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Category Archives: Futurist

Colour-changing makeup: What is Spectra and how does it work? –

Posted: October 21, 2021 at 10:34 pm

It goes from black to silver under your phones camera light (Picture: Spectra)

Even if youre a total beauty obsessive, the name Lauren Bowker and her company, The Unseen, is probably not on your radar yet.

But then there was a time when nobody knew who Este Lauder was and when you hadnt heard of The Ordinary.

And 36-year-old Lauren and her revolutionary new eye product, which launches today, is the most exciting beauty news in ages its makeup that can change colour under your phones camera light.

The Unseen began out of curiosity, says Lauren, explaining how her dual-reality makeup, Spectra, came about. When I was at university [studying textiles at Manchester] I developed a compound that changed colour, from yellow to black, in response to air pollution.

I thought it would help people understand an abstract concept and that being able to visualise unseen things through colour, materials science and design is where the name and the idea came from.

After leaving Manchester, Lauren did a masters at the Royal College of Art but it was a postgraduate project at the Royal Academy of Engineering that inspired her to set up her own company.

I was working on researching how humans were going to live in the future and predicting what materials might help with that, she says. I found it really frustrating that it was just research and not an application of potential solutions so I decided to try to bring these sorts of smart materials to life.

Early projects included sculptures that changed colour according to air friction an offshoot of an aerodynamics project with a Formula One team and a collaboration with Swarovski that used 4,000 crystals on a skull cap that changed colour according to brain activity. However, it was four years ago that Lauren dipped her toe or rather her hair into beauty.

Shed been asked to come up with something that would promote science to women. The result was Fire, the worlds first colour-changing hair dye think retro Global Hypercolour T-shirts but much, much cooler.

I had really long hair at the time and was forever in the lab accidentally getting colours on me, she says. Ive also always had an interest in the occult and theres a great film called The Craft where one of the actresses changes the colour of her hair just by stroking her hands across it. It was science fiction but I knew it was achievable.

Fire debuted at London Fashion Week in 2017 and, within a week, a video showing hair changing from black to red had been viewed more than 80 million times. Laurens company, The Unseen, has since partnered with Schwarzkopf Professional and, after pandemic-related hold-ups, plans to launch Fire next year in 48 countries. In the meantime, its launching the aforementioned Spectra.

The technology comes from those road signs that glow when you shine light on them, says Lauren, but it was inspired by a gig a few years ago where it felt like every person there was viewing the world through a phone. I wanted to create something that exists physically on your face but you can only see via a digital screen.

Available in black and a barely-there silver grey, both colours transform under a phone cameras flash or a torch to reveal reflected silver. This and next years Fire launch is just the beginning.

I imagine that with Spectra, we will have extensions of that technology, whether its about shades or types of products, says Lauren. And if you are launching a colour-changing product that is safe for hair, why shouldnt it be safe for skin too?

Beyond that, theres the huge potential that working with a reflective particle has. Its a new form of colour and I think that might have implications for how we create colour cosmetics in the future.

I dream that we can get to the point where a single foundation can autocorrect to any skin tone or any environment. It wont happen tomorrow but I think its definitely possible.

Spectras recycled aluminium tubes are reminiscent of paint tubes but at 33 for 5ml this is very pricey paint.

In terms of cost, its on a par with cream shadows from Tom Ford but heaps more exciting. I squeeze a tiny bit of the black on to the back of my hand and use a fine brush to apply it as eye liner under my eye before using a finger to daub the lid.

The finish is a solid matte black. I do the same with the grey it feels more slippery, and genuinely looks barely there.

To test them out I stand in front of a mirror in a dark bathroom with a torch. It takes a bit of experimenting with angles but I get a glimpse of the sort of fuzzy 3D silver you see reflected from road signs.

Using a phone with a flash is more successful, with pictures showing both the grey and black as dramatic swathes of silver.

