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Category Archives: DNA
Patitz Awarded NSF Grant for Research on DNA-Based Nanostructure Research – University of Arkansas Newswire
Posted: May 5, 2024 at 9:01 am
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Matthew Patitz, associate professor of electrical engineering and computer science.
Matthew Patitz, associate professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,received a grant from the National Science Foundation. This grant, worth $533,690, is for his collaborative research project titled "FET: Small: Algorithmic Self-Assembly with Crisscross Slats."
This project utilizes DNA, the fundamental genetic material of all living organisms, as a construction material for nanoscale structures. Leveraging the inherent base-pairing properties of DNA, the project employs a strategy known as slat assembly, where DNA sequences are designed to fold into elongated slats. The slats arethen pieced together to form complex geometries.
This approach aims to circumvent the limitations of previous DNA assembly methods specifically, the high costs and error rates associated with constructing larger structures. Slat assembly stands to substantially lower these barriers, enabling the creation of more intricate and vast nanostructures. The potential impact of this research spans multiple fields, including healthcare,where it could lead to breakthroughs in disease detection and treatment, and nano-engineering, offering new methods for manufacturing at the nanoscale.
"Dr. David Doty from the University of California Davis, with whom I've collaborated for many years, brings extensive laboratory-based experimental expertise to these implementations," Palitz said. "He provides invaluable assistance in experimental protocol designs and sequence designs for DNA, a technically challenging aspect in which he specializes. On our end, Dr. Jin-Woo Kim carries out the laboratory experiments, and I focus on computational simulation, theoretical design and modeling. Working closely with Dr. Doty, we finalize the experimental design, crafting specific DNA sequences and protocols."
Patitz said, "This area is something I've always been really into, so I got into the area of self-assembly and this kind of molecular computing from an initial interest in the origin of life. I am really interested in how life arose from non-living materials.
"One aspect that I find particularly exciting about this project is its interdisciplinary nature." he said. "I mean, we have mathematicians, computer scientists, chemists, physicists and biochemists all working in this area. I've been a computational theorist forever, but I have gone into a lab and started learning how to do this stuff. It's powerful when you combine these multiple disciplines together and get people from different educational backgrounds to come together."
Patitz said, "I think it's really important that we are training interdisciplinary researchers. This is the kind of thing where I think the research frontiers are really going to explode in the next few years. That will happen by bringing together areas that have traditionally been kind of sealed off."
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DNA on bandana leads to arrest of suspect in 2010 Indiana County robbery case – WTAE Pittsburgh
Posted: at 9:01 am
DNA evidence on a bandana has led to the arrest of a man accused in a 2010 robbery at a gas station in Indiana County.Authorities were called to the Shelocta BP convenience store on State Route 422 in September of 2010 for an attempted robbery.According to officials, an employee was cleaning a store when a man, now identified as Alexander Theodule Pelletier, walked in wearing a bandana over his face and a hooded sweatshirt. Pelletier allegedly held up his hand, also covered in a bandana, and demanded money. When Pelletier asked the employee if he wanted to be shot, police say the employee picked up a vacuum and swung it at him.A fight began between the pair, with Pelletier hitting the employee at least one time before fleeing, according to police.In March 2024, authorities were notified by the Pennsylvania State Police Laboratory Services, that Pelletier's DNA was found on a bandana left at the scene.Pelletier of Williamsport was interviewed and arrested. He faces charges of robbery, simple assault and criminal attempt (theft by unlawful taking or disposition).
DNA evidence on a bandana has led to the arrest of a man accused in a 2010 robbery at a gas station in Indiana County.
Authorities were called to the Shelocta BP convenience store on State Route 422 in September of 2010 for an attempted robbery.
According to officials, an employee was cleaning a store when a man, now identified as Alexander Theodule Pelletier, walked in wearing a bandana over his face and a hooded sweatshirt.
Pelletier allegedly held up his hand, also covered in a bandana, and demanded money.
When Pelletier asked the employee if he wanted to be shot, police say the employee picked up a vacuum and swung it at him.
A fight began between the pair, with Pelletier hitting the employee at least one time before fleeing, according to police.
