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Category Archives: DNA
DNA Vaccine Technology Paves The Way For Effective, Low Cost Protective Methods
Posted: November 7, 2012 at 6:46 pm
November 6, 2012
Connie K. Ho for Your Universe Online
Researchers from Arizona State University (ASU) recently revealed novel technology that could help protect against a number of pathogens at lower costs and with improved methods.
A re-engineered bacterium that can quicken the delivery of the DNA vaccines to host cells, the new platform was found to provide complete protection against influenza in mice. The team of investigators believes that the new technique could be manufactured to defend against almost any infection at low cost and will not bring any risk to individuals who are already vaccinated or to other members of the public.
The technology that were describing in this paper can be used to develop a vaccine against any virus, any parasite, any fungus, whereas this was never possible before the development of recombinant attenuated bacterial strains like those produced in our lab, explained Roy Curtiss, director of the Center for Infectious Disease and Vaccinology at ASU, in a prepared statement.
The findings of the study were recently published in the online Early Edition (EE) of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
By delivering the DNA vaccine using a recombinant attenuated bacterium, we can get 10,000-100,000 doses per liter of culture, commented the studys lead author Wei Kong, a research assistant professor at ASU, in the statement. This crucial safety feature ensures that Salmonella are unable to persist as living organisms to survive if excreted into the environment.
In completing this project, the scientists faced a number of challenges. For one, they had to make sure that the live pathogenic strains would not lead to illness or migrate into the environment. They also worked to produce orally administrative vaccines that were safe and effective but at reduced costs. The team of investigators ended up pioneering a new technique using Salmonella to deliver a group of disease antigens to the recipient cell. The scientists were able to develop recombinant attenuated Salmonella vaccines (RASVs) that could initiate a significant, system-wide immune response and provide immunity.
The most recent results of the study involve a universal DNA vaccine delivery vehicle that was changed from a delayed-lysis Salmonella strain. With the DNA vaccine, cellular and humoral immune responses would be stimulated against protein antigens and allow the host cells to produce particular gene products. This would allow antigens to be produced and then undergo hosted cell modification.
Here, we were able to deliver a vaccine whose DNA sequence induces the immunized individual to make the protective glycoprotein the way you would during a viral infection, continued Curtiss in the statement.
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DNA Vaccine Technology Paves The Way For Effective, Low Cost Protective Methods
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Military uses DNA to tackle counterfeit gear
Posted: at 6:46 pm
Cutting corners with substandard or counterfeit electronics won't be as easy for suppliers whose parts end up with the U.S. military, as the Department of Defense turns to DNA barcodes to track components.
In the next month, certain kinds of electronic components sold to the military will have to be tagged with an artificial DNA sequence, which will, its designers say, make it well nigh impossible to ship a fake piece of equipment.
DNA sequences are made of four different molecules: adenine, guanine, cytosine and thymine.
Applied DNA Sciences adds sequences of them to ink painted on a chip.
Finding the tag indicates a product is legitimate.
For the military it's a big issue, because the chips that go into a fighter jet, helicopter or infrared night vision goggles are built to exacting specifications. If the circuits don't work, a plane might not fly -- or worse, fly with a malfunctioning piece of vital equipment. In November 2011, a Senate Armed Services Committee investigation found 1,800 instances of suspect parts, and the committee grilled contractors about their supply chains.
[Future Battlefields: Less 'Star Wars,' More Tiny Robots]
Stony Brook, N.Y.-based Applied DNA Sciences, working with the Defense Logistics Agency, offered a solution that was originally applied to textiles: plant DNA. The DNA is incorporated into the ink that gets printed on the top of the chip. Shining a laser light on it makes it fluoresce, or glow, so it's easy to see that the chip was tagged. But that isn't all: the DNA tags can't be duplicated at least not easily so it's a pretty good indicator that the component came from the right factory.
The reason it's so hard to copy is the nature of DNA sequencing. DNA sequences are made of four different molecules: adenine, guanine, cytosine and thymine. They can only be connected in pairs, called base pairs, that are written as GC or AT. The base pairs line up to make the familiar double helix of DNA.