Both stay until removed with the cleanser I usually use to take off waterproof mascara. This is makeup but not as we know it.

Spectra, 33, is available from today exclusively at The Unseen Beauty

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Scientists Believe There Are People Genetically Immune To COVID – Futurism

Posted: at 10:23 pm

A team of scientists say that there might be people out there who are genetically immune to COVID-19 and they want to find and study them to potentially develop treatments for the disease.

Theinternational team of researchers published a paper in the journal Nature Immunology on Monday proposing a strategy for identifying, recruiting, and genetically analyzing individuals who are naturally resistant to COVID.

Historically, scientists have often studied people who have natural immunities to viruses such as HIV to develop potential treatments. The latest attempts in the battle against the coronavirus are no different.

While little is known so far about those who are naturally immune to COVID specifically, the studys authors note that theres evidence that suggests that they are out there.

[A] number of families have been reported in which all the members except one of the spouses are infected, suggesting that some highly exposed individuals may be resistant to infection with this virus, the study reads.

To find these individuals, the studys authors suggest implementing a systematized process to search, recruit, and study them. Theyll begin by focusing on finding uninfected members of households with people who have symptomatic COVID.

We then consider individuals exposed to an index case without personal protection equipment, for at least 1 hour per day, and during the first 3-5 days of symptoms in the index case, the paper said.

The potential candidate would then take a PCR and blood test for signs of the coronavirus after four weeks of exposure. If it comes up negative, the researchers postulate, the individual would be a good candidate for the study.

The team has already recruited more than 400 people who meet the criteria but theyre looking for more. If you would like to see if you could potentially get involved, you can head to the website for the COVID Human Genetic Effort. Even if youre not immune, you could sign up to volunteer in other ways too.

We know of at least one COVID immune person who could sign up.

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Scientists: Uh, Earth Flipped Over On Its Side 84 Million Years Ago – Futurism

Posted: at 10:23 pm

Take this, flat-Earthers: The entire planet rolled over on its side 84 million years ago, before correcting itself and flopping back up.

Or so goes the argument of a new paper published in Nature, attempting to once and for all settle the debate over whats called true polar wander, which is the process by which a planet or a moons various layers shift around, resulting in the location of said planets or moons magnetic poles wandering around.

If youre worried that it takes being a galaxy-brained bong rip of a human to understand this concept, we can assure you: Yes. But well do our best to explain.

So, Earth: Its made of a few layers, right? Youve got your center, a solid metal core at the very center, and surrounding that, a liquid metal core which together are responsible for the planets magnetic field. Around that comes the mantle, about 1,800 miles thick, made of rock, but softer than the metal core. Its pretty stable, but over thousands of years, it can shift around like a viscous liquid (think glue, honey, or taffy). Above that mantle, youve got the Earths crust, which is what you live on top of, right now. If the planet were a cake you sliced into, the mantle wouldnt even be the frosting, but a dusting of powdered sugar that makes up less than 1percent of the total volume. And you already know these layers can move around, which accounts for earthquakes (tectonic plates shifting) and continental drift (the continents moving around over time).

What the international team of scientists behind the new research are proposing is that 84 million years ago, in the Late Cretaceous period, the entire mantle and crust was rotating around that liquid core, and got so ass-over-teakettle that if you an infinite celestial time-space being with nothing better to do than watch planets looked at Earth from space for several million years, it wouldve looked like we tipped over on our side, and then, went back.

And how, exactly, did they figure that one out? The answer is in geology. This is the coolest part: The positions of Earths magnetic poles can be reflected via the magnetism of certain rocks on the planet (or paleomagnetic data). And by examining fossils and not just any fossils, but fossils of bacteria, which include the mineral magnetite, the most magnetic of all the elements on Earth. Tracking those rocks down wasnt easy, but they found some in central Italys Apennine Mountain range, smack in the middle between Rome and Florence, which is where Caltech and Tokyo Institute of Technologys Joe Kirschvink and the Institute of Geology and Geophysics in Beijings Ross Mitchell went hunting. Fun fact: Rocks in the area that werent as old as the ones used in this study once helped scientists prove out theories about asteroids that killed the dinosaurs.

