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Category Archives: DNA
Krishna IVF Clinic | Sperm chromatin Dispersion Technique – Video
Posted: March 2, 2015 at 6:44 pm
Krishna IVF Clinic | Sperm chromatin Dispersion Technique
Sperm chromatin Dispersion Test | DNA Fragmentation is separation of DNA into pieces. Fragmentation can be caused by many factors like abnormal germ cell apoptosis, High levels of reactive...
By: Krishnaivf Clinic
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DNA links Delray man to July stabbing, authorities say
Posted: at 6:43 pm
DNA has linked a man to a crime committed in Lake Worth July.
Lesly Augustin Jr., 20, was arrested Saturday. He is charged with attempted first-degree murder, armed burglary, assault and grand theft, according to a Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office arrest report.
The report states that Augustin stabbed a Lake Worth couple while he was stealing items from their home. A purse, wallet and laptop were reported missing.
According to the report, a screen was cut and there was a trail of blood throughout the house. A steak knife that didn't belong to the couple was found near a cat litter box.
A K-9 dog followed the blood trail and found blood-stained clothes at a nearby church. The couple identified the shirt, telling deputies the man who robbed them was wearing it, acording to the report.
The missing items were located by Delray Beach police in August during a separate burglary investigation.
A woman called Delray police after Augustin asked to if he could leave items in a black garbage bag in her backyard because he "didn't want it to get wet."
His DNA was taken during the investigation and the results came back in February.
Augustin is being held at the Palm Beach County Jail on $5,000 bail.
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DNA links Delray man to July stabbing, authorities say
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Preventing spread of cancer with copper molecules
Posted: at 6:43 pm
Chemists at Bielefeld University have developed a molecule containing copper that binds specifically with DNA and prevents the spread of cancer. First results show that it kills the cancer cells more quickly than cisplatin -- a widely used anti-cancer drug that is frequently administered in chemotherapy. When developing the anti-tumour agent, Professor Dr. Thorsten Glaser and his team cooperated with biochemists and physicists. The design of the new agent is basic research. 'How and whether the copper complex will actually be given to cancer patients is something that medical research will have to determine in the years to come,' says the chemist.
Ever since the end of the 1970s, doctors have been using cisplatin to treat cancer. For lung cancer and testicular cancer, the drug promotes healing; however, it does not work for all types of cancer. Cisplatin is also one of the anti-cancer drugs that most frequently induce nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. 'Therefore we wanted to develop an alternative agent that would work differently, have fewer side effects, and treat other types of cancer as well,' says Thorsten Glaser, Professor of Inorganic Chemistry at Bielefeld University. 'In addition, we wanted an agent that would treat cancers that have become immune to cisplatin through its use in earlier treatments.' Glaser and his team are using methods from chemistry to produce new molecules that are not found in nature, and to equip these with specific properties.
Cisplatin attacks the DNA of cancer cells. DNA is composed of nucleobases, phosphates, and sugar. Whereas cisplatin binds with the nucleobases, the new molecule developed by the researchers attacks the phosphate in the DNA. 'We did this by integrating two metal ions of copper in our molecule that preferentially bind with phosphates.' As soon as the ions bind with the phosphate, the DNA of the cancer cell changes. This disrupts the cellular processes, prevents the cell from reproducing, and leads to the destruction of the pathological cell.
'Just as a key only works in one specific lock, our molecule only fits the phosphates and blocks them,' says Glaser. A bit like the end of a horseshoe, there are two metal ions of copper protruding from the new molecule. The gap between the two ends of the horseshoe corresponds exactly to that between the phosphates in the DNA so that they can dock together and form a perfect fit. 'Because two phosphates bind simultaneously, the binding strength is greater. And that increases the efficacy.'
The scientists at Bielefeld University have developed a procedure for manufacturing the new molecule. They have proved that their copper agent can bind with DNA and change it. And they have studied whether and how well their agent prevents the spread of the DNA and thereby of the cells. The replication of the genome in cells proceeds in a similar way to a polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The researchers have confirmed that the copper complex stops this chain reaction.
Finally, the scientists applied the agent to cancer cells. They administered the substance to a cell culture with cancer cells. The result was that 'the copper complex is more effective than cisplatin,' says Glaser. 'The highest number of cancer cells died at a concentration of 10 micromolar. With cisplatin, you need 20 micromolar.'
