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Category Archives: DNA
Utah Authorities Say DNA Helped Solve 1995 Murder
Posted: September 20, 2013 at 3:41 pm
A Utah sheriff traveled to Florida and helped arrest a man in an 18-year-old murder case after authorities say they used DNA from a cigarette butt to link him to the crime.
Wasatch County Sheriff Todd Bonner flew to Sarasota County, Fla., and helped take Joseph Michael Simpson, 46, into custody Tuesday.
Simpson, formerly of Clearfield, was being held on suspicion of aggravated murder in the killing of 17-year-old Krystal Lynn Beslanowitch, whose bloodied and broken body was found Dec. 6, 1995, along the Provo River near Midway.
Simpson waived extradition and will be brought to Utah within weeks to stand trial. Bonner expects charges will be filed soon in Utah's 4th District Court.
Beslanowitch originally was from Spokane, Wash. Authorities said she had been in Utah for only five months before her death.
It wasn't immediately clear how the suspect and victim might have known each other. Chief Wasatch County Deputy Jared Rigby said Simpson was not a boyfriend.
Bonner, the lead investigator on the case originally, said at a news conference Thursday he was thrilled at the arrest, the Salt Lake Tribune reported.
"It's a case that's haunted me for almost my whole career," he said. Bonner added Beslanowitch's mother and stepfather were relieved at the news.
After years of dead-end leads, DNA technology improved and last January, investigators finally got a match on Simpson from evidence at the scene, authorities said.
To corroborate the evidence, Bonner and another detective flew to Florida on Aug. 25, and were able to get a new DNA sample from Simpson from a discarded cigarette without his knowledge. A test proved another match, the newspaper reported.
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Ronald Mann, CEO of DNA Precious Metals, Inc., is Featured in a New Audio Interview at
Posted: at 3:41 pm
AUSTIN, Texas, Sept. 19, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --, Inc. announced today that a new audio interview with DNA Precious Metals, Inc. (DNAP) is now available. The interview can be heard at
Ronald Mann called into to go over the business model, properties, projects and much more for DNA Precious Metals, Inc.
"We have come a long way in a relatively short period of time," explains Ronald Mann. "This is just the beginning of our public life, but we are already an established company. In the first quarter of 2013, we completed construction of all access roads to and from the new milling facility. The hydroelectric power source to the milling facility totaling 1.3 kilometers has been completed. The main power line consists of 2,500 amperes total output power and has been brought inside the newly erected 16,000 sq./ft steel structure building. We hope our shareholders are as excited as we are about our prospects in 2013 and beyond."
About DNA Precious Metals
DNA Precious Metals, Inc. is focused on near term production of the Montauban tailings mine in the Province of Quebec, Canada with an aggressive search for economic production assets. The company trades on the OTC BB market in the United States under the stock symbol DNAP.
For more information, visit
Twitter: @dnametals
About is a recognized corporate investor relations firm, with clients nationwide, known for its ability to help emerging growth companies build a following among retail and institutional investors. utilizes its stock newsletter to feature its daily stock picks, audio interviews, as well as its clients' financial news releases. also offers individual investors all the tools they need to make informed decisions about the stocks they are interested in. Tools like stock charts, stock alerts, and Company Information Sheets can assist with investing in stocks that are traded on the OTC BB and Pink Sheets. To learn more about and their services, please visit
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Ronald Mann, CEO of DNA Precious Metals, Inc., is Featured in a New Audio Interview at
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Applied DNA Sciences to Present Anti-Counterfeiting Proposal at SAE Symposium, September 27
Posted: at 3:41 pm
STONY BROOK, NY--(Marketwired - Sep 19, 2013) - Applied DNA Sciences, Inc. (OTCBB: APDN), (Twitter: @APDN), a provider of DNA-based anti-counterfeiting technology and product authentication solutions, announced today that it will propose a new anti-counterfeiting parts marking standard at the upcoming SAE 2013 Counterfeit Parts Avoidance Symposium.APDN Vice President Janice Meraglia will speak and participate in a round table at the Symposium in Montreal on September 27.
The SAE Symposium, including many of the most important thought leaders in the effort against counterfeiting shapes up as an influential and timely gathering.SAE committees have developed and published some of the most widely accepted quality and anti-counterfeiting standards in electronics, many adopted by the federal government and industry.