And, sure enough, the rocks show something like a 12 degree tilt in of the planet 84 million years ago. Then it seemingly righted itself again, for a grand total of something like 25 degrees of tilt over 5 million years.

As for the practical implications of knowing the Earth wobbled like a dumb drunk eons ago, only to right itself? Well, they think true polar wander may be responsible for the Ice Age, but moreover, its yet another thing to rub in the face of the dumbest people you know, Flat-Earthers, or to explain to everyone at your next dinner party, smug and secure in knowing that you understand how one goes about using paleomagnetic data in this world. Beyond that, its yet another step in understanding the mysteries of our existence as quite literally demonstrated by this godless rock that refuses to die.

Read More: Did the Earth tip on its side 84 million years ago? [Tokyo Institute of Biology]

Original Paper: A Late Cretaceous true polar wander oscillation [Nature]

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Scientists: Uh, Earth Flipped Over On Its Side 84 Million Years Ago - Futurism

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New Book, ‘Quirky Black Sci-Fi Tales: Volume 1,’ Weaves Black Feminist Futurism with the Fantasticism of the Universe – Yahoo Finance

Posted: at 10:23 pm

CAPITOL HEIGHTS, Md., Oct. 21, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- With her debut collection, Quirky Black Sci-fi Tales: Volume 1, newcomer M'Shai Dash blends unfeigned humor, warmth, and peculiarity while celebrating Black women as survivors, adventurers, and champions. In five spellbinding tales, we are introduced to Black heroines on the verge of upending the world they know, while using courage they never knew they had. As the women confront monsters of both the human and inhuman kind, each woman is catapulted into quests of self-discovery that illuminates their force within the universe.

"A wild ride... the wit of 'Insecure' meets the dark whimsical futurism of 'Black Mirror' in these sci-fi shorts."

When asked about her inspiration, Dash said, "I write stories that reflect Black women like myself and those around me. We are quirky, smart, rebellious, brave, survivors, and champions. We persevere in a world that doesn't always appreciate us. We do our best to embrace our failures and use them to catapult us into our success. Most importantly, we manifest the realities we want for ourselves, drawing from the magic that flows within us...even if it takes a little while for us to find it."

Quirky Black Sci-fi Tales: Volume 1 is currently available on Amazon and wherever books are sold.

About M'Shai DashM'Shai S. Dash is an author, blogger, and speaker from Washington, D.C. Interweaving her passion for storytelling with her love of speculative fiction, Dash's writing explores and celebrates intersectionality, blackness, futurism, and rebellion in tales that center brave, memorable heroines.

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New Book, 'Quirky Black Sci-Fi Tales: Volume 1,' Weaves Black Feminist Futurism with the Fantasticism of the Universe - Yahoo Finance

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This futuristic design uses recycled bottles, coffee and oranges – Inhabitat

Posted: at 10:23 pm

Dubai Expos Italian Pavilion is a futuristic, sustainable creation. The 38,000-square-feet (3,500-square-meter) masterpiece opened on Oct. 1 at Dubai Expo 2020.

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Designed by Carlo Ratti Associati (CRA) and Italo Rota Building Office, the Italian Pavilion stands out for its creativity in utilizing sustainable materials. Thanks to its innovative design and materials, the building has already won Best Entrepreneurial Project of the Year at the Construction Innovation Awards.

Related: WOHAs final design for Singapore Pavilion nears completion

These innovative materials include 2 million recycled plastic bottles that form a multimedia facade. The designers also used recycled algae, coffee grounds and orange peels as building materials. Recycling, reusing and renewing are at the core of the design.

