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Category Archives: DNA
Posted: December 27, 2014 at 7:47 pm
Hey, voici des classes qui vont vous aider pour raliser vos DNA plus facilement, j #39;espre que vous y arriverez ! Twitter :
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Posted in DNA
‘NO STOCK’ DNA Bomb w/ AK-12 on Detroit ~ Merry Christmas – Video
Posted: at 7:47 pm
#39;NO STOCK #39; DNA Bomb w/ AK-12 on Detroit ~ Merry Christmas
Yo Vompa here! Hope you all had a merry Christmas and hope you enjoy this gameplay. I find this gameplay unique cause most of the pubstompers use stock on the weapons and I figured I give...
By: Vompa Z
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'NO STOCK' DNA Bomb w/ AK-12 on Detroit ~ Merry Christmas - Video
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AW: Fast "DOUBLE DNA BOMB" Clutch! (Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Multplayer Gameplay) – Video
Posted: at 7:47 pm
AW: Fast "DOUBLE DNA BOMB" Clutch! (Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Multplayer Gameplay)
Be sure to leave a "LIKE" and "SUBSCRIBE" if enjoyed this CLUTCH double DNA bomb. Twitter! Twitch! Use Code "BigFoltz" for...
By: BigFoltz | Live Highscoring Gameplays
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AW: Fast "DOUBLE DNA BOMB" Clutch! (Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Multplayer Gameplay) - Video
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CoD AW: Advanced Warfare DNA BOMB With ASM1 (Call Of Duty Advanced Warfare Multiplayer Gameplay) – Video
Posted: at 7:47 pm
CoD AW: Advanced Warfare DNA BOMB With ASM1 (Call Of Duty Advanced Warfare Multiplayer Gameplay)
Hello i #39;m back with a DNA Bomb with the ASM1 in Ascend On Call Of Duty Advanced Warfare Multiplayer) In today #39;s video i #39;m going to talk about Gaming Monitors and (Advanced Warfare Scorestreaks) ...
By: GallopOn
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CoD AW: Advanced Warfare DNA BOMB With ASM1 (Call Of Duty Advanced Warfare Multiplayer Gameplay) - Video
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Posted: at 7:47 pm
Cette vido est une dna avec l #39;arme amr9 sur la map ascend en domination guerre terrestre sur aw ! Le sujet de la vido est : Quelles sont les types de joueurs qui jouent call of duty...
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CoD AW | Double FFA DNA Bomb (RB) – Video
Posted: at 7:47 pm
CoD AW | Double FFA DNA Bomb (RB)
Chane du joueur | Commentateur | Clique-ici pour t #39;abonner ! Merci...
By: NowYouRaGe
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CoD AW | Double FFA DNA Bomb (RB) - Video
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DNA – DNA On DNA – Video
Posted: at 7:47 pm
Artist: DNA Album: DNA On DNA (Released: May 11, 2004) Tracklist: 1. You You (0:00) 2. Little Ants (2:05) 3. Egomaniac #39;s Kiss (4:12) 4. Lionel (6:24) 5. Not Moving (8:32) 6. Size (11:12)...
By: MrNoWave
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DNA - DNA On DNA - Video
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AW: "DNA BOMB" FULL RUSH w/ SMG SN6! | Prsentation de Statik! – Video
Posted: at 7:47 pm
AW: "DNA BOMB" FULL RUSH w/ SMG SN6! | Prsentation de Statik!
"J #39;AIME" "FAVORIS" ET LIRE LA DESCRIPTION SVP! Rejoins le fondateur sur Twitter Joueur:
By: aXa Clan
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AW: "DNA BOMB" FULL RUSH w/ SMG SN6! | Prsentation de Statik! - Video
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Using DNA to catch canine culprits and their owners
Posted: at 7:46 pm
Joe Gillmer had a problem. A big, stinky, sole-troubling problem plaguing Midtown Alexandria Station condos, where he serves as board vice president.
