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Category Archives: Futurism
Inside NASA’s Bold Proposal to Probe the Mysteries of Dark Matter – Futurism
Posted: March 11, 2022 at 11:42 am
Two scientists as different as could be one a bookish astrophysicist who formerly served as NASAs chief scientist, the other a charismaticmathematician who moonlights as a painter have teamed up to unlock the secrets of dark matter.
From his Washington, DC office at NASA headquarters, Dr. Jim Green admitted that although he retired as NASAs top scientist in January, he was already back as a consultant. He told Futurism the story of meeting up with his friend, Yeshiva University mathematician Ed Belbruno, when the latter invited the former to speak at the University of Augsburg in Germany.
Over lunch, they got to talking about the Pioneer Anomaly, the astrophysics-speak term for the bizarre slowing down effect witnessed by Pioneers 10 and 11. One thing led to another, and the pair soon found themselves with a long shot concept for an Interstellar Probe mission that they say could gather unprecedented data about dark matter and its place in the cosmos.
The following interview has been edited for length and clarity.
Futurism: What is dark matter?
Ed Belbruno: So the short of it is, no one knows.
There seem to be three components of our universe. One component is this mysterious energy that is pushing the universe apart and making it expand. I dont want to call it anti-gravity, but its a repulsive force called dark energy. I mentioned this one first because its the biggest one: 70 percent of all the energy in our universe is from that, and we dont know what it is, which is a pretty amazing statement.
The other big component is the visible, measurable matter in the universe. Your coffee in the morning, the stars and galaxies, and everything else out there. Thats the matter. Thats the other 30 percent of our universe.
Of this 30 percent thats left, 80 percent of it is invisible. We dont know what it is. And that 80 percent is called dark matter. Its dark because its invisible, the same way we call dark energy by that name. Its invisible also, but its matter, meaning it makes a gravitational field just like our Earth makes a gravitational field.
Jim Green: Yeah, its very hard to visualize or to really understand what dark matter is. From a scientific perspective, what we do is we try to measure its properties. Now, astronomers see what its influence does, but what we want to do is to really understand its properties through an experiment that shows us what the dark matter force is. If we can measure that, and its there it may be greater than we thought, it may be less than we thought it folds into an overall idea of what it could possibly be.
Now, theres a lot of discussion that ranges from dark matter being mini black holes to, potentially, matter that we may be familiar with, with special types of particles, axioms and neutrinos and, and a number of other things. The experiment is not designed to measure any of those, but to just create another set of input as to its properties.
But I have to tell you, its a very fascinating topic, because it may have been there before the Big Bang.
F: Why are you pushing for the Interstellar Probe mission now?
JG: So right now, we have the two Voyagers and New Horizons, which are the only operating spacecrafts that are in the process of leaving the solar system. But in reality, theyre not moving very fast. They only have a certain capability in terms of the power that theyre taking with them. And therefore, theyre only going to last so long. In fact, the Voyagers are at about 140 AU, which is beyond what we call the influence of the solar magnetic field or the heliosphere. In other words, when the power is gone, its gone.
The power and the speed of the spacecraft are so important that a new mission is being devised, and that mission is called the Interstellar Probe. The concept is that they want to go 500 astronomical units out, as fast as they possibly can, with the right set of instruments, and with the amount of power that they need to be able to make it that far.
So heres the spacecraft that is being designed by humans today, that will be a significant spacecraft that will last for a couple generations of scientists, as it explores the outer reaches of our heliosphere. And that ends up pushing the limits of where you could begin the process of starting to measure dark matter.
So the why now is were now developing a mission that could go farther, because we want to know whats out there. And now we have an opportunity to explore this idea of making the dark matter measurement.
F: Is it possible we could harness dark matter as an energy source?
EB: If youve got this substance permeating our galaxy, 90 percent of it, and it gives gravity, then therefore, theres a huge energy source out there. And its so huge, it swamps anything that we could possibly imagine, with our wildest imaginations.
So 50 percent of whats permeating our solar system is precisely this material, whatever it is. So therefore, this means that it has unknown properties. Its anyones guess what you can do with it, once we find out what it is. My guess is because it causes light to deflect when youre looking at other galaxies, that its a pretty potent material, and it can be used as an energy source, probably. And how we would focus that energy source would maybe be hundreds of years or thousands of years away. But if you could focus it, you would have an unlimited supply of energy in outer space to power spacecraft, and this would just be absolutely beyond what we could imagine at the moment, what you could do something like that.
