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Category Archives: DNA
DNA screening of every man in 'Midsomer Murders' Bosham village begins
Posted: January 22, 2015 at 4:47 am
Valerie Graves was murdered with a claw hammer at house in Bosham She had been house-sitting with sister and mother in December 2013 Sister Jan found her dead in her room on December 30 Killer remains at large after extensive investigations and 9,500 interviews Police are asking all men over 17 who live or work nearby to take DNA test They say this will help eliminate as many people as possible from inquiry All DNA profiles will be destroyed if not of use to the investigation More than 50 men come forward in the first few hours of DNA testing
By Darren Boyle for MailOnline
Published: 12:02 EST, 21 January 2015 | Updated: 17:18 EST, 21 January 2015
Detectives investigating the brutal murder of a 55-year-old grandmother who was bludgeoned to death in a 'Midsomer Murders' village have begun DNA testing the entire male population.
All men aged over 17 have been invited to submit a DNA profile in a voluntary session being held in the Millstream Hotel in Bosham, West Sussex.
Police have launched a large scale manhunt for the 55-year-old's killer who still remains at large despite a 20,000 reward being offered and a Crimewatch appeal being made. Mrs Graves was killed in the 1.6 million mansion she was house sitting with her family on December 2013.
Despite interviewing more than 9,500 people, police are yet to charge any suspect with the brutal crime.
Councillor Myles Cullen, left, today was one of the first men to have his DNA taken during the mass screening by DC Lee Taylor, right, following the brutal murder of Valerie Graves in Bosham, West Sussex
Police confirmed that the DNA samples would only be used in terms of this investigation and would be destroyed immediately if the person involved has been ruled out as a suspect in the December 2013 murder
Police have also interviewed 9,500 people in relation to the investigation and posters have been placed around the village asking volunteers to come forward and be tested.
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DNA test setback: Mexicans still stumped by missing students case. (+video)
Posted: at 4:47 am
Mexico City Nearly four months since the headline-grabbing disappearance of 43 college students in southern Mexico, the victims families are still searching for answers.
So far, the DNA of only one student 21-year-old Alexander Mora has been confirmed. The Austrian lab working to help identify the pulverized remains said Tuesdaythey were unable to find any other match. The attorney general asked scientists at the Innsbruck Medical University to retest the remains, which could take an additional three months.
Despitegovernment pledges to holdthe perpetrators of this grisly crime accountable, progress has been glacial. But the case isn't likely to fade from public attention: victims' families say theywont rest until they have concrete proof of their deaths; and scientists have challenged the government's narrative based ontestimony from imprisoned gang members.
The 43 students at a teacher's college went missing on Sept. 26 in Iguala, a city in the southern state of Guerrero. According to the government, the students were kidnapped by police officers and handed off to a criminal gang allegedly on the orders of the towns mayor, who is now in police custody. The students were allegedly killed, and their bodies burned at a nearby dump.The Mexican government had to reach out to specialists to try to identify the remains.
The subsequent search for the students turned up dozens of unrelated clandestine graves around Iguala, highlighting the lawlessness of the impoverished region. About 100 people have been arrested in connection to the case, including Felipe Rodrguez Salgado, analleged gang hit man arrested last week.
The Austrian lab results have fueledspeculation over whether the governments account of events is true and given some relatives hope that their missing loved one could still be alive. The lack of DNA evidence makes us believe even less in what the government is saying, Epifanio Alvaraz, the father of 19-year-old missing student Jorge Alvarez, told Bloomberg News.
Families of the victims havepressed the government for access to Army barracks to search for any proof that their children may have been there. The government said last Friday that families could enter an Army base in Iguala.Federal prosecutor Tomas Zeron said earlier this month that there is no evidence troops were involved.
We are not accusing the Army, we are not saying that they are responsible, the families lawyer, Vidulfo Rosales, said after the Iguala base announcement. Theres a legal obligation by the public ministry to investigate whether theres any truth to rumors that soldiers may have played a role in the events.
Its not just the victims' families that are skeptical. Two Mexican scientists have published a reportchallenging the governments account of events, and specifically how the bodies were allegedly destroyed in a mass cremation. According to a report by McClatchy News:
The attorney general said two gang members had confessed to taking part in the incineration, which they said took more than 15 hours.
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DNA test setback: Mexicans still stumped by missing students case. (+video)
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DNA results show body not Yebeis
Posted: at 4:47 am
By Kimutai Murisha
Meshack Yebei who was an ICC witness disappeared on 28 December 2014 (file)
DNA results of a body thought to be that of alleged International Criminal Court (ICC) witness Meshack Yebei have confirmed it is not his.
The DNA results indicate the remains belong to Yusuf Hussein, a resident of Kaimosi. The family of Yusuf is expected Thursday to pick the body for burial, officials said.
Police handling the case said showed 99 percent of the results showed it was Yusufs body.
The results are out and the families have been informed. CID headquarters will give you more details but it is Yusufs, said John Kariuki, who is leading the probe.
CID Director Ndegwa Muhoro said results have shown 99 percent that it is Yusuf. We still do not know where Yebei is for now and investigations are ongoing.
Tests done two weeks ago also showed the body lying at the Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital in Eldoret was Yusufs. The tests were done through finger prints, which prompted further tests through DNA .
Yebeis family claimed the body belongs to their kin and it was not necessary to take DNA samples as they had positively identified him.
Yebeis brother said 14 family members had identified the body and were convinced it was that of Yebei.
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DNA results show body not Yebeis
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COD : AW DNA BOMB by x fusion – Video
Posted: January 20, 2015 at 6:46 pm
COD : AW DNA BOMB by x fusion 187721 VIEWS CHECK IT OUT ( HILARIOUS ) Fun funny videos vine vines Compilation Of Fail.Vine Compilation January 2015! Funny Vines, Twerking Vines, Best Vine Compilation!...
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AW: SOLO "WEAPON SWAP DNA BOMB"- Improving Aim (COD: Advanced Warfare- Unique DNA Bomb Gam – Video
Posted: at 6:46 pm
AW: SOLO "WEAPON SWAP DNA BOMB"- Improving Aim (COD: Advanced Warfare- Unique DNA Bomb Gam
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By: KARNAGE Isotonic | Home of Unique DNA Bombs
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AW: SOLO "WEAPON SWAP DNA BOMB"- Improving Aim (COD: Advanced Warfare- Unique DNA Bomb Gam - Video
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COD: Advanced Warfare DNA on Retreat | Gastgameplays? – Video
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COD: Advanced Warfare DNA on Retreat | Gastgameplays?
Schaffen wir 100 Likes? Gnstige Games, XBL und PSN Cards: Livestream Social Media Livestream: Facebook: http://www....
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COD: Advanced Warfare DNA on Retreat | Gastgameplays? - Video
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DNA BOMB w/AE4 (DLC) solo on Bio Lab – Video
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DNA BOMB w/AE4 (DLC) solo on Bio Lab
Instant Gaming (Jeux PC -70%) INFOS VIDO Chaine de l #39;auteur :
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Dna Center 19/01/15 – Video
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DNA: Exclusive footage of Army foils infiltration bid in Shopian, J&K – Video
Posted: at 6:46 pm
DNA: Exclusive footage of Army foils infiltration bid in Shopian, J K
The army on January 15, 2015 foiled an infiltration bid by militants in Jammu and Kashmir #39;s Shopian. Also watch: Special security arrangements for President Barack Obama #39;s India visit. Also...
By: Zee News
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