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The roof is probably the most outstanding part of the entire design. It uses three boat hulls that could set sail immediately after Dubai Expo. According to Carlo Ratti, founding partner of CRA and director of the MIT Senseable City Lab, the Pavilion addresses issues that architectural designs have failed to address for many years.

Our design for the Italian Pavilion deals with what I believe is architectures most important challenge today: advancing the double convergence between the natural and the artificial. It anticipates issues and suggests strategies that will be increasingly crucial for the future of our cities as we address the consequences of the current climate crisis, Ratti said.

The facade is fitted with LEDs that can be lit to transform the entire building into a multimedia surface. According to the designers, the bottles that make up the surface can be used again after the expo ends.

But what about the coffee grounds and orange peels used in the design? The coffee and orange peels were left to dry and turned into powder used to coat suspended pathways. The setting of the Italian Pavilion on a five-meter-high dune made out of locally sourced sand also speaks to the designs sustainable focus.


Images Michele Nastasi

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NASA Says It Needs Nuclear Rockets to Put People on Mars Before China – Futurism

Posted: at 10:23 pm

"The US needs to move at a fast pace to stay competitive."Nuclear Spacecraft

NASA officials say that the US needs to invest in nuclear-powered spacecraft if it wants to beat its geopolitical rivalsto Mars.

The officials were testifying at a House Science, Space, and Tech subcommittee hearing on Wednesday, according to United Press International. They urged lawmakers to invest resources into researching and developing nuclear-powered rockets,which could allow humans to reach the Red Planet in just three to four months half the time it would take for traditional, chemical propelled rockets.

Our strategic competitors, including China, are indeed aggressively investing in a wide range of space technologies, including nuclear power and propulsion to fulfill their ambitions for sustained human lunar presence, as well as Martian and deep space science missions, NASA senior adviser for Budget and Finance Bhavya Lal said at the subcommittee meeting, adding that the United States needs to move at a fast pace to stay competitive and to remain a leader in the global space community.

This all comes on the heels of China allegedly testing a hypersonic nuclear-capable missile that took US officials by surprise. Though Beijing was quick to deny the claims, some still look at it as a Sputnik moment because US intelligence had seemingly underestimated the countrys progress.

Congress and NASA have stated that they want to get humans to Mars by 2033. However, Dr. Roger Myer, co-chair of the Committee on Space Nuclear Propulsion Technologies at the Academies of Sciences, threw cold water on that goal, saying that human Mars travel is likely unobtainable by 2033.

Meanwhile, Chinese officials have set 2033 as their target date to send taikonauts to Mars, Reuters reports. If Lal is to be believed, China is well on track to get there in that timeline if they continue to invest in nuclear propulsion.

Follow Tony Tran on Twitter.

READ MORE: U.S. needs nuclear spacecraft to compete with China, NASA official says [UPI]

More on US vs China: China Says It Was Testing a New Spaceship, Not a Hypersonic Missile

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MacBook Pro 2021: Apple Unveils 14- and 16-Inch Models Powered by the New M1 Pro and M1 Max SOCs – Futurism

Posted: at 10:23 pm

After months of rumors, leaks, and speculation, Apple has finally revealed the first truly Pro Apple Silicon devices: 14-inch and 16-inch MacBook Pros powered by the new M1 Pro and M1 Max systems on a chip (SOCs). In one fell swoop, Apple has essentially undone all of its most controversial design decisions of the last six years and created a pair of laptops that professional users can really get behind.

Theres a lot to unpack: from the new processors, to the new display, to the new and improved port configuration, the return of MagSafe, and the end of the touchbar. For the sake of clarity, lets take the upgrades one at a time.

At the heart of this new update are the latest Apple Silicon SOCs, the M1 Pro and M1 Max. Where the original M1 focused on providing a balance of performance and efficiency, with four high-performance cores, four high-efficiency cores, and up to eight GPU cores, the M1 Pro and M1 Max shift that balance towards high performance and really increase the GPU capabilities of these laptops.

