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Category Archives: DNA

Flawless 38-0 with DNA on Comeback (ASM1) – Video

Posted: December 17, 2014 at 3:44 pm

Flawless 38-0 with DNA on Comeback (ASM1)
Call of Duty Advanced Warfare!/tid=CUSA00851_00.


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Flawless 38-0 with DNA on Comeback (ASM1) - Video

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COD AW – ROAD TO D.N.A BOMB #3 LIVE – "Campers" – Video

Posted: at 3:44 pm

COD AW - ROAD TO D.N.A BOMB #3 LIVE - "Campers"
Can i get a like for every kill I get_ I talk about what needs to be fix and do pretty good for the first game of the day Twitter: Subscribe:

By: PrGamerHD - Daily Advanced Warfare Tips, Tricks, And News

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COD AW - ROAD TO D.N.A BOMB #3 LIVE - "Campers" - Video

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"AMAZING"DNA bomb on Team Deathmatch [36-4] – Video

Posted: at 3:44 pm

"AMAZING"DNA bomb on Team Deathmatch [36-4]
Follow me on twitter @carl_off SHAREfactory!/tid=CUSA00572_00.

By: DisGusTiBuS CoD

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"AMAZING"DNA bomb on Team Deathmatch [36-4] - Video

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Why I Left OP And Joined DooM! (Solo Double DNA Bomb) – Video

Posted: at 3:44 pm

Why I Left OP And Joined DooM! (Solo Double DNA Bomb)
If you enjoyed the then dont forget to leave a like! Yesterdays Video! Subscribe if you havent and Check out my Twitter! Twitter!

By: IAmPumPperZz - The Best Advanced Warfare Gameplays!

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Why I Left OP And Joined DooM! (Solo Double DNA Bomb) - Video

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Posted: at 3:44 pm

Les dejo este video de las ultimas noticias acerca de este gran juego, Jurassic Park Builder, de UNIVERSAL PICTURES y LUDIA. Las opiniones ke aki pongo, son solo conjeturas mias y no kiere...

By: Yheran Charal Ramirez Leon

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U.K. may allow embryos with DNA from 3 parents

Posted: at 3:44 pm

In this image made available by the Oregon Health and Science University, a faint white blotch in the tube at right is DNA that has been removed from a human egg, center. The red dot is from a laser used in the procedure. Scientists have successfully transplanted DNA between human eggs and grown them into early embryos. Someday that technique that may let children avoid inheriting certain diseases - and give them genes from another woman besides mom. AP Photo/Oregon Health & Science University

LONDON -- New rules proposed in Britain would make it the first country to allow embryos to be made from the DNA of three people in order to prevent mothers from passing on potentially fatal genetic diseases to their babies.

In a statement issued on Wednesday, the department of health said it had taken "extensive advice" on the safety and efficacy of the proposed techniques from the scientific community.

"(This) will give women who carry severe mitochondrial disease the opportunity to have children without passing on devastating genetic disorders," Dr. Sally Davies, the U.K.'s chief medical officer, said in a statement.

Experts say that if approved by parliament, these new methods would likely be used in about a dozen British women every year who are known to have faulty mitochondria - the energy-producing structures outside a cell's nucleus. Defects in the mitochondria's genetic code can result in diseases such as muscular dystrophy, heart problems and mental retardation.

Use of the "three-parent" in-vitro fertilization (IVF) technique is also under consideration in the United States, but it has not been approved by federal regulators. In February, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration held a two-day meeting to explore the scientific, clinical and ethical issues involved. Some scientists warned it could take decades to determine if the process is safe.

The techniques involve removing the nucleus DNA from the egg of a prospective mother and inserting it into a donor egg, where the nucleus DNA has been removed. That can be done either before or after fertilization.

The resulting embryo would end up with the nucleus DNA from its parents but the mitochondrial DNA from the donor. Scientists say the DNA from the donor egg amounts to less than 1 percent of the resulting embryo's genes. But the change will be passed onto future generations, a major genetic modification that many ethicists have been reluctant to endorse.

Critics say the new techniques are unnecessary and that women who have mitochondrial disorders could use other alternatives, such as egg donation, to have children.

"Medical researchers are crossing the crucial ethical line that will open the door to designer babies," said David King of Human Genetics Alert, a secular group that opposes many genetics and fertilization research.

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U.K. may allow embryos with DNA from 3 parents

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Amount of mitochondrial DNA predicts frailty, mortality in humans

Posted: at 3:44 pm

December 17, 2014

Mitochondrial DNA from the snake adrenal gland, where the mitochondrion is adjacent to a highly ordered array of endoplasmic reticulum (bottom left). Credit: John Long

Chuck Bednar for Your Universe Online

The amount of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) found in a persons blood could be used to predict his or her overall risk of frailty and death from any cause 10 to 15 years before the first symptoms appear, researchers from The Johns Hopkins University say in a new study.

Mitochondrial DNA, the cellular organelles that help convert food into chemical energy for cells, can be used to enhance our scientific understanding of aging, the study authors explained. Their findings, which were published online earlier this month in the Journal of Molecular Medicine, could be used to develop a new test to identify at-risk individuals.

