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Category Archives: DNA
Posted: April 12, 2015 at 6:45 am
Yo aujourd #39;hui on ce retrouve pour le RC FR MSW CLAN qui est enfin ouverte nous vous disons bonne chance tous. 🙂 Bon visionnages les mec. Si ta aimer merci de partager et de t #39;abonner...
By: MsW_Yanks _MsW
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CERN, Portals, Endtimes, Demons, Satan, Christ, And DNA – Video
Posted: at 6:45 am
CERN, Portals, Endtimes, Demons, Satan, Christ, And DNA
Amazing knowledge here from "mike" from around the world a retired dept of defense employee having a dialogue open discussion interview with an American youtube preacher Bagley and gives ...
By: Icelandic Watchman
CERN, Portals, Endtimes, Demons, Satan, Christ, And DNA - Video
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Msp Dna MV – Madd33 – Video
Posted: at 6:45 am
Msp Dna MV - Madd33
You guys have been waiting for about a year for this video! I #39;ve finally got iMovie working on this project (It wouldn #39;t open the project it would just delete it and would take me 2 hours to...
By: Maddy MSP Priest
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Msp Dna MV - Madd33 - Video
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It’s In His DNA Pinhead x Meg MEP Part 6 – Video
Posted: at 6:45 am
It #39;s In His DNA Pinhead x Meg MEP Part 6
i have such sites to show you for this is for melysarani #39;s DNA Live Action Disney and Non Disney Crossover MEP and i do got to say this is another genius pairing i came up with and i hope you...
By: thejoker0123
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It's In His DNA Pinhead x Meg MEP Part 6 - Video
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Dexter mitochondrial dna test – Video
Posted: at 6:45 am
Dexter mitochondrial dna test
By: Amber Wirth
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Dexter mitochondrial dna test - Video
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TEASER: SX Mini M Class SX350J Temperature Control DNA 40 KILLER! – Video
Posted: at 6:45 am
TEASER: SX Mini M Class SX350J Temperature Control DNA 40 KILLER!
Catch Myself, The Vapor Chronicals, and Mike Vapes LIVE on #39;The Vape Team" Every Thursday Night At 10:00 PM EST My Absolute ...
By: Butt Kickers Reviews
TEASER: SX Mini M Class SX350J Temperature Control DNA 40 KILLER! - Video
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Frog DNA – Video
Posted: at 6:45 am
Frog DNA
As the legends say, "Nature finds a way..." Kind of like peaches make you taller or how tall people are actually genetically predisposed excellently to being good at basketball. Who half-invented...
By: CopperHeatwave
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Frog DNA - Video
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DNA tests confirm rare birth of DeKalb, TX quad calves
Posted: at 6:44 am
DNA tests have confirmed the birth of extremely rare quadruplet calves in DeKalb, Texas.
Eeny, Meeny, Miney and Moo were born to a red cow owned by Jim and Dora Rumsey Barling on March 16.
Those doubts were not surprising, considering births with 4 surviving calves like this are estimated to be more than one in 11 million.
News of the rare births spread far and wide.
Veterinarian Dr. Michael Baird said the parentage testing was arranged in order to put to rest any doubts that the calves are siblings born to the same cow.
Dr. Baird was thrilled to share the news on his Facebook page on Wednesday, 2 weeks after the samples were collected.
"It is with much joy and excitement that I make this post. Today we got a call from Jill Ginn with Geneseek reporting to us that the DNA testing is complete on Eeny, Miney, Miney, and Moo, and THEIR mother (cow #15). Scientific evidence has confirmed that these 4 calves are in fact quadruplets!!!"
Baird says all 4 calves are progressing nicely, but cautions that they are not safely out of the woods just yet.
"It's been a bad year for calves," Baird says, referring to a range of ailments and issues that have resulted calves lost to illness so far this season. "So it's been really nerve-wracking."
