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Category Archives: DNA
2 DNA Companies Explain King Tuts BLACK DNA – Video
Posted: October 29, 2013 at 10:42 pm
2 DNA Companies Explain King Tuts BLACK DNA
The King Tut Gene ??•*¨???? Tutankhamen (also spelled Tutankhamun) is the most famous of all pharaohs. He was the son and successor of Akhenaten, gra...
By: TheSweetSarahize
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5 Complete Conference Sasquatch DNA From Dallas Oct 1, 2013 – Video
Posted: at 10:42 pm
5 Complete Conference Sasquatch DNA From Dallas Oct 1, 2013
By: Sasquatch Canada
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5 Complete Conference Sasquatch DNA From Dallas Oct 1, 2013 - Video
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Mother Of ‘Maria’ Found: DNA Test Confirms Bulgarian Roma Woman Gave Birth To Greek Mystery Girl – Video
Posted: at 10:42 pm
Mother Of #39;Maria #39; Found: DNA Test Confirms Bulgarian Roma Woman Gave Birth To Greek Mystery Girl
Mother Of #39;Maria #39; Found: DNA Test Confirms Bulgarian Roma Woman Gave Birth To Greek Mystery Girl Mother Of #39;Maria #39; Found: DNA Test Confirms Bulgarian Roma Wo...
By: Latest Breaking News
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Mother Of 'Maria' Found: DNA Test Confirms Bulgarian Roma Woman Gave Birth To Greek Mystery Girl - Video
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DNA tests show Romanian man is not Ben Needham
Posted: at 10:42 pm
Published: 7:06AM Wednesday October 30, 2013 Source: Reuters
DNA tests carried out on a man in Cyprus have proved he is not Ben Needham, who disappeared in 1991.
The man had been identified as resembling how Ben would look today.
Ben, aged 21 months, vanished without trace from his grandparents' home on the Greek island of Kos in 1991.
His family have maintained a campaign to find him, and have publicised images of what he might look like as an adult.
"The results from the genetics institute concerning the case surrounding Ben are negative," police said in a message to media.
The man was filmed at a church service in the Cyprus town of Limassol in May.
A copy of the video was recently made available to a Greek lawyer, who turned it over to Greek authorities.
He came forward when he saw his photo in newspapers, and submitted DNA samples to Cyprus police on Monday.
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DNA tests show Romanian man is not Ben Needham
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Street DNA: Motti Ruimy at TEDxJaffa 2013 – Video
Posted: at 10:42 pm
Street DNA: Motti Ruimy at TEDxJaffa 2013
Motti Ruimy is an architect, interdisciplinary artist and author. His creative interest primarily lies in the playful merging and synthesis of urban policy a...
By: TEDxTalks
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Street DNA: Motti Ruimy at TEDxJaffa 2013 - Video
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Ben Needham not man from Cyprus, DNA test finds
Posted: at 10:42 pm
Kerry Needham, the mother of Ben and her family marked his 24th birthday on Tuesday as they waited for the results.
"The Needham family have, in the last few minutes ... had confirmation that the DNA results on the man in Cyprus have came back as negative," read a post on the official Help Find Ben Needham Facebook page.
"This, again, is more disappointment for Kerry and her family. However, they remain strong and resolute in their search for Ben, and there are other leads currently being looked into which keeps their hopes alive."
The man in the video is a 22-year-old Romanian national who has been living in Limassol since February. In the short video clip he was shown at a religious service with a group of Roma, who he explained to police were the family of his girlfriend.
Ben, from Sheffield, vanished on July 24, 1991 after travelling to Kos with his mother and grandparents, who were renovating a farmhouse in the village of Iraklise.
There have been a numerous possible sightings over the years and a range of theories about what happened to him.
Last year a major new police operation focused on a mound of earth and rubble close to where Ben was last seen but no trace of him was found.
Another light-haired Roma man suspected to be Ben was DNA-tested in Thessaloniki, northern Greece earlier this month, also with negative results.
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Ben Needham not man from Cyprus, DNA test finds
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Needham case DNA test carried out
Posted: at 10:42 pm
28 October 2013 Last updated at 18:34 ET
A DNA test has been carried out on a man in Cyprus in an attempt to establish if he could be Ben Needham, who disappeared as a toddler in 1991.
The Needham family said the man spoke to police after footage of a man who resembled a computer-generated image of how Ben might look now was released.
Ben's sister Leighanna Needham told the BBC the man in the video had "uncanny similarities" to her family.
The result of the DNA test is expected on Wednesday.
Ben, who will turn 24 on Tuesday and is from Sheffield, South Yorkshire, vanished when he was 21 months old while on holiday on the Greek island of Kos.
His mother Kerry has always maintained her son is alive and was probably abducted.
She said last week that the discovery of a blonde girl called Maria at a Greek Roma camp had given her family "fresh hope and maximum publicity".
Leighanna said they were informed by Greek police about a video handed to them showing a man with a group of Roma people in Limassol, Cyprus.
"From what we can see, he has similarities to what we think Ben would look like and the age progression photograph we had done," she said.
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Needham case DNA test carried out
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California Lightworks 800W Solarstorm – ExoticGenetix (Afterlife OG) / DNA Genetics (Tangie) Day 9 – Video
Posted: October 28, 2013 at 10:45 am
California Lightworks 800W Solarstorm - ExoticGenetix (Afterlife OG) / DNA Genetics (Tangie) Day 9
By: oneshotgrow
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California Lightworks 800W Solarstorm - ExoticGenetix (Afterlife OG) / DNA Genetics (Tangie) Day 9 - Video
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Matric revision: Life Sciences: Genetics (6/8): DNA replication (3/5): protein synthesis (2/4) – Video
Posted: at 10:45 am
Matric revision: Life Sciences: Genetics (6/8): DNA replication (3/5): protein synthesis (2/4)
Lesson conducted in English and Afrikaans: transcription. Series brought to you by Western Cape Education Department FET Curriculum and Communication Directo...
By: wcednews
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Matric revision: Life Sciences: Genetics (6/8): DNA replication (3/5): protein synthesis (2/4) - Video
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Posted: at 10:45 am
SMACK/ URL veteran DNA kicks a freestyle to entertain us until his upcoming battle this Saturday #39; October 26th against St. Louis #39;s B-Magic at URLTV and SNKRB...
By: Ultimate Rap League
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