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Category Archives: DNA

DNA: The poignant photo of a Syrian girl surrendering to a camera – Video

Posted: April 3, 2015 at 5:43 am

DNA: The poignant photo of a Syrian girl surrendering to a camera
A poignant photo of a four-year-old Syrian refugee surrendering to a camera she faulted as a deadly weapon has went viral on social media. Also watch: Indian Railways catering issues.

By: Zee News

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DNA: The poignant photo of a Syrian girl surrendering to a camera - Video

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The Company Printing DNA Made To Order – Video

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The Company Printing DNA Made To Order
Cambrian Genomics has found a way to radically reduce the cost of making DNA, enabling anyone to design an organism. The innovation has engendered both excitement and concern about the ...

By: Forbes

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THIS IS RIDICULOUS (Stephen A. Anthem) – Prod. by Abstract DNA – Video

Posted: at 5:43 am

THIS IS RIDICULOUS (Stephen A. Anthem) - Prod. by Abstract DNA
A little inspiration from ESPN #39;s "First Take." I love me some Stephen A. Smith. ESPN PLEASE DO NOT ATTEMPT TO SUE ME FOR SAMPLING CUTS FROM STEPHEN A. Besides, this is some good ol #39; ...

By: Abstract DNA

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THIS IS RIDICULOUS (Stephen A. Anthem) - Prod. by Abstract DNA - Video

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41 kill streak DNA BOMB BIOLAB domination – Video

Posted: at 5:43 am

41 kill streak DNA BOMB BIOLAB domination
Little_bud1987 rips it up : } Call of Duty Advanced Warfare!/en-gb/tid=CUSA00851_00.


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DNA can't explain all inherited biological traits, research shows

Posted: at 5:43 am

Characteristics passed between generations are not decided solely by DNA, but can be brought about by other material in cells, new research shows.

Scientists studied proteins found in cells, known as histones, which are not part of the genetic code, but act as spools around which DNA is wound. Histones are known to control whether or not genes are switched on.

Researchers found that naturally occurring changes to these proteins, which affect how they control genes, can be sustained from one generation to the next and so influence which traits are passed on.

The finding demonstrates for the first time that DNA is not solely responsible for how characteristics are inherited. It paves the way for research into how and when this method of inheritance occurs in nature, and if it is linked to particular traits or health conditions.

It may also inform research into whether changes to the histone proteins that are caused by environmental conditions -- such as stress or diet -- can influence the function of genes passed on to offspring.

The research confirms a long-held expectation among scientists that genes could be controlled across generations by such changes. However, it remains to be seen how common the process is, researchers say.

Scientists tested the theory by carrying out experiments in a yeast with similar gene control mechanisms to human cells. They introduced changes to a histone protein, mimicking those that occur naturally, causing it to switch off nearby genes. The effect was inherited by subsequent generations of yeast cells.

The study, published in Science, was supported by the Wellcome Trust and the EC EpiGeneSys Network.

Professor Robin Allshire, of the University of Edinburgh's School of Biological Sciences, who led the study, said: "We've shown without doubt that changes in the histone spools that make up chromosomes can be copied and passed through generations. Our finding settles the idea that inherited traits can be epigenetic, meaning that they are not solely down to changes in a gene's DNA."

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DNA can't explain all inherited biological traits, research shows

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Wisconsin implements new DNA collection law

Posted: at 5:43 am

A new Wisconsin law now requires police to collect a DNA sample from people arrested for a violent felony, even though they have not yet been convicted.

DNA samples can be a the key to cracking otherwise unsolvable cases.

"DNA solves a lot of crimes. I fully believe we need to collect all this DNA and get it in the system," Captain Steve Anderson with the La Crosse County Sheriff's Department said.

The new procedure requires officers to collect the DNA and send it into the Department of Justice in Madison to be in entered into a database.

"It's more work for us. We've never collected DNA in the past and we have to come up with policy and procedure for collecting this DNA," Anderson said.

He said he is certain his staff will have no trouble adjusting. As for the public, he said he's not so sure.

"There'll be questions because it's something new. It's something we haven't done before. There will be questions. I'm sure," Anderson said.

La Crosse attorney Cheryl Gill said for some people it may be considered an invasion of privacy.

"Let's say that you are arrested for a violent felony, they collect the DNA, it's sent to the state. It's later determined that you are innocent of all charges, they drop the charges, you request the expungment but it doesn't get done."

Gill said mistakes happen.

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Wisconsin implements new DNA collection law

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Advanced Warfare – "CHOP SHOP" DNA BOMB – NEW Ascendance DLC! (COD AW DNA Bomb on Chop Shop) – Video

Posted: April 2, 2015 at 5:44 am

Advanced Warfare - "CHOP SHOP" DNA BOMB - NEW Ascendance DLC! (COD AW DNA Bomb on Chop Shop)
Advanced Warfare - "CHOP SHOP" DNA BOMB - NEW Ascendance DLC Gameplay! (COD AW DNA Bomb on Chop Shop) DNA Bomb by: Commentator: ...


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Advanced Warfare - "CHOP SHOP" DNA BOMB - NEW Ascendance DLC! (COD AW DNA Bomb on Chop Shop) - Video

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DNA & Yanzee (TruLife) – Siempre En On (Official Video) – Video

Posted: at 5:44 am

DNA Yanzee (TruLife) - Siempre En On (Official Video)
DNA Yanzee (TruLife) - Siempre En On (Official Video) prod by Magnifico JX.

By: InfamousTruLifeTV

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DNA & Yanzee (TruLife) - Siempre En On (Official Video) - Video

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#28 Lp MinecraftGalaxy D.N.A oder D()ner – Video

Posted: at 5:44 am

#28 Lp MinecraftGalaxy D.N.A oder D()ner

By: Strich Zocker

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#28 Lp MinecraftGalaxy D.N.A oder D()ner - Video

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