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Category Archives: Censorship
Bloodstain Lane vs Twitter/Censorship…BANNED…New Account @BloodstainLane2 – Video
Posted: November 16, 2012 at 9:41 pm
Bloodstain Lane vs Twitter/Censorship...BANNED...New Account @BloodstainLane2
I was banned from Twitter November 8th for UKNOWN reason #39;s, coincidentally it was the day after my O-Beyma/Illuminati video was put outFrom:TheTeamTakeoverViews:1673 94ratingsTime:12:59More inNews Politics
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Bloodstain Lane vs Twitter/Censorship...BANNED...New Account @BloodstainLane2 - Video
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Why Pussy Riot Matters – Video
Posted: at 9:41 pm
Why Pussy Riot Matters
Why Pussy Riot Matters Pussy Riot, a balaclava-clad anonymous punk rock art collective inspired in part by the Riot grrrl movement of the 1990s, has captivated artists, media and the public as has no other Russian human rights case in recent memory. Artists from Yoko Ono to Bjork have rallied to their side after members of the group were charged with "hooliganism" and later sentenced to two years in a correctional labor colony for their guerrilla art performance in the Temple of Christ the Savior in Moscow. This judgment - for a 45-second unplugged performance mostly consisting of chanting and dancing in front of the church #39;s altar - has reignited international concerns about freedom of expression and state censorship. But what else does this case tell us about the possible future for DIY feminist organizing and activism? How do emerging open technologies enable or inhibit musical activist movements and international solidarity? What are the biggest challenges to free expression in the US and abroad? It may take some time to figure out what Pussy Riot means in the world #39;s cultural context, but they have reminded us that artists #39; greatest allies and advocates may be each other. Amy Klein musician, writer, and activist Blue S. Moon musician, Noon:30 Molly Neuman VP, Label Relations, eMusic Mark Yoffe Curator, International Counterculture Archive, Global Resources Center, GWU Libraries Lindsay Zoladz freelance writer, Pitchfork contributing editor (moderator) newamerica.netFrom:NewAmericaFoundationViews:1 1ratingsTime:41:31More inNews Politics
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Campus censorship, chilled speech and ‘Unlearning Liberty’ – Video
Posted: at 9:41 pm
Campus censorship, chilled speech and #39;Unlearning Liberty #39;
Looking for a challenging debate that includes an abundance of diverse opinions? If so, going to college isn #39;t your best bet. On today #39;s college and university campuses, students are repeatedly being punished for expressing the "wrong" opinion on just about any controversial topic. Greg Lukianoff President, FIRE Read more: unlearning-liberty/#ixzz2CJ87mGImFrom:2EyesnEarsViews:4 1ratingsTime:05:22More inNews Politics
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The Freud-klein Controversies 1941-45 – Video
Posted: at 9:41 pm
The Freud-klein Controversies 1941-45 The Freud-klein Controversies 1941-45 PJust after Freud #39;s death in 1939 the British Psycho-Analytical Society was the setting for a fierce debate. Controversy erupted over the validity and status of the ideas introduced into psychoanalysis by Melanie Klein: to what extent did her ideas deviate from Freud #39;s basic propositions and what should be done about it? Although the central disagreements were about theory and technical practice, power in the psychoanalytic society and its future organization were also at stake, along with central questions about the diffusion and transmission of the discipline. To debate the controversies the Society held a series of scientific discussions, its Training Committee investigated the parameters of valid technique, and its officers considered the democratic structure of the br For this book the editors have had access to previously closed archive material; these materials are presented here for the first time with the minimum of censorship. This collection of papers, precis of discussion, minutes, resolutions, and relevant aspects of the personal correspondence between the participants, provides the first definitive record of controversies which were to be repeated in different forms in psychoanalytic societies all over the world. It will be of great interest to all those concerned with the development of psychoanalysis and with understanding the process of scientific discovery in any field. Throughout the book the ...From:aidasmith987Views:0 0ratingsTime:00:12More inPeople Blogs