My guess is that the potential material that dark matter is made of would revolutionize our understanding of science, and may very well allow us to make star drives, which could be used in spacecraft that could that could traverse interstellar distances.
F: Is there dark matter in the room with me right now?
EB: Yeah, absolutely. Its here. Where youre sitting, on some level beyond our senses. Its going through you right now. The only reason its not anything to be concerned about is because the gravity of the Earth is so much, it drowns it out. Its noise, but its there.
JG: What we see when we sit here, of course, is reflected light. Light is being affected by baryonic visible matter, not being affected by dark matter. So we have no inkling theres dark matter among us. Now, that doesnt mean that its not here at such a low density that the measurement of things that we do in laboratories havent found it yet.
F: Some people think dark matter might be a misinterpretation of flawed observations. Do they think theres a chance theyre right?
EB: I say this with no hesitation whatsoever: theyre absolutely incorrect. This is equivalent, to me, to people that doubt climate change. Its clearly here and they have their own issues where they dont want to believe.
JG: Theres such a large body of work that its clear something is affecting, in particular, orbits of stars around galaxies in the outer regions of spiral arms that keep the arms together. And they dont follow Newtonian mechanics, because the arms stay together, they flow together. So something is taking the stars and moving them at the velocity of the motion of the interior stars that are closer to the center of the galaxy. That itself is powerful evidence. Theres such a large body of evidence and we see that in other galaxies, because we can measure the velocity of those stars. Its pretty irrefutable. I think that train has left the station.
F: Is it possible that dark matter is something really out there, like ghosts or alternate dimensions?
EB: Once people get over the hump of being a skeptic, and they admit theres something there, then the next question is, what could that possibly be? And we dont know a lot about the universe, we dont know a lot about our own world. It could be wild, something we cant even imagine.
Our science, dont forget, is based on deductive reasoning. And that deductive reasoning can be backtracked to the laws of mathematics. Because after all, all of physics makes use of the laws of mathematics, right? And if you look at that, what are you really saying? Youre saying that our laws of physics are based on the commutative law for addition, the associative law of addition, and multiplication, the basic things you learn in grade school about the number system. Those basic rules theres only about a handful of them those basic rules are so far behind our math, and our math is behind the laws of physics. So therefore, youre requiring that we understand the universe based on our laws, which are very limited, of math and physics that go into deductive reasoning. And that is really limited, obviously.
So what this dark matter problem could be telling us is that we dont have enough laws of the universe available to us right now to understand the problem. So, in other words, our ways of thinking using deductive reasoning may not be sufficient for this problem. And if thats the case, it could be anything that we cant even imagine, really. So if you want to say its ghosts, or whatever, Im not going to get metaphysical and go out on the limb with that one. But it could be things that we dont even imagine now. And were trying to fit it with our limited thinking. It may not be that limited. It may be something really unusual that that were just not ready to understand at the moment.
JG: Well, scientifically, when we talk about it, those things that you mentioned dont really enter into the conversation [laughs]. We have no preconceived idea that it has a connection with human life as it as it evolves, lives and dies. So scientifically, we want to explain it to the point where we can develop mathematics.
You know, the description as to what science really is, is our attempt to describe the nature of things, for which dark matter, we believe, is one of those things. And for us to be able to describe it, we start with equations. Its really the same way 110 or 120 years ago with, with Einstein and his concepts of the theory of relativity, that a new set of physics was determined. It started from conceptual ideas, that then mathematically could be expressed, and then you take the mathematics and you push them to the limits, and we have found black holes. You know, black holes emerged from the mathematics of relativity.
So this is why getting adequate descriptions of dark matter, mathematically, is critically important for us because we want to be able to then understand its nature.
F: How would you describe dark matter to a kindergartener?
JG: I might start with a ball on a string and then have it spin. And then have them see that as you shorten the distance, the ball speeds up, but then tell them imagine that doesnt happen, that the outer part of the string moves as fast as the object on the inner part. And thats due to a different force that we are starting to measure but dont have the ability to do that yet.
EB: If theres a little kid that didnt understand much of anything, because theyre so little, they understand imagination, little kids are always imagining, they have imaginary friends. And I would say to them that most of our world is imaginary, because they dont understand a galaxy or anything like that. But most of whats out there and they can interpret that however they want most of whats out there is imaginary, we dont know what it is.
