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Category Archives: DNA

AW: DNA mit ASM1 Silvester | Inaktiv | Neuer Kanal ! – Video

Posted: December 31, 2014 at 2:44 pm

AW: DNA mit ASM1 Silvester | Inaktiv | Neuer Kanal !
ABONNIEREN FR MEHR: Unsere Facebook Seite: Instagram: Games,PSN Cards, Mircosoft Points und vieles...

By: SkillGamingTV

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AW: DNA mit ASM1 Silvester | Inaktiv | Neuer Kanal ! - Video

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Wednesday Gameplay | DNA ASM1 – Video

Posted: at 2:44 pm

Wednesday Gameplay | DNA ASM1
Lis bien la description /!~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Salut toutes et tous on se...

By: iNK Ryzzer 0.2 K

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Asm1 DNA bomb – Video

Posted: at 2:44 pm

Asm1 DNA bomb
Dna Bomb.

By: ArcTic Feeder

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DNA advancements, misconceptions revealed

Posted: at 2:44 pm

OKLAHOMA CITY DNA is something heard in courtrooms and even television shows.

Now, a DNA Analyst with the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation breaks down how DNA is used and strikes down the misconceptions.

Dr. Rhonda Williams from the OSBI recently sat down with Kevin Ogle for the DNA dialogue.

Williams says DNA is a powerful tool because it is unique for the person you are looking for.

She says the more locations you have of DNA, the more information you have about the person, suspect, or case.

According to Williams, DNA hasnt changed.

Its the process of how DNA is analyzed and used.

Williams says DNA techniques have gotten more sensitive, and can now pick up the slightest traces of DNA, such as skin cells.

Even if there is no suspect, theres a DNA database of offenders and other evidence gathered that the DNA can be measured against.

There are also some misconceptions about DNA.

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DNA advancements, misconceptions revealed

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DNA of gray wolf killed in Utah to be tested against DNA of wolf spotted in northern Arizona

Posted: at 2:44 pm

Published December 30, 2014

SALT LAKE CITY Federal wildlife officials will compare the DNA of a gray wolf accidently shot in Utah with that of a wolf spotted wandering near the Grand Canyon this year, according to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Steve Segin, a Denver-based spokesman for the Fish and Wildlife Service, said in an email Monday night that officials won't speculate if the 3-year-old female northern gray wolf killed Sunday is the same female gray wolf seen roaming the Grand Canyon and nearby national forest months ago.

Messages seeking additional details were not immediately returned Tuesday.

The Grand Canyon wolf was the first spotted in northern Arizona in more than 70 years.

Scat collected from that wolf will be compared with the animal killed in Utah.

Utah wildlife officials announced Monday afternoon that a coyote hunter accidently shot the young wolf in the southwest area of the state after mistaking it for a coyote.

State and federal officials said they're still investigating and it's too soon to say what penalties the hunter could face for killing the animal, which is protected under the Endangered Species Act.

Utah Division of Wildlife Resources spokesman Mark Martinez said the hunter, who has not been identified, contacted the agency after realizing the error.

Martinez said the hunter was legally allowed to hunt coyotes, which are not protected in Utah.

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DNA of gray wolf killed in Utah to be tested against DNA of wolf spotted in northern Arizona

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Doggy DNA could be used to track owners who don't clean up after their pets

Posted: at 2:44 pm

The PooPrints service traces dogs - and owners - from DNA in their faeces It is already widely used in U.S. gated communities and condo complexes A firm is now in talks with about 15 councils to bring it to the UK

By Damien Gayle for MailOnline

Published: 04:20 EST, 31 December 2014 | Updated: 05:10 EST, 31 December 2014



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Irresponsible dog owners' days could be numbered as a company which matches dogs to the DNA left behind in their mess is reportedly in talks with local councils.

The PooPrints service works by building a DNA database of dogs in a particular area so any dog mess found can be quickly traced back to the offending animal - and its owner.

It's already in use in many U.S. apartment complexes and condo buildings, where operators report very high compliance rates as dog owners know they will be unable to deny the offence.

Poo time: But irresponsible dog owners' days could be numbered as a company which matches dogs to the DNA left behind in their mess is reportedly in talks with local councils to bring the service to the UK

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Doggy DNA could be used to track owners who don't clean up after their pets

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Is DNA on a gun enough to prove possession? Sometimes

Posted: at 2:44 pm

Photo: Neighborhoods Organizing for Change

A decision from the Minnesota Court of Appeals earlier this year on an unrelated case, adds more grist to the analysis mill of why Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman hasnt charged Navell Gordon with possession of a handgun by a felon.

KMSP suggested last night that Gordon, the get-out-the-vote volunteer who allegedly flashed gang signs with Minneapolis Mayor Betsy Hodges in October, hasnt been charged because the case has become too hot to handle in the light of its pointergate fame.

The station said Gordons DNA was on a gun used in a robbery at West Broadway and Penn Avenue in August. That, the station said, connects Gordon to possession of a gun. It didnt reveal the source of the information.

Is it enough evidence?

