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Category Archives: DNA
DNA (younite series) – Video
Posted: October 5, 2013 at 12:42 pm
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DNA evidence left in bathroom leads police to burglary suspect – Video
Posted: at 12:42 pm
DNA evidence left in bathroom leads police to burglary suspect
20-year-old Charles Williams was just charged, investigators say he made himself comfortable while stealing from a south Oklahoma City home.
By: KOCO 5 News
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DNA evidence left in bathroom leads police to burglary suspect - Video
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fotoreportage DNA kiwi – Video
Posted: at 12:42 pm
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Attorney: DNA results clear Morehouse College student of rape charges
Posted: at 12:42 pm
An attorney for one of the former Morehouse College athletes charged with raping a student said DNA results prove his client didn't do it.
Three men face charges in the March alleged sexual assault of the Spelman College student in an off-campus dorm.
Chukwudi Ndudikwa, 23, is one of them. The former basketball player said he was elated when his attorney told him about the DNA results.
"I was at a loss for words. Just overwhelmed by the news," Ndudikw said. "I was very moved you know I had to go outside and shout."
Ndudikwa said he knew investigators would find none of his DNA in the victim all along. It's why earlier this year his attorney, Jackie Patterson, offered Ndudikwa's DNA to the DA's office to prove his innocence.
Patterson said the report he just received indicates the GBI didn't need to test Ndudikwa's DNA.
"Due to the absence of human male DNA in the victim," he said, reading from the report.
"So the victim had no male DNA in her whatsoever. So that's why he's cleared," Patterson explained.
Not quite. Fulton County District Attorney Paul Howard will now determine how the case proceeds. His office told Channel 2's Tom Jones that Howard had no comment and the case is still under investigation.
Police said the 18-year-old Spelman student may have been drugged when she was allegedly raped by Ndudikwa and Malcolm Frank during a spring break party in the East Suites.
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Attorney: DNA results clear Morehouse College student of rape charges
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Global DNA Sequencing Equipment and Services Market 2012-2016 Report Available Now
Posted: at 12:42 pm
DUBLIN, Ireland, October 4, 2013 /PRNewswire/ --
Research and Markets ( has announced the addition of the "Global DNA Sequencing Equipment and Services Market 2012-2016" report to their offering.
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The analysts forecast the Global DNA Sequencing Equipment and Services market to grow at a CAGR of 20.86 percent over the period 2012-2016. One of the key factors contributing to this market growth is the significant advancements witnessed in R&D divisions. The Global DNA Sequencing Equipment and Services market has also been witnessing an increasing number of DNA sequencing projects. However, difficulties faced by small vendors could pose a challenge to the growth of this market.
The key vendors dominating this space include Agilent Technologies Inc., Illumina Inc., Life Technologies Corp., Pacific Biosciences of California Inc., and Roche Holding AG.
Commenting on the report, an analyst from the team said: One of the main trends witnessed in the Global DNA Sequencing Equipment and Services market is increase in number of DNA sequencing projects. The Global DNA Sequencing Equipment and Services market has recently witnessed a significant increase in the number of projects funded by the leading vendors. For instance, Illumina and Partners HealthCare System Inc. announced a strategic alliance in September 2012, in order to offer infrastructure and networking tools for the interpretation and reporting process on genetic sequencing data. Moreover, Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd. and SoftGenetics LLC signed a co-promotion agreement in May 2012 for a new sequencing software tool. Roche and PerkinElmer Inc. announced a new supply agreement in May 2011 for the distribution of the NimbleGen CGX microarray workflow. In addition, Pacific Biosciences announced collaboration in July 2012, with Imec, a Belgium-based nanoelectronics research center focusing on the improvement of innovative microchips for multiplexed single-molecule genetic analysis.
According to the report, one of the main factors driving the market is success of HGP. The HGP is an international scientific research project to regulate DNA sequences of the human body and to map the genes. The success of the HGP has led to a better understanding of human evolution. The effect of the HGP can help in the genotyping of specific viruses to direct suitable cure, identification of oncogenes and mutations in cancer, development of forensic applied sciences, and risk valuation.
