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Category Archives: DNA

Aw: DNA mit Ak12 / Oldschool Video mit Musik last Video ohne Commentary – Video

Posted: January 5, 2015 at 6:44 pm

Aw: DNA mit Ak12 / Oldschool Video mit Musik last Video ohne Commentary
Hoffe euch gefallen die Video, das war das letzte Video ohne Commentary 🙂 das nchste ist mit Commentary 🙂

By: DieSluutMitCon

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Aw: DNA mit Ak12 / Oldschool Video mit Musik last Video ohne Commentary - Video

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Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare DNA or NAH – Video

Posted: at 6:44 pm

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare DNA or NAH
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare!/tid=CUSA00803_00.

By: Ricard Pujo

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Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare DNA or NAH - Video

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DNA tracking used to determine source of Piha contamination

Posted: at 6:44 pm

New DNA tracking techniques are being used to find the source of a contamination at a popular Auckland holiday spot.

A public health warning's been issued for Piha Lagoon, amid fears septic tanks from nearby baches have contaminated the water.

Martin Neale, Auckland Council's environmental science manager, says the pathogens and bacteria found in the lagoon pose a particular challenge.

"We can tell they're in the water but what's difficult is determining where they're coming from. So there is some ongoing work and we're using some relatively new technology based on DNA."

Martin Neale says new DNA tracking is being used to find out where the contamination's come from.

"Different types of animal have different types of bacteria in them, and we can use the DNA signature to tell what kind of animal it's coming from."

Martin Neale says the DNA method costs hundreds of dollars per test, compared to around $20 per routine bacterial test.

But he says it's proven successful in the past, and work is underway to make it cheaper.

DNA tracking used to determine source of Piha contamination

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DNA origami could lead to nano 'transformers' for biomedical applications

Posted: at 6:44 pm

VIDEO:Researchers at The Ohio State University are the first to prove that the same basic design principles that apply to typical full-size machine parts can also be applied to DNA... view more

Credit: Movie courtesy of The Ohio State University.

COLUMBUS, Ohio--If the new nano-machines built at The Ohio State University look familiar, it's because they were designed with full-size mechanical parts such as hinges and pistons in mind.

The project is the first to prove that the same basic design principles that apply to typical full-size machine parts can also be applied to DNA--and can produce complex, controllable components for future nano-robots.

In a paper published this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Ohio State mechanical engineers describe how they used a combination of natural and synthetic DNA in a process called "DNA origami" to build machines that can perform tasks repeatedly.

"Nature has produced incredibly complex molecular machines at the nanoscale, and a major goal of bio-nanotechnology is to reproduce their function synthetically," said project leader Carlos Castro, assistant professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering. "Where most research groups approach this problem from a biomimetic standpoint--mimicking the structure of a biological system--we decided to tap into the well-established field of macroscopic machine design for inspiration."

"In essence, we are using a bio-molecular system to mimic large-scale engineering systems to achieve the same goal of developing molecular machines," he said.

Ultimately, the technology could create complex nano-robots to deliver medicine inside the body or perform nanoscale biological measurements, among many other applications. Like the fictional "Transformers," a DNA origami machine could change shape for different tasks.

"I'm pretty excited by this idea," Castro said. "I do think we can ultimately build something like a Transformer system, though maybe not quite like in the movies. I think of it more as a nano-machine that can detect signals such as the binding of a biomolecule, process information based on those signals, and then respond accordingly--maybe by generating a force or changing shape."

The DNA origami method for making nano-structures has been widely used since 2006, and is now a standard procedure for many labs that are developing future drug delivery systems and electronics. It involves taking long strands of DNA and coaxing them to fold into different shapes, then securing certain parts together with "staples" made from shorter DNA strands. The resulting structure is stable enough to perform a basic task, such as carrying a small amount of medicine inside a container-like DNA structure and opening the container to release it.

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DNA origami could lead to nano 'transformers' for biomedical applications

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DNA testing still unresolved in Montgomery Countys death row case against Larry Swearingen

Posted: at 6:44 pm

Prosecutors are pessimistic about the likelihood that a state district court judge in Montgomery County will ever agree to set an execution date for Larry Ray Swearingen.

Swearingen was convicted in July 2000 of the capital murder of community college student Melissa Trotter.