A practical step forward
The APDN proposal offers a practical step forward, even while government and industry are struggling to find common ground on new government requirements in National Defense Authorization Act of Fiscal Year 2012 and Fiscal Year 2013 (NDAA).The NDAA requirements, potentially changing the entire regulatory landscape in electronics, are closer than ever to implementation by the Department of Defense. The DoD has published a Rule meant to guide implementation of the new law but it has been highly controversial.
A robust part-marking, standard, the APDN proposal notes, can represent an effective and practical step on which both sides can agree.Commented Meraglia, "An anti-counterfeiting parts marking standard can be the first step toward NDAA compliance."
Urgency of immediate action
Speaking to the urgency of taking immediate action against counterfeits, the SAE conference organizers write:
"Counterfeit electronic parts are globally pervasive and continue to be a growing problem. They have found their way into applications that we once thought were secure and immune to this type of threat. Their presence affects national security, personal safety and poses short-term and long-term reliability risks in all electronic applications. Fixing or addressing the issue in the industry has impacted schedules, increased costs and forced new ways of conducting normal business."
Meraglia noted that the company will share its experience in the ongoing Defense Logistics Agency effort that requires use of its marking and authentication product SigNature DNA. She said, "an anti-counterfeiting marking standard need not, and should not be product specific."
And article by APD then outlining the proposal may be accessed by clicking here.
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Applied DNA Sciences to Present Anti-Counterfeiting Proposal at SAE Symposium, September 27
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Lifestyle Influences Metabolism via DNA Methylation
Posted: at 3:41 pm
Sep. 20, 2013 An unhealthy lifestyle leaves traces in the DNA. These may have specific effects on metabolism, causing organ damage or disease. Scientists of Helmholtz Zentrum Mnchen have now identified 28 DNA alterations associated with metabolic traits. This world-first epigenome-wide association study (EWAS) of modified genes and metabolites has been now published in the journal Human Molecular Genetics.
In the course of life, aging processes, environmental influences and lifestyle factors such as smoking or diet induce biochemical alterations to the DNA. Frequently, these lead to DNA methylation, a process in which methyl groups are added to particular DNA segments, without changing the DNA sequence. Such processes can influence gene function and are known as epigenetics. Scientists of the Institute of Genetic Epidemiology (IGE) and the Research Unit Molecular Epidemiology (AME) at Helmholtz Zentrum Mnchen are seeking to determine what association exists between these epigenetic processes and the health consequences, in particular for the metabolism.
To this end, the team led by Christian Gieger (IGE) and Melanie Waldenberger (AME), in in collaboration with Karsten Suhre of Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar analyzed blood samples from more than 1800 participants of the KORA study *. In doing so, they analyzed more than 457,000 loci in the DNA as to biochemical alterations and compared them with the concentrations of 649 different metabolites. The analysis showed that the methylation of 28 DNA segments changed a number of important metabolic processes.
In the relevant DNA regions there were also already known disease-related genes: for example, the TXNIP gene that regulates glucose metabolism and is associated with the development of diabetes mellitus. Appropriately, with the methylated TXNIP there were altered concentrations of metabolites from the lipid and glucose metabolism. Also genes that are known to be biochemically altered due to smoking affect different metabolic activities, and specifically those with corresponding biological functions.
"This study gives us new insights into how lifestyle factors can influence metabolism via the resulting alterations in the DNA," said Gieger, research group leader at the IGE. "We can now use these results to develop new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches for lifestyle-related diseases such as diabetes."
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Lifestyle Influences Metabolism via DNA Methylation
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DNA Brands Completes Southern Illinois/St.Louis Launch
Posted: at 3:41 pm
DNA Brands, Inc. (OTCBB-QM:DNAX) makers of DNA Energy Drink, the winner of the 2010 and 2012 Worlds Best Tasting Energy Drink title announced that last week Southern Illinois Beverage (SIBev) launched DNA Energy Drink to its over 800 retails accounts they service throughout southern Illinois and St. Louis.
"We are extremely proud to have a distributor the caliber of SIBev on board and who has embraced our brand in the manner they have, said Eric Fowler, DNA's Vice President of Sales and Marketing. Initial reports from our sales team and crew drive continue to be positive each day in opening up new accounts and gaining valuable and strategic placement locations on the shelves. Retailer and consumer acceptance of our new energy drink flavors has also been extremely encouraging. We believe we are off to an excellent start and anticipate the announcement of several new distributor partners, as well as new product offerings as we aggressively continue our expansion, concluded Fowler.
