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Category Archives: DNA
Little Mix – Going Nowhere [VIOLIN COVER] – Video
Posted: November 11, 2012 at 4:43 am
Little Mix - Going Nowhere [VIOLIN COVER]
Hey this is a cover of Little Mix #39;s song #39;Going Nowhere #39; off their debut album #39;DNA #39; All instruments played by me! Follow me on twitter! @camillacorbettFrom:camillamc1Views:2 0ratingsTime:03:46More inMusic
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Pivotal DNA Privacy Case Gets Supreme Court Hearing
Posted: at 4:43 am
The Supreme Court on Friday agreed to review a major genetic-privacy case on whether authorities may take DNA samples from anybody arrested for serious crimes.
The case has wide-ranging implications, because at least 21 states and the federal government have regulations requiring suspects to give a DNA sample upon arrest. In all the states with such laws, DNA saliva samples are cataloged in state and federal crime-fighting databases.
Without comment, the justices opted to take on an April decision (.pdf) from Marylands top court, which said it was a breach of the Fourth Amendment right against unreasonable search and seizure to take, without warrants, DNA samples from suspects who have not been convicted.
The Maryland Court of Appeals, that states highest court, said that arrestees have a weighty and reasonable expectation of privacy against warrantless, suspicionless searches and that expectation is not outweighed by the states purported interest in assuring proper identification of a suspect.
The case involves Alonzo King, who was arrested in 2009 on assault charges. A DNA sample he provided linked him to an unsolved 2003 rape case, and he was later convicted of the sex crime. But the Maryland Court of Appeals reversed, saying his Fourth Amendment rights were breached.
Maryland prosecutors argued that mouth swabs were no more intrusive than fingerprinting, but the states high court said that it could not turn a blind eye to what it called a vast genetic treasure map that exists in the DNA samples retained by the state.
The court was noting that DNA sampling is much different from compulsory fingerprinting. A fingerprint, for example, reveals nothing more than a persons identity. But much more can be learned from a DNA sample, which codes a persons family ties, some health risks and, according to some, can predict a propensity for violence.
The issue before the justices does not contest the long-held practice of taking DNA samples from convicts. The courts have already upheld DNA sampling of convicted felons, based on the theory that those who are convicted of crimes have fewer privacy rights.
But the U.S. Supreme Court has previously ruled that when conducting intrusions of the body during an investigation, the police need so-called exigent circumstances or a warrant. For example, the fact that alcohol evaporates in the body is an exigent circumstance that provides authorities the right to draw blood from a suspected drunk driver without a warrant.
The justices are to hear the Maryland case in the coming months.
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Pivotal DNA Privacy Case Gets Supreme Court Hearing
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Court Will Decide on Collection of DNA Samples
Posted: at 4:43 am
The Supreme Court announced Friday that it will decide whether it's legal for police to collect DNA samples from people under arrest, a case that could have nationwide implications on the question of privacy versus public safety.
The justices announced that they will review a Maryland court decision that effectively barred the warrantless collection of genetic material from suspects who have not yet been convicted of a crime, a procedure used around the country in hopes of cracking old cases.
Courts have consistently upheld DNA collection from those convicted of a crime. But the federal government and 27 states also have laws that allow the collection of DNA from people arrested but not yet convicted.
Maryland began collecting samples from people arrested for violent crimes in 2009 and authorities took a cheek swab from Alonzo King Jr., who was arrested on assault charges. Police found out the sample matched the DNA of a rapist from a 2003 rape in Salisbury, Md. King was later found guilty in the 2003 attack and sentenced to life in prison.
But King challenged his conviction, saying the pre-conviction collection of his DNA violated his Fourth Amendment protections against unreasonable search and seizures. Maryland's highest court agreed, with judges saying "King's expectation of privacy is greater than the state's purported interest in using his DNA to identify him for purposes of his 10 April 2009 arrest on the assault charges."
Chief Justice John Roberts previously blocked the ruling and allowed police to keep collecting DNA samples pending the high court's review.
The federal appeals courts have so far sided with the police on this issue, who say the samples contribute to a database that helps law enforcement.
In February, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco ruled California law enforcement officials can keep collecting DNA samples from people arrested for felonies because law enforcement's interest in solving cold cases, identifying suspects and even exonerating the wrongly accused outweighed privacy concerns. In July, the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Philadelphia overturned a lower court judge who called it an unconstitutional invasion of privacy to routinely collect DNA samples from defendants who had yet to be convicted.
The case will be argued in early 2013.
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Court Will Decide on Collection of DNA Samples
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Supreme Court takes up DNA and sentencing cases
Posted: at 4:43 am
(Reuters) - The Supreme Court agreed on Friday to consider whether a state may collect DNA samples from people who are arrested but not yet convicted of violent crimes, in a case that may have national implications for law enforcement.
Maryland is appealing an April 24 decision by the state Court of Appeals overturning the 2010 conviction and life sentence of Alonzo Jay King for a rape committed seven years earlier, and prior to his 2009 arrest for assault.
A DNA sample taken following that arrest without a warrant had linked him to the earlier crime.
In overturning King's conviction, the Maryland appeals court said the state's DNA Collection Act violated the ban on unreasonable searches and seizures under the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
That Maryland law lets police take DNA samples from people arrested for violent crimes, attempted violent crimes, burglary and attempted burglary.
In July, U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts put that lower court ruling on hold, allowing the law to remain in effect, while Maryland appealed the King case.
Roberts said at the time that there was a "fair prospect" that the Supreme Court would reverse the ruling, and that the ruling subjected Maryland to "irreparable harm."
The chief justice said the court of appeals ruling conflicted with three other courts that had upheld laws similar to Maryland's DNA collection law.
He also said the appeals court ruling had national implications because it would, if upheld, prevent the FBI from getting the samples for a national database.
Collecting DNA samples "implicates an important feature of day-to-day law enforcement practice" in half of all U.S. states and the federal government, Roberts said.
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Supreme Court takes up DNA and sentencing cases
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Can police collect DNA before conviction? Supreme Court to hear case
Posted: at 4:43 am
The US Supreme Court on Friday agreed to take up a case examining whether the Fourth Amendment permits police to collect and analyze a persons DNA at the time of arrest or whether they have to wait until after the suspect has been convicted to take a DNA sample.
The case raises the thorny issue of when the government is allowed to collect a DNA sample from an individual and store it in a national database.
DNA information has become a major crime-fighting tool, providing a significantly more accurate method of identifying individuals than the subjective art of fingerprint comparisons. DNA data have helped police solve crimes and have also helped defense lawyers identify and correct wrongful convictions.
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But unlike fingerprints, DNA material can reveal far more about an individual, including details that most people consider highly personal and private.
Nonetheless, law enforcement officials insist that they are interested in using DNA technology only for identification, as a kind of enhanced form of fingerprinting.
The issue arises in the case of Alonzo King, who was arrested in southern Maryland in 2009 on an assault charge.
As part of his processing by police, officers used a swab to collect a sample of his saliva from his cheek. The sample yielded an identifying DNA profile which was fed into a national database.
Mr. Kings DNA profile was found to match the DNA profile of the person who robbed and raped a woman in the same area of southern Maryland in 2003.
Armed with that information, authorities applied for a search warrant and obtained a second swab of Kings cheek. The second sample also matched the DNA evidence from the 2003 rape. King was charged with the rape and robbery.