More on dark matter: NASA Proposes Sending Spacecraft to Measure Mysterious Dark Matter
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Russian Oligarchs’ Superyachts Are Being Seized, and the Internet Is Loving It – Futurism
Posted: at 11:42 am
People on Twitter are even turning it into a game of Bingo.Yoink
Law enforcement agencies around the world are seizing superyachts owned by Russian oligarchs and people on social media are watching with glee, The Washington Post reports.
Government sanctions are dialing up the pressure on obscenely rich Russian oligarchs. And while money can easily be hidden in offshore bank accounts, gigantic mega vessels are a lot harder to keep secret.
So now netizens are now watching in fascination as superyachts get seized by authorities worldwide, even turning it into a game of Bingo.
Thats because trackers like VesselFinder or MarineTraffic allow practically anybody with an internet connection to monitor the whereabouts of private jets and luxury yachts.
Even 19-year-old Jack Sweeney, that kid who was keeping track of Elon Musks every move, now has a Twitter account dedicated to snooping on Russian zillionaire yachts.
Amid Russias bloody invasion of Ukraine, governments are aiming their sights at the assets Russian elites and their family members hold in our respective jurisdictions their yachts, luxury apartments, money, and other ill-gotten gains, according to a March 3 White House statement.
The thinking goesthat if Russias ultra rich many of whom are members of president Vladimir Putins inner circle lose their precious toys, they might be more inclined to oppose the atrocities happening in Ukraine right now.
And yachts are indeed being picked off one by one. Just last week, French officials seized a massive $120 million superyacht owned by a Russian oil tsar.
Theyre powerful symbols of excessive wealth. For many, thats the reward for staying loyal to Putins regime.
No wonder people are entranced by watching the oligarchs get a much-needed reality check.
READ MORE: Schadenfreude at sea: The Internet is watching with glee as Russian oligarchs yachts are seized
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Elon Musk Says SpaceX Is So Busy With Ukraine That It’ll Delay Starship – Futurism
Posted: March 8, 2022 at 10:49 pm
He says that SpaceX is reprioritizing on "cyber defense."Space Wars
Welp, Starship is delayed yet again.
SpaceX CEO Elon Musk tweeted on Friday that there would be slight delays ahead for the companys experimental Mars-bound spacecraft. To blame, the billionaire said, was SpaceX having to dedicated more resources to fighting escalating cyber attacks on Starlink satellites by Russia after the space company sent Ukraine a shipment of its internet terminals.
Starships first launch has been delayed numerous times now, with much of it due to pending regulatory approval from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). However, this latest instance comes amidst a time of geopolitical turmoil caused by Russias invasion of Ukraine.
After being criticized for not helping the country, Musk sent a shipment of Starlink terminals to Ukraine, much to the chagrin of Moscow. The billionaire later tweeted that this would likely make SpaceX a target for Russian cyberattacks.
Some Starlink terminals near conflict areas were being jammed for several hours at a time, Musk posted on Saturday. Our latest software update bypasses the jamming.
It is slightly unclear why exactly a cyber attack or even anti-satellite attacks on Starlink would result in a delay of Starship. Is SpaceX pulling aerospace engineers to work on cybersecurity? Seems doubtful. In reality, it could just be a convenient excuse for Starships latest delay.
Still, with the head of Russias space agency continuing to post pro-Putin propaganda and remaining openly hostile to the US on Twitter, we might see the conflict impacting space exploration more than we would have previously thought.
More on Starship: NASA Descends Into Chaos as Moon Program Revealed to Be Way Behind, Over Budget
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There’s a Rock Stuck in NASA’s Mars Rover’s Wheel – Futurism
Posted: at 10:49 pm
That doesn't look comfy. Wheely Annoying
NASAs Mars Rover, also called Perseverance, seems to have taken a stowaway on board to cart across the Red Planets surface.
On Friday, tech outlet CNETpublished a series of photos that show a medium-sized rock trapped in the rovers wheel. The outlet reported that space fans who enjoy reviewing the raw images the Rover messages back to Earth noticed the rock and voted several pictures of it as Image of the Week.
The first occurrence of the rock seems to have been February 6 and is available on NASAs Mars Rover photo gallery. The next shot NASA lovers noticed was taken on February 25. The rock seems to have eroded some in this photo and appears to be slightly smaller than in the first shot. The third and most recent shot was collected March 2. There appears to be a growing chip in the rock and small particles of Martian dust or the broken rock lie inside the rover wheel. The image below also comes from the official NASA website.
