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Category Archives: Censorship
Bike Matadors and Censorship Towels Spring From Ad Firm’s Creative Offshoot
Posted: October 3, 2012 at 9:17 pm
Thats what several bicyclists in Minneapolis were probably thinking recently as they encountered a fully dressed matador squaring off with them on as they rode down one of the citys many bike paths.
Turns out it was an art project from the Carmichael Collective, which over the past 10 months has created a series of similarly wacky and creative stunts.
Its all about creativity for creativitys sake, says Dave Damman, the founder of the collective, which is comprised of employees from Carmichael Lynch, an advertising firm based in that city.
Back in May we covered a project called Bug Memorials which was one of the collectives first projects and ever since theyve been pushing out new ideas as a way to help employees at the firm get their creative juices flowing.
Damman, who is also the chief creative officer for Carmichael Lynch, says that when staffers participate in the collective he doesnt want them worrying about meeting client needs or tailoring projects to reach a specific audience. He just wants them to have fun and think outside the box.
The mantra for the whole thing is What if? he says.
Like many of the collectives projects, the idea for the Bike Matador just popped into an employees head one day. Damman says Thako Harris was riding his bike to work and thought about how he might spruce up the commute.
If he was doing this with cars he probably would have been run over or at least flipped off, Damman says. But none of the bikers had unfavorable responses.
Other recent projects include the Censorship Towel, Piata Anatomy and Urban Plant Tags.
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Bike Matadors and Censorship Towels Spring From Ad Firm’s Creative Offshoot
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Kurt Vonnegut, Harper Lee, and Other Literary Greats on Censorship
Posted: October 2, 2012 at 7:16 am
Some of these authors were censored, but they certainly weren't silenced.
Some of history's most celebrated works of literature have, at various times and in various societies, been bannedfrom Arabian Nights to Ulysses to, even, Anas Nin's diaries, to name but a fraction. To mark Banned Books Week 2012, I'll be featuring excerpts from once-banned books on Literary Jukebox over the coming days. But, today, dive into an omnibus of meditations on and responses to censorship from a selection of literary heroes from the past century.
Kurt Vonnegut writes in his almost-memoir, A Man Without a Country (public library):
So the America I loved still exists, if not in the White House or the Supreme Court or the Senate or the House of Representatives or the media. The America I love still exists at the front desks of our public libraries.
And yet libraries have had a track record for exercising censorship themselves. When Virginia's Hanover County School Board removed all copies the Harper Lee classic To Kill a Mockingbird (public library) in 1966 on the grounds that it was "immoral," Lee wrote the following letter to the editor of The Richmond News Leader, found in Understanding To Kill a Mockingbird:
Editor, The News Leader:
Recently I have received echoes down this way of the Hanover County School Board's activities, and what I've heard makes me wonder if any of its members can read.
Surely it is plain to the simplest intelligence that "To Kill a Mockingbird" spells out in words of seldom more than two syllables a code of honor and conduct, Christian in its ethic, that is the heritage of all Southerners. To hear that the novel is "immoral" has made me count the years between now and 1984, for I have yet to come across a better example of doublethink.
I feel, however, that the problem is one of illiteracy, not Marxism. Therefore I enclose a small contribution to the Beadle Bumble Fund that I hope will be used to enroll the Hanover County School Board in any first grade of its choice.
Harper Lee
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Kurt Vonnegut, Harper Lee, and Other Literary Greats on Censorship
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Read-out being held to raise awareness for banned book week
Posted: at 7:16 am
Read-out being held to raise awareness for banned book week
Top 10 challenged books of 2011:
Source: The American Library Association
Sections of banned and challenged books will be read aloud Wednesday to protest censorship and recognize the national Banned Book Week.
The OU School of Library and Information Studies and the Oklahoma Library and Information Studies Students Association will be holding a Read-Out from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday on the South Oval, according to the schools website.
Last year, they set up a table and took turns reading aloud, and it was so cute to see all these college students sitting down listening to each other read aloud to teach tolerance, said Cecelia Brown, professor and director for the OU School of Library and Information Studies.
Each year, the American Library Association receives hundreds of reports from libraries, schools and the media on attempts to ban books in communities across the country, according to the associations website. The association holds a Banned Book Week to raise awareness of and condemn censorship to ensure free access to information.
These books are challenged for different reasons, ranging from language to culture to anything that people disagree with, Brown said. A successful challenge results in these books being banned from schools, public libraries
and other institutions.
