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Category Archives: DNA
L12 106 Replication of DNA 2 36 – Video
Posted: February 18, 2015 at 12:43 am
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The most Bullsh*t death ever! Road to a DNA episode 1 – Video
Posted: February 17, 2015 at 6:44 am
The most Bullsh*t death ever! Road to a DNA episode 1
By: Overdefined XBL
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The most Bullsh*t death ever! Road to a DNA episode 1 - Video
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AW- Infected Road to a DNA bomb # 1 – Video
Posted: at 6:44 am
AW- Infected Road to a DNA bomb # 1
By: TheGhostofXTM3
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AW- Infected Road to a DNA bomb # 1 - Video
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CoD AW 3rd DNA bomb – Video
Posted: at 6:44 am
CoD AW 3rd DNA bomb
This is my third DNA bomb. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare!/tid=CUSA00803_00.
By: IIPlayer99II
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CoD AW 3rd DNA bomb - Video
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DNA: US-led air strikes in Syria, Iraq destroy key ISIS targets – Video
Posted: at 6:44 am
DNA: US-led air strikes in Syria, Iraq destroy key ISIS targets
The US and its coalition partners conducted air strikes against Islamic State (ISIS) militants in Syria and Iraq on Saturday. Also watch: ISIS #39; reaction to the air strikes. DNA test of AAP #39;s...
By: Zee News
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DNA: US-led air strikes in Syria, Iraq destroy key ISIS targets - Video
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One shot DNA bomb – Video
Posted: at 6:44 am
One shot DNA bomb
Dinnerrrr CALL OF DUTY : ADVANCED WARFARE!/tid=CUSA00851_00.
By: Cliff C
See the article here:
One shot DNA bomb - Video
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RBDY- "Lets go knifing" – Video
Posted: at 6:44 am
RBDY- "Lets go knifing"
"Fixing Common Mistakes with Dna bombs" RDBY Lets Get That 30Gunstreak! Finally getting to the bottom of these mistakes we dropped the dna bomb yesterday and im very confident about getting...
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RBDY- "Lets go knifing" - Video
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DNA – Drank and Pills ft FRESHONE – Video
Posted: at 6:44 am
DNA - Drank and Pills ft FRESHONE
The Evolution track 8. Drank and Pills ft. FRESHONE.
By: David Phelps
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DNA - Drank and Pills ft FRESHONE - Video
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Editorial: Legislature, pass bill expanding access to DNA evidence testing
Posted: at 6:44 am
Texas has a band of brothers the likes of which no other state can claim. Theyre the dozens of innocent men who spent years often decades behind bars for the crimes of others before DNA tests set them free.
Some of them gather to offer moral support when a new innocent brother secures his hard-won freedom. They gather when they have the chance to rebalance the scales so justice is not denied thoughtlessly. When they gather, the moment deserves our attention.
So it was last week, at a bill introduction in Austin attended by Billy Smith of Dallas, who spent 20 years in prison for a rape committed by another man, and Michael Morton, who spent 25 years in prison for the murder of his wife, before DNA tests freed him and led to the real killer.
The two are testament to the importance of legislation authored by Sen. Rodney Ellis, D-Houston, to improve post-conviction access to DNA testing. As Morton framed it, innocent but convicted men now face a catch-22: The law says they may have material tested for DNA if it contains biological evidence, but they might be unable to prove that biological evidence exists without todays modern tests. An article of clothing, for example, may contain microscopic sweat or saliva DNA that only the latest technology can detect. Yet some cases are 20 years old and rely on tests that were far more limited.
Had a stringent reading of the law bound his case, Morton might still be in prison. His lawyers battled for years to get court approval to test a soiled blue bandanna found near the home where his wife was bludgeoned to death. It turned out to contain DNA from traces of her blood and that of another man, a dishwasher with a criminal history. The tests corrected a horrible miscarriage of justice and put a dangerous man in prison.
Not every potential DNA case proceeds like that. Last year, the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals denied death-row inmate Larry Swearingens request to test pantyhose used to strangle Melissa Trotter in 1998, in Montgomery County. Swearingen could not prove that potential DNA evidence was there to test.
A fix in state code proposed by the Ellis bill (SB 487) would allow DNA analysis when there is a reasonable likelihood of biological material that could be tested. Its a good change that gives courts clearer direction and provides a potential stopgap against fatal or avoidable error.
Despite its law-and-order reputation, Texas has made remarkable advances in criminal justice reforms in recent years. Many like the 2013 Michael Morton Act, which clarifies a defendants access to prosecution files before trial grew out of hindsight from failures in the legal system.
The band of brothers offers some of that wisdom today on how DNA can be the difference between justice and justice denied.
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Editorial: Legislature, pass bill expanding access to DNA evidence testing
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AW:Double DNA w/100+ on Recovery (Read Description) – Video
Posted: February 16, 2015 at 3:43 am
AW:Double DNA w/100+ on Recovery (Read Description)
Leave a Like and make sure to comment. Follow me on Twitter!!! Sorry for not uploading for a while. Video is cut down to all entertaining parts.
By: ChiefStorm
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AW:Double DNA w/100+ on Recovery (Read Description) - Video
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