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Category Archives: Futurist

Justin Bieber Thinks Deepfake of Tom Cruise Is Real, Challenges It to Fight – Futurism

Posted: October 13, 2021 at 7:44 pm

Bieber tried to start beef with DeepTomCruise.Shadow Boxing

Justin Bieber seems to have gotten tricked online, as hes been heckling a deepfake of Tom Cruise as though he were interacting with the real actor.

Unless hes pulling a prank of his own, Bieber seems to have fallen for the trickery of DeepTomCruise, a TikTok account that posts videos of a convincing deepfake version of Tom Cruise, the Daily Dot noticed. Bieber shared a video of the deepfake playing guitar to his Instagram story but tagged the real Tom Cruise in which he complimented the actors musical prowess then challenged him to a fight. Its a bizarre, comical mistake, but it also hints at how easy it is for synthesized media to trick people who arent looking out for it.

@Tomcruise Im impressed with your guitar skills, Bieber wrote in his post. But you could still catch these hands my boy.

In another post of the same video, Bieber added ALL JOKES ASIDE @tomcruise your shredding on that guitar, once again tagging the real actor who, if he was paying attention at all, must have been confused by now.

In actuality, Bieber was complimenting both the guitar playing of actor Miles Fisher and the special effects prowess of deepfake creator Chris Ume, who edited Cruises face onto Fishers body.

Two hours later, Bieber realized his mistake.

Thats not really Tom Cruise? he wrote in another post. Lol, oh well, still hilarious.

So far, Cruise hasnt given a public response to Biebers posts, the Daily Dot notes. So the jurys still out on whether Bieber still wants to fight.

READ MORE: Justin Bieber got duped into picking a fight with a Tom Cruise deepfake [Daily Dot]

More on deepfakes: Uncanny Deepfake Tom Cruise Fools People on TikTok

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Justin Bieber Thinks Deepfake of Tom Cruise Is Real, Challenges It to Fight - Futurism

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Residents Heard an Earth-Shattering Explosion and Experts Have No Idea What It Was – Futurism

Posted: at 7:44 pm

So far, there's no evidence of an earthquake.Earth-Shattering Kaboom

On Sunday morning, the sound of an earth-shattering explosion rocked New Hampshire and the ground started to shake.

Normally, that wouldnt make headlines. But in this case, experts at the U.S. Geological Surveys National Earthquake Information Center say that they have absolutely no clue what caused the shaking, The New York Times reports, and that theres no evidence whatsoever of an earthquake happening. Without a real answer, residents have been speculating wildly online, sharing ideas that include large explosions, meteorite landings, and some sort of military activity at a nearby Space Force base.

New Hampshire does experience the occasional weak earthquake, US Geological Survey geophysicist Jessica Turner told the NYT. Most recently, a magnitude 1.7 quake hit the area this past August, she said.

And just because the Geological Survey didnt pick up on an earthquake doesnt mean that one didnt happen, agency geophysicist Don Blakeman explained to the NYT.

In the meantime, New Hampshirites are left wondering what it is they just lived through. Several shared stories with the NYT of sitting at home, suddenly hearing a loud explosion, and having nowhere to turn but the internet for answers. One even joked about being ready for the end of days.

Fortunately, Id gone to church this morning, fire chief Dan MacDonald told the NYT. So I felt prepared.

READ MORE: Something Shook New Hampshire. What Caused the Boom Is a Mystery. [The New York Times]

More on earthquakes: The US Military Just Set Off Anther 3.9 Magnitude Explosion

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Residents Heard an Earth-Shattering Explosion and Experts Have No Idea What It Was - Futurism

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High Fashion Futurism Defined The Hair At The SS22 Shows –

Posted: October 7, 2021 at 3:24 pm

Every season, as fashion month rolls around, we're tempted to try a hair trend that previously we would have scoffed at (now we just nod in appreciation and run to our laptops to google at-home hacks). Razor sharp space buns with pointed edges? Yes please. Match your hair colour to the exact shade of your outfit? Sure. In fact, why on earth didnt we think of it before?

No more 'I just woke up like this' undone hair, for SS22 it's all about showing off that we've spent hours straightening our hair to poker straight noughties extremes. In fact, whether it's straightened, styled, coloured or slicked back, the future is totally intentional. A little bit Y2K, a little bit 'Year 3000', a lot high fashion futurism. Whatever you go for make it extreme and most definitely not landing in the middle.

