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Category Archives: Genetic Engineering

gene-X, Genetic engineering the Movie Official Trailer.mp4 – Video

Posted: November 7, 2012 at 6:47 pm

gene-X, Genetic engineering the Movie Official Trailer.mp4
This is the official traier of the short film "gene-X", made for the genetic engineering project by M.Sc. Biotechnology final year Students from VIT University, Vellore. (2011-13 Batch) Hope you will enjoy! Movie will go on air soon! Thank youFrom:Prasanna KarandikarViews:1 1ratingsTime:02:01More inPeople Blogs

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gene-X, Genetic engineering the Movie Official Trailer.mp4 - Video

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Watch Real Life Superhero Muscles Like Marvel’s The Avengers – The Avengers: Real Life Avengers – Video

Posted: at 6:47 pm

Watch Real Life Superhero Muscles Like Marvel #39;s The Avengers - The Avengers: Real Life Avengers
Watch full movie here : Avengers The Avengers The Iron Man (Fictional Character) Theme Music (Musical Genre) Kanye West (Musical Artist) heroic imagination project Neha Dhupia (Film Actor) Real Life the avengers politics obama bradley manning tribeca film festival The Avengers movie Automobile (Industry) marvels the avengers obama whistleblowers genetic engineering government secrecy obama transparency Scarlett Johansson Ashutosh Gowarikar end credits scene captain america 2 Real Life Sucks martian manhunter manning wikileaks Super Fly Comics robert downey jr real life heroes Robert Downey Jr Kinsey Schofield leaked documents Chris Hemsworth how to be happy Captain America captain america bradley manning young hollywood philip zombardo the avengers 2 avengers movie lucifer effect find happiness Superhero captainamerica acuransxspyder In film festival Sudhir Mishra Ranvir Shorey The Cinecurry Hulk (comics) Marvel watchthedaily Healthcare Assemble Superman who marvel movie episode Sushma Reddy Anees Bazmee black widow kommentatorz Captain America Carly Steel joss whedon Neha Dhupia movie news 2asiandudesFrom:MarcellusColaiacovoViews:0 0ratingsTime:08:51More inFilm Animation

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Watch Real Life Superhero Muscles Like Marvel's The Avengers - The Avengers: Real Life Avengers - Video

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What is Proposition 37 – My Green Life – Video

Posted: at 6:47 pm

What is Proposition 37 - My Green Life
My Green Life #39;s topic today is Proposition 37. And we have an expert to talk about this: Vinnie Tortorich, host of his own podcast show, "America #39;s Angriest Trainer". The initiative simply requires food sold in retail outlets to be labeled if it is produced through genetic engineering, and would not allow these products to be labeled as "natural." Prop 37 gives companies 18 months to change their labels, and allows for the GMO disclosure to appear wherever they choose on packaging. Please, Vote YES on 37 because We have the right to know what #39;s in our food! My Green Life is presented by Tiffany Paige. To find out more about TreeLiving please visit our website and follow us on Twitter and Facebook here: http httpFrom:TreeLivingShowsViews:1 0ratingsTime:05:04More inFilm Animation

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Foods, Diet

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Foods, Diet Nutrition: Nutrient Density, Pesticides Genetically Engineered Foods
Arden B. Anderson, DO, Ph.D., MSPH presents a compelling presentation at the "12th Clinical Applications for Age Management Medicine Conference" May 2012, Hollywood, FL Foods, Diet and Nutrition: What a Clinician Needs to Know About Nutrient Density, Pesticides and Genetically Engineered Foods Arden B. Anderson, DO, Ph.D., MSPH Medical Director, Crossroads Healing Arts, Goshen, IN Professional Food Production Consultant / Author / Instructor Lecture objectives: bull; Describe the link between soil health and human health bull; Explain how genetic engineering of foods creates a snowball effect of health decline, nutrient deficiency and disease expansion in human and animal consumersFrom:AgeManagmentMedicineViews:0 0ratingsTime:08:29More inEducation

