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Category Archives: Censorship
Derpy Censorship, Who is Really to Blame?. . . Finally Solved! – Video
Posted: September 26, 2013 at 7:41 am
Derpy Censorship, Who is Really to Blame?. . . Finally Solved!
As the Brony community still argues over who is the root cause for the Derpy censorship, it turns out the answer was already revealed a few weeks ago at Cincinnati Comic Con. Really surprised...
By: TheNinjaDC
Derpy Censorship, Who is Really to Blame?. . . Finally Solved! - Video
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Self Censorship – Video
Posted: at 7:41 am
Self Censorship
A video in which I remember that I once used song lyrics to express my feelings via MSN Comment, Like and Subscribe! (There #39;s also a bonus video in there..) ...
By: Tom Burns
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Self Censorship - Video
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What does Valve’s SteamOS Mean for Gaming (and Half-Life 3)? PLUS: GTA 5 and Censorship – Video
Posted: at 7:41 am
What does Valve #39;s SteamOS Mean for Gaming (and Half-Life 3)? PLUS: GTA 5 and Censorship
Watch the first Q A Edition of Sessler #39;s Something right here: This week on Sessler #39;s ...S...
By: Rev3Games
Excerpt from:
What does Valve's SteamOS Mean for Gaming (and Half-Life 3)? PLUS: GTA 5 and Censorship - Video
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FundamentallyFlawed King Of Censorship by Jason Burns – Video
Posted: at 7:41 am
FundamentallyFlawed King Of Censorship by Jason Burns
FundamentallyFlawed King Of Censorship by Jason Burns.
By: Jason Burns
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FundamentallyFlawed King Of Censorship by Jason Burns - Video
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YouTube Censorship is out of control with the Alex Jones show Sept.19th 2013 – Video
Posted: September 25, 2013 at 7:41 am
YouTube Censorship is out of control with the Alex Jones show Sept.19th 2013
FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a #39;fair use #39; of...
By: LiberatedGalaxy
YouTube Censorship is out of control with the Alex Jones show Sept.19th 2013 - Video
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Censorship hides, but it does not eliminate
Posted: September 24, 2013 at 2:41 pm
Published:Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Updated:Tuesday, September 24, 2013 03:09
The Great Gatsby. The Catcher in the Rye. Where the Wild Things Are. To Kill a Mockingbird. These books have been institutionalized as American classics.
These titles top required reading lists and are regularly referenced in modern literature. But if the bans on these books had stuck, many of us never would have read them.
This week is National Banned Books Week, and this is a time when we are reminded of the threat of censorship and the potential loss of the First Amendment right to freedom of speech and ideas.
Bookstores and libraries celebrate the freedom to read by displaying the books that could have been lost to bans. This weeks reminder causes us to question why these books were banned and what the implications of these bans may be for us as students.
How can we learn if we are unexposed to the diversity of ideas and opinions that exist? Provocative content and the acknowledgement of historically marginalized groups and ideologies sparks public pushback. Homosexuality, explicit language, violence, mental illness, race and religion are controversial and often divisive topics in contested books. However, hiding these ideas does not make them go away.
Reading spurs knowledge and awareness. One would be hard-pressed to disagree that education is the foundation of a healthy, functioning democracy. By silencing the freedom of expression and opinion we are only doing a disservice to ourselves as a nation.
In other words, if new ideas are never considered, progress cannot be made. We acknowledge this potential for progress is likely the reason for much of the pushback and the urge for bans.
But, perhaps, the lack of acknowlegment and awareness is more dangerous than the existence of these provocative ideas themselves. These texts do not exist to promote or glamorize these ideas, but rather to shed light on them.
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Censorship hides, but it does not eliminate
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4000 years in prison to 666 mafia censorship snake eagle lion lamb god 666 – Video
Posted: September 23, 2013 at 11:41 pm
4000 years in prison to 666 mafia censorship snake eagle lion lamb god 666 Share download upload in your account. SENT TO ALL. Molecule DNA at Creator of existence, infinite future past. Molecule DNA at ...
By: Nmeilis Nmeinis
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4000 years in prison to 666 mafia censorship snake eagle lion lamb god 666 - Video
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Modesto Junior College Censorship – Video 1 – Video
Posted: at 11:41 pm
Modesto Junior College Censorship - Video 1
First of three raw videos taken by Modesto Junior College students while trying to pass out U.S. Constitutions on campus on September 17, 2013.
By: TheFIREorg
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Modesto Junior College Censorship - Video 1 - Video
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Candidate Censorship
Posted: at 11:41 pm
Monday, September 23, 2013
By Cruzito Herrera Cruz, candidate for Santa Barbara City Council
I request of the constituents to uphold their oath to run a clean electoral campaign without prejudice and public censorship in my candidacy for City Council. Time to stand in solidarity for free politicalspeech.
Its unfortunate, the Chamber of Commerce, Business Council public forum intentionally excluded my candidacy. What did it mean when Mr. Amerikaner said he hosts only viable candidates so adamantly over the phone this morning? His rejection and not revealing the forum location goes against all the principles for open and free democratic discussions and exchange of ideas in America. This intentional political censorship goes against the electoral process. I plan to report this censored political public act to the State FPPC [Fair Political PracticesCommission].
I have written local media and councilmember candidates to make them aware of the censorship. Thanks for the political act which makes me more determined than ever; it only adds to your unfairness and my political ganas! Estodo!
This is a political challenge: I propose a debate with anyone you propose in a healthy economic debate. My preparation and completion of my micro-economic analysis make me be able and capable of positively growing this municipalitys economy in theory and give financial measures that are monetarily practicable. Bring it on, and I will show how viable I am in all respects to economics and theories of our local economic indicators. Even with your rudeness, I continue to believe that our taxpayers currency can be the people and noteconomics.
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Candidate Censorship
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Modesto Junior College Censorship – Video 3 – Video
Posted: at 8:42 am
Modesto Junior College Censorship - Video 3
Third of three raw videos taken by Modesto Junior College students while trying to pass out U.S. Constitutions on campus on September 17, 2013.
By: TheFIREorg
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Modesto Junior College Censorship - Video 3 - Video
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