Maybe its the beginning of a new cultural mood as the next Matrix movie gears up to hit cinema screens, or maybe it's because literally everyone we speak to is watching the dystopian world of Squid Game and we've got change on the mind, but the hair at SS22 saw the future for hair and it was a bold new era.

From the nose-grazing pastel wigs at Loewe, to the searing purple and green hues seen at Valentino, both conjured up by hair stylist Guido Palau, multi-coloured hair was back in a big way. Even the throwback references had futurism at their core, with nods to Leeloo in Fifth Elements hyper copper bob, Scarlett Johansens iconic bubblegum pink wig in Lost In Translation, Natalie Portmans flamingo fringe in Closer and dare we say it, even a touch of Miley Cyruss lilac bob as Ashley O in Black Mirror all hitting the runway.

Over at Rick Owens, hair stylist Duffy stuck strands of hair onto models' faces using gel for an otherworldly high shine finish. In London, Richard Quinn employed the legendary skills of Sam McKnight to create a chunky subdivided slicked back updo in a new twist on the go-to fashion week wet look that wouldn't look out of place in Star Trek. Think the opposite of low-key mid-pandemic hair. Now, hyper polished, high maintenance and high concept hair has landed.

Even space buns got a less literal update at fashion set favourite Nensi Dojaka courtesy of hair stylist Syd Hayes. We added this sort of futuristic element with razor edges, Hayes told ELLE. 'It gives the face a sharp look, pulling it back at the edges like fake Botox, referencing an almost alien-esque glam sophistication. Were getting big Sex Educations Lily and her space buns but make it high fashion energy.

To achieve the look, Hayes used a gel through the whole of the ponytail, then we put the ponytail really high at the top of the head at the point where your skull goes flat. Next, I split it into two and twisted it in different directions, so that when you wrap the two strands around each other it looks a bit like a chain. Finally, I left the ends out of the fastened bun and sprayed them with hairspray before straightening to achieve the razor-sharp edges.

Studio Line Invisi'Hold Gel Normal

9000 Cordless Straightener

Flyaway With Me Kit


Can we pull it off? Unclear. But will we try? Almost certainly.

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This Scary-Looking Robot Can Walk and Fly – Futurism

Posted: at 3:24 pm

It can even skateboard and slackline.Get It Off Me

Researchers at Caltech have opened the doors to hell and allowed a creepy robot that can walk on two spindly feet and even fly to enter our world.

The terrifying biped, called LEONARD (LEgs ONboARD drone), or LEO for short, is basicically the bottom half of a humanoid robot strapped to a flying drone.

The researchers goal wasnt to come up with the next mass-marketable invention, but to test new ways of locomotion for robots meant to complete dangerous jobs and explore hard-to-reach places.

Did we mention it can skateboard and slackline as well?

The team goes as far to suggest that their creepy invention could carry equipment on the surface of other worlds, including Mars or Saturns moon Titan.

We drew inspiration from nature, Soon-Jo Chung, corresponding author of the paper published this week in the journal Science Robotics, said in a statement.

A complex yet intriguing behavior happens as birds move between walking and flying, Chung added. We wanted to understand and learn from that.

One major challenge for the team was to conserve enough energy to allow the bot to fly while also covering some distance on the ground.

Based on the types of obstacles it needs to traverse, LEO can choose to use either walking or flying, or blend the two as needed, Patrick Spieler, co-lead author, said in the statement.

In addition, LEO is capable of performing unusual locomotion maneuvers that even in humans require a mastery of balance, like walking on a slackline and skateboarding, he added.

Next, the team is hoping to decrease LEOs weight and increase the thrust of its propellers to allow it to cover even more ground.

Its exactly what we needed: an apocalyptic murder drone that can not only fly but also run to catch up with us.

READ MORE: LEONARDO, the Bipedal Robot, Can Ride a Skateboard and Walk a Slackline [Caltech]

More on robots: People in Singapore Furious About Robot Cops That Lecture People on Social Distancing

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Bishkek’s multi-faith wedding palace is a futuristic, grandiose atheist temple | Concrete Ideas – The Calvert Journal

Posted: at 3:24 pm

In the Soviet Union, places of worship were largely shut down, in line with communist ideologys denunciation of religion as the opium of the masses. However, Soviet authorities did not want to leave citizens without lavish temples to celebrate rites of passage or family milestones. Instead, they built state-run wedding palaces that would offer grandeur while avoiding the pesky burden of spirituality.

