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Category Archives: DNA
COD/Advanced Warfare Gamen Play By Epic-Domic TRIPLE DNA BOMB SECOND-TALKING IN ITALIA – Video
Posted: January 3, 2015 at 6:44 am
I Hope you guys enjoy this video . Please leave a like and Subscribe If you #39;re New. Thank You More Video Every Week Follow Sub To
By: zMTK
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COD/Advanced Warfare Gamen Play By Epic-Domic TRIPLE DNA BOMB SECOND-TALKING IN ITALIA - Video
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Ma premire DNA ? | Call Of Duty Advanced Warfare – Video
Posted: at 6:44 am
Ma premire DNA ? | Call Of Duty Advanced Warfare
By: LyseR
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Ma premire DNA ? | Call Of Duty Advanced Warfare - Video
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Advanced Warfare: Bio Lab DNA and My Thoughts On The Season Pass – Video
Posted: at 6:44 am
Advanced Warfare: Bio Lab DNA and My Thoughts On The Season Pass
I have for you guys another DNA, this time on the map Bio Lab. I also tell you guys what I think about the season pass and whether or not you should buy it.
By: WaW BlackOpsPro
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Advanced Warfare: Bio Lab DNA and My Thoughts On The Season Pass - Video
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Call of Duty – MK14 "DNA Bomb" & Squeaker Rage! (Call of Duty Advance Warfare) – Video
Posted: at 6:44 am
Call of Duty - MK14 "DNA Bomb" Squeaker Rage! (Call of Duty Advance Warfare)
Call of Duty - MK14 DNA Bomb Squeaker Rage! (Call of Duty Advance Warfare) Subscribe! - Follow me on Twitter - Live Stream - http://www.t...
By: JNaStY720 | Call of Duty Advanced Warfare
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Call of Duty - MK14 "DNA Bomb" & Squeaker Rage! (Call of Duty Advance Warfare) - Video
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DNA: ISIS guidebook for young mothers to raise ‘jihadi babies’ – Video
Posted: at 6:44 am
DNA: ISIS guidebook for young mothers to raise #39;jihadi babies #39;
A guidebook for young mothers with helpful tips on how to raise a #39;jihadi babies #39; has been released by the Islamic State.
By: Zee News
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First aw gameplay chocked dna bomb – Video
Posted: at 6:44 am
First aw gameplay chocked dna bomb
Beast gameplay like video and subscribe their is more to come.
By: EMJ914 Gaming channel
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First aw gameplay chocked dna bomb - Video
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AW:DNA Bomb w/AK-12 on Biolab – Video
Posted: at 6:44 am
AW:DNA Bomb w/AK-12 on Biolab
They droped a Paladin 2Warbirds and system hack and i still got Dna-Bomb SHAREfactory!/tid=CUSA00572_00.
By: iAmDeadly-
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Forensic DNA testing of human remains reveal more clues
Posted: at 6:44 am
DEADWOOD Its a break in the case of the unknown former Deadwood resident. With the final report in on the DNA analysis from the set of human remains unearthed in Deadwoods Presidential neighborhood in 2012, historic preservation officials say they are a few steps closer to finding out the identity of the burial from 66 Taylor Ave., discovered during a retaining wall replacement.
At the meeting of the Deadwood Historic Preservation Commission Tuesday evening, Historic Preservation Officer Kevin Kuchenbecker said that the DNA tests were performed to help determine race, ethnic heritage and other identifying traits.
We now have it narrowed down to 24 individuals, based on historical records, as we moved forward Kuchenbecker said. If the families of those 24 individuals came forward and gave DNA, we could probably match them and find out who he is.
Kuchenbecker said the individual was formerly being called Jackson, as he was found near Jackson Street.
Based on this report, we should probably call him McJackson as he is of Irish descent, Kuchenbecker said. With skeletal casting, the next step is to do an artists rendition.
In April, 2014, the city of Deadwood hired Dr. Angie Ambers, a DNA analyst and forensic geneticist at the Institute of Applied Genetics in Fort Worth, Texas, to perform the DNA tests.
As part of the project, DNA samples were recovered from two molars in the mandible and a portion of the left femur.
The samples were then subjected to a series of tests that included Y chromosome, DNA analysis, mitochondrial DNA and pheotype-information SNP analysis.
Combined, these tests helped to determine the race, ethnic heritage and eye and hair color of the unknown individual, said Deadwood city archivist Mike Runge. Based on the DNA results, the unknown individual came from a Western European ancestry reaching over 80 percent of the population in Ireland, the Scottish Highlands, western Wales, the Atlantic fringe of France, the Basque country and Catalonia. Based on the SNP test, the unknown individual likely had light red hair and light brown eyes when alive.
The DNA lineage results are consistent with the findings of a previous anthropological report which determined that the remains belong to a male of European ancestry (Caucasian).
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Protester charged in assault on cop nabbed with DNA
Posted: at 6:44 am
A CUNY grad student who tried to conceal his identity with a ski mask during an attack on an NYPD lieutenant was nabbed after investigators matched a DNA sample taken off his toothbrush, prosecutors said Friday.
Jarrod Shanahan, who surrendered to the district attorneys office New Years Day, was seen on video in the mask as two lieutenants were bashed by a mob of protesters on Dec. 13.
One cop sustained a broken nose and both were treated for bruises and cuts after the assault on the Brooklyn Bridge during a protest following a Staten Island grand jurys decision not to indict a city cop in the chokehold death of Eric Garner.
Shanahan's lawyer first offered to have his client surrender on Dec. 22, but he was not taken into custody until Thursday as investigators continued to probe his involvement.
Cops grabbed a mask off Shanahan during the scuffle and later used it for DNA testing, prosecutors said.
Shanahan, 29, of Brooklyn was slapped with second-degree assault, obstruction of governmental administration and resisting arrest at his arraignment in Manhattan Criminal Court.
Bail was set at $25,000 bond or $20,000 cash by Judge Denise Dominguez and his pals were working on pooling cash to post his bail.
One outraged supporter lunged at CBS 2 reporter Ilana Gold outside the courthouse when questioned. The woman grabbed her cell phone and threw it across the street, police said. Gold recovered the phone and filed a grand larceny complaint with the 5th Precinct Friday, police said.
Shanahan is the fifth suspect arrested as part of the cop beating, which was sparked when they tried to arrest suspended CUNY professor Eric Linsker as he allegedly tried to toss a trash can from the pedestrian path onto the traffic lanes.
Prosecutor Christopher Hirsch said Shanahan wore the mask to conceal his identity before engaging (Lieutenants Philip Chan and Patrick Sullivan).
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Protester charged in assault on cop nabbed with DNA
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AW: "UNDER 3 MINUTE DNA BOMB" *HAPPY NEW YEAR* (Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Multplayer Gameplay) – Video
Posted: January 2, 2015 at 7:45 am
AW: "UNDER 3 MINUTE DNA BOMB" *HAPPY NEW YEAR* (Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Multplayer Gameplay)
Hope you enjoyed the video! Follow me on Twitter: Follow me on Twitch: Use Code TryToEvade for 5% off all Cinch Items! Cinch Website:...
By: uhm Evade
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AW: "UNDER 3 MINUTE DNA BOMB" *HAPPY NEW YEAR* (Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Multplayer Gameplay) - Video
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