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First comprehensive guidelines for managing anaplastic thyroid cancer published in Thyroid journal

Posted: at 6:47 pm

Public release date: 7-Nov-2012 [ | E-mail | Share ]

Contact: Vicki Cohn 914-740-2100 Mary Ann Liebert, Inc./Genetic Engineering News

New Rochelle, NY, November 7, 2012Anaplastic thyroid cancer is a rare form of thyroid tumor, but it is also the most deadly. Newly developed evidence-based recommendations for the diagnosis, treatment, and long-term monitoring and follow-up care of patients with this extremely aggressive form of thyroid cancer are published in Thyroid (, a peer-reviewed journal from Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., publishers ( The Guidelines, prepared by the American Thyroid Association Anaplastic Thyroid Cancer Guidelines Task Force, are available free online on the Thyroid ( website.

Robert C. Smallridge, MD, Chair of the ATA Task Force, from the Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL, and coauthors of the "American Thyroid Association Guidelines for Management of Patients with Anaplastic Thyroid Cancer (" emphasize the importance of rapid diagnosis and evaluation of this aggressive tumor, establishing treatment goals, and employing a multidisciplinary team approach for optimal patient management. The comprehensive Guidelines cover recommended approaches to treatment including surgery, radiotherapy, systemic therapy, and supportive care. They also offer guidance on managing patients with advanced/metastatic disease, surveillance and long-term monitoring, palliative care options, and ethical issues including end-of-life care.

"The American Thyroid Association Guidelines for Management of Patients with Anaplastic Thyroid Cancer is a remarkable and comprehensive document that distills the literature and taskforce expertise into a useful guide for providers of patients with this aggressive cancer. The focused therapeutic approaches, as well as the inclusion of palliative care and ethical issues into this document, is a real advance for our field," says Bryan R. Haugen, MD, President of the ATA and Professor of Medicine and Pathology, Head, Division of Endocrinology, Metabolism & Diabetes, Mary Rossick Kern and Jerome H. Kern Chair in Endocrine Neoplasms Research, University of Colorado School of Medicine.

"The Anaplastic Thyroid Cancer Guidelines are a unique contribution to the endocrine literature," says Charles H. Emerson, MD, Editor-in-Chief of Thyroid and Professor Emeritus of Medicine at the University of Massachusetts School of Medicine. "The Guidelines demand to be read now, not learned during the emergency that is anaplastic thyroid cancer."


About the Society

The American Thyroid Association (ATA) ((, is the leading worldwide organization dedicated to the advancement, understanding, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of thyroid disorders and thyroid cancer. ATA is an international membership medical society with over 1,600 members from 43 countries around the world. Celebrating its 89th anniversary, ATA delivers its mission through several key endeavors: the publication of highly regarded monthly journals, Thyroid, Clinical Thyroidology, and Clinical Thyroidology for Patients; annual scientific meetings; biennial clinical and research symposia; research grant programs for young investigators, support of online professional, public, and patient educational programs; and the development of guidelines for clinical management of thyroid disease. The ATA has extensive online information at available on their website ( on thyroid disease for patients in both English and Spanish and serves as the clinical resource for patients and the public who look for reliable information on the Internet.

About the Journal

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Longer use of hormonal contraception during midlife predicts better cognitive function later

Posted: at 6:47 pm

Public release date: 7-Nov-2012 [ | E-mail | Share ]

Contact: Vicki Cohn 914-740-2100 Mary Ann Liebert, Inc./Genetic Engineering News

New Rochelle, NY, November 7, 2012Premenopausal use of hormonal contraceptives may improve the cognitive abilities of women in midlife and for years afterward. This finding may have implications for prevention of declining cognitive function that occurs with advancing age and in diseases such as Alzheimer's. The beneficial effects of hormones increase the longer a woman uses them, as described in a study published in Journal of Women's Health, a peer-reviewed publication from Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., publishers. The article is available free on the Journal of Women's Health website at

Kelly Egan, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, and Carey Gleason, PhD, William S. Middleton Memorial Veterans Hospital, Madison, WI, present the results of cognitive performance tests administered to women enrolled in the Wisconsin Registry for Alzheimer's Prevention in the article "Longer Duration of Hormonal Contraceptive Use Predicts Better Cognitive Outcomes Later in Life."