Dr. Dan Arking, an associate professor of genetic medicine at the university, said that he and his colleagues dont know enough yet to say whether the relationship is one of correlation or causation, but either way, mitochondrial DNA could be a very useful biomarker in the field of aging. It could be used to identify people who could benefit health-wise from lifestyle changes.

Unlike other cell structures, mitochondria (which are also known as power houses since they are responsible for generating the majority of a cells energy) contain their own DNA separate from those enclosed in the nucleus. Their DNA comes in the form of between two and 10 small, circular chromosomes which code for 37 genes necessary for mitochondrial function.

Previous research from Dr. Arkings laboratory has found a link between genetic differences in mtDNA and the reduced muscle strength and increased frailty experienced by older men and women. In medical terms, frailty refers to a highly recognizable set of aging symptoms, including weakness, decreased energy, reduced activity and weight loss, the study authors added.

In order to further study this correlation, the investigative team analyzed the amount of mtDNA in blood samples collected for a pair of large studies that began during the late 1980s. They monitored the health of individuals for up to 20 years and calculated the amount of mtDNA each sampled contained relative to the amount of nuclear DNA.

Dr. Arking and his colleagues then reviewed measures of frailty and health status gathered on the studies participants over time. They found that, on average, study participants that met the criteria for frailty had nine percent less mtDNA than nonfrail participants. Furthermore, white participants in the bottom one-fifth of the study population in terms of mtDNA were 31 percent more likely to be clinically frail than participants in the top one-fifth.

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Amount of mitochondrial DNA predicts frailty, mortality in humans

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The surprising DNA source that could identify rapists

Posted: at 3:44 pm

By Elizabeth Armstrong Moore


Swabs from a DNA sample collection kit are shown at the Iowa Department of Correction's Residential Treatment Facility in Sioux City, Iowa, Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2013.(AP Photo/The Sioux City Journal, Tim Hynds)

Investigators routinely analyze pubic hairs found at crime scenes where rape is suspected, but it's rare that the hair has its root, and thus sufficient DNA to identify its former owner.

Now researchers say that bacterial colonies on pubic hairs appear to be so unique to an individual that they could be used much like a fingerprint, reports Science.

"I can't believe that no one's thought about it before," the forensic biologist who led the studypublished this week in the journal Investigative Geneticstells Australia's ABC.

Silvana Tridico and her team analyzed the DNA profiles of bacteria that live in scalp and pubic hair, and found the microbes tied to the latter to be much more "specific to certain people." Further, one couple she studied who lived together had more similar profiles 18 hours after intercourse than they did two months after living together.

"I thought I'd looked at the woman's sample twice," explains Tridico, "because her partner was showing lactobacillus species," which isn't typically found on males. ABC notes this could mean that the microbes can transfer even if hair doesn't.

"You could actually swab the victim's genital area and the suspect's genital area and see if the bacteria's transferred or not," says Tridico. Still, results of the study are preliminary; only seven participants were analyzed and several questions remain, including how easily these bacteria transfer and how long they stay.

But if future studies back up these findings, forensic scientists say they could identify even rapists who wear condoms. (Meanwhile, bite marks may be thrown out of court as evidence.)

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The surprising DNA source that could identify rapists

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Thousands of foreign criminals' DNA samples have been deleted because of legal loophole

Posted: at 3:44 pm

Scandal revealed in annual report by Britain's biometrics watchdog One burglary suspect's samples deleted despite 13 years' jail elsewhere It is thanks to European judges who ruled keeping details were unlawful

By Ian Drury, Home Affairs Correspondent for the Daily Mail

Published: 18:31 EST, 16 December 2014 | Updated: 18:37 EST, 16 December 2014



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DNA samples from thousands of foreign criminals have been deleted from British databases due to a legal loophole.

Police are not allowed to store swabs or fingerprints from offenders who were convicted abroad, it emerged yesterday.

The scandal was revealed in the annual report from Britains independent biometrics watchdog. In one case, police had to delete samples from a burglary suspect after he was arrested in the UK, even though he had served 13 years for similar offences elsewhere in Europe.

Scandal: DNA samples from thousands of foreign criminals have been deleted in Britain (file photo)

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Thousands of foreign criminals' DNA samples have been deleted because of legal loophole

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Advanced Warfare: "AE4" BEST CLASS SETUP! + AE4 "DNA BOMB" GAMEPLAY! (COD: AW DLC Gun Class Setup) – Video

Posted: December 16, 2014 at 5:44 am

Advanced Warfare: "AE4" BEST CLASS SETUP! + AE4 "DNA BOMB" GAMEPLAY! (COD: AW DLC Gun Class Setup)
Advanced Warfare: AE4 Best Class Setup! - AE4 "DNA Bomb" GAMEPLAY! (COD: AW DLC Gun AE4 Class Setup) DNA Bomb By: ...

By: Team RzoR

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Advanced Warfare: "AE4" BEST CLASS SETUP! + AE4 "DNA BOMB" GAMEPLAY! (COD: AW DLC Gun Class Setup) - Video

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