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Category Archives: DNA
Cramer Chronicles: I Wanna Be Sedated, Part 2 – Video
Posted: November 18, 2012 at 9:44 pm
Cramer Chronicles: I Wanna Be Sedated, Part 2
Cole and Starr arrive at the Buchanan mansion to ask for Bo #39;s help to find answers concerning their baby #39;s death. Inside Bo suggests to Nora they diicus their near-kiss in the car. Racing to the door to avoid talking about it, Nora opened the door to Starr and Cole. Cole said he would understand if Bo hated him. Bo admitted that he had once hoped that Cole would serve time in jail, but insisted that he didn #39;t hate Cole. Nora and Starr listened as Cole continued to apologize for his bad judgment. Cole and Starr revealed that they had learned that Hope didn #39;t die of Rh disease. Explaining that they had a DNA test conducted on a lock of what was believed to be Hope #39;s hair, Cole and Starr related that the test revealed that it was genetically impossible for the strands of hair to belong to a child of theirs. Cole requested Bo #39;s help in having Hope #39;s body exhumed. A sympathetic Bo agreed to use his authority to help the teens discover the truth concerning their child #39;s death. Inside the gymnasium of Llanview High School, Matthew watched a group of boys play basketball. Spotting Destiny in the corner, Matthew approached her and attempted to apologize for lashing out at her. Destiny was still upset and gave Matthew the cold shoulder. Justin tossed a ball in Matthew #39;s direction and interrupted the conversation. Both Matthew and Destiny fumed when Justin hurled insults at Matthew and ridiculed him about needing a wheelchair. When Becca approached, Justin used the opportunity to ...From:dia1962Views:3 0ratingsTime:09:15More inEntertainment
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Cramer Chronicles: I Wanna Be Sedated, Part 2 - Video
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Cramer Chronicles: I Wanna Be Sedated, Part 3 – Video
Posted: at 9:44 pm
Cramer Chronicles: I Wanna Be Sedated, Part 3
Cole and Starr arrive at the Buchanan mansion to ask for Bo #39;s help to find answers concerning their baby #39;s death. Inside Bo suggests to Nora they diicus their near-kiss in the car. Racing to the door to avoid talking about it, Nora opened the door to Starr and Cole. Cole said he would understand if Bo hated him. Bo admitted that he had once hoped that Cole would serve time in jail, but insisted that he didn #39;t hate Cole. Nora and Starr listened as Cole continued to apologize for his bad judgment. Cole and Starr revealed that they had learned that Hope didn #39;t die of Rh disease. Explaining that they had a DNA test conducted on a lock of what was believed to be Hope #39;s hair, Cole and Starr related that the test revealed that it was genetically impossible for the strands of hair to belong to a child of theirs. Cole requested Bo #39;s help in having Hope #39;s body exhumed. A sympathetic Bo agreed to use his authority to help the teens discover the truth concerning their child #39;s death. Inside the gymnasium of Llanview High School, Matthew watched a group of boys play basketball. Spotting Destiny in the corner, Matthew approached her and attempted to apologize for lashing out at her. Destiny was still upset and gave Matthew the cold shoulder. Justin tossed a ball in Matthew #39;s direction and interrupted the conversation. Both Matthew and Destiny fumed when Justin hurled insults at Matthew and ridiculed him about needing a wheelchair. When Becca approached, Justin used the opportunity to ...From:dia1962Views:2 0ratingsTime:09:12More inEntertainment
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ListaDeExitosTop30 – 3rd week November 2012 – Video
Posted: at 9:44 pm
ListaDeExitosTop30 - 3rd week November 2012