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Read-out being held to raise awareness for banned book week
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Iran unblocks Gmail, plans local alternatives
Posted: October 1, 2012 at 10:24 am
Summary: Government lifts ban on Google's e-mail service after blocking it last week, following plans to introduce domestic versions of search and e-mail services soon.
Iran has lifted its online blocks on Gmail, but an official says additional censorship is being prepared against YouTube. This comes as the country revealed it was introducing domestic versions of Google's search engine and e-mail service soon.
According to AFP on Monday, Internet users in Iran found themselves able to freely access their Gmail accounts for the first time since the blocks were suddenly in place on Sep. 24.
The secure-protocol HTTPS version of Google search was also made accessible after being blocked at the same time, while the unsecure HTTP version remained unblocked.
Last week, Iran had blocked Gmail but not Google's search engine, in response to a court order linked to the distribution of controversial anti-Islam film "Innocence of Muslims" on YouTube, also owned by Google.
An Iranian official, had then stated that "due to the repeated demands of the people,Google and Gmail will be filtered nationwide. They will remain filtered until further notice."
However on Monday, Mehr news agency cited Mohammad Reza Miri, a member of Iran's telecommunications ministry committee tasked with Internet filtering in Iran, explaining the the Gmail block had been an "involuntary" consequence of trying to reinforce censorship of YouTube.
"We absolutely do not want YouTube to be accessible. That is why the telecommunications ministry is seeking a solution to fix the problem to block YouTube under the HTTPS protocol while leaving Gmail accessible. That will soon happen."
Changing approach to censorshipYouTube has been effectively censored in Iran since mid-2009, according to data from Google monitoring traffic connectivity.
The Iranian government last week also announced plans to move citizens to its local Internet system, which it said will be fully implemented by March 2013.
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Iran unblocks access to Gmail
Posted: at 10:24 am
Iran on Monday removed online blocks on Gmail but a government Internet filtering committee official said other, additional censorship was being prepared against YouTube, according to reports.
Internet users in Iran found themselves able to freely access their Gmail accounts for the first time since the blocks were suddenly established on September 24.
The secure-protocol HTTPS version of Google search was also made accessible after being blocked at the same time. The unsecure HTTP version of Google search was never blocked.
Abdolsamad Khoramabadi, the secretary of an official group tasked with detecting Internet content deemed illegal, had said in a message last week that "Google and Gmail will be filtered nationwide... until further notice."
But Mohammad Reza Miri, a member of the telecommunications ministry committee tasked with filtering the Internet in Iran, was quoted on Monday by the Mehr news agency as saying the Gmail block was an "involuntary" consequence of trying to reinforce censorship of Google's YouTube video-sharing site.
"Unfortunately, we do not yet have enough technical knowhow to differentiate between these two services. We wanted to block YouTube and Gmail was also blocked, which was involuntary," he said.
"We absolutely do not want YouTube to be accessible. That is why the telecommunications ministry is seeking a solution to fix the problem to block YouTube under the HTTPS protocol while leaving Gmail accessible. That will soon happen."
Iran has censored YouTube since mid-2009, after opposition demonstrators protesting the re-election victory of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in polls they believed rigged started posting videos online of their gatherings.
A Google website which monitors the amount of traffic for its services in each country shows YouTube has been effectively censored in Iran since then (
A member of Iran's High Council on Cyberspace, which provides policy advice, Kamyar Saghafi, was quoted by Mehr last week suggesting that the action against Google services was "to boycott" the US company over an anti-Islam film available on YouTube that has sparked Muslim protests worldwide.
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Iran unblocks access to Gmail
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National banned book week sheds light on censorship
Posted: September 30, 2012 at 6:12 pm
When it comes to censorship, librarians sit at ground zero.
"Librarians are on the front line in protecting our freedom to read," said Trisha Noack, supervisor of public relations for the Peoria Public Library.
Almost every day in the U.S. someone challenges a book and asks that it be removed from the shelf of a public or school library.
"They don't want you to read anything from 'Harry Potter' to 'Captain Underpants,' " said Noack. "People are still trying to keep you from reading 'To Kill a Mockingbird' - it gets challenged every year. If everyone backed down, there would be nothing on the shelves to read."
To draw attention to the issue, libraries all over the country will be participating in the American Library Association's Banned Book Week Sept. 30 through Oct. 6.
"It's a freedom we enjoy. You have to protect it," said Noack.
Books are not challenged often in Peoria. In the nine years Noack has been working at the library she has seen only onechallenge.
"The last challenge we had was to 'It's Perfectly Normal' by Robie Harris," said Noack. Meant for ages 10 and up, the book, whose full title is "It's Perfectly Normal: Changing Bodies, Growing Up, Sex, and Sexual Health," describes puberty and human sexuality in a light, kid-friendly way.
