis and neurofibromatosis and contributed to efforts to isolate the gene for Huntington's disease, was appointed by Healy as Watson's replacement, and he began at the NCHGR in April 1993. Collins established an intramural research program at the NCHGR to complement the extramural program of grants for university-based research which already existed; ELSI remained a grant-funded program. The original NIH-DOE five-year plan was updated in 1993. The new five-year plan, in effect through 1998, accommodated progress that had been made in mapping, sequencing, and technological development (Collins and Galas 1993). The goal of a 25 cM genetic map was expected to be met by the 1995 target date. The deadline for a physical map with STS markers at intervals of 100 kb was extended to 1998; a map with intervals averaging 300 kb was expected by 1995 or 1996. Although the goal of $.50 per base cost of sequencing was projected to be met by 1996, it was recognized that this would be insufficient to meet the 2005 target date. The updated goal was to build up to a collective sequencing capacity of 50 Mb per year and to have 80 Mb of DNA (from both human and model organism genomes) sequenced by the end of 1998. This would be achieved by increasing the number of groups working on large-scale sequencing and heightening efforts to develop new sequencing technologies. Accordingly, in November 1995, the U.K.'s Wellcome Trust launched a $75 million, seven-year concentrated sequencing effort at the Sanger Centre in Cambridge, and in April 1996, the NCHGR awarded grants totaling $20 million per year for six centers (Houston's Baylor College of Medicine, Stanford University, The Institute for Genomic Research [TIGR], University of Washington-Seattle, Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, and Whitehead Institute for Biomedical ResearchMIT Genome Center) to pilot high-volume sequencing approaches (Marshall 1996a).

Although the HGP's inceptions were in the U.S., it had not taken long for mapping and sequencing the human genome to become an international venture (see Cook-Deegan 1994). France began to fund genome research in 1988 and had developed a more centralized, although not very well-funded, program by 1990. More significant were the contributions of Centre dEtudes du Polymorphisme Humain (CEPH) and Gnthon. CEPH, founded in 1983 by Jean Dausset, maintained a collection of DNA donated by intergenerational families to help in the study of hereditary disease; Jean Weissenbach led an international effort to construct a complete genetic map of the human genome using the CEPH collection; later, with funding from the French muscular dystrophy association (AFM), director Daniel Cohen set out to construct a YAC clone library for physical mapping and oversaw the launching of Gnthon in 1991 as an industrial-sized mapping and sequencing operation funded by the AFM. The U.K.'s genome project received its official start in 1989 although Sydney Brenner had commenced genome research at the Medical Research Council (MRC) laboratory several years before this. MRC funding was supplemented with private monies from the Imperial Cancer Research Fund, and later, the Wellcome Trust. The Sanger Centre, led by John Sulston and funded by Wellcome and the MRC, opened in October 1993. A combined four-year, 15-million-euro genome program by the European Community (E.C.) commenced in 1990. Germany, its citizens all too aware of abuses in the name of genetics, lagged behind other European countries: although individual researchers received government funds for genome research in the late-1980s and participated in the E.C. initiative, no actual national genome project was undertaken until 1995 (Kahn 1996). Japan, ahead of the U.S. in having funded the development of automated sequencing technologies since the early 1980s, was the major genome player outside the U.S. and Europe with several government agencies beginning small-scale genome projects in the late-1980s and early- 1990s, but a frequent target of U.S. criticism for the size of its investment relative to GNP.[7] China was the latecomer on the international scene: with 250 million yuan ($30 million) over three years from government and industry, the Chinese National Human Genome Center with branches in Beijing and Shanghai opened in July 1998, and was followed in 1999 by the Beijing Genomics Institute.[8]

The Human Genome Project (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

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genome pronounciation pagbigkas aussprache pronncia prononciation uitspraak – Video

Posted: April 14, 2015 at 9:44 pm

genome pronounciation pagbigkas aussprache pronncia prononciation uitspraak
YouTube: The video does not have sound. The video shows you how to move your tongue and lips to pronounce the word. The tongue is shown on the left from the side view....

By: Tom Toknao

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