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DNA tests confirm rare birth of DeKalb, TX quad calves
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DNA Chief-Prosecutor explains institution of the denouncer
Posted: at 6:44 am
The Chief-Prosecutor of the National Anti-corruption Directorate (DNA), Laura Codruta Kovesi continued her media exposure of the last days and came out with new statements and clarifications meant to shed light on the points of interest insistently raised by the mass-media over the recent weeks. Following her interviews to Romania Libera and Radio Romania News and Current Affairs on Wednesday, Wednesday night, Kovesi made new statements on TV on parliamentary immunity or the institution of the denouncer or the weight of denunciations in the DNA investigations.
Parliamentary immunity should be abrogated altogether, Kovesi said on Digi24. Invited to the evening news, Laura Codruta Kovesi said it was not normal that a political vote should be a substitute for justice. The DNA chief denounced the members of Parliament for raising a shield around their colleagues in conflict with the law, blocking the efforts of the judiciary. In addition, Laura Kovesi accuses, thats discriminative against the rest of the people.
It should be completely abrogated. It is not normal that a vote given by politicians should block justice or be a substitute for justice, she said, as the Senate had declined DNAs request to remand Dan Sova in custody although the majority of the senators present in the hall had voted in favour. The Senate Regulation was however invoked, which says that the decision is made by absolute majority. Meanwhile, the Regulation has been harmonized with the Constitution and any future decision on DNA requests will be made based on the votes of attending senators.
Any arrest request made by prosecutors is censured by a judge (). Regarding the remand requests, there is definitely a preferential treatment for the MPs. A person who is not an MP and who commits exactly the same crime may be arrested at any time. An MP, on the other hand, can commit any corruption offence because the Parliament can protect him/her by not allowing his/her preventive arrest. Thats preferential enforcement of the law, said the chief-prosecutor of DNA.
Regarding serving or former ministers, they may not even be prosecuted without the Parliaments consent. Laura Codruta Kovesi reminded of the cases of ex-Ministers Daniel Chitoiu and Laszlo Borbely, where the approval had not been granted by Parliament.
That was a suspicion which might or might not verify. We couldnt even look into it because we did not receive the consent. Investigations are being blocked, she said.
DNA Chief-Prosecutor explains institution of the denouncer
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DNA Chief-Prosecutor explains institution of the denouncer
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Scientists suspended as State Police DNA scandal deepens
Posted: at 6:44 am
The State Police moved to fire two forensic scientists implicated in an alleged cheating scandal at the agency's crime laboratory as district attorneys deal with the fallout of a lingering internal investigation that has sidelined a dozen DNA analysts.
The termination notices were quietly issued in late February to two of the 12 forensic scientists under investigation. The scientists, both supervisors, are the first to face formal discipline and were suspended without pay after being served with administrative charges alleging they violated agency rules, according to a person briefed on the matter.
Ten other DNA scientists nearly one-third of the lab's DNA analysts have remained on restricted duty for more than three months and are prohibited from working on criminal cases.
Some experts believe the scientists were pressured to do well on a qualification test for a controversial new type of DNA analysis that the State Police has spent $4.5 million and more than 10 years to implement. The program is still not in use by the State Police, where top officials have resisted implementing it, according to a former lab scientist.
The ongoing investigation also has raised questions about the ability of the analysts to testify in criminal proceedings, which they are often called on to do. Albany County prosecutors said they have two pending cases, a rape case and a homicide case, in which the DNA evidence was processed by scientists under investigation. They're considering having the evidence retested by other analysts.
"At the request of district attorneys, the State Police lab has re-reviewed and retested some evidence and found no discrepancies," said Beau Duffy, a State Police spokesman, adding: "We are disclosing to prosecutors all relevant information so they can evaluate their legal obligations."
The DNA casework unit at the State Police laboratory uses genetic testing to identify or exonerate potential suspects in more than a thousand criminal cases statewide each year.
State Police officials last week said there was no change in status for the 12 scientists under investigation, other than removing them from casework. But the Times Union independently confirmed that two supervisors, Shannon L. Morris, an associate director at the State Police DNA lab, and Kevin P. Rafferty, a supervisor who has worked in the laboratory since 1996, were suspended without pay in late February, according to a person briefed on the matter but not authorized to comment publicly.
"The internal investigation is ongoing, the status of the 12 analysts remains the same," Duffy said in an email.
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