"People seemed to object to the drawings, which are line drawings and somewhat humorous at times," Noack said. "They also objected to the practices described as 'perfectly normal.' "
The challenge was instigated by a national group protesting the book all over the country, Noack said.
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Internet censorship up, report says
Posted: at 6:12 pm
Draconian laws, brutal attacks against bloggers and politically motivated surveillance are among the biggest threats to Internet freedom emerging in the last two years, according to a new report from free speech advocates, Freedom House.
"Freedom on the Net 2012: A Global Assessment of Internet and Digital Media," looked at barriers to access, limits on content, and violations of user rights in 47 countries across the globe. Estonia was rated as having the greatest degree of Internet freedom, while Iran, Cuba and China were viewed as the most restrictive.
While social media was key in the uprising in Egypt, censorship there continues apace, says Freedom House, a U.S.-based independent watchdog organization.
Although online activism is increasing, the report said authoritarian regimes were employing a wider and increasingly sophisticated arsenal of countermeasures.
According to Freedom House, China has the world's largest population of Internet users, yet the authorities operate the most sophisticated system of censorship. Its "great firewall" has become notorious for literally shutting down Internet "chatter" it views as sensitive. Earlier this year, censors blocked related search terms to prevent the public from obtaining news on prominent human rights activist Chen Guangcheng, who caused a diplomatic storm when he escaped house arrest to seek refuge in the U.S. Embassy in Beijing.
Major web portals and social networking sites, though not state-owned, have had to comply with strict government censorship rules -- or risk being shut down. After launching a campaign to clean up "rampant online rumors," Chinese authorities in March ordered the country's leading micro-blogging sites -- including Sina Weibo -- to disable their comment function for three days. In China, bloggers are also required to register their real names -- though it's not clear how many have complied with the rules.
"It's a typical response by officials and quite a successful strategy in making it extremely difficult to spread information beyond some small circles of activists," Jeremy Goldkorn, a leading commentator on China's social media, told CNN at the time.
Freedom House claims Beijing's influence as an "incubator for sophisticated restrictions" has not gone unnoticed, with governments such as Belarus, Uzbekistan, and Iran using China as a model for their own Internet controls.
Unrest across the Middle East prompted increased censorship, arrests, and violence against bloggers as authoritarian regimes look to quell calls for reform. Social media was widely accepted to have played a key role in popular uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia. Fearing a similar "revolution" in Saudi Arabia, the authorities there took immediate steps to respond to what they regarded as a national security threat.
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Internet Censorship on the Up, Report Says
Posted: at 6:12 pm
HONG KONG (CNN) -- Draconian laws, brutal attacks against bloggers and politically motivated surveillance are among the biggest threats to Internet freedom emerging in the last two years, according to a new report from free speech advocates, Freedom House.
"Freedom on the Net 2012: A Global Assessment of Internet and Digital Media," looked at barriers to access, limits on content, and violations of user rights in 47 countries across the globe. Estonia was rated as having the greatest degree of Internet freedom, while Iran, Cuba and China were viewed as the most restrictive.
While social media was key in the uprising in Egypt, censorship there continues apace, says Freedom House, a U.S.-based independent watchdog organization.
Although online activism is increasing, the report said authoritarian regimes were employing a wider and increasingly sophisticated arsenal of countermeasures.
Read the full report
According to Freedom House, China has the world's largest population of Internet users, yet the authorities operate the most sophisticated system of censorship. Its "great firewall" has become notorious for literally shutting down Internet "chatter" it views as sensitive. Earlier this year, censors blocked related search terms to prevent the public from obtaining news on prominent human rights activist Chen Guangcheng, who caused a diplomatic storm when he escaped house arrest to seek refuge in the U.S. Embassy in Beijing.
Major web portals and social networking sites, though not state-owned, have had to comply with strict government censorship rules -- or risk being shut down. After launching a campaign to clean up "rampant online rumors," Chinese authorities in March ordered the country's leading micro-blogging sites -- including Sina Weibo -- to disable their comment function for three days. In China, bloggers are also required to register their real names -- though it's not clear how many have complied with the rules.
"It's a typical response by officials and quite a successful strategy in making it extremely difficult to spread information beyond some small circles of activists," Jeremy Goldkorn, a leading commentator on China's social media, told CNN at the time.
Freedom House claims Beijing's influence as an "incubator for sophisticated restrictions" has not gone unnoticed, with governments such as Belarus, Uzbekistan, and Iran using China as a model for their own Internet controls.