In March 2024, authorities were notified by the Pennsylvania State Police Laboratory Services, that Pelletier's DNA was found on a bandana left at the scene.
Pelletier of Williamsport was interviewed and arrested. He faces charges of robbery, simple assault and criminal attempt (theft by unlawful taking or disposition).
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DNA on bandana leads to arrest of suspect in 2010 Indiana County robbery case - WTAE Pittsburgh
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Junk DNA from Three Perspectives: Some Key Quotes – Discovery Institute
Posted: at 9:01 am
Image credit: Reimund Bertrams via Pixabay.
Shortly Ill be debating Rutgers University biology professor Dr. Dan Stern Cardinale about junk DNA. Thats at 5:30 pm Pacific time.You can see it here. The question before us will be: Is the Human Genome Largely Junk DNA? The following are some key quotes on the subject that will be relevant to our conversation. They are divided into three categories:
Many of these quotes are from mainstream scientific papers, books, or book chapters of a technical nature, while quite a few are from mainstream scientific or journalistic sources of a more popular style. The latter sources, while not peer-reviewed technical papers, are nonetheless quite valuable.
Quotes from evolutionists claiming (or repeating the widespread belief) that non-coding DNA is junk and has no function.
Note: Many of these quotes are from decades ago, showing how the idea of junk DNA was born and bred in the evolutionary paradigm. But some are more recent.
Early quotes from intelligent design theorists predicting function for non-coding junk DNA.
Note: There are many such quotes, but the most relevant ones are from the late 1990s and early 2000s before it was widely thought that junk DNA was functional.
Quotes from mainstream scientific sources saying that weve experienced a shift in our thinking that junk DNA actually has function.
Note: Some of these quotes also acknowledge that evolutionary thinking stopped science from discovering function for junk DNA.
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Junk DNA from Three Perspectives: Some Key Quotes - Discovery Institute
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Ancient DNA Reveals Kinship Structure of Eurasia’s Avars – Archaeology Magazine
Posted: at 9:01 am
LEIPZIG, GERMANYAccording to a CNNreport, new analysis of ancient DNA samples from the Avars, a population of nomads from the Eurasian Steppe who dominated eastern central Europe for 250 years from the mid-sixth to early ninth century A.D, is shedding light on Avar social and marriage practices. Originating in eastern-central Asia as part of a coalition of tribes known as the Rouran khaganate, which was defeated in A.D. 550 by the Turks, the Avars traveled from Mongolia to Caucasus and settled in the Carpathian Basin of present-day Hungary in A.D. 567568. While hundreds of thousands of lavish burials of Avar menwhich included horses, saddles, and harnesseshave been excavated, no written historical records remain that document their lifestyle. In the study, researchers led by Guido Alberto Gnecchi Ruscone of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology examined DNA from more than 300 peoplewho were buried in four Avar-period cemeteries in Hungary across a span of nine generations. They determined that these Avars practiced a system of patrilineal kinship. This included patrilocality, a system where men remained in their communities following marriage, and female exogamy, whereby women typically married outside of their own groups and maintained social cohesion between communities. Analysis of identity-by-descent DNA connections demonstrated a high level of variability in the female lineage. This suggests that women who married into the Avar community were from far-flung places, but retained a shared steppe ancestry, indicating they were not likely a local people conquered by the Avars. That finding was also substantiated by a lack of interbreeding. In many cases, men were found to have multiple partners, and closely related men often had offspring with the same women partners, in which case widows were likely required to marry male family members to bear sons. According to the researchers, these patterns, in which children belong to their fathers family and ancestry is traced father to son, correspond with previous evidence of Eurasian steppe societies. Read the original scholarly article about this research in Nature. To read more about the archaeology of the Avars, go to The Avars Advance.
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Ancient DNA Reveals Kinship Structure of Eurasia's Avars - Archaeology Magazine
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New DNA evidence leads to arrest in 1984 cold case homicide of Everett woman –
Posted: at 9:01 am
Mitchell Gaff was booked on murder, arson, burglary, rape and kidnapping charges.
EVERETT, Wash. A man was arrested Wednesday in connection to the killing of an Everett woman nearly 40 years ago.