In February, the Minnesota Court of Appeals said it was in the case of a felon who was convicted of possessing a handgun after police executed a search warrant in October 2011.

In that case, the court ruled that the DNA evidence was enough to prove that Lamont Jiggetts possessed the handgun.

The predominant DNA material on the gun was Jiggettss and testing of this evidence excluded virtually all the rest of the worlds population. And the parties stipulation that Jiggetts was prohibited from possessing a firearm is supported directly by Jiggettss convictions of controlled-substance crimes (in 2005, 2006, and 2008) and fourth-degree assaults (in 2006), Judge Kevin Ross wrote in February in an unpublished opinion.

But his ruling had an important clause. The DNA evidence was corroborated by other evidence that the felon possessed the gun.

We hold that, in a gun-possession case, physical evidence that the defendants DNA is on the gun corroborated by uncontested scientific testimony that the DNA likely got there by the defendants handling of the gun is direct evidence of possession. On our direct-evidence review, we are satisfied that the jury reasonably found that Jiggetts actually handled the gun, Ross wrote.

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Is DNA on a gun enough to prove possession? Sometimes

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Russia to build world's largest DNA databank

Posted: at 2:44 pm

MOSCOW, Dec. 30 (UPI) -- Great Britain is home to the Frozen Ark project, an effort to preserve the DNA and living cells of endangered species. The San Diego Zoo has been operating a so-called frozen zoo -- freezing animal semen, feces and other samples in liquid nitrogen -- since 1976.

But Russia's Moscow State University aims to outdo them both, several times over. The research university recently received a grant from Russia's government -- the country's largest scientific grant ever -- to build a genetic library, filled with frozen DNA from every living creature on the planet.

"I call the project 'Noah's Ark,'" MSU rector Viktor Sadivnichy recently told reporters. "It will involve the creation of a depository -- a databank for the storing of every living thing on Earth, including not only living, but disappearing and extinct organisms."

Construction of the databank facility will commence quickly, with plans for the depository to be completed by by 2018.

"It will enable us to cryogenically freeze and store various cellular materials, which can then reproduce. It will also contain information systems. Not everything needs to be kept in a petri dish," explained Sadivnichy.

The new database will first be sourced with materials already being held by the university's many research departments. All of its departments will also be involved in sourcing new material.

While the new database will be grand in its aims, it's not entirely unique; the country has also begun work to create a storage facility in Siberia that will use thick, ice-cold permafrost to preserve a variety of seed and plant samples for posterity.

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Russia to build world's largest DNA databank

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Sampel DNA waris dan keluarga mangsa diambil

Posted: at 2:44 pm

Semua mangsa terkorban akan ditempatkan di Hospital Bhayangkara, Surabaya, kira-kira 30km dari lapangan terbang.

SURABAYA: Unit Identiti Bencana (DVI) Polis Daerah Jawa Timur telah mengambil sampel DNA waris dan anggota keluarga untuk mengenal pasti identiti ketika proses pemindahan mayat pesawat malang AirAsia Indonesia QZ8501 memasuki hari kedua.

Ketua DVI Jawa Timur Komisioner Besar, Budiyono berkata, maklumat membabitkan 15 orang daripada 93 keluarga itu telah dilengkapkan sejak hari pertama kejadian dan pihaknya menjangka ia akan bertambah pada hari Rabu.

Mengikut SOPnya, maklumat yang diperlukan adalah gambar mangsa, rekod perubatan, sampel DNA dan ciri-ciri fizikal mangsa.

Maklumat ini penting untuk memudahkan proses pengecaman mangsa dan urusan untuk menyerahkan (mayat) kepada keluarga secepat mungkin, katanya pada sidang akhbar di Pusat Krisis di Terminal 2 Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Juanda, 40 kilometer dari Surabaya.

Beliau berkata pihaknya sudah bersiap sedia sepenuhnya untuk menerima jenazah penumpang dan kru pesawat itu sebaik tiba di medan parkir lapangan terbang ini.

Laporan media menyebut enam mayat membabitkan tiga lelaki dan tiga wanita termasuk seorang kru penerbangan, kini dalam proses untuk dibawa keluar oleh pasukan misi mencari dan menyelamat di Pangkalan Bun, Kalimantan Tengah, kira-kira sejam penerbangan dari Surabaya.

Cuaca buruk termasuk ombak setinggi tiga meter menjejaskan operasi itu untuk mencari baki mayat penumpang pesawat yang dalam perjalanan ke Singapura itu.

Budiyono berkata, kesemua mangsa terkorban akan ditempatkan di Hospital Bhayangkara, Surabaya, kira-kira 30km dari lapangan terbang, untuk proses bedah siasat dan mengenal pasti identiti.

Jelasnya, hospital itu juga sudah dipersiapkan dan mencukupi untuk menampung mangsa membabitkan sebanyak 150 ruang dilengkapi pendingin hawa jika jenazah tiba nanti.

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Sampel DNA waris dan keluarga mangsa diambil

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Riot Vicious and DNA Bomb! – Video

Posted: December 30, 2014 at 5:45 am

Riot Vicious and DNA Bomb!

By: Its Unpredictble

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