To sequence DNA, one has to "amplify" it basically dissolving it in a solution and then adding chemicals to make the sequences duplicate themselves. In a living organism, DNA sequences come in certain patterns the placement of GC and AT molecular structures are not random. When they are sequenced, a scientist can figure out what order they are supposed to be in. From there, she can say what proteins the DNA codes for.
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Digital Net Agency (DNA) Acquires Top Social Media Agency Plaid Skirt Marketing
Posted: at 6:46 pm
DALLAS, Pa., Nov. 5, 2012 /PRNewswire/ --Digital Net Agency, Inc. (DNA), a leading performance-based digital agency, today announces its acquisition of Plaid Skirt Marketing, a comprehensive digital marketing agency specializing in branding and social media. The acquisition will elevate the social media capabilities of DNA, whichare increasingly critical to SEO, and provide current and future clients with a one-stop digital marketing solution. As part of the acquisition, Plaid Skirt Marketing's president Skip Graham, widely recognized as a pioneer of digital branding and social media marketing, will join the company as Chief Strategy Officer.
Launched earlier this year with a mission to upend traditional agency models, the rapidly growing DNA focuses on maximizing agency accountability and minimizing client risk, all while fueling massive client growth. DNA is staffed by a team of veterans from Top 10 Search agencies, who have helped hundreds of advertisers from start-ups to Fortune 500 brands manage the most complex search programs in the world, while propelling them to the top of the search engines. Dedicated to putting talent, research, technology, and proven strategies at the forefront of its business, DNA offers unique revenue and equity-based models to its clients.
"We are incredibly pleased with the acquisition of Plaid Skirt Marketing. Search is in our 'DNA,' Social and Branding is in Plaid Skirt Marketing's 'DNA' and the match is perfect," said Digital Net Agency CEO Aaron Baker. "This is a business move that just makes sense; advertisers are increasingly looking for full-service, digital marketing solutions, and innovative ways to engage social media outlets and, with this acquisition, DNA completes the digital marketing equation for current and future clients."
Plaid Skirt Marketing provides clients with an innovative approach that emphasizes both creativity and performance. With a portfolio that includes award-winning, international marketing campaigns for Fortune 500 companies, as well as start-ups, Plaid Skirt specializes in branding and social media, as well as mobile marketing, email marketing, viral marketing, and eCRM development. The company also provides website design, online branding and campaign development, landing pages, and banner ads.
The acquisition will shift DNA from a formerly search-centric firm, to a robust search and digital marketing agency. DNA will gain Plaid Skirt Marketing's digital marketing expertise, particularly in product branding and social media, while expanding Plaid Skirt Marketing's digital platform.
A key element in the acquisition is the appointment of Plaid Skirt Marketing's president Skip Graham as DNA's chief strategy officer. A 20-year marketing veteran and innovator, Graham has helped launch Internet marketing efforts for national brands such as Bali, GlaxoSmithKline, Hanes, Champion, and many others. Graham was a founding partner in one of the world's first digital agencies, now part of Mediaplex, and led program and product development on the industry's first 3rd-party ad serving technology for agencies. Graham currently serves as the Executive Director for the Internet Oldtimers Foundation, whose 500+ members include many of theindustry'smost seniorinfluencersand decision makers.
"DNA was the perfect fit for us. Their commitment to digital market innovation is matched only by their commitment to their clients," stated Skip Graham, president of Plaid Skirt Marketing. "We look forward to joining DNA and providing the most robust search, social, affiliate, and digital brand solutions to current and future clients."
The acquisition was finalized on November 1st, 2012. The integrated company will operate as a whole under the name Digital Net Agency, Inc. (DNA).
About DNADigital Net Agency, Inc. (DNA) is a leading performance-baseddigital agency with a concentration on Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM). DNA also offers social media and affiliate marketing to their clients with the same innovative approach and expertise. Founded by a team of veteran search experts and technologists from Top 10 agencies, DNA is dedicated to partnering with clients to fuel growth while delivering maximum accountability through its performance-based models. DNA is based in Dallas, PA, with offices in New York City.
About Plaid Skirt Marketing Plaid Skirt Marketing is one of the Southeast's leading new media research, planning and placement agencies.Plaid Skirt's approach to interactive and social media marketing marries old school marketing principles and new forms of applied data to inspire new media strategies with superior results. Plaid Skirt's specialties include: Brand Building and Awareness, Social Media, Social CRM for Business, Mobile Marketing, Email Marketing, Viral Marketing, eCRM development, Lead Generation and Co-registration.
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Markets for PCR, DNA Microarray, DNA Sequencing, Mass Spectrometry and Flow Cytometry to Exceed $50 billion by 2015
Posted: at 6:46 pm
FARMINGTON, Conn., Nov. 5, 2012 /PRNewswire-iReach/ -- Techniques such as PCR, DNA microarray, DNA sequencing, mass spectrometry and flow cytometry have driven discoveries that have changed our understanding of the world. By 2015, the combined global markets for these five areas are expected to exceed $50 billion.
From now until December 31, Global Information Inc (GII), in exclusive partnership with our premium research partner BioPharm Reports,, is offering a special discount on all BioPharm market research reports, forecasts, and studies. How will your organization use the critical information contained within these reports to support growth and sales strategies and seize market opportunities in the life sciences field?
Life Science Software: Markets and Opportunities
This report is the result of six life science studies examining the use of specialist software and databases related to the conduct of PCR, DNA sequencing, DNA microarray, flow cytometry, mass spectrometry and disease biomarker studies. In total, 2,200 end-users in 70 countries participated in these studies. This is an excellent study for software developers and vendors to identify market opportunities in the life science field.
The major components of the report are as follows: breakdown of end-user practices in use of life science software and databases to conduct studies of PCR, DNA microarray, DNA sequencing, mass spectrometry, flow cytometry, and disease biomarker; breakdown of end-user practices by field (e.g. biotech, hospital, defence, pharmaceuticals, food and drink); breakdown by region, including Europe, North America, Asia and RoW countries; list of participating organizations and anticipated growth; and estimates of global market sizes of software and databases related to the respective life science fields.
An Executive Summary for this report and free sample pages from the full document are available at
DNA Microarray 2012: A Focus on Sales Growth
Based on the prevailing and emerging market conditions in the DNA microarray field, this report was created to assist marketing and sales with the identification of new opportunities. The analysis and report findings provide a "focus on sales growth" to developers and vendors in the microarray field and the changes driving these developments.
Market areas covered in this study include: routine use, suppliers, methods, applications, preferred companies, products, strengths, weaknesses, financial budgets, budget breakdown, future budget breakdown, future budgets, consumables, quality control, challenges, innovation, recent innovations, future innovation, biomarkers, organizations, fields, bioinformatics software, purpose, samples and sample preparation.
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Markets for PCR, DNA Microarray, DNA Sequencing, Mass Spectrometry and Flow Cytometry to Exceed $50 billion by 2015
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Bobby Hemmitt – The Maat Blueprint Expansion Of The DNA Kingdom – Video
Posted: November 4, 2012 at 5:43 am
Bobby Hemmitt - The Maat Blueprint Expansion Of The DNA Kingdom
Book a lecture or make a donation to Brother Bobby Bobby #39;s # 678-358-1055 Ms. Blue http://www.facebook.comFrom:TYRONE7272Views:76 2ratingsTime:03:17:22More inAutos Vehicles
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Sacred Geometry DNA changes 2012 Mollecular Atom Consciousness – Video
Posted: at 5:43 am
Sacred Geometry DNA changes 2012 Mollecular Atom Consciousness
Emotions influence our everyday life. They make us feel happy or sad, and that very same emotions changes the perception of our world, thus creating it. Love is the key. Give love, share love, and it will come back to you. This is the simpliest message of all time.From:spacetruth2012Views:0 0ratingsTime:25:55More inScience Technology
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Assassin’s Creed 3 – Walkthrough/Gameplay – Part 23 [DNA Sequence 6] (XBOX 360/PS3/PC) – Video
Posted: at 5:43 am
Assassin #39;s Creed 3 - Walkthrough/Gameplay - Part 23 [DNA Sequence 6] (XBOX 360/PS3/PC)
Assassin #39;s Creed 3 - Walkthrough/Gameplay - Part 22 [DNA Sequence 5] Please leave a like, and subscribe! Extra tags: Assassins creed 3 gameplay walkthrough Assassins creed 3 Assassins creedFrom:YourFriendlyGamerxViews:6 4ratingsTime:18:50More inGaming
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Assassin's Creed 3 - Walkthrough/Gameplay - Part 23 [DNA Sequence 6] (XBOX 360/PS3/PC) - Video
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Elvis (Danny Boy Squire) – "MOODY BLUE" This song was fading on the charts as Elvis also faded – Video
Posted: at 5:43 am
Elvis (Danny Boy Squire) - "MOODY BLUE" This song was fading on the charts as Elvis also faded
The Presley Twins were being born while there was a " strange Blue Light " over the house. Larry Gellar wrote " Elvis #39; Own Story " and Elvis prompts his dad to tell Larry the story. Now when Elvis passes away he leaves with the song Moody Blue passing on also. Follow this up with a photo of ELVIS IN SPIRIT with Danny Boy Squire. Danny sent the photo to Larry and Graceland #39;s current CEO - - - There is a " Blue Light " emanating from Elvis #39; spirit hands over Danny #39;s Shoulder. -14 months later Larry releases " Elvis #39; Search For God " - - The first chapter is titled " THE BLUE LIGHT " Larry mentioned the blue light only on one page first. After Danny #39;s photo Larry mentioned the blue light 47 TIMES!!!!! We have an incredible story which includes many modern day miracles. Our movie will explain more.. ONE TRILLION COMPANY INC., ps Danny is wearing Elvis #39; turquoise and red coral ring that was given to him at Graceland in 1992 when he went to Elvis #39; Grave with Patsy Presley and friends during the candle vigil. Patsy has the same DNA as Elvis and this is very significant ! ! !From:flashjordanmovieViews:3 0ratingsTime:02:59More inEntertainment
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Elvis (Danny Boy Squire) - "MOODY BLUE" This song was fading on the charts as Elvis also faded - Video
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2chea – DNA ft. Lexi ( 2chea) – Video
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2chea - DNA ft. Lexi ( 2chea)
Download The Devil #39;s Music at fuckaname.comFrom:VNDXRRVTXDViews:0 0ratingsTime:03:41More inPeople Blogs
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Dan Winter Interview (Physics, Kundalini Awakening, Ancestors, Chakras, Etc.) – Video
Posted: at 5:43 am
Dan Winter Interview (Physics, Kundalini Awakening, Ancestors, Chakras, Etc.)
Dan Winter is most known as a teacher of Sacred Geometry and Coherent Emotion. His invention #39;s discovered the harmonic content of compassion in electrocardiography (EKG) and bliss is essential in physics and spirituality . Mr. Winter teaches that the hygiene for bliss - creates fractal conditions (the sacred) defining the charge field which ignites and matures DNA into BLISS, which connects us to everything and can be proven. Mr. Winters dedicated his life to teaching this concept in lecutres, serminars - with web presence (5 languages), 3 books, films and DVD #39;s. His message is simple- the coherence in the aura field - generated by fractal compression - called the KA in Ancient Egypt (or Kemet)- is what creates your vehicle for memory into death and the lucid dream. This immortalizing potential in the charge created by blood on fire with bliss - is the real message of ancient religion - the real physics of the grail - and the essential good news at a time when the solar wind can only be steered by Sun God #39;s. . Therefore, redefining pure intention - as the perfection of coherence resulting from fractality - not only makes the physics of bliss measurable and teachable - but actually a loving gentle story of the Sun inviting us home.From:makalesiViews:85 0ratingsTime:37:07More inEducation
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Dan Winter Interview (Physics, Kundalini Awakening, Ancestors, Chakras, Etc.) - Video
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