Further, the report states that one of the main challenges is low adoption of genomic technology. Adoption of genomic technology remains low compared to other sequence analysis technologies, especially among large biotechnology companies. Researchers still have doubts over the advantages of genomic technology, mainly because of a few instances of failure during genomic research programs.
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Global DNA Sequencing Equipment and Services Market 2012-2016 Report Available Now
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DNA busts suspected teen sex predator
Posted: at 12:42 pm
We've learned investigators have just taken a 17-year-old suspected predator off of your streets.
Theybusted a teen the same way they're solving cold rape cases 20 years old - with DNA.
Back in March at West 53rd and Lorain in Cleveland, a young woman suddenly realized she was being followed by a stranger.
The man had a gun. He forced that woman behind a factory, sexually assaulted her, and took off.
Now months lateDNA has identified the attacker, a 17-year-old at the time. Even though he was just 17, investigators already had hisDNA on file.
The case reveals a new weapon helping detectives solve mysteries.
TheOhio Attorney General's Office says, the state collects the DNA of juveniles convicted of certain crimes, crimes that would be considered felonies if committed by adults.
We've shown you time and again jails and prisons have been collectingDNA from 'adults' arrested or convicted of felonies, and that has solved cold cases and new ones.
But here again, since the state database also now includes teen DNA, Cleveland sex crimes found a suspect for that rape behnd the factory.
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DNA busts suspected teen sex predator
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Amanda Knox Judge Orders New DNA Tests on Knife
Posted: at 12:42 pm
An Italian judge presiding over the newest trial of Amanda Knox today ordered forensic experts to test a new "trace" of DNA on a knife that prosecutors claim is the weapon that killed Knox's roommate Meredith Kercher.
The judge also told the experts to alert the court whether it is even possible to test the trace for DNA because previous forensic experts said they believed it was not sufficient.
The DNA on the knife has played a key role in the first two murder trials of Knox, 26, and her ex-boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito, 29.
The pair was originally convicted of the 2007 murder in Perugia partly because forensic experts said they found DNA from Knox and Kercher on a knife in Sollecito's apartment.
In the second trial, the defense successfully challenged the credibility of the finding and raised doubts about whether the knife could have been contaminated by other evidence.
"We are going to examine something we do not even know if it exists" Judge Alessandro Nencini said according to the Italian news agency ANSA. "If it is not found or it has been kept in a way that this test cannot be carried out, the experts must tell us immediately."
If the DNA trace can be tested, a report on the findings must be filed by Oct. 31. The next court hearing is set for Nov. 6.
Knox, who spent four years in an Italian prison, has said she will not return to Italy for the trial. One of her lawyers, Luciano Ghirga, said he exchanges text messages with Knox. He also said he was not worried by the new DNA tests.
"We are certain that they are not organic traces, but just starch cells," Ghirga said.
Sollecito's lawyer said today that Sollecito will appear in court because he wants to make a "spontaneous declaration." In Italian courts, defendants are allowed to make these statements.
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Amanda Knox Judge Orders New DNA Tests on Knife
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Join PhoneDog and Verizon Wireless for a DROID DNA Unboxing Google Hangout! – Video
Posted: October 4, 2013 at 7:42 am
Join PhoneDog and Verizon Wireless for a DROID DNA Unboxing Google Hangout!
By: GameOf2014
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Join PhoneDog and Verizon Wireless for a DROID DNA Unboxing Google Hangout! - Video
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DNA 2013 – Diamond Fam – Video
Posted: at 7:42 am
DNA 2013 - Diamond Fam
Fierce Collabo DNA Showcase (The Distinct Nature Of Artists) - Kick Rocks Crew / Upperclassmen "DiamondFam" twitter:@FierceCollaboDC IG: @FierceCollabo_Dance...
By: Fierce Collabo
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Claymation Animation of DNA Replication – Video
Posted: at 7:42 am
Claymation Animation of DNA Replication
Biology Project.
By: Sarah Basler
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