One of these pompous buildings was Bishkeks Wedding Palace, a pointy glass-and-marble venue built in the northeast of Kyrgyzstans capital in 1987. Conceived by architects A. Logunov and A. Klishevich as a non-denominational, state-run house of worship, they wanted its design to combine the futuristic, monolithic trends of the era, with elements of traditional religious venues. By mimicking the grandeur of cathedrals and mosques, they hoped the building would evoke the same sense of reverence and spirituality as traditional temples.

The building stands at one end of a circular square, in front of a water fountain comprised of colourful mosaics. Its facade is almost entirely made of stained glass windows, only interrupted by marble columns. Its irregular roof, marked by spiky towers on the four corners, makes the palace look like a futuristic castle, where an opulent staircase leads to the main door. Inside, marble-heavy interiors, vaulted painted ceilings, and colourful stained glass windows create a grandiose, cathedral-like atmosphere. In the centre of the main room, a maroon carpet leads up a flight of stairs into a ceremonial chamber, through a glass painted window surrounded by circular mouldings. Through the door of the main chamber, a celestial stream of light inundates the venue.

While the building is now in need of repair due to the lack of state funds, many Kyrgyzstani couples still choose to get married at the wedding palace in Bishkek. Over the years, a bazaar-like setup has developed around the venue to cater for wedding-goers demands, from gifts to outfits and picture props. Across the street, colourful flower stands fight for the attention of ceremony guests. A large store sells silk wedding dresses, party attire, and shiny tuxedos. Nearby, doves are kept in cages, and, for a small price, they can be released by happy couples (before happily returning back to their perches). On a nearby road, a limousine rental company allows couples to choose from a fleet of luxury cars, to leave the lavish wedding palace in an equally extravagant manner.

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Bishkek's multi-faith wedding palace is a futuristic, grandiose atheist temple | Concrete Ideas - The Calvert Journal

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Leading futurists to meet in the UAE – The National

Posted: October 3, 2021 at 2:48 am

Leading thinkers and so-called futurists are scheduled to meet in Dubai in November to help guide progress towards a more resilient and sustainable future.

The UAE government announced that the Great Narrative meeting, in collaboration with the World Economic Forum, will be on November 11-12, 2021, bringing together experts across disciplines including genetics, health, space, economics, urbanisation and climate change. The two-day convention will culminate in a book, titled The Great Narrative.

Mohammad Al Gergawi, Minister of Cabinet Affairs, said that the meeting reflects the importance of working together in mapping future trends to build thriving communities.

He said that the UAE government is keen to participate in this global dialogue to help communities, individuals and governments co-create a better future and more diversified economy that can deliver sustainable development.

Climate change and the Covid-19 pandemic have pushed policymakers, businesses and citizens to rethink how a functioning society can and should operate. But socioeconomic gaps are widening, creating an urgent need to come up with solutions.

Brookings, a US think tank, found that wages, food security and children's education were dramatically affected by Covid-19. On average, more than one third of those working before the pandemic in 52 countries stopped working and more than 60 per cent of households reported income losses in 30 countries. A pattern of widening gaps between rich and poor countries emerged.

The pandemic has revealed the acute need to focus on the future and long-term health of our societies," said Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum.

"The Great Narrative initiative and meeting in Dubai will be a powerful catalyst to shape the contours of a more prosperous and inclusive future for humanity that is also more respectful of nature."

The meeting will be held two months before the World Economic Forum's annual meeting in Davos is expected to return as an in-person event from January 17-21, 2022.

Updated: September 30th 2021, 7:46 AM

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Leading futurists to meet in the UAE - The National

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This AI-enabled tiny home gets a design upgrade making it more spacious and futuristic! – Yanko Design

Posted: at 2:48 am

Nestron is one of my favorite tiny home builders they are modern, minimal, and AI-enabled! The sure in tiny homes is not a design trend but an architectural movement that is here to stay, they are more affordable, more sustainable, and more conducive to our evolving flexible lifestyles when compared to traditional houses. Nestrons latest model is the Cube Two X which has been built upon the existing Cube Twos functionality and aesthetics with more upgrades keeping in mind a bigger family instead of a two-person household. Take the full virtual tour here!

Cube Two XD is a prefab unit available in two models a one-bedroom or two-bedroom configuration, and is clad with steel and fiber-reinforced plastic. The Singapore-based architecture studio has designed this modern home by drawing inspiration from sci-fi and spacecraft imagery. Ever since the launch of their Cube series, the studio received several requests for a larger unit with the option for two bedrooms to accommodate a family of four comfortably and thats why they made Cube Two X.

