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Category Archives: DNA

DNA 3 of 5 The Human Race | FULL VIDEO – Video

Posted: October 12, 2013 at 4:42 pm

DNA 3 of 5 The Human Race | FULL VIDEO
If you like this video please share and subscribe. Don #39;t forget to PM me if you have any questions/suggestions. Thank you for watching!

By: DocumentariesChannel

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DNA 3 of 5 The Human Race | FULL VIDEO - Video

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DNA 5 of 5 Pandoras Box | FULL VIDEO – Video

Posted: at 4:42 pm

DNA 5 of 5 Pandoras Box | FULL VIDEO
If you like this video please share and subscribe. Don #39;t forget to PM me if you have any questions/suggestions. Thank you for watching!

By: DocumentariesChannel

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DNA 5 of 5 Pandoras Box | FULL VIDEO - Video

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DNA~ Death The Kid~ Soul Eater AMV – Video

Posted: at 4:42 pm

DNA~ Death The Kid~ Soul Eater AMV
Made this for me and my pal, Alyssa. ^.^ I HAD SO MUCH FUN MAKING THIS. Enjoy!!! :D.

By: NinjaTurtleTomboy

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DNA~ Death The Kid~ Soul Eater AMV - Video

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Court backs DNA test refusal

Posted: at 4:42 pm

A Perth woman has won a landmark appeal against a court order for her to provide DNA in a paternity dispute after it was ruled submitting a mouth swab against her will could be an assault.

The unanimous decision by three Court of Appeal judges set aside a Supreme Court order and is one of the first to support a person's right to refuse DNA testing in non-criminal cases.

It adds weight to the argument such testing could be an assault.

The woman, 61, was ordered to have DNA testing last year after a woman claimed to be her younger half-sister from an affair her mother had with the other woman's father in Austria in 1960.

The man died in 2008 and the second woman, 52, sought a share of his estate as his daughter.

The older woman rejected the claim and a request for her DNA but Supreme Court Master Craig Sanderson ordered the mouth swab for "kinship analysis".

In his appeal decision last week, Justice Christopher Pullin found courts could not order the woman to consent to what would otherwise be an assault.

He said WA's Criminal Code stated a person who touched or applied force of any kind to another person without their consent was said to assault that person.

The woman did not consent to the swab, so any force applied by the doctor while taking it would be a criminal assault.

Justice Graeme Murphy said ordering someone to submit to a DNA test in a civil case failed to recognise "bodily integrity".

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Court backs DNA test refusal

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DNA and New Footage Prove Bigfoot Exists, Group Says – Video

Posted: October 11, 2013 at 6:41 am

DNA and New Footage Prove Bigfoot Exists, Group Says
Group says it has New Video and DNA proof that Bigfoot Exists Source _

By: The Bigfoot Conundrum

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DNA and New Footage Prove Bigfoot Exists, Group Says - Video

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Speaking Life To Your Cells, DNA, And Atoms Sun Gazing How It Works – Video

Posted: at 6:41 am

Speaking Life To Your Cells, DNA, And Atoms Sun Gazing How It Works
Speaking Life To Your Cells, DNA, And Atoms Sun Gazing How It Works I AM Speaking ...

By: Buddy Huggins

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Speaking Life To Your Cells, DNA, And Atoms Sun Gazing How It Works - Video

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Maury: Improbable Stripper in Double DNA Drama! (2009) – Video

Posted: at 6:41 am

Maury: Improbable Stripper in Double DNA Drama! (2009)
OTHER PARTS OF THE FULL EPISODE!!! ("Paternity Shockers! Family Sex Secrets Exposed!", from January 23, 2009) ================================= In this part:...

By: therazorsedge28

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Maury: Improbable Stripper in Double DNA Drama! (2009) - Video

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Did They REALLY Find Bigfoot DNA? – Video

Posted: at 6:41 am

Did They REALLY Find Bigfoot DNA?
A group is claiming they #39;ve found Bigfoot! Sound familiar? Well this time they come with DNA evidence. So is this yet another Bigfoot hoax, or the real deal?...

By: DNews

Originally posted here:
Did They REALLY Find Bigfoot DNA? - Video

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Ancient DNA unravels Europe's genetic diversity

Posted: at 6:41 am

Oct. 10, 2013 Ancient DNA recovered from a time series of skeletons in Germany spanning 4,000 years of prehistory has been used to reconstruct the first detailed genetic history of modern-day Europeans.

The study, published today in Science, reveals dramatic population changes with waves of prehistoric migration, not only from the accepted path via the Near East, but also from Western and Eastern Europe.

The research was a collaboration between the Australian Centre for Ancient DNA (ACAD), at the University of Adelaide, researchers from the University of Mainz, the State Heritage Museum in Halle (Germany), and National Geographic Society's Genographic Project. The teams used mitochondrial DNA (maternally inherited DNA) extracted from bone and teeth samples from 364 prehistoric human skeletons ten times more than previous ancient DNA studies.

