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Category Archives: DNA
EPIC TDM SOLO DNA BOMB IN LIVE w/5 MAN ON SCREEN! DJ LABI (LaBi! facci vedere le palle!) – Video
Posted: January 20, 2015 at 6:46 pm
EPIC TDM SOLO DNA BOMB IN LIVE w/5 MAN ON SCREEN! DJ LABI (LaBi! facci vedere le palle!)
Bella ragazzi e bentornati sul mio canale , oggi mi successa una cosa bruttissima di cui forse parler prossimamente ! lasciatemi un mi piace e un commento 🙂 CANALE TWITCH http://www.twitch.t...
By: JTF LaBi
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EPIC TDM SOLO DNA BOMB IN LIVE w/5 MAN ON SCREEN! DJ LABI (LaBi! facci vedere le palle!) - Video
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call of duty advanced warfare 2 dna bombs – Video
Posted: at 6:46 pm
call of duty advanced warfare 2 dna bombs
2 dna.
By: themonk3ygamer
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call of duty advanced warfare 2 dna bombs - Video
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DNA could lead to more terrorists
Posted: at 6:45 pm
Story highlights Official: The suspected ringleader behind the Belgian terror cell remains at large Source: Charlie Hebdo attacker sold counterfeit goods; proceeds were used for weapons Source: DNA found in car used to transport market gunman traced to a man in custody
European Union officials are scrambling to stop the spread of terrorism and threats, with foreign ministers meeting Monday in Brussels, Belgium, to tackle the issue.
"We start with obviously a discussion on how to counter terrorism, not only in Europe but also in other parts of the world," said Federica Mogherini, EU high representative for foreign affairs.
She said she had just met with Arab League Secretary-General Nabil el-Araby "as the threat is not only the one we faced in Paris, but also spreading in many other parts of the world starting from Muslim countries.
"And we need to strengthen our way of cooperating together, first of all with Arab countries, and then internally."
With new developments sprouting up across Europe, here are the latest:
The hunt is still on for the ringleader behind a terrorist cell targeted in raids last week, Belgium's justice minister said. The suspected leader and key link between senior ISIS operatives in Syria and the Belgian terrorist cell, Belgian-Moroccan ISIS fighter Abelhamid Abaaoud, is still at large, a senior Belgian counterterrorism official said. Abaaoud's last known location was believed to be Greece, the official said.
Adelhamid Abaaoud, a Belgian-Moroccan ISIS fighter, is a suspected terror cell ringleader who remains at large, a senior Belgian counterterrorism official said.
An Algerian national who may have links to Abaaoud was arrested over the weekend in Greece and is being extradited to Belgium.
The man detained by Belgian police after last week's raid has been identified. His attorney says he isn't a terrorist; he was just delivering shoes to a friend when he was caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. But investigators believe the man played a key role in the terrorist cell's plot, the Belgian counterterrorism official said.
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DNA could lead to more terrorists
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DNA tests can't identify possible student remains in Mexico
Posted: at 6:45 pm
An Austrian forensics lab was unable to find DNA that could be used to conventionally identity the remains due to heat damage University of Innsbruck will try one final, unconventional, way to identify the remains - results to take three months The students went missing Sept. 26 after confrontations with police in the Guerrero state city of Iguala
By Associated Press
Published: 12:36 EST, 20 January 2015 | Updated: 16:11 EST, 20 January 2015
Mexican prosecutors said Tuesday that DNA tests could not identify the charred remains that might be those of 42 missing college students.
An Austrian forensics lab was unable to find any more DNA that could be used by conventional means to identify them, but said they have authorized a final, unconventional effort.
The Attorney General's Office said the University of Innsbruck reported that 'excessive heat' damaged the mitochondrial DNA in fragments of teeth and bones, 'at least to the point that normal methods cannot be used to successfully analyze them.'
Failure to positively identify the remains would be a setback for the government, which has struggled with widespread, often violent protests demanding that the students be returned alive, and with relatives' skepticism about the official belief they are dead.
The shadow of a demonstrator is cast on a wall with graffiti protesting the disappearance of 43 rural college students, in front of the Mexican Attorney General's office, in Mexico City
The University had previously found DNA in the remains that belonged to one of the 43 students who were detained and disappeared in the southern state of Guerrero in September.
Prosecutors say the students were turned over to a drug gang that killed them and then incinerated their bodies on a fuel-fed pyre, before crushing the charred remains and them in a river.
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DNA tests can't identify possible student remains in Mexico
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Mexico: DNA Tests Can't ID Possible Student Remains
Posted: at 6:45 pm
MEXICO CITY An Austrian lab has been unable to match incinerated remains found in a dump with the DNA of dozens of trainee teachers Mexico's government says were abducted and massacred in the country's southwest, the attorney general's office said Tuesday. The 43 students went missing Sept. 26 in Iguala, a city in the southwestern state of Guerrero. The government says the students were abducted by corrupt police working for a local drug cartel, which it said incinerated their bodies at a nearby garbage dump.
So far, experts have identified the remains of just one of the group. The Innsbruck Medical University's forensics institute told the Mexican government the rest of the available remains were so badly burned it was impossible to take a usable DNA sample.
Nonetheless, the institute, in a letter, offered to use a new technique, known as massive parallel sequencing, to test the bone fragments in the hope of eventually identifying a match. "We can't offer an estimate on how successful this will be but the technical specifications of MPS are the most promising of any genetic molecular identification method that exists," it said in the letter, cited by the attorney general's office. The new tests should take three months but there was no set time frame, the office added.
First published January 20 2015, 10:11 AM
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Mexico: DNA Tests Can't ID Possible Student Remains
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DNA 11 – Video
Posted: at 12:45 am
DNA 11
Call of Duty Advanced Warfare!/tid=CUSA00803_00.
By: mrabod99
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DNA 11 - Video
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DNA Reiners w Michelle Epps w Bridge Church Columbus #bebraver – Video
Posted: at 12:45 am
DNA Reiners w Michelle Epps w Bridge Church Columbus #bebraver
By: Donna Reiners
DNA Reiners w Michelle Epps w Bridge Church Columbus #bebraver - Video
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Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare AlMOST a DNA so mad – Video
Posted: at 12:45 am
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare AlMOST a DNA so mad
So mad dudes subscribe for more Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare!/tid=CUSA00803_00.
By: AquaSnipper
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Road to DNA: Episode 1 – Video
Posted: at 12:45 am
Road to DNA: Episode 1
I have not yet named this video.
By: Legacy06
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Road to DNA: Episode 1 - Video
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Posted: at 12:45 am
Add me NoYP-K3Nz SHAREfactory!/tid=CUSA00572_00.
By: Kenechu KSL
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