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Category Archives: Censorship
HGSS 70 Game Corner censorship – Video
Posted: October 5, 2013 at 12:41 pm
HGSS 70 Game Corner censorship
By: Vickey Bodman
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CindyCanBeOriginal and Censorship – Video
Posted: at 12:41 pm
CindyCanBeOriginal and Censorship
Ms Cindy #39;s threats to have me flagged simply further display her hypocritical nature.
By: Robbie Treag
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CindyCanBeOriginal and Censorship - Video
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Facebook Jacking Up The Censorship | facebook | FaceB00ks – Video
Posted: at 12:41 pm
Facebook Jacking Up The Censorship | facebook | FaceB00ks FaceB00ks Facebook Jacking Up The Censorship | facebook | FaceB00ks | How To Change Your Birthday On Facebook 2013 | