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Category Archives: DNA
GHOST SUPREMACY (The Hidden) – Video
Posted: November 22, 2012 at 7:44 pm
#9658; #9658; #9658; Enjoy the video? Subscribe! #9668; #9668; #9668; Download Here: What is The Hidden? "In the early 1950s human genetics experimentation was taking its first, tentative steps. Amongst many other black projects, a team of British scientists working at an Infinitum Research experimental station stumbled across some remarkable phenomena involving DNA manipulation. This led to deeper research with dangerously unpredictable results, often leading to human patients losing their lives in irresponsible and immoral experiments. Time passed on, and by the mid 1990s the failure rate of the experiments had been reduced from 75% to a mere 15%, enough for Infinitum to move onto the next stage Biological Light Refraction. The British team were hoping to unravel the possibilities of light manipulation to create the perfect covert military agent. Early into the new millennium, due to a gross miscalculation, a series of tests on Subject 617 led to a massive synaptic trauma leaving the patient with multiple genetic anomalies. The subject was left in constant pain and with unstable DNA. The subject escaped captivity, killing anyone that got in its way. The IRIS (Infinitum Research Interception Squad) team have been deployed to return the subject to a maximum security Infinitum Research facility for further study and dissection. The entire project was considered a failure: all funding ceased and development was discontinued while all records and traces of the experiments ...From:SeaNannersViews:4 0ratingsTime:03:00More inGaming
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DNA Manipulation – Human Supression – Virtual Reality An Interview with David Icke 2012 [HD] – Video
Posted: at 7:44 pm
DNA Manipulation - Human Supression - Virtual Reality An Interview with David Icke 2012 [HD]
DNA Manipulation - Human Supression - Virtual Reality An Interview with David Icke 2012 [HD]From:MrRoibossViews:0 0ratingsTime:14:20More inNews Politics
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DNA Manipulation - Human Supression - Virtual Reality An Interview with David Icke 2012 [HD] - Video
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Posted: at 7:44 pm - Verizon HTC Droid DNA on Cricket Wireless Teaser
Droid DNA Accessories - I #39;ll be posting more information about this as I get time. Please like and subscribe. I #39;m just a regular guy with a regular job. I try to push as much information about devices onto the Internet for the rest of the community. Thanks.From:MyCricketForumComViews:4 0ratingsTime:03:20More inScience Technology
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Pakistan Suicide Bomber: Terrorist Killed 23, Injured 54 Shiite Muslims – Pakistan Taliban Terrorist – Video
Posted: at 7:44 pm
Pakistan Suicide Bomber: Terrorist Killed 23, Injured 54 Shiite Muslims - Pakistan Taliban Terrorist
Story Below: Pakistan Suicide Bomber: Terrorist Killed 23, Injured 54 Shiite Muslims - Pakistan Taliban Terrorist ISLAMABAD, Nov. 22 (Xinhua) -- Death toll of the suicide bombing that hit a Shiite Muslims procession in Pakistan #39;s northern city of Rawalpindi on Wednesday night rose to 23 on Thursday morning, while 54 others got injured, local media said. The attack happened at 11:33 pm local time when a suicide bomber blew himself up in a Shiite Muslims procession in Misrial area in Rawalpindi, an adjoining city of the country #39;s capital Islamabad. Quoting hospital sources, local Urdu TV channel Dunya reported that three people succumbed to injuries at hospital on Thursday morning, bringing the death toll to 23. Police said that the head of the bomber, aged between 20 to 25, has been sent to the District Headquarters Hospital for DNA test. Maulana Ameen Shaheedi, leader of Punjab Shiite organization, and witnesses said that the police failed to provide adequate security to the procession, allowing the suicide bomber to sneak in the procession. They said that only a few policemen were deployed, and fled the scene after the blast happened. However, Azhar Hameed, the city police chief, denied the allegation, saying that the bomber blew himself up when a policeman stopped him at a security checkpoint. Police also recovered a hand grenade from the blast site. The bomb disposal squad said that the bomber was carrying five to six kilograms of explosive material in his jacket ...From:MrViralNewsViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:54More inNews Politics
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Pakistan Suicide Bomber: Terrorist Killed 23, Injured 54 Shiite Muslims - Pakistan Taliban Terrorist - Video
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Me singing ‘DNA’ by Little Mix – Video
Posted: at 7:44 pm
Me singing #39;DNA #39; by Little Mix
Hiiii peoples! (: lol It #39;s been soo long since I #39;ve been uploading covers so I decided to finally upload one! (: I LOVE this song by Little Mix, it #39;s soo awesome!! I sang both lead and backing vocals, so it #39;s all me but I didn #39;t do the opera vocals after the third verse cuz that #39;s the only part of the song that I don #39;t really like, so I did it differently and I didn #39;t do the overlapping vocals on the last chorus cuz it sounded soo dumb everytime I did it, plus I thought it sounded awesome just the way that it was without them lol (: I seriously love this cover, I think it #39;s one of my favorites that I #39;ve done (: lol So I hope you guys like it too and thanks soo much for all your support, you guys rock! (: xFrom:JBbabayyViews:4 1ratingsTime:03:59More inMusic
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DNA testing demand delays justice
Posted: at 7:44 pm
AUSTIN (KXAN) - Since July 2011, the family of Elizabeth Escobar has waited for any information that might lead law enforcement to the person who killed her and left her body burning inside an abandoned car on a lonely road in Manor.
