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Category Archives: DNA
European origins laid bare by DNA
Posted: October 11, 2013 at 6:41 am
10 October 2013 Last updated at 18:23 ET
DNA from ancient skeletons has revealed how a complex patchwork of prehistoric migrations fashioned the modern European gene pool.
The study appears to refute the picture of Europeans as a simple mixture of indigenous hunters and Near Eastern farmers who arrived 7,000 years ago.
The findings by an international team have been published in Science journal.
DNA was analysed from 364 skeletons unearthed in Germany - an important crossroads for prehistoric cultures.
"This is the largest and most detailed genetic time series of Europe yet created, allowing us to establish a complete genetic chronology," said co-author Dr Wolfgang Haak of the Australian Centre for DNA (ACAD) in Adelaide.
"Focusing on this small but highly important geographic region meant we could generate a gapless record, and directly observe genetic changes in 'real-time' from 7,500 to 3,500 years ago, from the earliest farmers to the early Bronze Age."
Dr Haak and his colleagues analysed DNA extracted from the teeth and bones of well-preserved remains from the Mittelelbe-Saale region of Germany. They focused on mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) - the genetic information in the cell's "batteries".
When you look at today's populations, what you are seeing is a hazy palimpsest of what actually went on to create present-day patterns
MtDNA is passed down from a mother to her children, allowing geneticists to probe the maternal histories of populations. Geneticists recognise a variety of mitochondrial DNA "clans", or lineages, in human populations. And each of these lineages has its own distinct history.
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European origins laid bare by DNA
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Research and Markets: DNA and RNA Isolation Techniques: Market Developments, Growth Areas and Opportunities
Posted: at 6:41 am
Research and Markets ( has announced the addition of the "DNA and RNA Isolation Techniques: Market Developments, Growth Areas and Opportunities" report to their offering.
Extraction methods used to isolate DNA and RNA are fundamental to most studies carried out in the molecular biology field. These molecules are isolated prior to downstream processing for a wide range of applications, from fundamental research to routine diagnostic and therapeutic decision-making. In the past, methods used to extract nucleic acids were often complex, time-consuming, labour-intensive and limited in throughput. Today, many specialized methods are available to scientists, from conventional solution-based approaches, to solid-phase systems that are often used in commercial kits.
Developments in this field are allowing scientists to evaluate new techniques in their own areas of application. Some of these are also amenable to automation, an increasing requirement in many of today's laboratories. Biopharm Reports has carried out a global market study of DNA and RNA isolation techniques involving the participation of 227 experienced end-users in this field. Participants mean 'years of experience' in the use of DNA and RNA isolation techniques was 14.4 years and the findings of this study provide a wealth of information relevant to suppliers in this field. In particular, these findings relate to end-users current and three-year plans, as well as their anticipated purchasing decisions from particular suppliers over the next three years (2013 - 2016).
This study was carried out to provide business information to developers, manufacturers and suppliers in the DNA/RNA extraction/isolation field. Its findings identify marketing and sales opportunities, end-user purchasing decisions, market growth and shrinkage and related information. It was conducted through specialist groups of experienced end-users in the DNA/RNA extraction/isolation field and its findings are therefore based on 'real world' market data.
DNA RNA 2013 presented more than 40 specialised technical/market questions relating to the isolation or extraction of DNA and RNA, and was designed for scientists or managers who use these techniques in their everyday activities, but excluded commercial developers and vendors.
This market analysis was carried out to provide business information to developers, manufacturers and suppliers in the DNA/RNA extraction/isolation field.
Its findings include:
- Marketing and sales opportunities
- End-user purchasing decisions
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Research and Markets: DNA and RNA Isolation Techniques: Market Developments, Growth Areas and Opportunities
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East Texan who studies Bigfoot DNA says new video helps prove species existence – Video
Posted: October 10, 2013 at 5:43 am
East Texan who studies Bigfoot DNA says new video helps prove species existence
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East Texan who studies Bigfoot DNA says new video helps prove species existence - Video
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Posted: at 5:43 am 0363 Relaciones interespecíficas: depredación
Recurso educativo en el aula virtual de ciencias de la naturaleza (acceso libre y gratuito).Consultar actualizaciones y actividades d...
Go here to read the rest: 0363 Relaciones interespecíficas: depredación - Video
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Will the REAL Bigfoot DNA Study Please Stand Up? – Video
Posted: at 5:43 am
Will the REAL Bigfoot DNA Study Please Stand Up?
In this Bigfoot DNA study update, I wade through the mainstream media BS to try to find out whatever happened to the REAL Bigfoot DNA study results from Oxfo...
By: Humptydumptytribe
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Will the REAL Bigfoot DNA Study Please Stand Up? - Video
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NUMA DNA Opening Happy b-day KECCO ADORISIO DJ – Video
Posted: at 5:43 am
Tutti i venerdi 2013/ 2014 NUMA DNA disco via maserati 9 Bologna . INFO liste omaggi e tavolo Babilonia 3200960500 OPENING 27 SETTEMBRE 2013 HAPPY BIRTHDAY...
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NUMA DNA Opening Happy b-day KECCO ADORISIO DJ - Video
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All non-Africans have Neanderthal DNA – Video
Posted: at 5:42 am
All non-Africans have Neanderthal DNA
Europeans change the features and nature of the neanderthal after claiming to have the dna. Changing so called science to suit their ego. I spitefully reuplo...
By: jamboscrambo
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All non-Africans have Neanderthal DNA - Video
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Junk DNA – "Salt on the Tide" A BlankTV World Premiere! – Video
Posted: at 5:42 am
Junk DNA - "Salt on the Tide" A BlankTV World Premiere! - Junk DNA - "Salt on the Tide" - Like this video? Come see thousands more at the Net #39;s largest, uncensored, completely d.i.y. music v...
By: BlankTV
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Junk DNA - "Salt on the Tide" A BlankTV World Premiere! - Video
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Slow DNA testing hurting Canada justice system – Video
Posted: at 5:42 am
Slow DNA testing hurting Canada justice system
Sat, Oct 5: A 16x9 investigation into the RCMP forensic lab system found it can take months to get DNA evidence processed and, in one case, a rape victim wai...
By: GlobalToronto
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Slow DNA testing hurting Canada justice system - Video
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Ufo sightings 2012 HUMANITY DNA EVOLUTION Pt 2 2 Subtitulos ESPAÑOL NeW Videos – Video
Posted: at 5:42 am
Ufo sightings 2012 HUMANITY DNA EVOLUTION Pt 2 2 Subtitulos ESPAÑOL NeW Videos
By: Garry5739
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Ufo sightings 2012 HUMANITY DNA EVOLUTION Pt 2 2 Subtitulos ESPAÑOL NeW Videos - Video
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