How to put this gently? Dog, er, waste in the vestibule, in the elevator (yes, really), and this particularly incensed Gillmer in the garage beside handicapped parking, making life difficult for residents with physical challenges.
What were we going to do? Gillmer says. Put up 13 cameras for $100,000 with the slim chance of catching the guy?
Instead, the condo association hired a service called PooPrints to match evidence from the crime scene to registered DNA taken from all condo dogs.
Yes, yes, Gillmer has heard all the jokes: CSI: Manure, you name it. I got a lot of criticism, he recalls. They called me the Czar of Poop.
But heres the thing: After the service was started a year ago, we only had to test one sample, Gillmer says of the only scatological crime since committed only one! This in a building with 368 units and about 600 human and 60 canine residents. Thats the sort of success that law enforcement agencies can only dream of. Now, no one dares pooh-pooh the progress that has been made.
Among the great unresolved conflicts between neighbors is determining the provenance of unwanted, unseemly and often unwittingly trampled dog detritus.
Sometimes it leads neighbors to court, as in the case of a 2011 Fairfax dispute.
And sometimes the answer is treating a trouble area like a crime scene.
Two years ago, the Chase in Bethesda had an epic problem 20 incidents, possibly more (who wants to keep count?), mostly indoors, one parcel described as being more the product of Sasquatch than a pooch. Until the introduction of scatological forensics, which basically ended the mess for good, and with stunning alacrity.
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Using DNA to catch canine culprits and their owners
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Locking mechanism for DNA-cutting "scissors" discovered
Posted: at 7:46 pm
December 27, 2014
Credit: Thinkstock
John Hopton for Your Universe Online
Researchers at Johns Hopkins University have uncovered secrets in the way that DNA operates during the process of fighting problems within the body, and believe that the discovery could have implications for our understanding of immunodeficiencies and cancers.
The scientists claim to have identified a locking mechanism for the scissors that cut DNA and allow it to mix and match in order to produce combinations which fight threats to the body, such as viruses and bacteria. The enzyme RAG clips DNA so that different chunks of sequence can be combined to produce roughly 300 trillion possibilities of specialized immune system proteins, also known as antibodies, in a process known as recombination. The system breaks down when over-clipping occurs, but now the researchers believe they understand the locking system that helps to prevent over-clipping.
Recombination is essential for the immune systems ability to recognize and fight new enemies, but too much clipping can cause harmful chromosome rearrangements, says Stephen Desiderio, M.D., Ph.D., director of the Institute for Basic Biomedical Sciences and the senior researcher for the study. We now know that RAG has a built-in lock that prevents it from getting out of hand as it clips DNA.
Tests on mice now aim to examine what goes wrong in those immunodeficiencies and cancers linked to mutations in RAG. The first thought that often occurs when hearing such stories, along with thats not very fair on those mice, but its for a good cause so what the hell, is wow, what incredible work, please can you hurry it along? Such a fundamental discovery gives renewed hope that one day afflictions such as cancer can be fully understood, and then fully prevented or treated. Yet at the same time, the complexities of what needs to be achieved are discouragingly brought home, even if they do make you marvel at the wonder of the discoveries made so far.
How does the cutting and locking system work? To ensure maximum efficiency within the process, each immune cell makes only a single antibody and only does so after it is activated. Desiderio and his team had previously found that this regulation is controlled by a segment of RAG called the PHD. The PHD binds to a chemical tag called H3K4me3, which is only found on DNA that is actively being rewritten as RNA, the vehicle for carrying instructions from DNA that control the synthesis of proteins. The process prevents RAG from recombining DNA that is not active.
When the PHD segment was mutated and nonfunctional, explains the Johns Hopkins report, RAG couldnt cut, suggesting that the binding of the PHD to H3K4me3 was required for RAGs function. But when the PHD was deleted entirely, RAG was just fine.
Desiderios team looked for mutations that would bring function back to the mutant PHD. They found that when 13 amino acids were deleted in front of the mutant PHD segment, RAGs cutting had greater efficiency.
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Locking mechanism for DNA-cutting "scissors" discovered
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