The entry-level 8-core M1 Pro packs in six high-performance and two high-efficiency cores, while the top shelf M1 Pro and M1 Max both offer eight high-performance and two high-efficiency cores, for a total of 10. Each configuration also boasts between 2x and 4x the number of GPU cores available in the original M1. The entry-level 8-core M1 Pro comes with 14 GPU cores, the 10-core variant of the M1 Pro comes with 16 GPU cores, and the M1 Max can be configured with a staggering 32 GPU cores.

Each upgrade offers a significant improvement over the previous Intel- and M1-based MacBook Pros, with the 32-core variant peaking at an advertised 13.4x improvement in graphics performance over the former Intel-based 13-inch MacBook Pro and a 2.9x improvement over the Intel-based 16-inch MacBook Pro with discrete AMD graphics, all while sipping far less power from the built-in battery. In fact, both laptops can run at full speed while on battery power, something that no high-powered PC laptop with discrete graphics can claim.

Finally, both of the new processors can now be configured with far more unified memorythe on-chip RAM that Apple uses in all of the Apple Silicon SOCs.

The entry-level M1 Pro features the same 16GB of unified memory as the original M1, but it can be configured with up to 32GB, while the M1 Max starts at 32GB and can be configured with up to 64GB. As Apple pointed out during their keynote presentation on Monday, this is the most memory that has ever been packed onto a consumer SOC, and should translate into lightning-fast performance on RAM-intensive tasks like merging huge panoramas or loading and exploring large 3D scenes.

These three changesthe increase in high-performance cores, GPU cores, and memory bandwidthshould make the new 14- and 16-inch MacBook Pros some of the most powerful and capable laptops on the market.

Moving beyond performance to convenience, Apple has finally done away with the dongle life, bringing back several ports that professionals and enthusiasts alike have been missing. Since 2015, every MacBook and MacBook Pro has featured only two kinds of ports: a headphone jack and one or more Thunderbolt ports. No more.

All of the new 14- and 16-inch MacBook Pros come with an HDMI 2.0b port, an SDXC card slot, a MagSafe 3 charging port, a headphone jack, and three Thunderbolt 4/USB 4 ports. The only useful port thats missing is USB Type-A, but given the wholesale move to USB Type-C in recent years, this doesnt feel like a massive omission.

As with previous MacBooks, each Thunderbolt port can be used for transferring data, connecting an external display, or charging the laptop. However, you probably wont be using the Thunderbolt ports for charging thanks to the return of the Magsafe port. Both laptops feature a new and improved Magsafe 3 charging port with the same magnetic quick-release capability as pre-2016 MacBook Pros and even faster charging that can get the laptop to 50 percent charge in just 30 minutes.

Youll need to opt for the 96-watt power adapter to get that fast-charging capability, but its only a $20 upgrade if you opt for the entry-level 14-inch MacBook Pro that ships with a 67-watt charger instead. Once you upgrade from the cheapest variant, every configuration ships with the 96-watt charger by default.

Finally, the last and one of the most sought-after changes to the new MacBook Pros is the end of the touch bar. Instead, Apple has configured these two MacBooks with a row of full-sized function keys that ends in a dedicated Touch ID fingerprint reader.

In addition to the new ports, the most obvious change coming to the new MacBook Pros is the Liquid Retina XDR display. Using the same mini-LED technology Apple debuted in the 12.9-inch M1 iPad Pro, these new displays should offer the best brightness, contrast, and HDR performance of any laptop display on the market today, bar none.

Both the 14- and 16-inch variants pack in 254 pixels-per-inch for a total resolution of 3024 x 1964 and 3456 x 2234, respectively, with thinner bezels and a camera notch at the top that houses a full HD 1080p camera for FaceTime calls. This alone would make for a significant improvement over the previous generation, but Apple went way beyond increasing the screen resolution, shrinking the bezels, and improving the cameras.

