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Category Archives: DNA
Dung DNA Gives Clues to the Shy Okapi's Lifestyle
Posted: January 23, 2015 at 5:43 pm
Try to read up on the okapi and you wont find much. This African mammal is most often seen next tothe adjective elusive. But even if we cant find any okapi, we can learn about their lifestyle through their DNAand we can find theirDNA in their feces.
The okapi is an ungulate, like a cow. Or really like a giraffe, its closest relative. It has an elegant face, a long bluish tongue, and a zebra-striped rear end. It lives in the denserainforest of the Democratic Republic of Congo, chewing tree leaves in privacy. No one in the Western world knew the animalexisted until the 20th century.
One of the great things about studying okapi was that there was so little known about them in advance, says David Stanton, a PhD student at Cardiff University in the United Kingdom. So in this sense, everything that we found out was a surprise.
Stanton and his coauthors just published an investigation of okapi society. Rather than search for actual wild okapi (elusive, remember?), they scoured the Reserve de Faune a Okapis, a national park in the DRC, for dung.
The researchers gathered 208 fecal samples. They were able to extract and sequence DNA from 105 of these samples,and confirmed that all 105 came from okapi. And evenwithout seeing any wild animals, the scientists could piece together a few clues about the okapislifestyle from that genetic material.
To start, they analyzed whether okapi that are more closely related live (and poop) closer to each other. Do the animals live in family groups? The answer was no. Except for mothers with offspring, related individuals do not appear to live closer together than unrelated individuals in any meaningful sense, Stanton says. The researchers concluded that okapi are solitary.
They could also get a peek at the animals sex lives through their dung. To do this, the scientistsused a computer program that sifted through the genetic sequences and looked for siblings. The program found one pair of full siblings (animals with the same mother and father). But there were around 200 sets of half-siblings among the animals. This suggested that okapi are polygamous; they dont stick with one mate.
Finally, the researchers investigated how widelyokapi move around.Judging by dung piles that had identical DNA, individual okapi didnt wander very far. Almost all of these matching piles were less than a kilometer apart.
Male okapi, though, were less closely related to each other than females. This suggests that before settling into a home range, males roam farther from where they were born. This system isnot unusual for mammals, though sometimes females are the ones who do the roaming, or dispersing.
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Dung DNA Gives Clues to the Shy Okapi's Lifestyle
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AW: Double DNA 100+ NL Ist Talent wichtig? – Video
Posted: January 22, 2015 at 11:48 pm
AW: Double DNA 100+ NL Ist Talent wichtig?
Schaffen wir 100 Likes? Gnstige Games, XBL und PSN Cards: Livestream Social Media Livestream: Facebook: http://www....
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AW: MK14 "Double DNA Bomb" – Erikoisia WiFi Nimi – Video
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AW: MK14 "Double DNA Bomb" - Erikoisia WiFi Nimi
Saataisko 400 tykkyst tlle videolle? Twitter: Facebook: DooM Clan: ...
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DNA Bomb With Every Gun Ep. 14 (TAC-19) *NO ATTACHMENTS* – Call of Duty: AW – Video
Posted: at 11:48 pm
DNA Bomb With Every Gun Ep. 14 (TAC-19) *NO ATTACHMENTS* - Call of Duty: AW
Dropped a DNA Bomb with the leaf blower. 🙂 Don #39;t forget to like, comment and subscribe 🙂 Subscribe to Catalyst Pubstomping: Music: Electus - Make Believe https://s...
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DNA Bomb With Every Gun Ep. 14 (TAC-19) *NO ATTACHMENTS* - Call of Duty: AW - Video
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Geburtstagsspecial *-*/ Birthdayspecial ~ CoD Advanced Warfare DNA Gameplay #2 ~ 68:5 – Video
Posted: at 11:48 pm
Geburtstagsspecial *-*/ Birthdayspecial ~ CoD Advanced Warfare DNA Gameplay #2 ~ 68:5
Hi Leute, ich bins BLacK mit einem neuem Gameplay + DNA. Diesmal ohne Kommentary weil ich heute nich so viel Zeit hab Geburtstag und so 😉 hoff es gefllt euch trotzdem und wrde mich ber...