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Can police collect DNA before conviction? Supreme Court to hear case
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Systek – Virtual Reality – Video
Posted: November 9, 2012 at 11:43 am
Systek - Virtual Reality
Free download: Remember! Don #39;t forget to check out DNA ofsound #39;s channel as we have teamed up to provide you with even more music: ***IMPORTANT*** The credits go to the respective owners. I have only uploaded this to share great music with the world. If you don #39;t wanna see your track on my channel, please send me an email at or send me a message on Youtube and i will immediately remove the video. Enjoy.From:melstinmusicViews:0 0ratingsTime:05:50More inMusic
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Future – DNA {Prod. By 808 Mafia} (Dance) Follow me @Jelani856 – Video
Posted: at 11:43 am
Future - DNA {Prod. By 808 Mafia} (Dance) Follow me @Jelani856
Future - We Are The Radio (0:39) 02. Future - Karate Chop (Feat. Casino) [Prod. By Metro] (4:18) 03. Rocko - Nachos [Prod. By DJ Spinz] (2:38) 04. Yo Gotti Feat. Future - Drug Money (3:19) 05. Chief Keef - Love Sosa [Prod. By Young Chop] (3:09) 06. Future - DNA [Prod. By 808 Mafia] (3:12) 07. Rocko - Mean [Prod. By DJ Plugg] (3:08) 08. Young Scooter Feat. OJ The Juiceman Gucci Mane - Street Lights [Prod. By Zaytoven] (4:03) 09. Trinidad James - All Gold Everything (2:55) 10. Future - 3D Interlude (1:04) 11. Future - YSL Cheetah [Prod. By Zaytoven] (4:00) 12. Gucci Mane - Gas Mud [Prod. By DJ Spinz C4] (3:46) 13. Chill Will - No Manners [Prod. By Mike Will Made It] (3:24) 14. Travis Porter - Do A Trick [Prod. By DJ Spinz] (4:47) 15. Future - A1FBG Check In (0:18) 16. Future Feat. Freeband Gang - Whip Game (3:10) 17. Shad Feat. OG Double D Young Scooter - Everyday I #39;m Flossin [Prod. By DJ Plugg] (4:20) 18. CoCo Kiss - Go [Prod. By Zaytoven] (2:29) 19. Future Feat. Mia Rey - Trance (From:ItsJelani XDViews:0 0ratingsTime:02:02More inEntertainment
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Posted: at 11:43 am
Mandela Terrace residents get land titles 6:28 PM Busy Signal to be released in two weeks 6:15 PM Romney concedes Florida 5:32 PM Canada woos students with Education Fair 5:27 PM 15-yo Anneisha Gordon missing 5:21 PM LA County voters mandate condom use on porn sets 4:22 PM DNA Bill gets off the ground 3:56 PM #39;Weed Seed #39;, #39;Duppy Film #39; wanted by St Thomas cops 3:43 PM Twitter mistakenly resets passwords of some users 2:47 PM 9000 JPS customers still without electricity 2:34 PM Oshin - Jamaica InfamouzRedzz@Twitter ItsRedzz@youtube InfamouzRedzz InfamouzRedzz Channel RawfootageJA DaWorldzYourzRedz Infamouz Redz Dutty RedzFrom:RawFootageJAViews:1 1ratingsTime:15:20More inNews Politics
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Daily News Analysis (DNA) 09-11-2012 [Reporter HD] – Video
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Daily News Analysis (DNA) 09-11-2012 [Reporter HD]
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Daily News Analysis (DNA) 09-11-2012 [Reporter HD] - Video
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Posted: at 11:43 am
Mandela Terrace residents get land titles 6:28 PM Busy Signal to be released in two weeks 6:15 PM Romney concedes Florida 5:32 PM Canada woos students with Education Fair 5:27 PM 15-yo Anneisha Gordon missing 5:21 PM LA County voters mandate condom use on porn sets 4:22 PM DNA Bill gets off the ground 3:56 PM #39;Weed Seed #39;, #39;Duppy Film #39; wanted by St Thomas cops 3:43 PM Twitter mistakenly resets passwords of some users 2:47 PM 9000 JPS customers still without electricity 2:34 PM Oshin - Jamaica InfamouzRedzz@Twitter ItsRedzz@youtube InfamouzRedzz InfamouzRedzz Channel RawfootageJA DaWorldzYourzRedz Infamouz Redz Dutty RedzFrom:RawFootageJAViews:0 0ratingsTime:12:00More inNews Politics
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