Thanks to the 10,000 miniLED backlight, the new displays can hit sustained full-screen brightness of up to 1000 nits, peak brightness of 1600 nits, and a true 1,000,000:1 contrast ratio thanks to the 10,000 miniLEDs that make up the backlight.

Both displays are also technically capable of reaching 120Hz, although you cant lock the refresh rate at 120. Fixed refresh rates max out at 60Hz, with 120Hz available only through the Pro Motion setting that adaptively changes the screens refresh rate depending on the content that is being displayed. This should make for better battery life, but also means that developers will need to ensure any fast-paced apps are taking full advantage of 120Hz if they arent configured to do so already.

Given all of the improvements and the huge increase in performance that these specs promise, neither of the two laptops come cheap.

Both entry-level 14-inch MacBook Prowith an 8-core M1 Pro, 16GB of RAM, and only 512GB of storagestart at $1,999, and upgrades will cost you dearly. Upgrading to an M1 Pro with a 10-core CPU, 16-core GPU, 32GB of RAM, and 1TB of storage ups the price to $2,899 for the 14-inch MacBook Pro or $3,100 for the 16-inch. The fully upgraded variants that boast an M1 Max with a 10-core CPU, 32-core GPU, 64GB of RAM, and 8TB of storage will cost you an eye-watering $5,899 for the 14-inch and $6,100 for the 16-inch.

All variants are available to order right now from Apples websiteand will begin shipping to buyers early next week.

This post was created by a non-news editorial team at Recurrent Media, Futurisms owner. Futurism may receive a portion of sales on products linked within this post.

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MacBook Pro 2021: Apple Unveils 14- and 16-Inch Models Powered by the New M1 Pro and M1 Max SOCs - Futurism

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US Officials Shocked by Chinese Missile Test That Went All the Way Around the Earth – Futurism

Posted: at 10:23 pm

"We have no idea how they did this."Surprise Launch

China launched a hypersonic missile test in late August that took the United States government by surprise.

The missile allegedly circled the globe in low-Earth orbit before heading towards its intended target, anonymous sources told Financial Times. The nuclear-capable rocket carried a hypersonic glide vehicle that allowed it to travel at incredible speeds.

Perhaps more incredibly, though, is the fact that US intelligence was caught flat-footed by the missile test. Though the missile reportedly missed its target by roughly two dozen miles, US officials were surprised by how much progress the Middle Kingdom has made on hypersonic weapons.

We have no idea how they did this, one source said to Financial Times.

Chinas advancement on hypersonic weapons poses a very unique threat to US defense, said Taylor Fravel to Financial Times. Fravel is an expert on Chinese nuclear weapon policy and believes that the hypersonic glide vehicle could potentially negate the US missile defense system.

Hypersonic glide at lower trajectories and can maneuver in flight, which makes them hard to track and destroy, Fravel told Financial Times. That means the USs system to destroy incoming missiles might prove ineffective in the event of an attack.

So yeah, China might soon have hypersonic missiles which is utterly horrifying no matter who has them to be completely honest.

READ MORE: China tests new space capability with hypersonic missile [Financial Times]

More on missiles: DARPA Successfully Launched an Air-Breathing Hypersonic Missile

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US Officials Shocked by Chinese Missile Test That Went All the Way Around the Earth - Futurism

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Researchers Discover Massive Hole in the Arctic’s "Last Ice" – Futurism

Posted: at 10:23 pm

This is grim. The Last Ice

An enormous hole has been discovered in an area of the Arctic known as the Last Ice heating up concerns about the impacts of anthropogenic climate change in the region.

The hole, known as a polynya, was discovered near Ellesmere Island, Canadas northernmost island, according to a press release from the American Geophysical Union. Its presence is particularly disconcerting to researchers due to the fact that its in an area thought to have the Arctics thickest and oldest ice.

