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Category Archives: DNA
CALL OF DUTY "Dna bomb" reatreat mlg style – Video
Posted: December 22, 2014 at 9:45 pm
CALL OF DUTY "Dna bomb" reatreat mlg style
song itro-panda : MLG xbox one dna bomb Call of duty Advanced warfare el gato hd60 sony vegas Best gameplay top Pubstomping Reckless z ...
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CALL OF DUTY "Dna bomb" reatreat mlg style - Video
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Posted: at 9:45 pm
Unconditional love is ultimate power. It literally stops all assassinations and murders. Below are the links to my FREE books.. 1) book 1: A Glimpse of Who We Are
By: The Triple Cross
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Posted in DNA
DNA, Genetics, and Evolution : Documentary on the Living Science of Evolution (Full Docume – Video
Posted: at 9:45 pm
DNA, Genetics, and Evolution : Documentary on the Living Science of Evolution (Full Docume
DNA, Genetics, and Evolution : Documentary on the Living Science of Evolution (Full Documentary) DNA, Genetics, and Evolution : Documentary on the Living Science of Evolution (Full Documentary).
By: cuge sore
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DNA, Genetics, and Evolution : Documentary on the Living Science of Evolution (Full Docume - Video
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*SOLO* Quick DNA W/ ASM1 And Short GS – Video
Posted: at 9:45 pm
*SOLO* Quick DNA W/ ASM1 And Short GS
Aye, I Apologize For No Comm, Will Soon Guys The ASM Is A Beast Merry Christmas Guys! 😀 TanK Empire | 2015 Team Channel: Twitter: ...
By: Villainization
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*SOLO* Quick DNA W/ ASM1 And Short GS - Video
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Genecoin offers you digital immortality via Bitcoin!
Posted: at 9:44 pm
Genecoin is offering to sequence your DNA, convert it into data and preserve it using the Bitcoin distributed data storage network.
Developed back in the 1970s, the process of DNA sequening today costs far less in both time and money than even a few years ago. However, given that the double helix deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) molecule that encodes the genetic instructions for the development and functioning of all known living organisms contains millions of chemical components, processing the human genome the entire genetic material of a human being requires huge computing capacity. In the early 2000s sequencing a complete human genome cost around $100 million but ten years later that figure had fallen to around a thousandth, at just $10,000. Now San Diego, California-based Illumina, a biotech company which specialises in DNA sequencing and was ranked by MIT this year as the smartest company in the world, recently announced that it had developed a machine capable of sequencing a human genome in two days at a cost of only $1,000.
Each human being has a unique genetic heritage. Many people are becoming curious to know what their DNA has to say about them, but most people who are getting excited at this prospect are also keen to ensure that the data is kept securely. Boston-based startup Genecoin is now looking to meet this nascent need by storing the data on the Bitcoin network, a peer-to-peer decentralised network on which all data is encrypted.
Hitherto the only way for a human being to preserve his/her genes has been to transmit them physically/biologically down through the generations by means of procreation. Now Genecoins promise is to preserve the genetic ancestry of any and every person by uploading their genome data into the Bitcoin network. Genecoin will send you a kit which allows you to take a sample of your DNA in the form of saliva. This will then be sent to one of biotechnology companies specialising in genome sequencing. The resulting data will then be uploaded on to the Bitcoin network, a peer-to-peer network where people can make payments directly from one to another without passing through a third party such as a bank. Data on the network is encrypted using an asymmetric cryptographic protocol. The network timestamps all transactions by including them in blocks that form an ongoing chain called the block chain. The network is constantly growing a new block is created around every ten minutes and Genecoins novel idea is to take it beyond its current use as a secure online payments system and turn it into a permanent Cloud backup where customers genetic data can be stored.
Genecoin appears to be betting that the Bitcoin cryptocurrency network is here to stay and that it will remain a useful means of storing genetic data either in publicly accessible or encrypted form; the startup is currently working on the encryption side. Moreover this decentralised data storage approach could eventually serve as an individuals proof of existence, a sort of digital birth certificate, without having to go through a third party body such as the local registrar, with the added factor that each persons identity would thus become immortal as long as the Bitcoin or similar block chain remains in existence.