Despite the hitchhiker, the Mars Rover seems to be carrying on with business as usual. The rover is even breaking driving records, according to CNET. That may be partly due to Perseverances updated design, which CNET reports includes six wheels made from aluminum. It features cleats that give it traction on the rough, rocky and dusty terrain, and each wheel is just more than 20 inches in diameter.
Its good to hear Perseverance is, well, persevering, But we do feel a little bad about the trapped rock. Wouldnt you find it annoying if nobody was around to help you get a rock out of your shoe? Lets hope it falls out or breaks apart without causing problems.
More on space conflicts: Russia Releases Bizarre Video Of Space Station Breaking Apart
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Donald Trump Reportedly Furious That Nobody’s Using His Glitchy Twitter Clone – Futurism
Posted: at 10:49 pm
"What the f**k is going on?"Crap App
Donald Trump is angry again. This time, itseems to be because no one seems to be using his glitchy Twitter wannabe, Truth Social.
After a fairly disastrous launch that included a massive waitlist for users along with a whole host of glitches, the former president is now allegedly mad at his team for the botched roll out. Sources told The Daily Beast that Trump has complained endlessly about it, and is looking to blame everyone but himself.
What the fuck is going on, Trump allegedly said on the phone referring to the app.
Despite an initial spike of two million daily visits when it first launched, the self-described Big Tent social media platform has since cratered in traffic. The Beast dug into the data behind the app and found that Truth Social is doing either worse or about the same as other middling MAGA-friendly platforms like Gab and Gettr.
Those who do end up using the app dont seem to be sticking around either. The news site found that the average user stays on the site for just 90 seconds a very short stretch compared to the seven minutes people spend on Getter and nine minutes they spend on Gab.
As with so much of Trumps problems, though, he really doesnt have anyone else to blame but himself. After all, he hasnt used the platform or posted a Truth a single time since launching the app. This is despite the fact that the world is arguably undergoing some of the biggest geopolitical turmoil its seen since World War II.
All in all, Truth Social is looking like a big dud. Weve seen better launches from SpaceX Starship prototypes and Trump only has himself to blame.
READ MORE: Donald Trump Cant Stop Whining About His Failing Social Media App [The Daily Beast]
More on Trump nonsense: Donald Trump Says Global Warming Is Good Because It Means More Seafront Property
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Russia Is Officially Blocking All Access to Facebook – Futurism
Posted: at 10:49 pm
"Soon millions of ordinary Russians will find themselves cut off from reliable information."Block for Block
Russias internet regulator Roskomnazor has announced that its officially blocking Facebook, in retaliation for the company blocking Russian state propaganda amid the countrys aggressive invasion of Ukraine.
The news is a worrying sign that the countrys authorities are starting to clamp down even further on the dissemination of information within its borders. It fits into a larger pattern, with antiwar demonstrators risking everything right nowas they march in the streets of Moscow where theyre being detained by the thousands.
The regulator claimed there were 26 case of discrimination against Russian media and information resources, as translated by TechCrunch, as its reasoning to clamp down on the largest social network in the world.
On February 24, Roskomnadzor sent requests to the administration of Meta Platforms, Inc. remove the restrictions imposed by the social network Facebook on Russian media and explain the reason for their introduction, the regulator wrote in in its announcement, claiming that Facebooks parent company Meta ignored its requests.
Last week, Nick Clegg, Metas VP of global affairs, wrote in a statement that Russian authorities ordered us to stop the independent fact-checking and labeling of content posted on Facebook by four Russian state-owned media organizations.
We refused, he said.
Today, Clegg expanded on the companys position in light of Russia decision to block the platform.
Soon millions of ordinary Russians will find themselves cut off from reliable information, deprived of their everyday ways of connecting with family and friends and silenced from speaking out, he said in a statement.
Its a serious crackdown on the spread of free information. And it might even backfire: by blocking Facebook, Roskomnazor is also cutting off one of the biggest facilitators of the spread of online misinformation and propaganda.
READ MORE: Russia says it will block Facebook, clamping down further on flow of information [TechCrunch]
More on the situation: NASA ISS Engineer Says Relationships With Russian Counterparts Still Cordial
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Report: The NFT Bubble Could Be Starting to Burst – Futurism
Posted: at 10:49 pm
It's not quite that simple.Bubble Pop?