Unrest across the Middle East prompted increased censorship, arrests, and violence against bloggers as authoritarian regimes look to quell calls for reform. Social media was widely accepted to have played a key role in popular uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia. Fearing a similar "revolution" in Saudi Arabia, the authorities there took immediate steps to respond to what they regarded as a national security threat.
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Internet Censorship on the Up, Report Says
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Big Brother still watching: Internet censorship up, report says
Posted: at 6:12 pm
iStockPhoto / RapidEye
Draconian laws, brutal attacks against bloggers and politically motivated surveillance are among the biggest threats to Internet freedom emerging in the last two years, according to a new report from free speech advocates, Freedom House.
"Freedom on the Net 2012: A Global Assessment of Internet and Digital Media," looked at barriers to access, limits on content, and violations of user rights in 47 countries across the globe. Estonia was rated as having the greatest degree of Internet freedom, while Iran, Cuba and China were viewed as the most restrictive.
While social media was key in the uprising in Egypt, censorship there continues apace, says Freedom House, a U.S.-based independent watchdog organization.
Although online activism is increasing, the report said authoritarian regimes were employing a wider and increasingly sophisticated arsenal of countermeasures.
According to Freedom House, China has the world's largest population of Internet users, yet the authorities operate the most sophisticated system of censorship. Its "great firewall" has become notorious for literally shutting down Internet "chatter" it views as sensitive. Earlier this year, censors blocked related search terms to prevent the public from obtaining news on prominent human rights activist Chen Guangcheng, who caused a diplomatic storm when he escaped house arrest to seek refuge in the U.S. Embassy in Beijing.
Major web portals and social networking sites, though not state-owned, have had to comply with strict government censorship rules -- or risk being shut down. After launching a campaign to clean up "rampant online rumors," Chinese authorities in March ordered the country's leading micro-blogging sites -- including Sina Weibo -- to disable their comment function for three days. In China, bloggers are also required to register their real names -- though it's not clear how many have complied with the rules.
"It's a typical response by officials and quite a successful strategy in making it extremely difficult to spread information beyond some small circles of activists," Jeremy Goldkorn, a leading commentator on China's social media, told CNN at the time.
Freedom House claims Beijing's influence as an "incubator for sophisticated restrictions" has not gone unnoticed, with governments such as Belarus, Uzbekistan, and Iran using China as a model for their own Internet controls.
Unrest across the Middle East prompted increased censorship, arrests, and violence against bloggers as authoritarian regimes look to quell calls for reform. Social media was widely accepted to have played a key role in popular uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia. Fearing a similar "revolution" in Saudi Arabia, the authorities there took immediate steps to respond to what they regarded as a national security threat.
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Big Brother still watching: Internet censorship up, report says
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Big Brother still watching: Internet censorship on the up, report says
Posted: at 6:12 pm
Chinese censors blocked information on the blind activist at the center of a diplomatic storm this year.
Hong Kong (CNN) -- Draconian laws, brutal attacks against bloggers and politically motivated surveillance are among the biggest threats to Internet freedom emerging in the last two years, according to a new report from free speech advocates, Freedom House.
"Freedom on the Net 2012: A Global Assessment of Internet and Digital Media," looked at barriers to access, limits on content, and violations of user rights in 47 countries across the globe. Estonia was rated as having the greatest degree of Internet freedom, while Iran, Cuba and China were viewed as the most restrictive.
While social media was key in the uprising in Egypt, censorship there continues apace, says Freedom House, a U.S.-based independent watchdog organization.
Although online activism is increasing, the report said authoritarian regimes were employing a wider and increasingly sophisticated arsenal of countermeasures.
Read more: The full report
According to Freedom House, China has the world's largest population of Internet users, yet the authorities operate the most sophisticated system of censorship. Its "great firewall" has become notorious for literally shutting down Internet "chatter" it views as sensitive. Earlier this year, censors blocked related search terms to prevent the public from obtaining news on prominent human rights activist Chen Guangcheng, who caused a diplomatic storm when he escaped house arrest to seek refuge in the U.S. Embassy in Beijing.
Read more: News on blind activist's escape
Major web portals and social networking sites, though not state-owned, have had to comply with strict government censorship rules -- or risk being shut down. After launching a campaign to clean up "rampant online rumors," Chinese authorities in March ordered the country's leading micro-blogging sites -- including Sina Weibo -- to disable their comment function for three days. In China, bloggers are also required to register their real names -- though it's not clear how many have complied with the rules.
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Big Brother still watching: Internet censorship on the up, report says
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