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Lifting the Veil on Corporate Censorship – Video
Posted: at 9:41 pm
Lifting the Veil on Corporate Censorship
How corporate entities are controlling what you (don #39;t) see on the InternetFrom:Jausl00sViews:25 0ratingsTime:07:10More inNonprofits Activism
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Sonic Sez 3D Censorship – Video
Posted: at 9:41 pm
Sonic Sez 3D Censorship
Just done for the lols. Please Like and Sub.From:MrNateGateViews:0 0ratingsTime:00:11More inComedy
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Framing Terrorism – Video
Posted: at 9:41 pm
Framing Terrorism Framing Terrorism Terrorism now dominates the headlines across the world-from New York to Kabul. "Framing Terrorism" argues that the headlines matter as much as the act, in political terms. Widely publicized terrorist incidents leave an imprint upon public opinion, muzzle the "watchdog" role of journalists and promote a general one-of-us consensus supporting security forces. Contributors to the volume begin by focusing on how governments, security forces and terrorist groups seek to manipulate the news, including the legal and normative issues of formal and informal government censorship and curbs on freedom of the press. They then focus upon how journalists construct the news and how the public responds to news coverage-including "rallying-round-the-flag," public attention and comprehension of terrorist events and the public #39;s response to issues of civil liberties vs. security. Publisher: Routledge Illustration: N Language: ENG Title: Framing Terrorism Pages: 00000 (Encrypted PDF) On Sale: 2003-09-18 SKU-13/ISBN: 9780415947190 Category: History : Military - Strategy Terrorism now dominates the headlines across the world-from New York to Kabul. "Framing Terrorism" argues that the headlines matter as much as the act, in political terms. Widely publicized terrorist history, military, strategyFrom:jameswatkins308Views:0 0ratingsTime:00:14More inPeople Blogs
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For China’s Netizens, Political Discontent Breeds Irony – Video
Posted: at 9:41 pm
For China #39;s Netizens, Political Discontent Breeds Irony
One of the forms of ironic dissent that has become common on Chinese social network services, such as the Twitter-like Sina Weibo, is a type of vocabulary list. But it doesn #39;t contain terms that you #39;d find in any university language course. Rather, the lists have terms that are minor tweaks on words that are commonly heard in official political discourse, "government", "freedom", "harmony", but made to convey a certain sense of, well, call it skepticism. So, web users might repost lists containing words like "Goverruption", combining government + corruption. "Freedom" becomes "freedamn". Other terms include "Smilence" which means to "Smile without saying anything", indicating the idea of self-censorship. Many of the puns on these lists have both English and Chinese versions, equally ironic in each language. While internet users have been composing such compact political commentary for years, there #39;s been a resurgence in their spread during the current leadership transition. Some political observers have noted that a new generation of Chinese youth, too young to remember previous leadership transitions, have reacted with surprise and disbelief at how out-of-touch the ongoing Communist Party Congress seems with the society with the modern, wired society China has become. For more news and videos visit #9755; Follow us on Twitter #9755; http Add us on Facebook #9755; on.fb.meFrom:NTDTVViews:4 0ratingsTime:01:47More inNews Politics
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Heres what you miss,Chunky Dump Farts – Video
Posted: at 9:41 pm
Heres what you miss,Chunky Dump Farts
We want you back, please next year. by TheFartbear Channel. No Censorship.From:Clip23fulViews:0 0ratingsTime:00:18More inComedy
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Anonymous ~ Don’t Let Them Shut You Up – Video
Posted: at 9:41 pm
Anonymous ~ Don #39;t Let Them Shut You Up
Don #39;t Let Them Shut You Up Sat NO to censorship We don #39;t forgive We don #39;t forget We are AnonymousFrom:AnonV5150Views:3 1ratingsTime:01:04More inNonprofits Activism
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