On June 2, 1984, 42-year-old Judith "Judy" Weaver was killed inside her home on Rucker Avenue, according to the Everett Police Department (EPD). Officials initially responded to her home for a report of a fire and found her inside.
The suspect, Mitchell Gaff, 61, was booked on charges of first-degree murder, first-degree arson, first-degree burglary, first-degree rape and first-degree kidnapping. A Snohomish County judge found probable cause to hold Gaff on the charges without bail.
According to EPD, Gaff was identified from "new DNA evidence" and was taken into custody by police in Olympia.
KING 5 does not typically name suspects until they are formally charged. However, Gaff's criminal record shows many similarities to Weaver's killing. His past convictions show a trend of him tying women up and then assaulting them.
He was convicted of assaulting a woman in 1979 but she was able to escape. Then, five years later, he was convicted of raping two teenage girls in Everett.
After his conviction, Gaff was incarcerated on McNeil Island, a prison housing people the state deems to be the most violent sex offenders. In 2006, he was granted release into a halfway house in Seattle.
Two of Weaver's surviving family members attended court Thursday afternoon and declined to speak on camera. Gaff faces the possibility of life in prison without parole if convicted.
Weaver co-owned a business on Hewitt Avenue and had walked home alone the night she was killed, according to EPD. She was a mother, grandmother and sister.
My heart is with Judys family and friends as they continue grieving this difficult loss," Everett Mayor Cassie Franklin said in a press release. "I also want to commend our police department and our partner agencies for their continued focus on cold cases like this."
Court documents revealed how a DNA sample collected in 1984 and tested in 2023 led to Gaff's arrest Wednesday.
A DNA profile lifted from a piece of fabric used to bind Weaver's wrists resulted in a match in the state's CODIS system, a database used to store the DNA profiles of convicted criminals, and samples from unsolved crimes and missing persons.
The database identified Gaff as a possible contributor to the DNA, but law enforcement needed to get another sample to confirm the match.
In January, Everett police detective Susan Logothetti and other undercover officers "surreptitiously" collected Gaff's DNA through a ruse. That profile was used to confirm the match made by the CODIS system in the fall.
Everett police chief John DeRousse praised Logothetti for her work, which led to Gaff's arrest.
The Washington State Patrol Crime Lab matched the DNA sample to samples from a vaginal swab taken off of Weaver's body, three pieces of clothing the victim was wearing on the night of the murder and from the ligatures Gaff allegedly used to strangle her.
This is a developing story. Check back for updates.
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New DNA evidence found in connection with 2014 Georgia murders of Shirley and Russell Dermond – GPB News
Posted: at 9:01 am
___ Investigators hope new DNA evidence could get them closer to solving a decade-old murder case.
The FBIand the Putnam County Sheriff's office confirmed on Thursday that additional DNA has been found in connection with the murders of Shirley and Russell Dermond.
The evidence has been sent to a private DNA lab for further testing.
The couple waskilled nearly 10 years ago. On May 6, 2014 Russell Dermondwas found dead in his home in Eatonton. Authorities say he had been decapitated. Ten days later, his wife Shirley Dermond's body was found by fishermen in Lake Oconee.The grisly crime shocked their Lake Oconee community.
Putnam County Sheriff Howard Sills is working with Andy Smith, special agent with the FBI on the case.
"This is a a crime that has really had an effect on a wonderful community in Middle Georgia, and it has had an effect on the sheriff's office there," he said in audio released from the FBI. "The investigators, the it's it was such a horrific crime. It's really a convergence of events that have caused this case to go unsolved. "Earlier this week,investigatorsupped the reward for information in the case from $5,000 to $20,000.
The agency says that is in addition to $5,000 dollars offered by local authorities.
"This is the first time we have confirmation of a sample that did not belong to Russell or Shirley Dermond, Smith said.