And for nearly that long, they also waited for the results of DNA testing that provide investigators the break they need to finally make an arrest.
"Life goes on, but it doesn't for her," said Escobar's cousin, Trish Rivera. "And it's not fair, you know. It's not fair."
Waiting for DNA results is not uncommon for criminal cases in Texas. Demand for DNA testing has increased by 32 percent at the crime lab operated by the Texas Department of Public Safety in Austin. That increase has created average wait times of four months for DNA results.
"The state lab is overwhelmed with every other agency that doesn't have their own lab and has homicides, too, and sexual assaults and that DNA is in that lab, so it gets held up there," Travis County Investigator Alan Howard told KXAN in July 2012.
Escobar's family waited more than 12 months for DNA test results to come back in her still-unsolved case.
The body of Escobar was discovered along the side of a country road near Manor in Travis County.
"She tried hard," said Rivera of her cousin, who was 24 and a mother of two. "She was battling her demons, but she was a good person."
DPS does DNA testing for law enforcement agencies in Texas' 254 counties. Officials said the Escobar case is complicated because evidence was submitted shortly after the crime and then additional evidence was submitted in February and April of 2012.
"DPS has processed a total of 15 samples in this case, and currently there are no test results pending," said DPS spokesman Tom Vinger. "The DPS Crime Lab will continue to work with investigators on this case, and provided assistance as requested."
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DNA Testing Puts Hank Skinner at Murder Scene
Posted: at 7:44 pm
Hank Skinner
DNA testing in the case of death row inmate Hank Skinner "confirms" that he is responsible for the deaths of his longtime girlfriend, Twila Busby, and her two grown sons, Elwin Caler and Randy Busby, who were murdered in the home they shared in Pampa on New Year's Eve 1993, lawyers for the state assert in papers filed in Gray County court on Tuesday.
According to the "advisory" filed in court regarding the results of post-conviction DNA testing done this fall, Skinner's DNA was found on 10 items of evidence among 40 submitted for testing by the Department of Public Safety's Lubbock Crime Lab, including multiple items of evidence taken from the bedroom shared by Twila Busby's sons, where they were both murdered. Skinner's DNA was found in blood on a dresser, on the door frame, on a comforter, on a tennis shoe, and on a cassette tape holder all collected from the room. Skinner's DNA was also found on door knobs both inside and outside the house and on the back door of the house. The test results show that Skinner was all over the house the night that the family was murdered and, combined with testing done prior to Skinner's 1995 trial, prove he is responsible for the murders, Assistant Attorney General Edward Marshall wrote for the court.
This blood- and sweat-stained jacket was found near Twila Busby's body but is now missing from evidence.
Still, it's unclear just what this latest round of tests actually proves: Skinner admits being in the home the night the family was slaughtered, but has long claimed he is innocent; he says he was knocked out by a cocktail of booze and prescription drugs and awoke to find the carnage. He has argued that testing on a slew of items never before tested including vaginal swabs taken from Twila, clippings of her nails, two knives found at the home, and a blood- and sweat-stained windbreaker found near Twila's body could prove someone else was in the house.
In a statement released last Wednesday, Skinner's attorney Rob Owen criticized the state for jumping to conclusions about the DNA results obtained thus far. Indeed, Owen noted that testing is still ongoing notably, on two items where a mixture of DNA, including that of an unknown person has been found. While no DNA was found on one of the knives in the house, a mixture of DNA, including Skinner's, Caler's, and that of an unknown person, was found on a knife collected from the front porch of the house. A similar mixture of DNA was found on a sample of carpet collected from the sons' bedroom. "We will remain unable to draw any strong conclusions about whether the DNA testing has resolved the stubborn questions about Hank Skinner's guilt or innocence until additional DNA testing has been completed, and the data underlying that DNA testing has been made available to our experts for a detailed review," Owen said. Additional testing is needed to amplify the unknown DNA profile so that it can be loaded into the national law enforcement database to search for a match, Owen said. The profile has been run through Texas' DNA database but didn't generate a hit. Details about the discovery of the unknown profile were not included in the AG office's court advisory.