The NFT market is starting to cool down, Bloomberg reports. The average trading value of the nonfungible tokens has dropped precipitously lately, declining from a record $6,900 at the beginning of the year to under just $2,000, according to NFT tracker NonFungible.
The trend has only accelerated ever since Russia started the invasion of Ukraine, a great source of global uncertainty thats dealt a major blow to markets across the board.
Is this the last stop on the NFT gravy train? Theres certainly some evidence that the hype is really starting to cool down but the situation is more nuanced than that, with the number of unique traders getting into NFTs still on the rise.
Besides, as recent history has shown, the crypto world is full of surprises.
Global uncertainty and political unrest are likely contributing factors to the overall decline.
What I would say is the last week or so has seen a significant decline perhaps as much as 40 percent in floor prices for the most desirable NFTs, Bloomberg writer and crypto investor Aaron Brown told Bloomberg.
Some collectors are starting to cut their losses. One user sold a Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT today for $224,000in a $67,800 loss, as Fortune points out.
Increased scrutiny from US regulators could also be contributing to the decline. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) announced this week that its investigating whether NFTs are securities and should therefore be regulated as such, according to a separate Bloomberg report.
Its also a jumble of mixed signals, as not every NFT marketplace is affected. Bored Ape Yacht Club NFTs saw sales rocketing 59 percent over the last week, according to NFT data management website DappRadar. CryptoPunks were also up 118 percent.
Trading volumes are down in general, but the demand measured by the number of unique traders and sales count is increasing, Dapp Radar analyst Pedro Herrera told Bloomberg. So while were seeing less volume, theres more activity, even though Ukraines conflict is definitely driving away the attention from trading.
Its hard to say where the NFT market is headed next. And in the crypto world, it wouldnt be the first dip and subsequent rise.
READ MORE: NFT Mania Show Signs of Cooling as Average Price and Sales Decline [Bloomberg]
More on NFTs: Knockoff eBay NFTs Are Kind of Based, Actually
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Scientists Say We Really Have to Talk About Boning in Space – Futurism
Posted: at 10:49 pm
Sorry to be crude, but it's important.Orbital Healing
The topic of sex in space has remained taboo ever since we ventured into the great unknown for the first time.
But scientists are now arguing that its something we should be actively discussing and studying, Mic reports. After all, if we ever want to become interplanetary or embark on extraordinarily long journeys through space we should know how to boink in microgravity, or if its even possible.
Hell, space tourists might want to know if sex could ever be part of their brief journey into orbit one day. Who knows: it could even be an amazing experience.
In a research article published in December, a team of Canadian academics argued we should be embracing space sexology as a new discipline of study.
To move forward, space organizations must stop avoiding sexual topics and fully recognize the importance of love, sex and intimate relationships in human life, the team wrote in an accompanying piece for The Conversation last year. We have what it takes to pave the way for an ethical and pleasurable space journey, as we continue to boldly go where no one has gone before.
Scientists have studied the effects of microgravity on the human body extensively. But getting it on in space is almost a complete blind spot.
NASA has been dismissive of the subject, undermining concerns over the effects low gravity environments on sexual health in the past, according to Mic.
There are a couple of reasons NASA has been so puritanical about sex in space. For one, sexual activity in space could jeopardize the harmony of a crew and thereby mission directives. Then theres pressure from conservative-leaning lawmakers.
No research has explored intimate relationships, nor the human experience of sexual functions and wellbeing, in space or space analogues, or how any of this can affect crew performance, Simon Dub, Concordia University psychologist and co-author of the research article, told Mic.
But fortunately, times are changing. While we still arent entirely sure if human reproduction and conception can even occur in microgravity, scientists are opening up to the idea.
Should a future need for more in-depth study on reproductive health in space be identified, NASA would take the appropriate steps, a NASA spokesperson told Mic.
READ MORE: Inside the Push to Study Sex in Space [Mic]
More on sex in space: We Need to Talk About Gay Sex in Space
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Byte-Sized Review: MEATER Plus is the Ultimate Wireless Meat Thermometer – Futurism
Posted: at 10:49 pm
Whether youre cooking a Thanksgiving turkey or smoking a freshly caught salmon, the difference between delicious and dismal all has to do with temperature. Meat thermometers are handy tools to help you hit the specific doneness of any main course. The problem is many of these tools are still stuck in the 20th century. MEATER Plus isnt just one of the most accurate ways to temp your food, its the smartest, and this quick review will detail its capabilities.