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Joel Embiid finally discovers he has the DNA of a champion. Down 2-1, can he lead the Sixers past the Knicks? – The Philadelphia Inquirer
Posted: April 27, 2024 at 12:09 pm
Joel Embiids son, Arthur, was born on Sept. 17, 2020, about three months before the first COVID-19 vaccine became available. The world was a cauldron of civic unrest and pandemic turmoil. Embiids NBA career largely had been a disappointment. He named his son after his little brother, who, six years earlier at the age of 13, had been killed by a passing truck while walking home from school in Cameroon.
A month earlier, in the NBAs COVID bubble in a playoff run delayed by the pandemic, Embiid had averaged 30 points and 12.3 rebounds in a first-round sweep at the hands of the Boston Celtics. The Sixers played without injured point guard Ben Simmons, and Embiid was not as good as his numbers.
Everything changed when he became a dad a month later.
He began to eat better, sleep more, beef on social media less. He began to refine all aspects of his game. He began to study opponents. By the end of last season, Embiid was the NBA MVP, and he thanked his son for the inspiration.
Losing my brother, and then giving his name to my son meant a lot. My son is the reason why Im really sitting here, Embiid said at the time. When I found out we were having a kid, I just remember I was like, Ive got to be a great role model and Ive got to set a good example. I want him to understand that his dad not only was pretty good, but he also worked hard and he went and took everything he wanted.
My whole mindset just changed. Everything about me just changed. The way I went about my business, my life, everything changed because I wanted to be a great father, set a good example.
Were seeing the effects of that change now.
It took a decade since he left Kansas and four years since the birth of his son, but Embiid finally understands what it takes to be a champion. It means ignoring the pain and soreness of a surgically repaired knee. It means ignoring fear and discomfort. It means, no matter how much you hurt and no matter how tired you are, you grab moments by the throat and pull the lesser players along.
Embiids left knee hurt. Embiids left eye was impaired due to a bout with Bells palsy hes been dealing with for more than a week. Youd never have known it.
Trailing the series 2-0, in a sport that has never seen a comeback from a 3-0 hole, Embiid scored 50 points, his best postseason output by 10, and saved the Sixers season.
READ MORE: Joel Embiid powers through Bells palsy for 50 as Sixers smack Knicks in the head. Literally.
This is what Michael Jordan and Dwayne Wade did. This is what Kobe did. This is what LeBron and Steph and Timothy Theodore Duncan did. This is how Hakeem Olajuwon, Embiids closest comp, won twice. They played through pain and injury and illness. That group of seven players account for 27 of the last 33 NBA championships.
Embiid had little in common with them before Arthurs birth. Five years ago, theres no way hed be playing. On Tuesday, in Game 3 of the first round of the Eastern Conference playoffs, he came closer to them than he ever has been before. Can he do it again on Sunday afternoon? He will try.
I want to play as much as possible. I only have about, maybe, eight years left. So I have to enjoy this as much as possible and I want to win, Embiid said. Im just trying to keep pushing. Im not going to quit. If its on one leg, Im still going to go out there and try, but thats not an excuse. Got to keep playing better, and better, and better.
Thats what a champion says.
Embiid underwent surgery 2 1/2 months ago to repair a torn meniscus in his left knee. He irritated the joint when he landed after a self-pass slam dunk in in the first half of Game 1 in on Saturday. In the same arena in which Willis Reed became the games emblem of toughness, Embiid emerged from the locker room just before the third quarter resumed. He stunk, and the Sixers lost, but he returned. He played better Monday night, but again faded in the second half. Thursday in Philly was a different story.
Embiid scored 33 points on 8-of-10 shooting in the second half. He made all five of his three-pointers. He flummoxed double-teams; he had three assists. He had three rebounds, but he dominated the paint.
He was, for one night, everything the Sixers could hope for him to be.
Big fella came out and was just ballin for us tonight, said Tobias Harris, Embiids longest-tenured teammate. Everybody down the line was able to figure their role.
Harris joined the Sixers in 2019, perhaps Embiids worst hour. A virus and knee tendinitis led to an average of 17.6 points and 8.7 rebounds in a seven-game second-round loss to eventual-champion Toronto on a Sixers team that, with Jimmy Butler, Harris, and JJ Reddick, was the best combination of talent since Josh Harris bought the team in 2011. Infamously, after the Game 7 loss in Toronto, outside the locker room just after the game, he wept in the arms of his fiance. Hall of Fame big men Shaquille ONeal and Charles Barkley, the foremost NBA analysts on the planet, questioned Embiids hunger and leadership. The points they made were fair ... until Arthur arrived.