When carrying out the research on the new agent, Professor Glaser and his team cooperated with the research teams of Professor Dr. Dario Anselmetti (Biophysics and nanoscience) and Professor Dr. Gabriele Fischer von Mollard (Biochemistry) -- both also at Bielefeld University. Dario Anselmetti's colleagues used atomic force microscopy to produce the images confirming that the copper complex binds with the DNA. Gabriele Fischer von Mollard's team tested how the cancer cell culture responded to the agent.
Story Source:
The above story is based on materials provided by Universitaet Bielefeld. Note: Materials may be edited for content and length.
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Preventing spread of cancer with copper molecules
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Supreme Court gives tacit approval for government to take anybodys DNA
Posted: at 6:43 pm
Further Reading
The Supreme Court on Monday let stand the conviction of a rapist whose prosecution rested on DNA swiped from the armrests of an interrogation-room chair.
Without comment, the justices refused to review a 4-3 decision from Maryland's top court that upheld the life sentence and conviction of Glenn Raynor. The dissent on the Maryland Court of Appeals said a probable-cause warrant was needed and painted a grimpicture of thefuture:
The Majoritys approval of such police procedure means, in essence, that a person desiring to keep her DNA profile private, must conduct her public affairs in a hermetically sealed hazmat suit....The Majority's holding means that a person can no longer vote, participate in a jury, or obtain a driver's license, without opening up his genetic material for state collection and codification.
In urging the high court to review the case, the Electronic Frontier Foundation wrote that "allowing police the limitless ability to collect and search genetic material will usher in a future where DNA may be collected from any person at any time, entered into and checked against DNA databases, and used to conduct pervasive surveillance."
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Supreme Court gives tacit approval for government to take anybodys DNA
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COD:AW – 70-0 DNA – Non-reverse boosted – Video
Posted: March 1, 2015 at 8:43 am
COD:AW - 70-0 DNA - Non-reverse boosted
Matchmaking is too hacked to get global elite, so now I #39;m just doing stuff on cod. #plsstopcheatingonmm.
By: Vlex
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COD:AW - 70-0 DNA - Non-reverse boosted - Video
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Call of Duty Advanced Warfare-Road to DNA-Bomb #02 – Video
Posted: at 8:43 am
Call of Duty Advanced Warfare-Road to DNA-Bomb #02
By: infinity028
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Advanced Warfare – DNA BOMB w/ EVERY GUN "BAL-27" (Bio Lab) #6 – Video
Posted: at 8:43 am
Advanced Warfare - DNA BOMB w/ EVERY GUN "BAL-27" (Bio Lab) #6
Call of Duty Advanced Warfare Gameplay.
By: RecklessHDD - Advanced Warfare Gameplays
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Advanced Warfare - DNA BOMB w/ EVERY GUN "BAL-27" (Bio Lab) #6 - Video
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Advanced Warfare: AE4 DNA Bomb on Riot! (DNA Saturday) – Video
Posted: at 8:43 am
Advanced Warfare: AE4 DNA Bomb on Riot! (DNA Saturday)
I hope you enjoyed this episode of DNA Saturday! In this episode, we feature the Havoc DLC weapon "AE4", playing some Uplink on the map Riot. DNA Bomb By: ...
By: NerosCinema
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Double "DNA BOMB" – MY FIRST ONE! "Advanced Warfare" multiplayer gameplay – Video
Posted: at 8:43 am
Double "DNA BOMB" - MY FIRST ONE! "Advanced Warfare" multiplayer gameplay
Double "DNA BOMB". My first Double DNA BOMB on Advanced Warfare, which I manage to get without reverse boosting! Sub for Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare htt...
By: BennyCentral
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Double "DNA BOMB" - MY FIRST ONE! "Advanced Warfare" multiplayer gameplay - Video
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Advanced Warfare: "Infected" EM1 DNA Bomb on Recovery! (DNA Saturday) – Video
Posted: at 8:43 am
Advanced Warfare: "Infected" EM1 DNA Bomb on Recovery! (DNA Saturday)
I hope you enjoyed this episode of DNA Saturday! In this episode, we see a DNA Bomb on Recovery while playing EM1 Infected. DNA Bomb By: https://www.youtub...
By: NerosCinema
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