The most obvious upgrade is the complete absence of wires. MEATER Plus operates through Bluetooth, sending detailed temperature readouts directly to a companion app available on iOS and Android. Here are a few of the thermometers standout features.
A Thermometer with Range: MEATER Plus charging dock doubles as a built-in Bluetooth repeater that extends up to 165 feet, so you dont have to nurse your food while its cooking. The companion app has presets for beef, pork, chicken, and fish, along with videos showcasing recipes and techniques.
Handles the Heat: The MEATER Plus doesnt simply monitor the internal temperature of the food, but the temperature of the environment its cooking in. Despite the heavy tech inside the thermometer, it can handle ambient heat of up to 527 degrees Fahrenheit so its equally at home in an oven or on a white-hot charcoal grill. Its also well-suited for stovetops and smokers.
Seriously Smart: If youve ever used a meat thermometer, MEATER Plus will feel all too familiar. The difference here is that the more you use MEATER Plus, the more polished your cooking skills become. Its Guided Cooking System walks you through every step of the cooking process. Plus, the Advanced Estimator Algorithm will help you plan mealtimes, by gauging how long your piece of protein will take to cook to perfection. It even takes into account carryover cooking, because meat can still overcook while its resting. MEATER Plus alerts you to pluck your food from the heat so it reaches the perfect temperature while it nests on a carving board.
Unmatched Build Quality: If youre looking for weak wires and cheap plastic, look elsewhere. The MEATER Plus is made from durable stainless steel and heat-resistant ceramic. Its bamboo charging dock is magnetic, so it sticks conveniently to ovens, grills, and refrigerators. It also charges the thermometer up to 100 times on a single AAA battery.
Using the MEATER Plus leaves no guesswork or room for user error. Cooking a thick bone-in rib-eye steak was done easier than before, starting in a moderate oven and finishing it off on a hot skillet. MEATER Plus also comes with cloud capabilities and shares real-time cooking info to smart devices and internet browsers. It can even sync up to Amazon Alexa, and tap into tons of voice commands like steak update and when will my game hen be ready? These are welcome additions, but thankfully, many high-tech accouterments are totally optional. MEATER Plus is the best-selling Bluetooth meat thermometer, and its easy to see why.
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Byte-Sized Review: MEATER Plus is the Ultimate Wireless Meat Thermometer - Futurism
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White House Brags That America Is Producing More Oil and Gas Than Ever – Futurism
Posted: at 10:49 pm
The price of oil is through the roof right now as Russias invasion of Ukraine continues to send ripples through the global supply chain.
Its a telling moment, considering that much of the world has been nominally working to end its reliance on fossil fuels but now, countries are now racing to secure oil supplies from elsewhere.
The Biden administration, for one, is doubling down, bragging that it has the United States producing a record amount of oil and gas.
US production of natural gas and oil is rising and approaching record levels, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said on Sunday. More natural gas than ever this year, more oil than ever next year, and, even with a global pandemic, more oil production this past year than during the previous administrations first year.
The context is that as the international community works to distance itself from Russia after the invasion, its now looking to lessen or end its reliance on Russian oil, which is proving predictably difficult.
In 2021, the US imported about eight percent of its oil supply from the Eastern European nation alone.
Prices soared this week, hitting $139 a barrel, following the US hinting at banning Russian oil and gas while importing more from other countries to make up the difference.
Over the weekend, senior US officials met with Venezuelan leaders, presumably with the hopes of securing oil imports, despite the severing of diplomatic ties in 2019 over Nicolas Maduros authoritarian rule.
Germany finds itself in even more of a predicament.
At the moment, Europes supply of energy for heat generation, mobility, power supply and industry cannot be secured in any other way, German chancellor Olaf Scholz said during a Monday announcement, noting that Russian imports are of essential importance.
In short, the Western world is still extremely reliant on Russian oil, which could back it into a corner as the violence continues in Ukraine.
But does it have to be this way? The answer to the United States woes is as evident as it has ever been: ending the reliance on fossil fuels once and for all, regardless of where its being imported from.
And in its defense, the Biden administration seems aware of that simple fact.
The only way to protect US over the long term is to become energy independent, Psaki wrote in her Sunday announcement. That is why the President is so focused on deploying clean energy technologies that dont require fossil fuels bought and sold on the global market, which will always be vulnerable to bad actors.
READ MORE: Europeans throw cold water on possibility of Russian energy ban [Axios]
More on oil: Elon Musk Says We Need More Nuclear Energy After Russia Targets Power Plants
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