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Category Archives: Censorship
Hilarious Black Ops 2 Censorship! – Video
Posted: September 4, 2013 at 12:47 pm
Hilarious Black Ops 2 Censorship!
You guys loved ep 1 so here #39;s 2! A like would be amazing guys! - Make sure you check out the owner:
By: BestCodComedy
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Hilarious Black Ops 2 Censorship! - Video
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Censorship in Cape Town RAW – Video
Posted: at 12:47 pm
Censorship in Cape Town RAW
This raw footage was captured just after midnight Saturday, August 31, 2013 in Cape Town, South Africa. The footage was deleted by Mr. Dejehar of the Cape To...
By: CopBlock Raw
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Censorship in Cape Town RAW - Video
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YouTube forced censorship of Alex Jones show Aug.30th 2013 – Video
Posted: at 12:47 pm
YouTube forced censorship of Alex Jones show Aug.30th 2013
FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a #39;fair use #39; of...
By: LiberatedGalaxy
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Censorship in Cape Town Part 1: Dejerah Detains – Video
Posted: at 12:47 pm
Censorship in Cape Town Part 1: Dejerah Detains
If you appreciate this video please give it some love with a "Like", share or channel subscription. We #39;re all in this together - the more we share good ideas...
By: Cop Block
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A randomized experimental study of censorship in China
Posted: at 12:47 pm
28 August 2013 | This paper helps clarify the internal mechanisms of the Chinese censorship apparatus and show that local social media sites have far more flexibility than was previously understood in how (but not what) they censor.
Chinese government censorship of social media constitutes the largest selective suppression of human communication in the history of the world. Although existing systematic research on the subject has revealed a great deal, it is based on passive, observational methods, with well known inferential limitations. We attempt to generate more robust causal and descriptive inferences through participation and experimentation. For causal inferences, we conduct a large scale randomized experimental study by creating accounts on numerous social media sites spread throughout the country, submitting different randomly assigned types of social media texts, and detecting from a network of computers all over the world which types are censored. Then, for descriptive inferences, we supplement the current approach of confidential interviews by setting up our own social media site in China, contracting with Chinese firms to install the same censoring technologies as existing sites, and reverse engineering how it all works. Our results offer unambiguous support for, and clarification of, the emerging view that criticism of the state, its leaders, and their policies are routinely published whereas posts with collective action potential are much more likely to be censored. We are also able to clarify the internal mechanisms of the Chinese censorship apparatus and show that local social media sites have far more flexibility than was previously understood in how (but not what) they censor.
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A randomized experimental study of censorship in China
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Francois Hollande 'Village Idiot' Snap Sparks Censorship Row in France
Posted: at 12:47 pm
The photograph of French President Francois Hollande was later 'spiked' after critics said it made the head of state look 'simple-minded'
Francois Hollande has become embroiled in a humiliating debate after a French press agency withdrew an unflattering photograph it had released of the national president, as he attempted to secure support for strikes against Syria.
The photograph, taken at a school in Denain, northern France, made the president resemble a village idiot or clown, with an expression of "stupefaction" in his eyes, according to news magazine Le Point.
Online news outlet Rue 89 said the photograph, published by Agence-France Presse, made Hollande look simple-minded.
The picture was taken by AFP staff photographer Denis Charlet, and was wired to the agency's subscribers around the world, including most major newspapers and TV networks.
It was one of a series of images showing Hollande sitting at a teacher's desk during a visit to the school to mark the beginning of the academic year.
The other photos were said to depict more gravitas.
But hours later AFP sent out a message saying it had decided to withdraw the photograph due to an "editorial issue". A red cross was superimposed over the picture, which was marked: "Mandatory Kill".
Withdrawn on president's instruction?
Critics accused the agency of self-censorship, saying AFP may have wished to avoid losing Hollande's goodwill, particularly as it depends largely on the French state to stay in business.
The rest is here:
Francois Hollande 'Village Idiot' Snap Sparks Censorship Row in France
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Thef’s Megabytes – 5 – Censorship says what now – Video
Posted: at 12:47 pm
Thef #39;s Megabytes - 5 - Censorship says what now
Vietnam and my thoughts on net censorship in general Screencap from
By: TheVoidHive
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Censorship rears its head in Myanmar
Posted: at 12:46 pm
Censorship rears its head in Myanmar By Roger Hamilton-Martin
UNITED NATIONS - One year after the government officially struck down laws obstructing free press in Myanmar, a parliamentary bill could allow previous censorship practices to re-emerge. When Thein Sein's Union Solidarity and Development party government ended the last of the censorship laws in August last year, many hailed a new era of free expression and an end to the pressures placed on journalists over the previous half century.
Still, many journalists are concerned by the state of media reform in the country. Currently, a publishing bill that critics say gives the Ministry of Information (MOI) overly broad powers to issue and revoke publication licenses has been passed by the lower house of parliament and is set for consideration by the upper house.
Myint Kyaw is secretary for the Myanmar Journalist Network
(MJN), which has been protesting the proposed bill, known as the Printing and Publishing Enterprise Bill. He told IPS that the MJN's main criticism of the bill was in its conception of a printer and publisher registry system, which would essentially allow a ministry-appointed registrar to issue or deny publication licenses and thus leave control over these licenses in the hands of the government.
This situation is reminiscent of when the ministry used to control journalists and editors through the threat of license revocation, Myint Kyaw described. Such a possibility, combined with the threat of imprisonment and aggression, would lead to self-censorship, particularly when speaking critically of the military or when investigating corruption, notably that of former dictators and their family businesses.
Myint Kyaw also spoke of the need for a law guaranteeing access to information and ensuring safety for journalists in conflict areas. Earlier in August, MJN also collected thousands of signatures from around Yangon, the country's former capital city, for a petition that demonstrated the public's discontent with the state of media reform.
The current parliamentary bill comes at a time when many human-rights groups remain critical of Myanmar's attitude towards the media. In June, the government banned Time magazine after it featured a piece on the radical Buddhist 969 movement.
"It's a disgraceful decision to ban the issue and indicates recidivism in official censorship in Burma [the former name for Myanmar]," David Mathieson, a senior Asia researcher with Human Rights Watch, told IPS.
Benjamin Ismail, head of Reporters Without Borders' Asia-Pacific desk, expressed a similar viewpoint. "The reflex of censoring news has not disappeared, but this is not a surprise since the government is composed in majority by the same persons who were already in power before 2011."
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Censorship rears its head in Myanmar
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The Hidden Truth – FDA Censorship and Unmanned Weaponry – Video
Posted: July 7, 2013 at 11:43 am
The Hidden Truth - FDA Censorship and Unmanned Weaponry
By: TheHiddenUncovered
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The Hidden Truth - FDA Censorship and Unmanned Weaponry - Video
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G4C13: The Rejected: The Censorship of Social Impact Games – Video
Posted: July 5, 2013 at 9:48 pm
G4C13: The Rejected: The Censorship of Social Impact Games
Games that tackle controversial issues have a giant chip on their shoulder: censorship. Whether a game is banned by a distributor or pulled by a sponsor, the...
By: GamesForChange
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G4C13: The Rejected: The Censorship of Social Impact Games - Video
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