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Category Archives: Futurism
A New Clinical Trial Just Made Diabetes Patients Insulin Independent – Futurism
Posted: May 22, 2017 at 3:06 am
With Promising Potential
No matter how modern the world has become, there are certain ailments that continue to persist. One of these is diabetes, and according to the World Health Organization (WHO), there are now over 422 million people in the world suffering from it. Generally characterized as a problem in blood sugar levels, diabetes has two variants an insulin-dependent one, known as type 1 diabetes (T1D), and type 2 diabetes thats non-insulin-dependent.
In the United States, the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation reports that about 1.25 million people have T1D. The cause of this particular diabetes variant still remains unknown, and treatments generally involve pumping insulin daily into the patients body. As such, theres still no known cure for T1D. However, researchers from the University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine in Florida may have just made it possible to develop one.
In a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, the researchers described how clinical trials involving pancreatic islet cell implants to the omentum the tissue covering organs in the abdomen shows promise in treating T1D. Islet transplantation can restore euglycemia and eliminate severe hypoglycemia in patients with [T1D], the researchers wrote. The omentum has a dense vascularized surface for islet implantation, drains into the portal system, and is easily accessible.
Pancreatic islets are endocrine cell clusters found throughout the organ, which is normally involved with insulin and glucagon production in healthy individuals. The researchers found that using donor islets combined with a T1D patients own blood plasma makes for effective islet implants into the omentum. This works better than previous attempts to implant islets in the liver, which could cause inflammation. The omentum then becomes sort of a mini-pancreas that could produce insulin for T1D patients. The results thus far have shown that the omentum appears to be a viable site for islet implantation using this new platform technique, lead author David Baidal told Endgadget.
The patients involved in the clinical trials were weaned off from their usual dose of insulin 17 days after the transplant. Their glucose levels subsequently showed improvements. At 12 months, in response to a 5-hour mixed-meal tolerance test, the 90-minute glucose level was 266 mg per deciliter (14.6 mmol per liter); this level decreased to 130 mg per deciliter (7.1 mmol per liter) at 300 minutes, according to the study.
While this isnt the only research out there that tries to solve the problem of diabetes, its certainly the first thats given patients a steady supply of insulin from inside their bodies, setting them free from their insulin injections. Similar studies have also been conducted to remove the dependence of type 2 diabetes patients from their usual medicines.
It would still take some time, however, before the actual feasibility of this treatment is determined. Data from our study and long-term follow up of additional omental islet transplants will determine the safety and feasibility of this strategy of islet transplantation, but we are quite excited about what we are seeing now, Baidal said.
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Printed Solar Tiles Are Thinner, Cheaper, and Easier to Use – Futurism
Posted: at 3:06 am
In BriefResearchers from the University of Newcastle in Australia havefound a way to print solar tiles. This method is cheaper and fasterthan traditional methods and could potentially be a game changer inthe renewable energy industry. Solars the Way to Go
Solar panels have become increasingly inexpensivein the past months. However, while a number of large-scale energy producers are shifting towards solar power, there is still a lack of homes that have adopted the technology. In Australia, a place bathed in seemingly constant direct sunlight, price is still a major stumbling block for homeowners considering switching to solar. Things may be about to change, however, thanks to a new variety of solar tile developed by researchers from the University of Newcastle (UON).
Instead of the photovoltaics (PVs) that traditional panels use, UONs Paul Dastoor and his team are testing printable solar tiles. Its completely different from a traditional solar cell. They tend to be large, heavy, encased in glass tens of millimeters thick, Dastoor told Mashable. Were printing them on plastic film thats less than 0.1 of a millimeter thick.
Currently, UON is one of only three sites that are testing printed solar. Weve put in the first 100 square metres of printed solar cells up on roofs, and now were testing that durability in real weather conditions, Dastoor said. As soon as the performance and durability of these tiles are confirmed, it could easily go into market production.
Dastoor and his team are excited about the potential these printed tiles have in influencing the wide-scale adoption of PVs, especially for homes. The low-cost and speed at which this technology can be deployed is exciting, particularly in the current Australian energy context where we need to find solutions, and quickly, to reduce demand on base-load power, he explained in UON feature article.