TWITTER : @ListaDeExitos PAG OFFICIAL FACEBOOK : FACEBOOK : Lista De Exitos Alexandra Stan - Hush Hush Antonia - Jameia Bruno Mars - Locked out of heaven Carly Rae Jepsen - This Kiss Cher Llyod - Oath Christina Aguilera - Your Body David Guetta , Sia - She Wolf Enrique Iglesias - Finally Found you Girls Aloud - Something New Ivi Adamou - La La Love Justin Bieber , Nicki Minaj - Beauty and a Beat Kelly Clarkson - Catch My Breath Kesha - Die Young Little Mix - DNA Little Mix - Wings Loreen - Euphoria Loreen - My Heart is refusing me ( New Version ) Nicki Minaj - Va Va Voom Olly Murs , Florida - Troublemaker One Direction - Little Things One Direction - Live while we #39;re young P!NK - Blow Me P!NK - Try PSY - Gangnam Style Rihanna - Diamonds Robbie Williams - Candy Taio Cruz - Fast Car Taylor Swift - We are never ever getting together Xuso Jones , Mandy - AnimalFrom:ListaDeExitosTop30Views:19 0ratingsTime:10:33More inScience Technology
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ListaDeExitosTop30 - 3rd week November 2012 - Video
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Cramer Chronicles: I Wanna Be Sedated, Part 1 – Video
Posted: at 9:44 pm
Cramer Chronicles: I Wanna Be Sedated, Part 1
Cole and Starr arrive at the Buchanan mansion to ask for Bo #39;s help to find answers concerning their baby #39;s death. Inside Bo suggests to Nora they diicus their near-kiss in the car. Racing to the door to avoid talking about it, Nora opened the door to Starr and Cole. Cole said he would understand if Bo hated him. Bo admitted that he had once hoped that Cole would serve time in jail, but insisted that he didn #39;t hate Cole. Nora and Starr listened as Cole continued to apologize for his bad judgment. Cole and Starr revealed that they had learned that Hope didn #39;t die of Rh disease. Explaining that they had a DNA test conducted on a lock of what was believed to be Hope #39;s hair, Cole and Starr related that the test revealed that it was genetically impossible for the strands of hair to belong to a child of theirs. Cole requested Bo #39;s help in having Hope #39;s body exhumed. A sympathetic Bo agreed to use his authority to help the teens discover the truth concerning their child #39;s death. Inside the gymnasium of Llanview High School, Matthew watched a group of boys play basketball. Spotting Destiny in the corner, Matthew approached her and attempted to apologize for lashing out at her. Destiny was still upset and gave Matthew the cold shoulder. Justin tossed a ball in Matthew #39;s direction and interrupted the conversation. Both Matthew and Destiny fumed when Justin hurled insults at Matthew and ridiculed him about needing a wheelchair. When Becca approached, Justin used the opportunity to ...From:dia1962Views:3 0ratingsTime:08:59More inEntertainment
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Cramer Chronicles: I Wanna Be Sedated, Part 1 - Video
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Cramer Chronicles: I Wanna Be Sedated, Part 4 – Video
Posted: at 9:44 pm
Cramer Chronicles: I Wanna Be Sedated, Part 4
Cole and Starr arrive at the Buchanan mansion to ask for Bo #39;s help to find answers concerning their baby #39;s death. Inside Bo suggests to Nora they diicus their near-kiss in the car. Racing to the door to avoid talking about it, Nora opened the door to Starr and Cole. Cole said he would understand if Bo hated him. Bo admitted that he had once hoped that Cole would serve time in jail, but insisted that he didn #39;t hate Cole. Nora and Starr listened as Cole continued to apologize for his bad judgment. Cole and Starr revealed that they had learned that Hope didn #39;t die of Rh disease. Explaining that they had a DNA test conducted on a lock of what was believed to be Hope #39;s hair, Cole and Starr related that the test revealed that it was genetically impossible for the strands of hair to belong to a child of theirs. Cole requested Bo #39;s help in having Hope #39;s body exhumed. A sympathetic Bo agreed to use his authority to help the teens discover the truth concerning their child #39;s death. Inside the gymnasium of Llanview High School, Matthew watched a group of boys play basketball. Spotting Destiny in the corner, Matthew approached her and attempted to apologize for lashing out at her. Destiny was still upset and gave Matthew the cold shoulder. Justin tossed a ball in Matthew #39;s direction and interrupted the conversation. Both Matthew and Destiny fumed when Justin hurled insults at Matthew and ridiculed him about needing a wheelchair. When Becca approached, Justin used the opportunity to ...From:dia1962Views:1 0ratingsTime:08:11More inEntertainment