Butch Rhine, owner of SIBev stated Although we just recently joined forces with DNA Brands in the southern Illinois and St Louis markets to sell and market DNAs complete line of five energy drinks and expected new coffee flavors, we were immediately impressed with DNAs level of support, the quality of their product, and the delicious taste profile. They have a flavor to satisfy all energy drinkers. We are anxiously awaiting the release of DNAs three new coffee flavors and are convinced that they will also be a major hit and an immediate industry leader with the addition of Carmel Machiato, Vanilla and Mocha. DNA is currently available in Crown Marts, Farm Fresh, Gas Marts and soon to be in JD Streett's. You will also find DNA in Borowiak's IGA, Super Value, Market Basket, Tom's Buy Right, and Toms Buy Low, concluded Rhine.
About Southern Illinois Beverage
Southern Illinois Beverage is a well-regarded non-alcoholic beverage distributor located in Nashville, IL. Located approximately 50 miles east of St. Louis, MO and 25 miles west of Mt. Vernon, IL, SIBev has a full portfolio of waters,isotonics,juices, teas, energy drinks, and relaxation drinks. SIBev caters to grocery stores, convenient stores, liquor stores, schools, sporting events, special events, restaurants, bars and many more. SIBev covers 36 counties in Southern Illinois and has been in business serving Southern Illinois for the past 18 years. SIBev now also services the St Louis area with a host of products.
About Eric Fowler
Eric Fowler has 30 years' experience in the beverage industry, serving in executive sales and marketing positions with several of the nation's beverage leaders including A&W Brands, Snapple, Cadbury Schweppes and Southeast Atlantic Beverage. Mr. Fowler assumed his position as Vice President of Sales and Marketing for DNA Brands in the beginning of the year. His responsibilities include managing our rebranding efforts and expand sales and marketing.
About DNA Brands, Inc.
DNA BRANDS, make DNA Energy Drink, the 2010 and 2012 winner of the best-tasting energy drink at the World Beverage Competition. DNA Energy Drink is a proprietary blend of quality ingredients in several delicious flavors. DNA is a proud sponsor of many action sport teams consisting of top athletes from Motorcross, Surf, Wakeboard and Skateboard, and has received tremendous TV and media coverage.
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DNA Brands Completes Southern Illinois/St.Louis Launch
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DNA – Summer Madness 3 Recap – Video
Posted: September 19, 2013 at 7:41 am
DNA - Summer Madness 3 Recap
DNA tells the fans who he think won the battles and Summer Madness 3 and discusses future opponents on URL.
By: Eric St John
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DNA - Summer Madness 3 Recap - Video
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Minecraft Dinosaurs – Part 73 – More fossils and dinosaur DNA in mosquitoes research! – Video
Posted: at 7:41 am
Minecraft Dinosaurs - Part 73 - More fossils and dinosaur DNA in mosquitoes research!
We go fossil hunting in Minecraft Dinosaurs Fan Revival mod! Minecraft Dinosaurs / Fossil and Archeology mod comes to life as we begin a new series on Megneo...
By: Megneous
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Minecraft Dinosaurs - Part 73 - More fossils and dinosaur DNA in mosquitoes research! - Video
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DNA Racing eg civic – Video
Posted: at 7:41 am
DNA Racing eg civic
11.32 @ 124.91mph Hard to see time board.
By: DNA Racing
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DNA Racing eg civic - Video
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Future and Fortune of Nations Written as DNA Poetry – Video
Posted: September 18, 2013 at 2:41 pm
Future and Fortune of Nations Written as DNA Poetry
Ved DTU´s Årsfest 2013 holdt CEO Bernhard Palsson fra DTU Biosustain festforedrag om DNA og bæredygtig produktion af kemikalier: #39;Future and Fortune of Natio...
By: DTUbroadcast
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Future and Fortune of Nations Written as DNA Poetry - Video
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V(SV) QUEEN v Muhlenblick Kkl1 , SchH1 , HD/ED(SV) normal , DNA gpr. – Video
Posted: at 2:41 pm
V(SV) QUEEN v Muhlenblick Kkl1 , SchH1 , HD/ED(SV) normal , DNA gpr.
f. BRUNO v Vierhundert Hertz m. JUDY v Muhlenblick.
By: Adrian Witas
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V(SV) QUEEN v Muhlenblick Kkl1 , SchH1 , HD/ED(SV) normal , DNA gpr. - Video
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