For more than a decade, the state fought against allowing post-conviction testing for Skinner this summer, a lawyer for the state argued before the Court of Criminal Appeals that to allow testing after all these years would be to incentivize defendants charged with capital crimes to forgo testing at trial in order to request it at a later date as a tactic to stall execution. That argument didn't appear to impress the CCA, and before the court issued a ruling the state withdrew its objection, agreeing with Owen to the list of items submitted to the Lubbock lab. Notably, no male DNA was found on the vaginal swabs, nor was there any foreign DNA found on the fingernail clippings. Similarly, seven hairs found clutched in Twila's hands were matched to her DNA; no DNA was obtained from 10 other hairs.
Moreover, still outstanding is the question of whether Skinner will be able to have tested the bloodstained windbreaker: Shortly after the state agreed to testing, it was revealed that the state has lost the jacket. No one with the Pampa Police Department or the Gray County Sheriff's Office has seen the jacket in years, and it is unclear if anyone is actively searching for it. The jacket is key to Skinner's case, Owen said this summer, because it looks like a jacket that was regularly worn by Twila's uncle Robert Donnell, who had been seen stalking her at a party shortly before she was murdered. The AG's office has not responded to questions about the missing jacket.
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Chemical biology: DNA's new alphabet
Posted: at 7:44 pm
When Steven Benner set out to re-engineer genetic molecules, he didn't think much of DNA. The first thing you realize is that it is a stupid design, says Benner, a biological chemist at the Foundation for Applied Molecular Evolution in Gainesville, Florida.
Take DNA's backbone, which contains repeating, negatively charged phosphate groups. Because negative charges repel each other, this feature should make it harder for two DNA strands to stick together in a double helix. Then there are the two types of base-pairing: adenine (A) to thymine (T) and cytosine (C) to guanine (G). Both pairs are held together by hydrogen bonds, but those bonds are weak and easily broken up by water, something that the cell is full of. You're trusting your valuable genetic inheritance that you're sending on to your children to hydrogen bonds in water? says Benner. If you were a chemist setting out to design this thing, you wouldn't do it this way at all.
Life may have had good reasons for settling on this structure, but that hasn't stopped Benner and others from trying to change it. Over the past few decades, they have tinkered with DNA's basic building blocks and developed a menagerie of exotic letters beyond A, T, C and G that can partner up and be copied in similar ways. But the work has presented one goddamn problem after another, says Benner. So far, only a few of these unnatural base pairs can be inserted into DNA consecutively, and cells are still not able to fully adopt the foreign biochemistry.
The re-engineering of DNA, and its cousin RNA, has practical goals. Artificial base pairs are already used to detect viruses and may find other uses in medicine. But scientists are also driven by the sheer novelty of it all. Eventually, they hope to develop organisms with an expanded genetic alphabet that can store more information, or perhaps ones driven by a genome with no natural letters at all. In creating these life forms, researchers could learn more about the fundamental constraints on the structure of genetic molecules and determine whether the natural bases are necessary for life or simply one solution of many. Earth has done it a certain way in its biology, says Gerald Joyce, a nucleic-acid biochemist at the Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, California. But in principle there are other ways to achieve those ends.
Benner first became interested in those other ways as a graduate student in the 1970s. Chemists had synthesized everything from peptides to poisons, and some were trying to build molecules that could accomplish the same functions as natural enzymes or antibodies with different chemical structures. But DNA was largely ignored, he recalls. Chemists were looking at every other class of molecule from a design perspective except the one at the centre of biology, says Benner.
In 1986, Benner started a lab at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich and began to rebuild DNA's backbone. He quickly realized that what seemed like a flaw might be a feature. When he and his team replaced the backbone's negatively charged phosphates with neutral chemical groups1, they found that any strand longer than about a dozen units folded up on itself probably because repelling charges were needed to keep the molecule stretched out.
The bases proved more amenable to tinkering. Benner set out to create base pairs that are similar to nature's, but with rearranged hydrogen bonding units.