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Cramer Chronicles: I Wanna Be Sedated, Part 4 - Video
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Code’s Story – Video
Posted: at 9:44 pm
Code #39;s Story
Kirby #39;s brother! He also has issues! 😀 Anyways the thing with his one eye is that a snake bit him and the venom got mixed to his DNA Starring: Code the EeveeFrom:DerpyPaws1Views:0 0ratingsTime:00:19More inFilm Animation
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Code's Story - Video
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Richard Hammonds Engineering Connections Airbus-A380 – Video
Posted: at 9:44 pm
Richard Hammonds Engineering Connections Airbus-A380
why not watch Richard Hammond sets out on a quest to find the amazing engineering connections behind the Airbus A380, the largest passenger airliner in history. His journey reveals that this state-of-the-art aircraft owes as much to weapons of war, Mother Nature and household objects as it does to high technology. He discovers that a bicycle pump, a 19th-century rocket, an ancient Mongolian bow and an eagle #39;s wing are all hidden in its secret DNAFrom:elliot masonViews:4 0ratingsTime:45:37More inTravel Events
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Richard Hammonds Engineering Connections Airbus-A380 - Video
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Decrepit Birth – Alex Bent- Of Genocide/The Infestation live HD multicam – Video
Posted: at 9:44 pm
Decrepit Birth - Alex Bent- Of Genocide/The Infestation live HD multicam
Alex Bent playing drums for Decrepit Birth 09/25/2012 at the DNA Lounge in San Francisco CA. Carnival of Death Tour with Encrust, Jungle Rot, Broken Hope, and Obituary. Gear Crush Drums Chameleon Ash Wood 20x22 Kick Drums x2 8,10,12 Rack Toms 16 Floor Tom AA Axis Longboards 14" Sabian Hi Hats, 18" Paiste Rock Crash,19" Zildjian Z3 crash, 22" Alchemy Ride, 20" Zildjian China, 19 inch Paiste china. Alesis DM5 2 Roland RT-10k Acoustic Triggers http://www.Sickdrummer.comFrom:DrummerAlexBentViews:8 0ratingsTime:05:59More inMusic
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Decrepit Birth - Alex Bent- Of Genocide/The Infestation live HD multicam - Video
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IMG 0684 – Video
Posted: at 9:44 pm
IMG 0684
Gilera DNA 50cc stockFrom:4ankovViews:1 0ratingsTime:00:57More inMusic
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IMG 0684 - Video
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multimales ; DNA – Video
Posted: at 9:44 pm
multimales ; DNA
Well hello, again! I made this little vidlet last night out of pure boredom and my love of too many hot guys! I was originally gonna make this about 20 seconds longer but I got bored and I didn #39;t want to have to fumble with making sure I vid every guy that I wanted to. So I cut the list of guys and made this! (Also please don #39;t shoot me that I used a pop song, its just catchy) I like most of the effects, and how they turned out. I #39;ve done worse lets put it at that haha! But I hope you guys like it too, I don #39;t do picture vids too often so yeah! Guys in the vid (cuz I didn #39;t have enough room at the end to list them): Ian Somerhalder, Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Ben Barnes, Bradley James, Joseph Morgan, Jared Leto, Hunter Parrish and Dylan O #39;Brien The rest of the info is at the end of the vid! Thanks for reading and watching! -Becca Reblog? wayward-winchester.tumblr.comFrom:lrx001Views:1 0ratingsTime:00:31More inEntertainment
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multimales ; DNA - Video
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