Just for reference, Teslas solar tiles which Elon Musk promised to be cheaper than regular roofs are priced at around US $235per tile. Meanwhile, Dastoors printed solars can be sold at less than US$ 7.42 per tile,which is comparatively very cheap, [W]e expect in a short period of time the energy we generate will be cheaper than that generated via coal-based fire stations, Dastoor explained.
Of course, whether tiles are printed or created with traditional PVs, solar energy is currently a majorleading renewable energy source. And, solar power is not only incredibly environmentally friendly producing energy without harmful byproducts that contribute to climate change itcan also generate more energy than fossil fuels.
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The FCC Just Voted. They Are Going to Start Dismantling Net Neutrality. – Futurism
Posted: May 20, 2017 at 6:18 am
In Brief On Thursday, the U.S. FCC voted 2-1 in favor of beginning a process to roll back net neutrality rules, as well as the Title II classification of ISPs. Net Neutrality and the FCC
On Thursday,the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) voted 2-1 in favor of starting the process of dismantling net neutrality rules and changing the classification of home and mobile internet providers as common carriers (under Title II of the Communications Act). The vote pushes forward the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) that seeks to remove the Title II classification entirely.Click to View Full Infographic
Over the last fewmonths that the FCC has been under the leadership of Ajit Pai, efforts to remove net neutrality rules have been moving forward. It started with a controversial vote in Congress back in March, which cancelled previously approved FCC rules on internet privacy.
The FCC is open to comments regarding the NPRM until August 16, when it will then make its final decision. For those who wish to share their thoughts, the docket can be accessed here. Its still not clear, however, if Pai intends to put back the 2015 net neutrality rules that prohibit ISPs from throttling or blocking lawful internet content in favor of prioritized, paid access.
Debate over net neutrality centers on protecting internet freedom.Pai himself called his plan Restoring Internet Freedom, but does removing net neutrality, and changing the Title II classification rules, really protect internet freedom?
Pai thinks so, arguing that [t]he Internet was not broken in 2015 before net neutrality rules were put in place. Instead, the FCC chairman is optimistic. This is the beginning of the process, not the end, Pai said before the 2-1 vote.
Today, President Trumps FCC took the first step to dismantle net neutrality, said Rep. Frank Pallone (D-N.J.). This action will undermine the free and open Internet and hand its control over to a few powerful corporate interests.
In effect, what the FCC wants to do is to remove government regulation of ISPs and to give them total broadband access control. From that standpoint, taking out net neutrality is freedom but not for consumers. That being said, removing the ISPs common carrier or utilities classification would put them under the Federal Trade Commissions (FTC) authority.
The final set of rules will likely be presented this fall after the public comment period has ended.
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Google Wants to Apply AI & Machine Learning to All Its Products – Futurism
Posted: at 6:18 am
A Platform Shift
Its the time of year again for Google I/O, the companys annual developer conference. On Wednesday, the showcase started with a keynote from CEO Sundar Pichai who reiterated the companys latest approach for all that it does: artificial intelligence (AI). Google does a lot, from its original search engine function, to email, video services, and mobile software and the company wants to seeAI will be at the helm of it all.
Pichar highlighted this AI-first focus, something he mentioned at the I/O last year. Now, Google has given the rest of the world aglimpse of how machine learning will work behind every platform it has.
Of course, theres no amount of AI and machine learning-based tech that can work without a specialized processor to run them. Thats whyGoogle launched the second generation of its tensor processing unit chips, called Cloud TPU. These new TPUs will beaccessible to anyone to use for running and training artificial neural networksthrough Googles cloud computing platform.
Much of Googles research on AI is conducted by DeepMind, a company under its Alphabet group. But with all the advances being made in the discipline, Google still needs a platform to put resources together, including research, tools, and applied AI. is precisely that, a way to democratize its AI research.
Image recognition is one of the first beneficiaries of machine learning development. There isnt a shortage of algorithms designed to perform visual recognition tasks. Now, Google wants to take this to awhole new level by bringing its search engine expertise to your camera.