The companys latest unit builds on the aesthetics and the functionality of their Cube 2 model. We figured it was time to give the Cube 2 line an upgrade, and thus Cube Two X was born, said the Nestron media representative. The compact cubic home looks like if Apple and Pinterest collaborated to create a modern dwelling.

The one-bedroom and two-bedroom Cube Two X models have living space spanning over 376 square feet. The structure consists of a steel frame wrapped with fiber-reinforced plastic (FRP) siding which can withstand extreme heat and natural disasters. All of their models are made with high-resistance materials, the FRP exterior wall panels are less likely to rust or corrode while holding up in high temperatures, harsh environments, and extreme weather conditions, including heatwaves, hurricanes, and earthquakes.

The Built-in furniture preserves floor space in the tiny home. The team outfitted the dining area with a built-in table for two and included a sleek built-in sofa for the living area. Optional features include electric-heated flooring, a smart mirror, a music system, and a concealed electric stove. The invisible stove is a unique space-saving idea, its a seamless kitchen counter when youre not cooking, but when you are, the counter transforms into a stovetop, explains the team.

Its curved lines and integrated voice-controlled tech gives the home n ultra-futuristic feel. Like all other models, it is designed to be shipped anywhere in the world and completely move-in ready. Theres no installation needed upon arrival, much like how a washing machine works, the owners just need local contractors to wind up the power sockets and the water supply and then Cube Two X is a fully functioning home!

For how high-tech the tiny home is, it has a relatively low impact on the environment. 90% of the materials used are recyclable for example, the interior wood wall panels are made from non-virgin wood and recycled plastic thats environmentally friendly and 100% recyclable.

The bedroom has a large built-in wardrobe and a recessed wall niche for storage above the bed. We make a big effort to care for the environment because we believe everything starts at home. Living in your home should be an experience thats environmentally friendlyand wed like for people to be able to live a sustainable lifestyle without additional effort, says the team.

The Cube Two X is also prefabricated in a factory environment which helps to reduce material waste. It speeds construction time by up to 50% when compared to on-site construction which takes around one month. Its a faster and more cost-effective process, ensuring there is no construction waste, as the team uses prefabricated molds to shape the units, which also greatly increases accuracy.

Even the bathroom features a smart mirror and an electric pulse toilet every part of the home is a reminder that you are living in the future. If the cinematic worlds of Stanley Kubricks 2001: A Space Odyssey and William Hanna and Joseph Barberas The Jetsons were combined to create a tiny home, it might just be Nestrons Cube Two X tech lovers and digital nomads are going to love this innovative home!

Designer: Nestron

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This AI-enabled tiny home gets a design upgrade making it more spacious and futuristic! - Yanko Design

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$32.5 million project: Futurist canopy proposed for Windsor’s riverfront Festival Plaza – CTV News Windsor

Posted: at 2:48 am

WINDSOR, ONT. -- Windsor Mayor Drew Dilkens says the city is dreaming big when proposing a $32.5 million project to give the riverfront Festival Plaza a futuristic facelift.

A proposed design to build a canopy at the Festival Plaza will go before council on Oct. 4 for endorsement and approval to begin seeking public input.

There is no other city like Windsor where you have this amazing waterfront completely open, says Pooya Baktash, Co-founder of Partisans, a Toronto-based architecture studio firm hired by the city to design the canopy and transform the plaza.

The permanent canopy structure designed as a dome will have a capacity of 5,000. With a translucent roof in the centre, the space is created to feel open and bright, with a view of the Detroit River.

Baktash says the layers of digital activation, lighting and multimedia installed will help the canopy light up the skyline at night.

With an asphalt parking lot and no shade at the current Festival Plaza, one of the main concerns is that the space is too hot in the summer and too cold in the winter.

We brought in environment engineers to map up the wind and sun, says Baktash.

Click here for photos of the proposed project.

To address this issue, the canopy is designed to attenuate south-west winds in the colder season while allowing the south winds in the warmer months. This will help maintain a comfortable temperature for visitors.

Acoustics and noise studies have also been conducted to improve the quality of sound for the audience while blocking out the outside environmental noise (especially road noise).

Locals may draw comparisons with the Aretha Franklin Amphitheatre, which has a capacity of 6,000 and is the epicentre of live summer entertainment in Detroit.

However, the architecture team says Windsors canopy design has significant differences and will serve more functions.