"This study provides preliminary evidence that hormonal contraceptives may have a protective cognitive effect, even years after use is discontinued," says Editor-in-Chief Susan G. Kornstein, MD, Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Women's Health, Executive Director of the Virginia Commonwealth University Institute for Women's Health, Richmond, VA, and President of the Academy of Women's Health.


About the Journal

Journal of Women's Health, published monthly, is a core multidisciplinary journal dedicated to the diseases and conditions that hold greater risk for or are more prevalent among women, as well as diseases that present differently in women. The Journal covers the latest advances and clinical applications of new diagnostic procedures and therapeutic protocols for the prevention and management of women's healthcare issues. Tables of content and a sample issue may be viewed on the Journal of Women's Health website at Journal of Women's Health is the Official Journal of the Academy of Women's Health and the Society for Women's Health Research.

About the Academy

Academy of Women's Health ( is an interdisciplinary, international association of physicians, nurses, and other health professionals who work across the broad field of women's health, providing its members with up-to-date advances and options in clinical care that will enable the best outcomes for their women patients. The Academy's focus includes the dissemination of translational research and evidence-based practices for disease prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of women across the lifespan.

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Measure to label foods defeated

Posted: at 6:47 pm

A measure to require labeling of genetically modified foods was defeated Tuesday.

With 92 percent of the vote counted, Proposition 37 was losing 53.1 percent to 46.9 percent.

Genetic engineering is a laboratory technique where scientists splice the DNA of one plant or animal and combine it with DNA from something else. The most common modifications insert genes from bacteria into crops to make them pest-resistant or able to withstand weedkillers like such as Roundup.

As biotech innovations have expanded in recent years, the percentage of crops that are genetically engineered has soared. Today, about 90 percent of corn and soybeans are genetically engineered, according to the USDA, as are much of the nation's canola and sugar beet crops. Those crops make their way into thousands of common food products that fill grocery stores.

Proposition 37 played out like a fight between a small health food store and a big-box grocery. On one side were organic food producers, alternative health website and hundreds of individual donors who believe genetic engineering is unnatural. They argued that consumers should have more information when they shop - and pointed out that more than 40 countries require labeling genetically modified food. Some supporters fear that GMOs cause health problems, though that hasn't been scientifically proven.

On the other side were conventional growers, large grocery chains, pesticide companies likesuch as Monsanto and DuPont - and many familiar brands likesuch as Pepsi, NestlCQwebsite and Kraft. They poured tens of millions of dollars into defeating the measure, funding a campaign that flooded airwaves, websites and mailboxes with messages that cast Proposition 37 as a confusing rip-off that would lead to frivolous lawsuits and higher grocery prices.

Proposition 37 was the second time nationwide that voters have been asked to decide about labeling GMOs. Oregon voters rejected a similar measure 10 years ago.

Advocates concerned about potential health and environmental impacts of genetic engineering have also pushed - unsuccessfully - for food labeling laws in 19 state legislatures and submitted a petition to the federal Food and Drug Administration earlier this year.

Copyright The Sacramento Bee. All rights reserved.

Call Laurel Rosenhall, Bee Capitol Bureau, (916) 321-1083. Follow her on Twitter @LaurelRosenhall.

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ProCognia jumps on expanded biosimilar collaboration

Posted: at 6:47 pm

Glycoanalysis company ProCognia (Israel) Ltd. (TASE:PRCG) is expanding its collaboration with Norway's UniTargetingResearch AS (UTR) for the production of biosimilars (generic biological drugs). ProCognia is expanding its license for the exclusive use and commercialization of UTR's proprietary and patent-protected technology for improving the production of proteins by the biosimilars industry. The technology makes it possible to boost production of biological molecules created by genetic engineering.