Itll be available initially as part of Google Photos to scrape through your old photos for a bunch of data and Google Assistant, which will serve as your primary way to interact with Lens.
As the future of smart home devices begin to take shape thanks in large part to devices like the Amazon Echo Google doesnt want to get left behind. So, it launched its second iteration of Google Home no longer just a little smart speaker that can play music. Now, it also offers proactive assistance, hands-free calling, and visual responses, among other features.
Further specializing its search engine prowess, Google is bringing its power people in the U.S. lookingfor jobs that will suit them, and helping employersfind the employeesthey need. 46% of U.S. employers say they face talent shortages and have issues filling open job positions, Pichai explained. While job seekers may be looking for openings right next door theres a big disconnect here. [] We want to better connect employers and job seekers through a new initiative, Google for Jobs.
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Five Ways Elon Musk’s Brain-Computer Interface Could Transform the World – Futurism
Posted: at 6:18 am
In BriefIn March, Elon musk announced his plan to integrate computersinto the human body with a "neural lace": here are five things thata successful brain-computer interface could allow us to do.
In March, Elon Musk announced his gambit to merge human and machine with a Brain Computer Interface (BCI) called Neuralink. For a full report on the announcement, click here.
This technology would take the form of an injectable neural lace composed of a mesh of electrodes that would augment the human brain, adding another layer to the cortex and limbic system that is capable of communicating with a computer (essentially creating cyborgs). This, hypothetically, creates an upgradable, updatable interface that could be applied in countless ways. Some of these include:
Brains and technology both operate using the same vectors: electricity and data. Musks Neural Lace would be a system that provides a way for them to communicate directly with each other. To borrow a simile from Phillip Alvelda, the Neural Engineering System Design (NESD) program manager (another nascent BCI), Todays best brain-computer interface systems are like two supercomputers trying to talk to each other using an old 300-baud modem [] Imagine what will become possible when we upgrade our tools. Applications could stretch from the remote operation of technology to the completely hands free and voiceless operation of computers. Researchers in Korea have already used a BCI to control turtles.
Elon Musks idea could both initiate brain activity and monitor it. The technology does not necessarily have to be a one-way communication stream, it is capable of both sending messages and creating information in the brain. The high-bandwidth interface could allow you to wirelessly transmit information to the cloud, to computers, or even directly to the brains of other people with a similar interface in their head. There is also the possibility of downloading content to augment your consciousness: think Neo learning kung-fu in the Matrix. While initial tests to improve intelligence havent been too successful, if brains and computers speak the same language, then computers can impart information to the brain. The technology is currently being used to allow paralyzed people to communicate, but its uses could extend far beyond that.
As part of this two-way communication stream, robotic arms could communicate fleshy messages by being connected to existing nerve structures. Rather than making the brain learn how to use a new part of the nervous system, robotic limbs could be quickly and easily integrated into the system. This has the potential to revolutionize prosthetic limbs for the disabled, but may also encourage people to rid themselves of their biological arms in favour of mechanical super limbs. Who knows!
As computers and brains would essentially be speaking the same language, emotions could be read as data using electrodes. This would shift technologys perception of humans from basic recognition to complex understanding. Robot helpers would be able to adapt to your emotional state rather than just responding to commands. Photos and videos could also be implanted with emotional metadata, meaning that one could feel what it would be like to be in any given scenario, rather than just trying to imagine it.
One issue with the lifespan of games is repetition; people become accustomed, know what to expect, or are limited by the programmed narrative. A BCI could improve this situation by having games respond to what your brain is feeling, remaining one step ahead and endlessly diverse. This would be most applicable to the horror genre, in which enemies could come at you when and where you least expect it, providing constant shocks, jumps, and thrills. The Black Mirror episode Playtest is an hour long exploration of just how terrifying this could be. Since AI has been shown tobe as creative as a human composer, this reality could be surprisingly close.