Embiid tore the meniscus in his right knee in the first round of the 2021 playoffs. His effectiveness diminished as the second round advanced, and when the Hawks won Game 7, Embiid told us that the game turned when Simmons refused to dunk the basketball in the games final minutes. This was the first glimmer of leadership; he never criticized teammates. Simmons never played another game for the Sixers.
Embiid, already playing with a thumb that needed surgery, fractured his right orbital bone in the first round of the 2022 playoffs. He missed the first two games of the second round and the Sixers and new point guard James Harden could not overcome the toughness of Miami. Embiid got tougher.
Last year, he sprained his right knee in Game 3 of the first round and missed the first game of the second round. He rallied, but by the end of the second round against the Celtics hed run out of gas.
Every single year you start asking yourself questions: Why? Embiid said. Gotta keep putting my body on the line, for my family. ... Im not going to quit. When Im done Im going to be proud of myself, and my people are going to be proud of me.
Sure enough, this year has been different. For the first time in eight trips to the postseason hes averaging more points in the playoffs than in the regular season. Hes also playing more minutes than in any regular season or playoff run.
And hes done it with one eye, on one leg. Give him a patch and a parrot and hed be Long John Silver.
Legends are born of such moments as Thursday. Jordans 38-point flu game in the 1997 NBA Finals. Isiah Thomas 45-point ankle game in the 1988 Finals. Reed playing with a torn thigh muscle in Game 7 of the 1970 Finals, the Knicks first title.
Granted, we might be making too much of a single game, but lord, what a game: a must-win 50-piece, on a bad leg, with a frozen face, and the heart of a champion.
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Unraveling DNA’s role in pop culturefrom superheroes to crime scenes – The Daily | Case Western Reserve University
Posted: at 12:09 pm
From movies set in dystopian futures to real-life courtroom dramas, DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, has fueled storytellers imaginations for decades. The molecule responsible for shaping our understanding of biological inheritance has inspired everything from comic book tales about the birth of mutants to blockbuster films about resurrecting dinosaurs in a theme park, each captivating audiences worldwide.
Today (April 25) is National DNA Day, a day commemorating the completion of the Human Genome Project in 2003 and the discovery of DNAs double helix in 1953. To find out more about this remarkable molecules impact on pop culture and society, The Daily sat down with Divita Mathur, assistant professor in the Department of Chemistry at Case Western Reserve University.
Read on to learn more from Mathur about how DNA intertwines with our daily lives.
Namor, the original Aquaman from the Marvel universe, was first conceived in the comic world before World War II and can be considered the first mutant being to be created in American pop culture. Mutants are born from what DNA naturally doesgenetic recombination and mutations. Now we have some very popular universes of mutants, including the Spider-Verse, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and X-Men.
When a very animated cartoon DNA in the 1993 movie Jurassic Park explained that a 66-million-year-old mosquito fossilized in a drop of amber was about to be squeezed to harvest dinosaur blood/DNA (spoiler alert!), audiences across the globe immediately came on board with having dinosaurs walk amongst men again. Even an asteroid that wiped the giant beasts off the planet could not fry natures hard-drive for storing genetic information: DNA. The movie went on to skip a few steps and took liberal creative license with others, but we learned that DNA is pretty resilient. Fifteen years later and after improved CGI effects, Avatars Navi in 2009 were infiltrated by humans who stole Navi DNA to become one of themand gave us another record-smashing movie franchise.
The movie that gave DNA most street cred is Gattaca (1997). What a clever name that uses DNAs four-letter alphabetA, T, C, G! Gattaca is the leader of the dystopian movie genre that espouses control over humankind using the most unique fingerprint we possessour DNA code. Subsequently, DNA databasesor Denabasesare adopted by other movies such as Blade Runner 2049 to register every citizen using their DNA, kind of like your drivers license, fingerprint, social security number, and retina scan all rolled into one. Dystopian worlds with DNA-reading machines as IDs are pretty ironclad in their control over the masses, until artificial intelligence-driven organic robot humanoids go rogue.