This is not just about a concert, its designing a whole public space that has activation, and people can hang out there, says Batkash. There are no gates, its completely accessible any time of the day.

The project is budgeted for $32.5 million, including a $13.5 million price tag for the construction of the canopy.

It can bring a lot of businesses here and revive the whole downtown Windsor, which I think a lot of people are really excited, says Batkesh.

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$32.5 million project: Futurist canopy proposed for Windsor's riverfront Festival Plaza - CTV News Windsor

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Retro-futurism and why it matters: a foray into alternative futures seen from the past – ZME Science

Posted: at 2:48 am

Whether its flying cars or flying through the stars, retrofuturism has fascinated mankind for decades, and its not hard to see why. But were still coming to terms with what retrofuturism is and what it means for our society.

Retro-futurism isnt some complex scientific phenomenon but rather a blend of science, fiction, and art. If futurism is a type of science, forecasting what may come, then retrofuturism is looking back and recalling what that anticipation was like. Think of how people in the 1920s imagined the world a century on.

In a sense, retrofuturism works as a retrospection for our society, but surprisingly or not, it often leads to innovations, creative ideas, and products that you see or hear about in your daily life. A recent example of a retro-futuristic prototype is Teslas Neuralink, a brain chip that can augment the human brain. We also see it in architecture, urban design, and inventions such as self-driving cars or space suits.

In retrofuturism, science and technology meet nostalgia and it all comes with a distinctive aesthetic flavor the type you easily recognize when you come across it. Sometimes, retrofuturism becomes a sort of faux nostalgia a nostalgia for a future that never happened. Its hard to pin down exactly what is and isnt retrofuturism, but lets see what youd generally find in this current.

Most commonly, retrofuturism can be summarized as the future seen from the past, though sometimes it also incorporates the notion of past seen from the future.

Its common for many of us to wonder what the future will look like and have things like this pop up into mind. How long do I need to wait for flying cars or a transparent smartphone? Will there be a weekly sale event for cybernetic body parts with heavy discounts? Perhaps, I will be able to rent an apartment on Mars; maybe just on the Moon. Many such weird and exciting speculations about the future also give birth to retro-futurism, a concept that allows us to depict the existence of futuristic technology in an earlier time period.

But whats interesting is that when we look at retrofuturism art (especially from the past, but sometimes also in modern and real-life examples), it sometimes looks exactly like real life, while other times it looks completely different.

In the broadest sense, retrofuturism is a current present in all sorts of media (books, movies, comics, etc) that imagines a type of future seeded from a particular present. Its all that could have happened if we designed things in a particular way which is why retrofuturism is more than just an artistic current, its a way to envision how different world designs could look like.

From entertainment to fashion, and technology, the cultural impact of retro-futurism in our world is profound and can be understood through its various sub-genres that are reflected from time to time in the popular media.

Retrofuturism can itself be split into several currents. There are several variants, depending on what era you start from and what theme you focus on. Many of the general trends are owed to the early science fiction works of the likes of Jules Verne or H. G. Wells, as well as the space race of the 20th century. However, retrofuturism has branched out into several different styles, although theres no official classification.

A dark and dystopian retro-future with all the advanced technology that we can ever imagine but still the world is filled with misery, pain, and chaos because evil organizations control the future. This genre is heavily explored in video games, comics, and popular movies like Tron, Ghost in the Shell, Blade Runner series, etc. Electronic music, funky clothing styles, and low-key fashion accessories based on the cyberpunk theme are quite popular retro-futuristic themes.

From shiny thunderbird cars to thirst-quenching soda fountains and fashionable chunky glasses, the 1950s were vibrant and full of glamour. Surprisingly, atompunk adds more interesting elements to the retro-futuristic version of the 1950s, the thunderbirds fly and often come equipped with jet propellers, the industries run on clean nuclear power, and the city life is faster than ever with bullet trains.

T-shirts, fashion accessories, and magazines printed in the atom punk theme are adored by fans in the US and beyond. However, the most popular depiction of atom punk is found in Fantastic Four comics, Sean Connerys James Bond films, and famous cartoon shows such as Dexters Laboratory.

What if Einstein is erased from history? How would our lives have been without the internet? Answering such questions, alternate history has always been a popular genre among writers and especially fiction lovers, it explores changed versions of real historical events and reveals the connected consequences. Hundreds of published books including bestsellers such as Stephen Kings 11/22/63 and Kim Stanley Robinsons Years of Rice are based on this intriguing idea.