Biometrics literally life measurements are now being used in an ever-increasing variety of technological areas, especially in security systems. Today you can for instance unlock your smartphone using your fingerprint with Apple ID, or replace your access card to a given building by providing authentication using your heartbeat with Bionym. In processing the entire human genome, Genecoin is going much further down this road. Given that DNA is by its very nature the most personal aspect of every person, it is theoretically the best possible authentication tool. Genecoin is offering to provide software that will enable their account holders to extract data relating to their genome totalling approximately 750 MB any time they need it. The Genecoin website further assures us that if Bitcoin disappears or is replaced by other cryptocurrency block chains, the companys decentralised block chain crawlers will keep tabs on your genome and make sure it propagates to the new chains.
And there is yet one more step you could take: your DNA could itself be transformed into a cryptocurrency literally your own personal brand. Genecoin recommends that you use your genome as seed data to create your own altcoin alternative bitcoin. Altcoins will function like apps or even just personal brands. In the near future, every person will have their own altcoin and small community using it, predicts the company website, adding: With Genecoin, your personal brand can become a mechanism for propagating your genetic material. In fact as with a website enjoying a high Google ranking, the more your currency is used, the higher it will rank and the more widely it will be propagated, guaranteeing the at least digital longevity of your genome. The Genecoin approach is part of a general trend towards decentralising digitised data, based on a principle similar to decentralised publishing platform Ethereum.
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Genecoin offers you digital immortality via Bitcoin!
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Eleven hospital trusts named in DNA sequencing project
Posted: at 9:44 pm
Great Ormond Street is one of the hospitals taking part in the DNA project. Photograph: Justin Kasezninez/Alamy
The NHS has named the first 11 hospital trusts that will map DNA on a scale never before attempted by sequencing the genomes of tens of thousands of patients, in a project that promises to transform the understanding of cancer and rare diseases.
As part of the three-year initiative, an estimated 75,000 people will be invited to donate their DNA for research and in return could benefit from faster diagnosis of rare and inherited diseases and better-targeted treatment for cancer.
The project was launched by David Cameron in the summer. By the end of the project about 100 other NHS trusts will be involved.
Patients genomes will be sequenced for analysis and the anonymised data will be made available to pharmaceutical companies which will be able to develop personalised drugs for specific genetic variants.
It is expected that about 15,000 families with rare diseases will take part. Relatives genomes will be compared in the hope of identifying the differences in genomic code that are thought to be behind rare diseases and cancers.
Prof Sir Bruce Keogh, medical director of the NHS, said the project could help unlock longstanding mysteries of disease on behalf of humankind. Embracing genomics will position us at the forefront of science and make the NHS the most scientifically advanced healthcare system in the world. This is the start of a unique, exciting journey that will bring benefits for patients, for the NHS and for society at large.
The 11 hospital trusts are:
Cambridge University
Guys and St Thomass
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Eleven hospital trusts named in DNA sequencing project
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DNA MedChoice Genetic Testing – Video
Posted: December 21, 2014 at 3:44 pm
DNA MedChoice Genetic Testing Expect better results and medication insight with DNA MedChoice! A simple cheek swab can let you and your doctor know what medications are right for you!
By: DNA MedChoice
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DNA MedChoice Genetic Testing - Video
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Jurassic Park Builder – Part 60: DNA Tournaments. – Video
Posted: at 3:44 pm
Jurassic Park Builder - Part 60: DNA Tournaments.
I was so so so optimistic. But no. No need to be. p_p Bluestacks link (how I run this on PC) Subscribe...
By: BestInSlot - Gaming, Dinosaurs, Britishness
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DNA – la liga (Teaser) – Video
Posted: at 3:44 pm
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Advanced Warfare: EPM3 DNA Bomb on Greenband! (DNA Saturday) – Video
Posted: at 3:44 pm
Advanced Warfare: EPM3 DNA Bomb on Greenband! (DNA Saturday)
I hope you enjoyed this EPM3 DNA Bomb! The EPM3 is (in my mind) the worst weapon in Advanced Warfare, so it #39;s awesome that it #39;s getting some recognition on DNA Saturday 🙂 DNA Bomb By:...
By: NerosCinema
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