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Category Archives: DNA
DNA Data Storage Just Got a Bit More Practical
Posted: March 8, 2015 at 4:44 pm
For two years now, researchers have been storing digital information in the form of DNA, but there has remained some question as to whether its a practical solution for digital storage.
Now researchers at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETHZ) have addressed a number of the problems associated with using DNA asdata storageenough so that they believe it can be used for error-free storage of information. If theirsolution proves successful, it could open the door for data storage that lasts for a million years.
Researchers around the world have been investigating a variety of new methods for storing digital information because well be lucky if the solutions we have now, like hard drives and servers, can keep faithful records for fifty years. DNA has been among those potential alternatives. But errors during data retrieval havebeen the methods bugaboo. Gaps and false information in the encoded data result from chemical degradation and mistakes in DNA sequencing.
In research published in the journal Angewandte Chemie, the Swiss team wasable to overcome the problem of chemical degradation of the DNA by encapsulating the genetic material in silica (glass) spheres withdiameters of around 150 nanometers.
In order to test the quality of their encapsulation, the researchers simulated a long period of time by storing the information-encoded DNA at temperatures between 60 and 70 degrees Celsius for up to a month. This simulated, within a few weeks, the degradation that would occur over hundreds of years under normal conditions.
After finding that the silica capsules outperformed several other materieals they tested, the researchers then moved on to ensuring that the DNA remained error free.
While advances in DNA sequencing make it possible to read stored data on DNA affordably, affordabilityand exactitudedont always go hand in hand. To overcome this problem, the researchers have developed a way to correct any errors based on the Reed-Solomon Codes, error-correcting codes normally used to ensure accurate data recovery after long-distance datatransmission.
The scheme adds just a bit more data to ensure that whats encoded is error free. In order to define a parabola, you basically need only three points, said Reinhard Heckel from ETH Zurichs Communication Technology Laboratory in a press release. We added a further two in case one gets lost or is shifted.
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DNA Data Storage Just Got a Bit More Practical
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70 Kills in 3 Minutes w/ DNA BOMB! (Call of Duty Advanced Warfare) – Video
Posted: March 7, 2015 at 5:48 pm
70 Kills in 3 Minutes w/ DNA BOMB! (Call of Duty Advanced Warfare)
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By: JNaStY720 | Call of Duty Advanced Warfare
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70 Kills in 3 Minutes w/ DNA BOMB! (Call of Duty Advanced Warfare) - Video
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Witness testimony puts Hernandez DNA at murder scene – Video
Posted: at 5:47 pm
Witness testimony puts Hernandez DNA at murder scene
Aaron Hernandez #39;s DNA was found on a cigarette butt at the scene of a murder near his home, a crime lab scientist testified Friday. Subscribe to WCVB on YouTube now for more:
By: WCVB Channel 5 Boston
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DNA Bomb on Riot, KC 30-0, no reverse boost – Video
Posted: at 5:47 pm
DNA Bomb on Riot, KC 30-0, no reverse boost
Load out is as follows: AK-12 RIP with Suppressor, Stock and Extended Mags Low Profile Blind Eye / Peripherals Toughness / Scavenger UAV with Support / Threat Detection / Faster Sweeps.
By: SoBe Dragon
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DNA Bomb on Riot, KC 30-0, no reverse boost - Video
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Posted: at 5:47 pm
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Advanced Warfare DNA Bomb Kill Confirmed – Video
Posted: at 5:47 pm
Advanced Warfare DNA Bomb Kill Confirmed
Me and my friends were playing Kill Confirmed and I got a DNA Bomb for the first time :D.
By: Vortex
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Sporing af ulv til DNA register Wolf tracking Denmark – Video
Posted: at 5:47 pm
Sporing af ulv til DNA register Wolf tracking Denmark
Med ulvetracking Danmark 2015 Registration of wolves by dna.
By: Ulvetracking Danmarks naturkanal
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Sporing af ulv til DNA register Wolf tracking Denmark - Video
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Advanced Warfare: Hbra3 Dna Bomb on Detroit – Video
Posted: at 5:47 pm
Advanced Warfare: Hbra3 Dna Bomb on Detroit
Thank you for watching I hope you have enjoyed stay tuned for my next video. I love posting videos for you guys. I would love to see comments because I want to know what you guys think about...
By: AwesomePerson619
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Advanced Warfare: Hbra3 Dna Bomb on Detroit - Video
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Read Description (Cod Advance Warfare Double DNA Gameplay) – Video
Posted: at 5:47 pm
Read Description (Cod Advance Warfare Double DNA Gameplay)
5 Likes? Follow me on Twitter I #39;ve been very unmotivated to do commentaries I probably wont do another until I get a mic for it so enjoy the music. __ Check...
By: MrAaronYT
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Read Description (Cod Advance Warfare Double DNA Gameplay) - Video
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Nightcore~DNA – Video
Posted: at 5:47 pm
Created using Video Star:
By: Lpsaligirl
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Nightcore~DNA - Video
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