Evidently, 40+ drops of blood sampled from the murder scene of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman were screened and presented as DNA evidence in the all-consuming trial: The People v. O.J. Simpson. Believing that DNA evidence gets the final word, both sides of the aisle somehow leveraged the evidence in their favor, leading to the famous acquittal and a larger debate over the role of such forensic evidence in highly televised trials. Before the turn of the century, DNA evidence revealed President Bill Clintons perjury and the media and publics gross prejudice against Monica Lewinsky, adding fuel to an already eyeball-grabbing scandal involving a U.S. president.
Benign (or so we thought) versions of Denabases exist now, thanks to the democratization of DNA sequencing to find out ones ancestry by simply mailing ones spit to a company. Trace amounts of a killers DNA from a crime scene can end up matching a growing family tree on a genealogy database and can be used to track them down. It has spawned a new genre of crime-solving documentaries that have brought serial killers to justice because their distant cousins innocuously and voluntarily submitted their spit/DNA to an ancestry database. The Golden State Killer is one such popular victim of the genetic genealogy fad and the protagonist of a gripping documentary.
Looking to dive into genetics in pop culturespecifically in literature? Marie Vibbert has you covered. Vibbert is the webmaster for the College of Arts and Sciences at Case Western Reserveand also a science fiction author, having written more than 90 short stories and three novels.
Vibbert recommends the following books with genetics in their plots:
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Unraveling DNA's role in pop culturefrom superheroes to crime scenes - The Daily | Case Western Reserve University
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DNA Testing Proved My Innocence of My Son’s Murder – Innocence Project
Posted: at 12:09 pm
As we celebrate World DNA Day, I am living proof of DNAs profound impact on our criminal legal system.
My name is Michelle Murphy. I am one of 15 women exonerated in the United States with the help of post-conviction DNA testing and I am the first and only woman in Oklahoma to be exonerated by DNA testing.
In 1994, at just 17, I was a single mother of two, navigating a challenging world, dreaming of a better future for my children and myself. But my life took a tragic turn when my infant son was murdered, a crime for which I was wrongly accused of committing. My coerced confession during a distressing police interrogation was used to convict me, and I was sentenced to life without parole. Falsely confessing to a crime I did not commit is not a unique phenomenon, and one of the leading causes of wrongful conviction.
It was clear that DNA evidence, crucial in my case due to the presence of blood at the crime scene, would be pivotal. Although lab tests conducted by the prosecution proved my DNA wasnt present at the crime scene, this crucial information was kept from my defense team. However, during the trial, the prosecution misleadingly suggested to the jury that the blood from the scene was mine, using this to claim I was guilty.
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DNA Testing Proved My Innocence of My Son's Murder - Innocence Project
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Generative A.I. Arrives in the Gene Editing World of CRISPR – The New York Times
Posted: at 12:09 pm
Generative A.I. technologies can write poetry and computer programs or create images of teddy bears and videos of cartoon characters that look like something from a Hollywood movie.
Now, new A.I. technology is generating blueprints for microscopic biological mechanisms that can edit your DNA, pointing to a future when scientists can battle illness and diseases with even greater precision and speed than they can today.
Described in a research paper published on Monday by a Berkeley, Calif., startup called Profluent, the technology is based on the same methods that drive ChatGPT, the online chatbot that launched the A.I. boom after its release in 2022. The company is expected to present the paper next month at the annual meeting of the American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy.
Much as ChatGPT learns to generate language by analyzing Wikipedia articles, books and chat logs, Profluents technology creates new gene editors after analyzing enormous amounts of biological data, including microscopic mechanisms that scientists already use to edit human DNA.
These gene editors are based on Nobel Prize-winning methods involving biological mechanisms called CRISPR. Technology based on CRISPR is already changing how scientists study and fight illness and disease, providing a way of altering genes that cause hereditary conditions, such as sickle cell anemia and blindness.
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Generative A.I. Arrives in the Gene Editing World of CRISPR - The New York Times
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