No one had seen a polynya in this area before, Kent Moore, an arctic researcher at the University of Toronto-Mississauga, said in the press release. North of Ellesmere Island its hardto move ice around or melt it just because its thick, and theres quite a bit of it. So, we generally havent seen polynyas form in that region before.

Moore was the lead author of a new study published in Geophysical Research Letters detailing the researchers grim findings. The polynya was actually discovered in May of last year, and a day after finding it, the researchers discovered that it had grown to a staggering 62 miles long and 18 miles wide, according to USA Today.

The researchers say that the hole was formed due to extreme wind conditions that pushed the ice apart. However, researchers say its unusual that the Last Ice could be blown around so easily due to how thick it is suggesting that warming conditions might have made the damage possible in the first place.

In fact, some experts believe that the warmer temperatures will eventually create a feedback loop of ice melt.

The thing about thinning ice is that its easier to move it around, said Moore in the release. As the ice gets thinner, its easier to create these polynyas with less extreme forcing, so there is some evidence that these polynyas may become more common, or become larger, than they were in the past.

READ MORE: Scientists Discover Large Rift in the Arctics Last Bastion of Thick Sea Ice

More on ice melt: The Icy Glue Holding Antarctica Together Is Starting to Fail

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New book of fictional short stories reflects one man’s viewpoints of American historical, current and futuristic cultural issues – Yahoo Finance

Posted: at 10:23 pm

David L. Dozier announces the release of 'Stories from the Mind of David'

FORT WALTON BEACH, Fla., Oct. 20, 2021 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ -- The late David L. Dozier developed a passion for writing fictional short stories and novels reflecting viewpoints of American historical, current, and futuristic cultural issues. These short stories are now presented in his book titled "Stories from the Mind of David" (published by AuthorHouse).

This book of short stories covers numerous topics such as human relationships, detective mysteries, racial/cultural issues, politics and life in general. Diverse issues that are universal and timeless. The short stories are a reflection of David's experiences from being raised and living in the southern region of the country as well as from the experiences and knowledge he gained as a young military enlisted officer living and working in Europe and later as a college and civilian student living and working in New York City.

These stories are relatable to men and women in general regardless of their economic or social status in life. In one or more of the short stories, the reader will be able to identify or recognize various traits and characteristics unique either to themselves and/or others that are familiar in the various characters in the book. Hence, this book of short stories has relevance to readers worldwide on issues/topics that are common in any society or culture.

"This is a unique perspective from a person with a diverse background telling stories based on his unique background. A person that was a mathematician, philosopher, computer technology graduate, painter/artist, and athlete. Hence, his approach in writing the short stories is different," David's brother James says.

When asked what David wants readers to take away from the book, James answers, "I think David would want the reader to recognize that as a country, we have accomplished great things. However, we also are falling short in many areas and need to realize collectively that we need to overcome various fallacies to ultimately continue to progress as a nation." For more details about the book, please visit

Story continues

"Stories from the Mind of David" By David L. Dozier Softcover | 6 x 9in | 80 pages | ISBN 9781665533003 E-Book | 80 pages | ISBN 9781665532990 Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble

About the Author David L. Dozier was a mathematician, computer technology graduate, athlete, painter/artist, philosopher, carpenter/handy man and writer. He was born and raised in Mobile, Alabama. He spent his early adult years in Europe via military service and numerous years in his adopted city/state of New York. He attended numerous colleges/universities (Bishop State Junior College, Mobile, Alabama, University of South Alabama, Mobile Alabama, Tuskegee University, Tuskegee, Alabama and New York Institute of Technology, New York, New York). He graduated from New York Institute of Technology with a bachelor's degree in computer technology in 1974. He was an introverted eccentric individual with a unique sense of humor. He was a rock and foundation for his family and especially beloved by his grandmother, mother, father, uncles, aunts, siblings, cousins, nieces and nephews.

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