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Google’s New AI Is Better at Creating AI Than the Company’s … – Futurism
Posted: at 6:18 am
In Brief At its I/O '17 conference this week, Google shared details of its AutoML project, an artificial intelligence that can assist in the creation of other AIs. By automating some of the complicated process, AutoML could make machine learning more accessible to non-experts. Googles AutoML
One of the more noteworthy remarksto come out ofGoogle I/O 17 conferencethis week was CEO Sundar Pichai recalling how his team had joked that they have achieved AI inception with AutoML. Instead of crafting layers of dreams like in theChristopher Nolan flick, however, the AutoML system layers artificial intelligence (AI), with AI systems creating better AI systems.
The AutoML project focuses on deep learning, a technique that involves passing data through layers of neural networks. Creating these layers is complicated, so Googles idea was to create AI that could do it for them.
In our approach (which we call AutoML), a controller neural net can propose a child model architecture, which can then be trained and evaluated for quality on a particular task, the company explains on the Google Research Blog. That feedback is then used to inform the controller how to improve its proposals for the next round. We repeat this process thousands of times generating new architectures, testing them, and giving that feedback to the controller to learn from.
So far, they have usedthe AutoML tech to design networks forimage and speech recognition tasks. In the former, the system matched Googles experts. In the latter, it exceeded them, designing better architectures than the humans were able to create.
AI that can supplement human efforts to develop better machine learning technologies could democratize the field asthe relatively few experts wouldnt be stretched so thin. If we succeed, we think this can inspire new types of neural nets and make it possible for non-experts to create neural nets tailored to their particular needs, allowing machine learning to have a greater impact to everyone, according to Googles blog post.
AutoML has thepotential to impact many of the other AI and machine learning-driven softwares that were discussed at the conference. It could lead to improvements inthe speech recognition tech required for a voice-controlled Google Home, the facial recognition software powering theSuggested Sharing feature in Google Photos, and the image recognition technology utilized by Google Lens, which allows the user to point their Google Phone at an object (such as a flower) in order to identify it.
Truly, AI has the potential to affect far more than just our homes and phones. Its already leading to dramatic advancements in healthcare, finance, agriculture, and so many other fields. If we can use an already remarkable technology to actually improvethat same kind of technology, every advancement made by humans can lead to machine-powered advancements, which lead to better tools for humans, and so on. The potential of AI then draws to mind the title of another sci-fi film: limitless.
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Volvo Says That They Will Stop Making Diesel Engines, Thanks to Tesla – Futurism
Posted: at 6:18 am
In Brief The Chief Executive of Volvo has announced that, thanks to Tesla, the company is increasing focus on electric vehicles at the expense of diesel engines. The company expects to launch their first electric cars in 2019. Diesels Death Knell Electric vehicles (EVs) are rapidly becoming a juggernaut in the future of personal vehicles. Tesla is leading the charge in bringing electric cars to the mainstream. Now, other companies looking to capitalize on that momentum are joining in on the fun. Volvos President and CEO,Hakan Samuelsson, recently talked to a German newspaper, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, about how the Swedish car company is ramping up its plans for EVs.
Not only are they looking to expand on electric engines, but the CEO also mentioned in the interview that they will no longer pursue developing diesel engines. From todays perspective, we will not develop any more new generation diesel engines.
Image credit: Volvo
This announcement comes shortly after Elon Musk gave the world a first look at Teslas upcoming all-electric semi-truck.
Samuelsson explained furtherin an email to Reuters, We have just launched a brand new generation of petrol and diesel engines, highlighting our commitment to this technology. As a result, a decision on the development of a new generation of diesel engines is not required.
Samuelsson admits that Tesla is the driving force behind the decision to focus on EVs. We have to recognize that Tesla has managed to offer such a car for which people are lining up. In this area, there should also be space for us, with high quality and attractive design, he said in the email.
Volvo does not intend to completelyphase out the further development of its latest dieselengine it will continue to upgrade the engines to meet tightening emissions standards. Samuelsson expects these stricter environmental standards to add to the price of diesel engines, giving an additional advantage to electric engines. Reuters reports that Goldman Sachs estimates an additional cost of more than $330 to each engine.
The Volvo EVsare expected to become available in 2019 and cost something in the range of $35,000 to $40,000. Volvo is hoping to release the cars with a range of roughly 402 kilometers (250 miles) per charge. These additions to the EV market will give commuters more options than ever to reduce their carbon footprints.