His team tested two new pairs: iso-C and iso-G (ref. 2) and and xanthosine3. It showed that polymerase enzymes which copy DNA or transcribe it into RNA could read DNA containing the unnatural bases and insert the complementary partners into a growing DNA or RNA strand. Ribosomes, the cellular machines that 'translate' RNA into protein, could also read an RNA snippet containing iso-C and use it to add an unnatural amino acid to a growing protein4. The base pairing, which is at the centre of genetics, turned out to be for us the most malleable part of the molecule, says Benner. The researchers did encounter a problem, however. Because its hydrogen atoms tend to move around, iso-G often morphed into a different form and paired with T instead of iso-C.
Eric Kool, a chemist now at Stanford University in California, wondered whether his team could develop unnatural bases with fixed hydrogen-bonding arrangements. He and his colleagues made a base similar to the natural base T, but with fluorine in place of the oxygen atoms (see 'Designer DNA'), among other differences5. The structure of the new base, called difluorotoluene (designated F), mimicked T's shape almost exactly but discouraged hydrogen from jumping.
The team soon discovered that F was actually terrible at hydrogen bonding5, but polymerases still treated it like a T: during DNA copying, they faithfully inserted A opposite F (ref. 6) and vice versa7. The work suggested that as long as the base had the right shape, a polymerase could slot it in correctly. If the key fits, it works, says Kool.
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DNA analysis offers authentication for true black cohosh
Posted: at 7:44 pm
A new method based on specific markers in DNA can consistently distinguish black cohosh (Actaea racemosa) from closely related species that may be accidental or deliberate adulterants in herbal dietary supplements.
New York-based scientists subsequently applied their DNA test to 36 dietary supplements, and found that nine contained Asian Actaea species (A. cimicifuga, A. dahurica, and A. simplex).
We have developed a DNA-based assay that can unambiguously identify black cohosh DNA sequences in dietary supplements, wrote David Baker from Stony Brook University Medical Center, and Dennis Stevenson and Damon Little from the New York Botanical Garden in the Journal of AOAC International .
The two matK nucleotide positions that are targeted by the assay consistently distinguish black cohosh from other Actaeaspecies.
Species that can be easily confused with, or disguised as, black cohosh are being marketed to consumers. These plants may pose great risk to patients who inadvertently ingest them.
Considerable adulterationof North American black cohosh
Commenting independently on the new analysis, Mark Blumenthal, founder & executive director at the American Botanical Council (ABC), told us: DNA analysis is an important and welcome addition to the tools that laboratories can utilize to make definitive determination of the identity of botanical raw materials.
And, with respect to identifying black cohosh, DNA now joins appropriate physical examination, and HPTLC and LC-MS chemical methods for determining identity.
This is important, as we know that there may be a considerable amount of adulteration of North American black cohosh (Actaea racemosa, syn. Cimicifuga racemosa) with several lower-cost species of Asian Actaea. Although theses Asian species are in the same genus as North American black cohosh, they are not botanically or chemically identical.
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NEC is working on a suitcase-sized DNA analyzer
Posted: at 7:44 pm
NEC is working on a suitcase-sized DNA analyzer, which it says will be able to process samples at the scene of a crime or disaster in as little as 25 minutes.
The company said it aims to launch the device globally in 2014, and sell it for around 10 million yen, or US$120,000. It will output samples that can be quickly matched via the growing number of DNA databases worldwide.
At first we will target investigative organizations, like police, said spokeswoman Marita Takahashi. We will also push its use on victims of natural disasters, to quickly match samples from siblings and parents.
NEC hopes to use research and software from its mature fingerprint and facial matching technology, which have been deployed in everyday devices such as smartphones and ATMs.
NEC is working on a suitcase-sized DNA sampler that it says will weigh 35 kilograms and be able to process samples in about 25 minutes.
The company said that the need for cheaper and faster DNA testing became clear in the aftermath of the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami that devasted much of Japans northeast coastline last year, when authorities performed nearly 20,000 samples.
NEC pointed to growing databases such as CODIS (Combined DNA Index System) in the U.S. and a Japanese database of DNA samples.
The company said it is aiming to make the device usable for those with minimal training, requiring only a cotton swab or small blood sample. NEC aims to make a device that weighs around 35 kilograms, measuring 850 millimeters by 552mm by 240mm, about the size of a large suitcase. The unit will run on a 12V power source.
NEC said it will be able to complete three-stage analysis process using a lab on a chip process, a term for for technology that recreates lab processes on chip-sized components. The basic steps for analysis include extracting DNA from samples, amplifying the DNA for analysis, and then separating out the different DNA strands.
The current version of the analyzer takes about an hour for all three tasks, and NEC said it aims to lower that to 25 minutes.
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