From aspirin to electric batteries and cameras, the 19th century marks an era that drastically transformed the human lifestyle. This was an incredible time when steam engine trains ran full speed and new industries emerged. Steampunk refers to a future that is based in 19th-century settings with grand steam-powered machines (such as steam aircraft, steam cannons, etc) at play.

Although people have likely imagined what the future would look like since the dawn of time, the crystallized retrofuturism current is relatively recent.

According to many digital publications, the concept was first ever discussed in a late 1960s book named Retro-Futurism authored by T. R. Hinchliffe. However, not enough evidence or historical records exist in the present to validate this fact. However, although it didnt have a name, retrofuturism was still present way before that.

In the year 1983, an ad about Bloomingdales jewelry got published in the New York Times. This was no ordinary piece of advertisement because first, it goes like this silverized steel and sleek grey linked for a retro-futuristic look, and second, the Oxford English Dictionary clearly mentions this ad as the earliest recorded use of a term related to the concept of retro-future.

Filmmakers, designers, artists, and game developers have been actively using retro-futurism as a theme for their artistic creations and products. Whether it is Marty McFlys future visit in 1989s classic hit Back to the Future II or the launch of the first iPhone in 2007, many fictional and real-world events depict retro-futurism in ways you may never know.

Ultimately, retrofuturism serves as an art current, but it can play a surprisingly important role: by showing us what our world could have looked like but doesnt, its highlighting how our societal expectations and decisions change in time. By looking at different versions of our future, we can get a better idea of what our present is and how our society is shaped. Hopefully, when we take a deep look into that societal mirror, well like what we see.

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Retro-futurism and why it matters: a foray into alternative futures seen from the past - ZME Science

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This Futuristic Motorcycle Is The Superbike Of Your Sci-Fi Dreams – Jalopnik

Posted: at 2:48 am

Currently rolling across the Bring A Trailer auction block is a futuristic motorcycle that you dont really see often, if youve seen one at all. This 2008 Vyrus 984 C3 2V Razzetto looks like it was ripped straight out of a video game and it can be yours.

Vyrus is known for making expensive bespoke motorcycles that are functional works of art. The bikes look like something that youd see in a sci-fi movie or concept drawings that would never reach production. This 2008 Vyrus 984 C3 2V Razzetto is so strange that you cant possibly stare at it long enough to appreciate all of its details.

The first thing youll notice is that it doesnt work like most motorcycles. Gone is any sort of fork, making the handlebar look disconnected from the front wheel. Hub-center steering is a quirk of Vyrus bikes, and the way it works is pretty neat.

The front wheel is mounted to a swingarm with a shock and an internal pivot point. Steering is achieved using those bright red linkages that turn the wheel on that pivot point. Heres a visual explanation for how that works:

Hub-center steering has been used on motorcycles going back over a century, but take a pillion seat to the popularity of more traditional forks. As noted by the Odd Bike motorcycle blog, Vyrus founder, Ascanio Rodorigo, worked for Bimota as a race mechanic between the 1970s and 1985.

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Rodorigo left Bimota to start his own company and partnered with Bimota on the hub-center-steered Tesi. Vyrus would develop the steering concept even further in its own motorcycles.

But Vyrus isnt just about weird steering. Each bike built by Vyrus is unique as buyers are offered extreme levels of customization. You can get everything from carbon fiber everywhere to bespoke engine mapping. This Vyrus 984 C3 2V is no different, check out the ad from Bring A Trailer:

Additional features include a Double Omega billet aluminum frame, carbon-fiber bodywork, an adjustable caster angle, Marvic magnesium wheels, Brembo brakes, FG Gubellini suspension components, and a Zard exhaust system.

That exhaust system is art all on its own and features carbon fiber mufflers. You could easily lose hours of time looking at every little detail of this thing.

Should you stop staring at the motorcycle long enough to ride it, power is provided by a Ducati dual spark L-twin bored out to 1,079cc and making 100 HP. That moves the 319-pound machine using a six-speed transmission.

Capping it off is the bikes rather fitting name, Razzetto, which translates little rocket. The seller got it in 2020 from her brothers estate and serviced it then. Its said to have accumulated only 1,900 miles since new

Of course theres a huge catch and its the price. Depending on who you ask, a fully customized one can take you into the six figures. This one is $30,500 with about 30 minutes to go on Bring A Trailer. Hopefully, someone buys this and actually takes it on the road wearing gear that matches its style.

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This Futuristic Motorcycle Is The Superbike Of Your Sci-Fi Dreams - Jalopnik

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