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A Gas Station in Space Could Allow Us to Reach Other Worlds – Futurism
Posted: at 6:18 am
In Brief Students who recently participated in the Caltech Space Challenge share their ideas on how the Moon could be mined for fuel. This would help support missions into deep space by lowering the cost and increasing the frequency of trips. Mining Our Way to Mars
Every other year since 2011,32 of the brightest young minds from across the globe are invited to participate in the Caltech Space Challenge. Theyre split into two teams andgiven five days to come up with a plan toaddress a mission statement. This years directive was to design a launch and supply station on the Moon to support missions into deep space.
In a post on The Conversation, five of the students involved in the challenge have shared their insights on the benefits of such a station and how we could make it happen. They explain that the presence of a lunar refueling station would decrease the energy needed to leave Earths atmosphere. The speed required to break out of the atmosphere is 11 kilometers per second (25,000 miles per hour), which is far easier to achieve without the added weight of excess fuel. Launching with just enough to fuel to get to a lunar gas station with a weaker gravitational pull and then heading on to Mars from there would save both time and money.
The fuel that would power these missions would be drawn from the Moons ice, which could be processed into a hydrogen-oxygen propellant that is already used in many rockets. The studentspropose using three types of rovers on the Moon to perform this task. The Prospector would seek out ice, the Constructor would build a launch pad and roads, and the Miner would collect ice and deliver it to storage tanks connected to electrolysis processing plants, which would transform it into usable energy. From there, the fuel would be transported to a location in stable orbit between the Earth and the Moon where spacecraft could refuel.
The race to get people to Mars has been heating up in recent years, with both governments and private companies competing to be the first to reach the Red Planet.Elon Musk, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and NASA have all stated their intentions, and stopping by the Moon first plays a big part in many of these efforts. NASA plans to build a new space station,the Deep Space Gateway (DSG), in lunar orbit to act as a pit stop on the way to Mars, and the agency has already laid the groundwork for a space fueling station of sortswith theirRobotic Refueling Mission launch in November 2016.
Reaching Mars isnt some Mount Everest/because its there situation for space explorers. The planet could prove instrumental in the survival of the human species. Stephen Hawking has said he believes we only have another hundred years or so on Earth, and right now, Mars is the closest thing we have to a back-up plan. The problem is, we havent even come close to actually stepping foot on it yet. Between the people already in the space industry and students like those who participated in theCaltech Space Challenge, we have no shortage of great minds working to transform humanity into a multi-planetary species.
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Elon Musk Has Finally Confirmed What the Boring Tunnels He’s Making Are For – Futurism
Posted: May 18, 2017 at 1:42 pm
In BriefWe now have an idea of just what Elon Musk's Boring Company isgoing to be for. Yes, it's to solve traffic, but it looks like itisn't meant just to be your usual tunnel for cars. In a new updatetoday, the company asserts that it's actually building a tunnelthat can also run the Hyperloop. Boring Through Traffic
Serial entrepreneur Elon Musk is ready to conquer space, roads, roofs, and now even tunnels. What started out as a simple musing on Twitter has become a full-blown startup aptly named The Boring Company. Today (May 17), the company added a FAQ pageto their website,which offers an abundance of newinformation about their specific goals.
The most notable announcement that was finally confirmed? The Hyperloop.
The FAQ explains that Musksinitial inspiration was:to solve the problem of soul-destroying traffic. The solution is to go three-dimensional, which could be done using flying cars an idea Musk doesnt think is very viable or to go underground. The other option is to go down and build tunnels, the website states, as these provide a fair amount of perks, including weatherproofing and the practically limitless layers of tunnels that could be builtmuch better than malfunctioning cars potentially plummeting from the sky.
But there is a problem. First, theres the cost. Second, existing tunnels cant support the Hyperloop pods. Musks new company is out to fix this.
Currently, tunnels are really expensive to dig, with some projects costing as much as $1 billion per mile. In order to make a tunnel network feasible, tunneling costs must be reduced by a factor of more than 10, explains the new FAQ.To make the tunnel more cost effective and efficient, its diameter is going to be less than 4 meters (14 feet) whereas normal tunnels (one-lane road tunnels) are usually about 8.5 meters (28 feet) in diameter. To do this, Musks tunnel company would use what it calls an electric sled.