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Geburtstagsspecial *-*/ Birthdayspecial ~ CoD Advanced Warfare DNA Gameplay #2 ~ 68:5 - Video
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*LIVE Triple DNA*(Solo) ASM1 w/ @KingBio_ – Video
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*LIVE Triple DNA*(Solo) ASM1 w/ @KingBio_
SUPPORT ME BY SUBSCRIBING TO MY TWITCH CHANNEL @ leave a "like" if you enjoyed this gameplay of COD:AW ? Also remember to subscribe to not miss out ...
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*LIVE Triple DNA*(Solo) ASM1 w/ @KingBio_ - Video
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DNA Claudia Armani – Video
Posted: at 11:48 pm
DNA Claudia Armani
versin en italiano de ADN Angel congionti-Claudia Armani-Fatima Scialdone DNA Tu che sei nato nel tempo Non s dove n quando Crescendo come potevi Senza luce e nel fango Ti hanno...
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DNA: N Srinivasan barred from contesting BCCI elections – Video
Posted: at 11:48 pm
DNA: N Srinivasan barred from contesting BCCI elections
In a setback to N Srinivasan, the Supreme Court on Thursday barred him from contesting any BCCI election on grounds of conflict of interest and set up a judges committee under a former Chief...
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DNA ties Texas inmate to two Fayetteville rape cases
Posted: at 11:47 pm
DNA testing on a man who has been linked to two violent crimes in Fayetteville has now tied him to additional rapes, court documents said.
The DNA belongs to 46-year-old William Everette Razor III, according to search warrant affidavits filed in the Clerk of Court's Office.
Razor is serving a 13-year prison term in Texas.
Fayetteville police were seeking search warrants to gain access to the victims' medical records.
The affidavits say Razor's DNA matches that found in December 2009 after a woman reported she was beaten and raped at the Red Carpet Inn Motel at 442 S. Eastern Blvd.
The motel closed in 2013 and was scheduled to be razed, but a fire destroyed the building later that year.
Razor's DNA also matches samples of material taken in August 2006 after a woman reported she was beaten and raped at the Economy Inn at 525 Eastern Blvd.
Razor's DNA was entered into a national database after his arrest in Texas.
In January 2013, Fayetteville police were notified that Razor's DNA matched samples that were found in 2007 after 39-year-old April Kemp was found dead behind the Red Carpet Inn Motel.
An autopsy showed Kemp died from blunt force trauma and had injuries indicating she struggled with her attacker. Investigators followed a blood trail to one of the rooms where they found signs of a struggle that moved outside.
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DNA ties Texas inmate to two Fayetteville rape cases
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Seattle police to do DNA testing on all rape kits
Posted: at 11:47 pm
Seattle police will begin DNA testing on all sexual-assault evidence kits, including 1,276 collected over the past 10 years that were shelved and never tested, the department announced Thursday.
Police said the change in policy came after new police Chief Kathleen OToole and the new supervisor of the departments Special Victims Unit, Capt. Deanna Nollette, had discussions with the King County Prosecutors Office, Harborview Medical Center and victim-advocacy groups.
We will test all sexual-assault kits moving forward and begin addressing untested kits, Nollette said. Its a great enhancement in our response to victims and our investigative abilities.
Nollette said the departments previous protocols which took into account whether there was a cooperative victim and whether consensual sexual contact was contested made sense at the time they were created. However, those protocols are no longer considered to be among the best practices.
We took a new look at it and saw there was room for improvement, Nollette said.
The change comes as the issue of untested, stored so-called rape kits is being discussed nationwide.
Last year, Congress officially recognized the backlog of untested rape kits as a national problem in passing the Sexual Assault Forensic Evidence Reporting Act, or SAFER, which seeks to provide data on the number of unsolved rape cases awaiting testing and establish better standards for the tracking, storage and use of DNA evidence in sexual-assault cases.
The federal government is also providing funding to help cover the costs for testing the kits, which usually contain swabs, evidence envelopes and information sheets detailing the examination.
In November, Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance Jr. pledged as much as $35 million to help eliminate the backlog of rape kits that has long troubled authorities, victims and lawmakers.
Sexual-assault victims generally undergo a forensic examination in which potential evidence such as blood, saliva or semen is collected and preserved in what is commonly called a rape kit.
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Seattle police to do DNA testing on all rape kits
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