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Category Archives: Censorship
Campus Censorship and the End of American Debate – Video
Posted: November 14, 2012 at 10:42 pm
Campus Censorship and the End of American Debate
For over a generation, shocking cases of censorship at America #39;s colleges and universities have taught students the wrong lessons about living in a free society. This video explains how higher education fails to teach its students to become critical thinkers by supercharging ideological divisions, promoting groupthink, and encouraging an unscholarly certainty about complex issues. For more on this issue, read Greg Lukianoff #39;s new book Unlearning Liberty: Campus Censorship and the End of American Debate. Visit http://www.unlearningliberty.comFrom:encounterbooksViews:134 31ratingsTime:05:22More inNonprofits Activism
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Campus Censorship and the End of American Debate - Video
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Rant on Censorship – Video
Posted: at 10:42 pm
Rant on Censorship
Here is an extended rent on censorship. Enjoy!From:actionalwaysViews:1 0ratingsTime:06:13More inEntertainment
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Ryan Higa is Right Censorship is Un-Called 4 – Video
Posted: at 10:42 pm
Ryan Higa is Right Censorship is Un-Called 4
i agree that censorship is fuckedFrom:TheAndrewShow03Views:2 0ratingsTime:00:37More inEntertainment
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Black Butterflies Part 1 Full Movie – Video
Posted: at 10:42 pm
Black Butterflies Part 1 Full Movie
Watch full movie : Black Butterflies Part 1 Full Movie, Black Butterflies Part 1 Movie, Black Butterflies Movie Part 1, Black Butterflies Part 1 The Movie, Black Butterflies Part 2 Full Movie, Black Butterflies Movie Full Movie, Black Butterflies (2011) Movie Part 1 English Full, Black Butterflies Movie HD trailer. She searched for a home, she searched for love. Confronted by Apartheid and a father who was Minister of censorship...From:lalean corinaViews:0 0ratingsTime:02:01More inFilm Animation
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Black Butterflies Part 1 Full Movie - Video
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BIG BROTHER ALERT Microsoft to monitor your living room – Video
Posted: at 10:42 pm
BIG BROTHER ALERT Microsoft to monitor your living room
*PLEASE READ DESCRIPTION* FAIR USE One of Microsoft #39;s latest patent applications is a humdinger. It proposes to turn the Kinect camera into a snitch for movie studios, reporting back just how many friends you #39;ve got in your living room and what they #39;re watching. Think that sounds alarmist? Here #39;s what it actually says: "The users consuming the content on a display device are monitored so that if the number of user-views licensed is exceeded, remedial action may be taken." It #39;s that blatant -- a system to spy on private viewing habits. There was an even more striking example from Apple earlier this year. In September, it was granted a patent for "Apparatus and methods for enforcement of policies upon a wireless device", ie a system allowing companies or governments to remotely disable mobile phones and tablets in a particular area. While Apple mentions benign examples such as preventing phone calls from disturbing concerts or ensuring devices are switched off on planes, it also states: "Covert police or government operations may require complete "blackout" conditions." That #39;s exactly the kind of feature certain governments would love to use to suppress pictures and videos. The patent Apple put its stamp on is a handy form of censorship regardless of whether it will ever apply it. Last year, Google #39;s chairman, Eric Schmidt, said that the company would hold off from creating a facial recognition service because it would be "crossing the creepy line". Still, Google has filed ...From:CreativeMessageViews:4 0ratingsTime:04:22More inEducation
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Censored Lecture – Video
Posted: at 10:42 pm
Censored Lecture
A twist on censorship. For my media class.From:MrGordyViews:1 1ratingsTime:04:38More inEducation
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Shadows of Liberty | Opening – Video
Posted: at 10:42 pm
Shadows of Liberty | Opening
Documentary, UK 2012 A Film by Jean-Philippe Tremblay A Open Docfactory production International Sales: First Hand Films 90% of the media in the USA are controlled by five big for-profit-conglomerats, creating a media monopoly that manipulates our political, economical, and social world. Shadows of Liberty reveals the extraordinary truth behind the news media: censorship, cover-ups and corporate control. Filmmaker Jean-Philippe Tremblay takes an intrepid journey through the darker corridors of the American media landscape, where global conglomerates call the shots. For decades, their overwhelming influence has distorted news journalism and compromised its values. In highly revealing stories, renowned journalists, activists and academics give insider accounts of a broken media system. Controversial news reports are suppressed, people are censored for speaking out, and lives are shattered as the arena for public expression is turned into a private profit zone. Tracing the story of media manipulation through the years, Shadows of Liberty poses a crucial question: why have we let a handful of powerful corporations write the news? We #39;re left in no doubt - media reform is urgent and freedom of the press is fundamental. With Danny Glover, Julian Assange, Dan Rather, Roberta Baskin, and many others.From:FirstHandFilms1Views:2 0ratingsTime:03:05More inFilm Animation
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Anonymous NullCrew – #FuckTheSystem. – Video
Posted: at 10:42 pm
Anonymous NullCrew - #FuckTheSystem.
Currently, we live in a world that we are constantly afraid to bring others into. All because the people whom are called terrorists, are the ones who control us. Raising false flags, to fund their wars. Supplying drug cartels with weapons, due to a bill being signed. Rights being removed. Censorship being supplied. Fuck The System, when the government lies. Fuck The System, when corporations opperate under the table. Fuck The System, when your insurance company refuses to pay the difference, due to greed. Fuck The System, when you have nothing left; due to a political giants actions. Fuck The System, when you are claimed a terrorist for practicing freedom of speech. So many reasons, to many to list; that is why we here at NullCrew have taken actions. People losing money, when we pay taxes. People losing freedom, for speaking their mind. People whom are suicidal, being shot by the cops; instead of attempting to help. These are all reasons that Fuck The System has always been so important to us. We should all be putting all of our differences aside for the bigger problems at hand, the fact that we are being brain washed. That we are being punished, having rights extinguished from the governments own fear. Anyone can make a difference, all it takes; is opinions to be announced. All it takes, is a strong will; and the ability to see through with what you do. We all want this change, more so then others; and this is OUR way or protesting. This is OUR way of speaking our minds ...From:AnonV5150Views:1 0ratingsTime:02:15More inNonprofits Activism
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PJTV’s InstaVision: Why Colleges Are the Greatest Threat to Free Speech – Video
Posted: at 10:41 pm
PJTV #39;s InstaVision: Why Colleges Are the Greatest Threat to Free Speech
Glenn Reynolds talks to Greg Lukianoff, the President of the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education. Lukianoff is the author of Unlearning Liberty: Campus Censorship and the End of American Debate. Hear how higher education is censoring speech and imperiling First Amendment rights on this InstaVision.From:PajamasmediaViews:0 0ratingsTime:07:03More inNews Politics
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PJTV's InstaVision: Why Colleges Are the Greatest Threat to Free Speech - Video
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How Television Distorts Reality – Video
Posted: at 10:41 pm
How Television Distorts Reality
This video delves into how the media and news stations use censorship and bias to distort what the public is informed about.From:TGelshRSCViews:5 0ratingsTime:05:23More inNonprofits Activism
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How Television Distorts Reality - Video
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