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Category Archives: DNA

DNA Bal27- Ascend – Video

Posted: January 2, 2015 at 7:45 am

DNA Bal27- Ascend
Salut tous les gameurs, aujourd #39;hui je cous propose une DNA sur la map Ascend a la BAL27, sur le nouvel opus de Call Of Duty. Bon visionnage et Bonne Anne!

By: ReveaL Fr

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DNA Bal27- Ascend - Video

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Advanced Warfare – SOLO "TRIPLE DNA BOMB" ON SOLAR – Would You Rather w/ KRNG Apollo! – Video

Posted: at 7:45 am

Advanced Warfare - SOLO "TRIPLE DNA BOMB" ON SOLAR - Would You Rather w/ KRNG Apollo!
Advanced Warfare - SOLO "TRIPLE DNA BOMB" ON SOLAR - Would You Rather w/ KRNG Apollo! DNA Bombs by: Click Here to Subscribe!


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Advanced Warfare - SOLO "TRIPLE DNA BOMB" ON SOLAR - Would You Rather w/ KRNG Apollo! - Video

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CoD AW: DNA w/KF5 | Terrace – Video

Posted: at 7:45 am

CoD AW: DNA w/KF5 | Terrace
Gameplay: x3LiKeZxImBa Call of Duty Advanced Warfare!/tid=CUSA00851_00.

By: Invictus Clan

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Road to DNA Bomb Infected Episode 1 – Video

Posted: at 7:45 am

Road to DNA Bomb Infected Episode 1

By: Samurai Clan

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-Call Of Duty Advanced Warfare- (ROAD TO A DNA BOMB #1) – Video

Posted: at 7:45 am

-Call Of Duty Advanced Warfare- (ROAD TO A DNA BOMB #1)
Subscribe for more: Follow me on Twitter: My facebook: My Instagram!

By: evanapan

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-Call Of Duty Advanced Warfare- (ROAD TO A DNA BOMB #1) - Video

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DNA on comeback domination – Video

Posted: at 7:45 am

DNA on comeback domination
just a single DNA on comeback.

By: aR Twon

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DNA on comeback domination - Video

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Maury: Will DNA Test Prove King Has 9 Kids? – Video

Posted: at 7:45 am

Maury: Will DNA Test Prove King Has 9 Kids?
DNA Test are Revealed.

By: csntv

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Maury: Will DNA Test Prove King Has 9 Kids? - Video

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Most cases of cancer down to bad luck rather than lifestyle or inherited genes

Posted: at 7:45 am

Pancreatic cancer cells dividing. Random mutations in DNA are behind two thirds of adult cancers, a study says. Photograph: Visuals Unlimited, Inc./Dr. Stan/Getty Images/Visuals Unlimited

Most cases of cancer are largely the result of bad luck rather than unhealthy lifestyles, diet or inherited genes, new research suggests.

Random mutations that occur in DNA when cells divide are largely responsible for two thirds of adult cancers across a wide range of tissues.

The remaining third are linked to environmental factors or defective inherited genes.

But the scientists warn that poor lifestyle can add to the bad luck factor involved in cancer.

The researchers analysed published data on the number of divisions of self-renewing stem cells that occur in an average lifetime in 31 different tissues.

These results were compared with the lifetime incidence of cancer in the same tissues.

A strong correlation was seen between a particular tissues stem cell division rate and its likelihood of developing cancer.

The more often cells divide, the more likely it is that letters of their genetic code will become jumbled, leading to an increased cancer risk.

Overall, the study found that random mutations due to stem cell division could largely explain around 65% of cancer incidence.

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Most cases of cancer down to bad luck rather than lifestyle or inherited genes

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Killing for DNA: A predatory device in the cholera bacterium

Posted: at 7:45 am

Cholera is caused when the bacterium Vibrio cholerae infects the small intestine. The disease is characterized by acute watery diarrhea resulting in severe dehydration. EPFL scientists have now demonstrated that V. cholerae uses a tiny spear to stab and kill neighboring bacteria -- even of its own kind -- and then steal their DNA. This mechanism, known as "horizontal gene transfer," allows the cholera bacterium to become more virulent by absorbing the traits of its prey. The study is published in Science.

