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Category Archives: Censorship
Online censorship in 2012
Posted: November 28, 2012 at 5:42 pm
The number of countries filtering online content has increased. (AFP)
The OpenNet Initiative, which documents attempts to mould the internet, lists IP blocking, DNS tampering, URL blocking using a proxy, keyword blocking and denial of service attacks as the most common forms of filtering.
State-directed censorship, as employed in Iran and China for example, is carried out at the internet backbone, affecting access throughout the country. China's internet restrictions known as "The Great Firewall" are installed on the international internet gateway of mainland China.
YouTube, Google+, Twitter, Dropbox, Facebook and Foursquare are banned. But the firewall, as hackers have proved countless times, has its limitations and cracks.
US President Barack Obama's Google+ account was flooded with comments in February after a temporary gap in the firewall allowed Chinese users to access the social network.
Several of Google's online services were blocked during the country's transfer of leadership this month.
Closed network Iran is launching a closed national computer network in 2013 that will cut itself off from the global internet. It claims foreign powers are trying to disrupt its development. In 2010 a computer worm caused centrifuges to fail at its main uranium enrichment facility.
But Al Jazeera reports the proposal may find opposition in unexpected quarters. "The country's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has his own website in 13 languages and accounts on Twitter and photo-sharing site Instagram. Any interruption to Iran's global internet access is likely to also affect his followers."
Transparency In September this year Google blocked the Innocence of Muslims film in Libya and Egypt. Censoring the video went against Google's bias in favour of free expression. The company said the video fell within its guidelines but "given the very difficult situation in Libya and Egypt we have temporarily restricted access in both countries". Google often complies with user-data requests and take-down notices from governments and companies.
Reasons given for removing content include defamation, pornography, hate speech, national security, religious offence and copyright and trademark law. So Google's not a court but it's increasingly acting like one. It determines whether to comply with a government's request and takes into account the country's laws. It publishes a transparency report every six months documenting how much data it's removed and where. South Africa requested Google to remove content for the first time this year and was successful. The South African courts submitted three removal requests between January to June 2012. The reason given for all three was defamation. South African government agencies and courts did not ask Google for any user information.
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Information Minister – Wiki Article – Video
Posted: November 26, 2012 at 6:42 pm
Information Minister - Wiki Article
An information minister (also called minister of information) is a position in the governments of some countries responsible for dealing with information matters, it is often linked with censorship a... Information Minister - Wiki Article - Original @ http All Information Derived from Wikipedia using Creative Commons License: Author: Fornax Image URL: ( This work is in the Public Domain. ) Author: Fornax Image URL: ( This work is in the Public Domain. )From:WikiPlaysViews:0 0ratingsTime:02:30More inEducation
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RuneScape: Unnecessary Censorship – The Art and Sound of Ariane – Video
Posted: at 6:42 pm
RuneScape: Unnecessary Censorship - The Art and Sound of Ariane
RuneScape: Unnecessary Censorship - The Art and Sound of Ariane Episode 1From:GielinorianViews:1 1ratingsTime:04:50More inComedy
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RuneScape: Unnecessary Censorship - The Art and Sound of Ariane - Video
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Anonymous – You, ITU, Internet Censorship – Video
Posted: at 6:42 pm
Anonymous - You, ITU, Internet Censorship
Mirrored and Voice from 365jamz ###########################From:TutMirLeid85Views:1 0ratingsTime:04:08More inPeople Blogs
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Anonymous - You, ITU, Internet Censorship - Video
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Anonymous: International Telecommunication Union..Internet Censorship. – Video
Posted: at 6:42 pm
Anonymous: International Telecommunication Union..Internet Censorship.
MIRROR: What is the ITU?: Was ist die ITU? (german): ITU agenda exposed ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Articles: EU: (english) EU: (german) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- We are Anonymous Information is Free We are legion We do not forgive We do not forget Expect us ~ Anonymous ...From:SuperUrbanWizardViews:1 0ratingsTime:04:41More inNonprofits Activism
Anonymous: International Telecommunication Union..Internet Censorship. - Video
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RidingRants02_Orion_Part_2 – Video
Posted: at 6:42 pm
In Episode #2 of Shaun #39;s Riding Rants, the Orion Censorship Network is the subject at hand. Shaun has now quit the network, due to it #39;s mainstream (lame stream) stance on what can and cannot be said and/or how it can and cannot be said on any given show. Probably the most disturbing to Shaun, is the flaming hypocrisy coming from the networks management, which is also discussed, right here, on the Riding Rants series, stemming from Two #39;s Company, Three #39;s Allowed. **WARNING** Strong language.From:lipsync001Views:0 0ratingsTime:14:52More inNews Politics
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Moral Watchdogs – Video
Posted: at 6:42 pm
Moral Watchdogs
My short film, Moral Watchdogs, showcases two different mediums. The majority of my video features interviews with three of my high school English teachers, Adam Wolfsdorf, Dean Bevilacqua, and Dr. Michael Dealy. These interviews are segregated by extremely short stop-motion pieces, featuring my best friend #39;s younger sister, Crystal. In four of Crystal #39;s interruptions, she is holding up a general question about book censorship that the teachers answer. However, the part of this video that I take great pride in, is a ten second, stop-motion montage of Crystal interacting with a conveyor belt of books that have been challenged and/or banned in the US I thought long and hard about how I was going to make this video. After many different ideas, I decided to utilize people that I see five times a week, who would definitely have more insight on the topic of book censorship than I do. I asked the teachers similar questions, and allowed them to express their opinions freely. I found that some of their opinions were very similar, while some varied. Then, once I had watched the interviews at home and decided what I could use, Crystal and her older sister came over. I set up a bed sheet and my camera, and took a total of 160 pictures with their patience and assistance. I could not have made this video without my teachers and friends giving me their time and thought, and I am very thankful to them and everyone who views this film.From:soclosetocomedyViews:5 0ratingsTime:04:02More inFilm Animation
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You, ITU,
Posted: at 6:42 pm
You, ITU, Internet Censorship [MFV !]
MFV : [Make Facts Viral !]From:slayerdude76Views:10 3ratingsTime:04:08More inPeople Blogs
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You, ITU,
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Higher Education Summit – Irshad Manji – Video
Posted: at 6:42 pm
Higher Education Summit - Irshad Manji
Irshad Manji is Director of the Moral Courage Project at New York University. Deepak Chopra describes her as "the new voice of reform, not only for Islam but for all religions." Her bestselling book, The Trouble with Islam Today, has been published in 31 countries, including Indonesia, Lebanon and Pakistan. In all her work, Professor Manji shows us how to develop "moral courage," the willingness to speak up when everyone else wants to shut you up. Her Moral Courage Project at NYU grooms leaders who will challenge political correctness, intellectual conformity and self-censorship. In the best spirit of higher education, the Moral Courage Project teaches that rights come with responsibilities, that we are citizens before we are members of mere tribes, and that meaningful diversity embraces different ideas and not just identities.From:CollegesOntario1Views:2 0ratingsTime:01:36More inEducation
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Facebook downward spiral to x-rated…….UGH – Video
Posted: at 6:42 pm
Facebook downward spiral to x-rated.......UGH
I Rant about Facebook and its censorship and its viruses. I #39;m sorry the video is strange, i don #39;t know why. I tried to re upload it 4 times and it still sucked, it plays fine on my computer but on YouTube its glitchey. Sorry!!!! maybe Facebook is mad at me for complaining about it so it hacked YouTube??? Just Kidding!From:SMCuwspViews:1 0ratingsTime:07:09More inScience Technology
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