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Category Archives: DNA

Do emotions control DNA? Debunking Gregg Braden – Video

Posted: May 26, 2013 at 7:43 pm

Do emotions control DNA? Debunking Gregg Braden
In the 2008 internet film Esoteric Agenda, it is suggested that emotions and beliefs control DNA. If this premise were true it could provide a foundation for...

By: SeanTalksTooMuch

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Do emotions control DNA? Debunking Gregg Braden - Video

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Posted: at 7:43 pm

BellaThorne Zendaya - DNA (rekahasulyoProdutcions)
hello sweeties! i love this song i really want to make a new B. Z. video and i really gonna miss SIU (Shake It Up)! so here is #thenewvideo i hope you gonn...

By: rekahasulyo

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Junior Cver – Ode Dna na Vrchol (ft. Skjälgard) – Video

Posted: at 7:43 pm

Junior Cver - Ode Dna na Vrchol (ft. Skjlgard)
Sta #269; poslouchat...

By: Jan Viktor Havel

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Junior Cver - Ode Dna na Vrchol (ft. Skjälgard) - Video

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DNA may help military end era of unknown soldiers

Posted: at 7:43 pm

PITTSBURGH Combat boots stand empty before the altar, a rifle behind each pair.

In the Fort Drum chapel, in upstate New York, families and comrades fill the pews.

The chaplain calls the roll. Memories of missing men respond with a grave, complicated silence.

Barbara Ann Broyles listens to the name of her father, Lt. Col. Don Carlos Faith Jr., echo in the chapel.

She was 4 years old when Faith died east of the Chosin Reservoir in Korea in 1950. The scattered, retreating remnants of his troops left behind his body.

More than 83,000 service members lost since the beginning of World War II remain missing, according to the Defense Department. Many lie in forgotten battlefield graves and beneath memorials of solemn anonymity.

But advancing techniques and DNA technology mean the United States might have buried its last unknown soldier. In offices and laboratories across the country and archaeological sites scattered across continents, teams of investigators and scientists comb the past for the country's lost defenders.

Half a world away from her father's final battlefield, Broyles grew up, married and had three children. She made a home in Baton Rouge. She watched America's relationship with North Korea deteriorate, and her hope for her father's recovery faded.

Then in late September, the phone rang. Retired Air Force Maj. Michael Mee wanted to meet with her.

They'd found him, he said.

Continued here:
DNA may help military end era of unknown soldiers

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DNA Services of America Revolutionizes the DNA Services Industry with DNA DataLink

Posted: at 7:43 pm

Lafayette, LA (PRWEB) May 26, 2013

DNA Services of America, founded by entrepreneur Jeffrey A. Martin, is excited to announce that they have revolutionized the DNA services industry through their breakthrough innovation DNA DataLink. DNA DataLink is an internet-based operating system that allows for complete integration between licensed and franchised services centers. DNA DataLink has not only lead to rapid growth and a winning business model for DNA Services of America, but it has also opened DNA testing services to all states in the nation.

DNA DataLink has been integral in the expansion of DNA testing services throughout the United States. Since its founding in 2004, DNA Services of America knew that it was important to push growth into untapped markets, and embraced a franchise model. However they also realized that without an operating system like DNA DataLink, which they developed later, there would be no way to offer consistent results in a timely manner. Before DNA Services of America launched DNA DataLink, it was not uncommon for businesses requiring DNA services to use a diversity of different laboratories nationwide. This often led to slow response time, and uncertainty in methodology between differing labs. In an effort to bring these elements under control and to provide the best service as quickly as possible, Jeffrey A. Martin commissioned DNA DataLink and has distributed it nationwide. Currently DNA DataLink is one of the most important and fundamental backbones of the DNA testing services industry. Looking forward, DNA Services of America will continue to bring quality DNA Testing and Paternity Testing services to even more remote areas of the nation.

DNA services are becoming increasingly more important than it was even a decade ago. Generally, DNA services focus on identifying family relationships, such as paternity tests or ancestry, but that is not the only applications for DNA services. DNA is also required in immigration cases, as it is now an integral part on the path to citizenship in the Unites States. DNA Services of America also assist in legal and forensics cases. As the need of DNA services grow within the United States, so too will the need for reliable, controlled, and quality DNA services.

DNA Services of America is located in Lafayette, Louisiana.

Continued here:
DNA Services of America Revolutionizes the DNA Services Industry with DNA DataLink

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DNA bass – Video

Posted: May 25, 2013 at 10:45 am

DNA bass
One I made for my half sis and she liked it c: Enjoy!

By: Sofie Nilsen

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DNA bass - Video

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Extracting DNA from a liver – Video

Posted: at 10:45 am

Extracting DNA from a liver
Like and comments!

By: Pyato ChannelOMG

See the rest here:
Extracting DNA from a liver - Video

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Posted: at 10:45 am


By: TVSukan

See the article here:

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DNA continuation vid – Video

Posted: at 10:45 am

DNA continuation vid
This is a continuation of another video please watch that one first!

By: Ian Stevens

Read the original here:
DNA continuation vid - Video

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Posted: at 10:45 am

Andruzta/R-DNA Backspin/BKS - Dex Diss 2013 Ihr kennt Dex nicht? Kein Problem! http://www.youtub...

By: RDNASound


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