The lab of Melanie Blokesch at EPFL has uncovered how V. cholerae uses a predatory killing device to compete with surrounding bacteria and steal their DNA. This molecular killing device a spring-loaded spear that is constantly shooting out. This weapon is called the "type VI secretion system" (T6SS) and is known to exist in many types of bacteria. When V. cholerae comes close to other bacteria, the spear punches a hole into them, leaving them to die and release their genetic material, which the predator pulls into itself.

Killing neighbors and stealing genes

This spear-killing, predatory behavior is triggered by the bacterium's environment. The cholera bacterium naturally lives in water, such as the sea, where it attaches onto small planktonic crustaceans. There, it feeds on the main component of their shells: a sugar polymer called chitin. When chitin is available, V. cholerae goes into an aggressive survival mode called "natural competence." When in this mode, V. cholerae attacks neighboring bacteria with its spear -- even if they are of the same species.

Melanie Blokesch set out to explore how V. cholerae uses this behavior to compete for survival in nature. Her lab tested different strains of the bacterium from all over the world, most of which have been implicated in the 7th cholera pandemic, which began in Indonesia in the 1960's, spread rapidly to Asia, Europe, and Latin America, and still affects populations today.

The researchers grew these bacteria on chitin surfaces that simulated their natural habitat on crustaceans. What they found was that the tiny spear is not only part of V. cholerae's natural survival system, but it also contributed to the transfer of genes that could make the bacterium more resistant to threats, even to antibiotics. The researchers then used genetic and bioimaging techniques to identify, in real time, which mechanisms are involved in this event, which is called "horizontal gene transfer."

"Using this mode of DNA acquisition, a single V. cholerae cell can absorb fragments containing more than 40 genes from another bacterium," says Melanie Blokesch. "That's an enormous amount of new genetic information." This phenomenon is referred to as "horizontal" gene transfer, as opposed to the conventional "vertical" passage of genes from parent to offspring.

The importance of this study lies in the fact that horizontal gene transfer is a widespread phenomenon in bacteria, and it contributes to the dispersal of virulence factors and antibiotic resistances. In addition, the chitin-mediated activation of the spear-killing device most likely renders the bacterium more dangerous to patients when they ingest it, as this molecular spear might also kill protective bacteria in the human gut.

The researchers are now extending their investigation into the interplay between the chitin-induced production of the spear and horizontal gene transfer. "By studying this interplay, we can begin to better understand evolutionary forces that shape human pathogens and maybe also transmission of the disease cholera," says Blokesch.

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Killing for DNA: A predatory device in the cholera bacterium

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Trace your Welsh DNA at Scarlets v Ospreys game

Posted: at 7:45 am

How would your Welsh Ancestry look?

HAVE you ever wondered where your ancestors came from?

As part of a new TV series, DNA Cymru,people in Llanelli are being given the chance to trace their geneticroots.

The team will be at Parc y Scarlets on Saturday ahead of the Ospreys clash offering more information about the project and giving people the chance to win a freeAncestral DNA testing kit.

Series producer Angela Graham of Green Bay Media explains, We are attempting an unprecedented mass survey of Welsh DNA to throw light on movements of population in the past and find answers to some historical puzzles.

Two of S4Cs DNA Cymrupresenters, Beti George and Dr Anwen Jones, will be at Parc y Scarlets to help explain some of the questions through the testing of ancestral DNA.

The series, which airs on S4C onMarch 1,presents the journey of humanity from its origins in Africa to the earliest populations of the land we now know as Wales, right up the inhabitants of todays Wales.

In the series, presenters Beti George, Dr Anwen Jones and Jason Mohammad will be explaining how the science of DNA can reveal genetic blueprints that stretch back beyond recorded history.

This exciting project is a partnership between S4C, CymruDNAWales, Trinity Mirror - publishers of the Western Mail and the Daily Post and production company Green Bay Media.

The DNA Cymru project will undertake ancestral DNA Testing on a scale never seen before in Wales.

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