"This is the largest and most detailed genetic time series of Europe yet created, allowing us to establish a complete genetic chronology," says joint-lead author Dr Wolfgang Haak of ACAD. "Focussing on this small but highly important geographic region meant we could generate a gapless record, and directly observe genetic changes in 'real-time' from 7,500 to 3,500 years ago, from the earliest farmers to the early Bronze Age."

"Our study shows that a simple mix of indigenous hunter-gatherers and the incoming Near Eastern farmers cannot explain the modern-day diversity alone," says joint-lead author Guido Brandt, PhD candidate at the University of Mainz. "The genetic results are much more complex than that. Instead, we found that two particular cultures at the brink of the Bronze Age 4,200 years ago had a marked role in the formation of Central Europe's genetic makeup."

Professor Kurt Alt (University of Mainz) says: "What is intriguing is that the genetic signals can be directly compared with the changes in material culture seen in the archaeological record. It is fascinating to see genetic changes when certain cultures expanded vastly, clearly revealing interactions across very large distances." These included migrations from both Western and Eastern Europe towards the end of the Stone Age, through expanding cultures such as the Bell Beaker and the Corded Ware (named after their pots).

"This transect through time has produced a wealth of information about the genetic history of modern Europeans," says ACAD Director Professor Alan Cooper. "There was a period of stasis after farming became established and suitable areas were settled, and then sudden turnovers during less stable times or when economic factors changed, such as the increasing importance of metal ores and secondary farming products. While the genetic signal of the first farming populations becomes increasingly diluted over time, we see the original hunter-gatherers make a surprising comeback."

Dr Haak says: "None of the dynamic changes we observed could have been inferred from modern-day genetic data alone, highlighting the potential power of combining ancient DNA studies with archaeology to reconstruct human evolutionary history." The international team has been working closely on the genetic prehistory of Europeans for the past 7-8 years and is currently applying powerful new technologies to generate genomic data from the specimens.

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Ancient DNA unravels Europe's genetic diversity

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Ancient DNA reveals multiple stages of settlement in Europe

Posted: at 6:41 am

Public release date: 10-Oct-2013 [ | E-mail | Share ]

Contact: Colby Bishop 202-828-8075 National Geographic Society

WASHINGTONResearch conducted by the National Geographic Genographic Project, a multiyear global initiative that uses DNA to map the history of human migration, is helping unravel the timing and source of human settlement in Central Europe.

New ancient-DNA research led by the National Geographic Society's Genographic Project, the Australian Centre for Ancient DNA (ACAD) and researchers from the University of Mainz in Germany and the State Heritage Museum in Halle (Germany) showed a pattern of genetic replacement taking place across several millennia in a region of central Europe. The genetic data reveal the complex dynamics that went into producing the present-day genetic patterns in Europe and show that the region that is now Germany saw at least four stages of significant migration and settlement, highlighted by marked shifts in the genetic composition of the populations in the region.

One of the great debates in archaeological research for the past century has been the degree to which cultures or people move. When you see a pronounced cultural shift in the archaeological record, for instance, is it because of a new people appearing on the scene, or is it simply the diffusion of a new culture? This new Genographic study shows definitively that, for Germany over a four-millennia-long time span from 5500 B.C. to 1500 B.C., it was people who were on the move, carrying their genes with them.

A paper on the research, "Ancient DNA reveals key stages in the formation of Central European mitochondrial genetic diversity," will be published today, Oct. 10, by the journal Science. The paper is embargoed until 2 p.m. (ET, U.S.) Oct. 10, and can be accessed at

"This is the largest and most detailed genetic time series of Europe yet created, allowing us to establish a complete genetic chronology," said joint lead author and Genographic Project scientist Dr. Wolfgang Haak of ACAD. "Focusing on this small but highly important geographic region meant we could generate a gapless record and directly observe genetic changes in 'real time' from 7,500 to 3,500 years ago, from the earliest farmers to the early Bronze Age."

Genographic Project Director Spencer Wells said: "This is perhaps the most important study to date of genetic patterns in Europe during a critical period in the formation of modern Europe. Painstakingly collected data from well-dated archaeological remains spanning a period from the dawn of farming during the Neolithic period to the Bronze Age reveal successive waves of migration and population replacement genetic 'revolutions' that combined to create the genetic patterns we see today."

Representatives of the Genographic Project, which uses advanced, multi-locus DNA analyses to help answer fundamental questions about human origins, looked at the mitochondrial DNA control region sequences from remains of 364 people from different prehistoric time periods and cultures of Central Europe and performed a chronological genetic study that spanned more than 4,000 years.

The remains from each time period were associated with known archaeological cultures of that time. Likewise, each period's remains were interpreted as indicative of that region's genetic diversity at that time, thus constituting a distinct population from other time periods. Each population showed marked differences from the others from the same region.

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Ancient DNA reveals multiple stages of settlement in Europe

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