ProCognia's share price rose 5.5% by early afternoon to NIS 0.67, giving a market cap of NIS 12 million.

Under the new agreement, ProCognia will undertake collaborations on the basis of UTR's platform, and will develop a biosimilar of a brand biological drug which currently has billions of dollars in annual sales. ProCognia believes that the biosimilar has reached the stage of possible commercialization.

ProCognia says that the biosimilars market is expected to reach billions of dollars in the coming years. Biological drugs are mostly sugar-bearing proteins for the treatment of cancers and autoimmune diseases. The expanded agreement with UTR is a milestone for the development of the platform for increasing production of bio-better proteins and in the cell's excretion of the proteins for the production of biological drugs.

ProCognia adds that the license for the development of cells which express biosimilar and biobetter products, together with the company's proprietary glycoanalysis (analysis of sugar structures in proteins) technology, puts it in a competitive position for the development of biosimilar drugs. The renewed agreement also gives the company potential revenue from its current collaboration with UTR.

ProCognia's GlycoScope is an integrated technological platform for the analysis of recombinant monoclonal antibodies and complex biopharmaceutical glycoproteins. UTR, a spin-off from the University of Bergen, has developed genetic engineering technology for enhancing the production of proteins by adding genetically engineered DNA sequences which increase production.

Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - - on November 6, 2012

Copyright of Globes Publisher Itonut (1983) Ltd. 2012

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Port Townsend Food Coop: I Want To Know If GMOs Are In My Food – Video

Posted: November 4, 2012 at 5:44 am

Port Townsend Food Coop: I Want To Know If GMOs Are In My Food
In front of the Port Townsend Food Coop, member Willy Smothers signed the I-522 petition and talked about his concerns regarding GMOs in the food supply. I-522 is an initiative to the Washington State legislature to establish mandatory labeling of foods produced through genetic engineering. As recommended by the Secretary of State, the LabelitWA group needs to turn in at least 320000 signatures to ensure they have 241153 valid signatures by December 31, 2012 in order to get on the November 2013 ballot. I-522, "The People #39;s Right to Know Genetically Engineered Food Act," is simple. The initiative would require food sold in retail outlets to be labeled if the ingredients are produced through genetic engineering. An estimated 70 percent of non-organic processed foods contain some #9472; or several #9472; genetically engineered ingredients. http California 2012 Prop 37 Playlist Sponsor RAAW Foods (Non-GMO Project Verified) http://www.raawfoods.comFrom:digitalreporterViews:2 1ratingsTime:02:16More inTravel Events

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Port Townsend Food Coop: I Want To Know If GMOs Are In My Food - Video

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Fringe Opening sequence (Season 1) – Video

Posted: at 5:44 am

Fringe Opening sequence (Season 1)
The show #39;s standard opening sequence interplays images of the glyph symbols alongside words representing fringe science topics, such as "teleportation" and "dark matter". Within the third season, with episodes that took place primarily in the parallel universe, a new set of titles was used, following a similar format, though tinted red instead of blue and using alternate fringe science concepts like "hypnosis" and "neuroscience". The difference in color has led some fans to call the prime universe the Blue one in contrast to the parallel Red one. In the third season episode "Entrada", the titles used a mix of both the blue- and red-tinted versions, given the episode taking place equally in both universes. In the show #39;s two flashback episodes, "Peter" and "Subject 13", a variation on the sequence, using retro graphics akin to 1980s technology and phrases like "personal computing" and "genetic engineering", was used. For the dystopian future third season episode "The Day We Died", a black-toned theme, with more dire phrases like "hope" and "water," was used. The fourth season premiere, "Neither Here Nor There" introduced an amber-toned title sequence with additional new terms that is used for nearly all season four episodes. The fourth season episode "Letters of Transit", which returned to the future dystopian universe, and the subsequent fifth season episodes, feature a cold-toned title sequence with phrases such as "joy", "private thought" and "free will", ideas which ...From:Fdor Nicola MisuriViews:14 0ratingsTime:00:36More inMusic

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