His appellate attorney is still hopeful that exculpatory evidence from DNA testing will show that Swearingen could not have been the killer because he was serving time in the Montgomery County Jail for unrelated warrants when Trotter was believed to have been kidnapped and killed.

There have been six motions filed by Swearingen seeking additional DNA testing, all of which have been appealed by the Montgomery County District Attorneys Office.

Both sides have filed briefs with the Court of Criminal Appeals and are waiting to learn whether the higher court will hear oral arguments before issuing a ruling, Assistant District Attorney Bill Delmore said.

The CCA affirmed former 9th state District Court Judge Fred Edwards denial of Swearingens fourth motion for DNA testing in 2010 on grounds that he can never satisfy the requirement that exculpatory results of testing would cause a different outcome in light of the mountain of inculpatory evidence of his guilt, including the discovery at Swearingens residence of the remaining half of the pantyhose used to strangle Trotter.

However, 9th state District Court Judge Kelly Case, who defeated Edwards in 2012 (Edwards passed away in 2014), granted Swearingens fifth motion for DNA testing, and the CCA reversed that order in February. Less than six months later, Case again granted the same renewed request for testing, plus additional testing sought in a supplemental sixth motion.

We are pessimistic about the likelihood that Judge Case will ever agree to set an execution date, and I have warned the Trotter family that we cannot expect the case to move forward during Judge Cases current term of office, Delmore wrote in an email to The Courier. But we have gotten past every dilatory obstacle raised by Swearingens attorneys in the past, and we remain confident that we will get this case back on track and obtain a just result for Melissa Trotter and her family.

Sixteen years after Melissa Trotters body was found in the national forest, her family has no doubt that Swearingen is responsible for the murder, according to her parents, Charles and Sandy Trotter.

Both parents, during a phone conversation with The Courier Dec. 29, expressed frustration at Cases decision to stall Swearingens execution date by allowing for additional DNA testing. They believe the actions of Swearingens appellate attorney and Case are in blatant defiance of what a jury decided nearly 15 years ago.

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DNA testing still unresolved in Montgomery Countys death row case against Larry Swearingen

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COD Advanced Warfare – "KNIFE ONLY" DNA BOMB – DNA BOMB w/ "KNIFE"! (COD AW Knife DNA Bomb) – Video

Posted: January 4, 2015 at 3:45 pm

COD Advanced Warfare - "KNIFE ONLY" DNA BOMB - DNA BOMB w/ "KNIFE"! (COD AW Knife DNA Bomb)
COD Advanced Warfare - "KNIFE ONLY" DNA BOMB - DNA BOMB w/ "KNIFE"! (COD AW Knife DNA Bomb) Knife DNA Bomb by: KRNG Snipa Click Here to Subscribe! ...


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COD Advanced Warfare - "KNIFE ONLY" DNA BOMB - DNA BOMB w/ "KNIFE"! (COD AW Knife DNA Bomb) - Video

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BAL-27, Hardpoint, DNA Strike! New Clan, New Plans! – Video

Posted: at 3:45 pm

BAL-27, Hardpoint, DNA Strike! New Clan, New Plans!
I go On a terror and get a rushing DNA bomb for you guys! I #39;m using the Bal 27, UAV, and System Hack! I usually play the Mosh pit playlist, due to it being the easiest way to getting Dna bomb #39;s.!...

By: Woe Its Servn- Call of Duty, News, Reviews

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BAL-27, Hardpoint, DNA Strike! New Clan, New Plans! - Video

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DNA Bomb with every gun in AW #4 HBRA3 – Video

Posted: at 3:45 pm

DNA Bomb with every gun in AW #4 HBRA3
Solo DNA Bomb with HBRA3. Episode 5 tomorrow Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare!/tid=CUSA00803_00.

By: Hype ClanPS

The rest is here:
DNA Bomb with every gun in AW #4 HBRA3 - Video

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DNA Bomb on Greenband! – Video

Posted: at 3:45 pm

DNA Bomb on Greenband!

By: Its Unpredictble

The rest is here:
DNA Bomb on Greenband! - Video

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DNA Flawless – Video

Posted: at 3:45 pm

DNA Flawless
Flawless streak.

By: Tim Jointer

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DNA Flawless - Video

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