Musks Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) or Godot is ready to start digging the first among these network of tunnels. However, as the TBM isnt even as fast as a snail yet, Musk is determined to find ways to make tunnel digging faster to defeat the snail in a race by increasing the TBMs speed, which will also cut down costs.
So, theres now a place to start digging this tunnel under Los Angeles and a machine to do it. But what is this tunnel really meant for? At first, many thought Musks tunnels would be like every other tunnel except they would be longer and could potentially connect LAX to Culver City, Santa Monica, Westwood and Sherman Oaks, as Musk said in an Instagram post.
However, as mentioned above, more detailshave come to light.
Since the companys introduction, many (including Futurism) have speculated that the tunnels true purpose was to work in tandem with the Hyperloop.This is the real clincher here. It seems like The Boring Company isnt just going to be for cars. The electric skate can transport automobiles, goods, and/or people. And if one adds a vacuum shell, it is now a Hyperloop Pod which can travel at 600+ miles per hour, the site explains.
The Hyperloop is another idea from Musk that is set to revolutionize transportation. It promises to connect individuals around the globe, making long-distance travel both speedy and remarkably affordable.
Initially discussed in 2013, the transport system would use a propulsion based on electromagnetism that could propel pods forward in vacuum-sealed steel tunnel atunprecedented speeds.
Cities in Europe, America, and the Middle East have expressed interest in adopting their own Hyperloop tracks, and study groups are at work making the concept a reality.While he doesnt have a company working directly on Hyperloop technology, Musk has been behind several initiatives to turn it into a reality. Now, with The Boring Company, Musk is building a platform to launch and test the various Hyperloop efforts he helped put into motion.
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A Teen Created the World’s Lightest Satellite & NASA Is Going to Launch It – Futurism
Posted: at 1:42 pm
In Brief A teenager from India recently won a satellite-design competition co-sponsored by NASA. His winning invention, probably the world's lightest satellite, will be launched by NASA this June for a sub-orbital test flight. Tiny Space Cube
Not very many people can claim that theyve sent something they made into space. Oneof those who will soon be sending his own invention a 64-gram (0.14-lb) satellite into sub-orbital flight is an 18-year-old named Rifath Shaarook. His satellite design won a competition hosted by an organization called I Doodle Learning, which issponsored by NASA and the Colorado Space Grant Consortium, called Cubes in Space.
The main challenge was to design an experiment to be flown to space which would fit into a four-meter cube weighing 64 grams, Shaarook told Business Standard. He named his tiny winning satellite the KalamSat, after Indian nuclear scientist and former president, A.P.J. Abdul Kalam.
Its set to embark on a 4-hour sub-orbital mission, launching from NASAs Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia on June 21. We designed it completely from scratch, Shaarooksaid, It will have a new kind of on-board computer and eight indigenous built-in sensors to measure acceleration, rotation, and the magnetosphere of Earth.
Cubes for Space is an example of how NASAs been actively seeking out talents and minds outside of just the agency. NASAs also launching a device developed by another teenager to the ISS, to test space-fairing microbes. Apart from getting helped by young inventors like Shaarook, NASAs also been corrected by a teenager who pointed out an error in some of the agencys data on energy levels.
NASA also has a program called Open Innovation, where it employs the help of the public for outside-the-box thinking about human space exploration challenges. Such crowdsourcing efforts seem to be fruitful for the space agency, and the KalamSat is just one proof.
The KalamSat will spend about 12-minutes in a micro-gravity environment of space, where it will test the durability of its extremely light casing, 3D-printed from reinforced carbon fiber polymer. The main role of the satellite will be to demonstrate the performance of [3D-printed] carbon fiber, Shaarook explained to the Times of India. The success ofthe satellite could lead to the development of similar technology: such lightweight payloads would certainly be morecost-effective for NASA. The space agency is seeking innovative ideasfor payload service, too: back in March, they wrapped up an open call forpayload concepts for a mysterious mission.
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A Teen Created the World's Lightest Satellite & NASA Is Going to Launch It - Futurism
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