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Category Archives: DNA
iChill Inno3D GeForce GTX 960: Overclocking DNA – Video
Posted: January 23, 2015 at 5:44 pm
iChill Inno3D GeForce GTX 960: Overclocking DNA
Hong Kong 22nd January, 2015 - Inno3D is thrilled to finally announce the highly anticipated iChill and Inno3D GeForce GTX 960 that delivers incredible performance, power efficiency,...
By: Inno3DHK
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iChill Inno3D GeForce GTX 960: Overclocking DNA - Video
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Dispute Over Yebeis Body, DNA Results – Video
Posted: at 5:44 pm
Dispute Over Yebeis Body, DNA Results
By: Kenya CitizenTV
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Dispute Over Yebeis Body, DNA Results - Video
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My First DNA Bomb (78-6) [Retreat Uplink) – Video
Posted: at 5:44 pm
My First DNA Bomb (78-6) [Retreat Uplink)
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (
By: EvolveD_Element - Notion Gaming
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My First DNA Bomb (78-6) [Retreat Uplink) - Video
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COD Aw MP11 Recovery Dna Bomb on Recovery/43 gunstreak/DOUble DNA Fail – Video
Posted: at 5:43 pm
COD Aw MP11 Recovery Dna Bomb on Recovery/43 gunstreak/DOUble DNA Fail
Like, Share and subscribe if your new for more beast Gameplays. Follow me Also, follow me@david_dunitall on twitter. Apply For A Youtube Partnership: ...
By: FullClipKing Daily tips and Gameplays
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COD Aw MP11 Recovery Dna Bomb on Recovery/43 gunstreak/DOUble DNA Fail - Video
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Miglior clan di clash of clans D.N.A. Y (apertura canale) – Video
Posted: at 5:43 pm
Miglior clan di clash of clans D.N.A. Y (apertura canale)
Clan di clash of clan! TOP CLAN
By: D.N.A. Y
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Miglior clan di clash of clans D.N.A. Y (apertura canale) - Video
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Advanced Warfare: First DNA Bomb #1 – Video
Posted: at 5:43 pm
Advanced Warfare: First DNA Bomb #1
this is my first DNA bomb, if you guys enjoy this please be sure to leave a like on the video 🙂 also if you want to stick around please subscribe it helps me a lot. ENJOY:) twitter - https://t...
By: MrCaptainPancakes
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Advanced Warfare: First DNA Bomb #1 - Video
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DNA Exonerates Man Who Served Nearly 40 Years For Murder
Posted: at 5:43 pm
Joseph Sledge, 70, addresses members of the media after being released from jail in Columbus County, N.C., on Friday. He served nearly four decades behind bars for two slayings he didn't commit. Jonathan Drew/AP hide caption
Joseph Sledge, 70, addresses members of the media after being released from jail in Columbus County, N.C., on Friday. He served nearly four decades behind bars for two slayings he didn't commit.
Joseph Sledge is a free man after 37 years in prison following today's decision by a judicial panel in North Carolina to overturn his 1976 conviction in the stabbing deaths of an elderly mother and her daughter.
The Associated Press says DNA evidence had helped to exonerate Sledge, now 70, whose case was referred last month to the three-judge panel by the North Carolina Innocence Inquiry Commission.
According to the AP:
"The expert said none of the evidence collected in the case hair, DNA and fingerprints belonged to Sledge. A key jailhouse informant had also recanted his story, saying authorities promised him leniency in his own case for his trial testimony against Sledge.
"A district attorney who was not originally involved apologized to Sledge and promised to reopen the investigation.
" 'The system has made a mistake,' district attorney Jon David said."
David, who was not the original prosecutor, pledged to reopen the investigation and apologized to Sledge, according to Raleigh-based WRAL:
" 'There's nothing worse for a prosecutor than convicting an innocent person,' he said.
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DNA Exonerates Man Who Served Nearly 40 Years For Murder
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DNA ties prisoner to California serial killings after 40 years
Posted: at 5:43 pm
REDWOOD CITY, Calif. DNA evidence linked an Oregon prisoner to at least two of the six serial killings of young women, known as the Gypsy Hill murders, that terrified the San Francisco Bay Area and a city in Nevada four decades ago, investigators say. He is suspected of the other slayings.
The San Mateo district attorneys office charged Rodney Halbower, 66, on Thursday with two counts of murder during the course of rape for the deaths of Paula Baxter, 17, and Veronica Anne Cascio, 18.
Rodney HalbowerPhoto: Reuters
Their deaths were among six police say are connected and occurred between January and April 1976 in California and Nevada. Five of the bodies were found in the suburbs immediately south of San Francisco, including one near Gypsy Hill Road, giving the killings their nickname. A sixth body was found in Reno.
DNA evidence linking Halbower to both killings was found on Baxter and Cascio, San Mateo Chief Deputy District Attorney Karen Guidotti said.
Based on the forensic links between a number of the cases, the time frame of the murders, and the methods used by the offender to commit these crimes, investigators are confident all the crimes were committed by the same offender, the FBI said in a statement in March after a Gypsy Hill Task Force was created to revisit the cold case using DNA technology.
Halbower denied involvement in any of the killings in a jailhouse interview with a local television station.
Im confused, and I want some answers, he told KGO-TV. I dont know anything. No knowledge about this.
Halbower submitted a DNA sample when he was transferred from a Nevada prison to Oregon State Prison in November 2013. At the time, Halbower was being paroled in Nevada after serving a sentence for the 1975 rape of a blackjack dealer, which occurred two months before the body of University of Nevada-Reno student Michelle Mitchell, 19, was found.
He escaped from the Nevada prison in 1986 and committed a string of violent crimes in Oregon before he was recaptured. He was serving a sentence in Oregon for attempted murder, assault and robbery when he was extradited to Redwood City and charged with the two murders.
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DNA ties prisoner to California serial killings after 40 years
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DNA ties Oregon prisoner to 2 of 6 serial killings from 1976
Posted: at 5:43 pm
January 23, 2015, 12:26 PM Last updated: Friday, January 23, 2015, 12:31 PM
REDWOOD CITY, Calif. (AP) DNA evidence linked an Oregon prisoner to at least two of the six serial killings of young women that terrified the San Francisco Bay Area and a city in Nevada four decades ago, investigators say. He is suspected of the other slayings.
ap photo
Rodney Halbower, 66
The San Mateo district attorney's office charged Rodney Halbower, 66, on Thursday with two counts of murder during the course of rape for the deaths of Paula Baxter, 17, and Veronica Anne Cascio, 18.
Their deaths were among six police say are connected and occurred between January and April 1976 in California and Nevada. Five of the bodies were found in the suburbs immediately south of San Francisco, including one near Gypsy Hill Road, giving the killings their nickname. A sixth body was found in Reno.
DNA evidence linking Halbower to both killings was found on Baxter and Cascio, San Mateo Chief Deputy District Attorney Karen Guidotti said.
"Based on the forensic links between a number of the cases, the time frame of the murders, and the methods used by the offender to commit these crimes, investigators are confident all the crimes were committed by the same offender," The FBI said in a statement in March after a Gypsy Hill Task Force was created to revisit the cold case using DNA technology.
Halbower denied involvement in any of the killings in a jailhouse interview with a local television station.
"I'm confused, and I want some answers," he told KGO-TV ( ). "I don't know anything. No knowledge about this."
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DNA ties Oregon prisoner to 2 of 6 serial killings from 1976
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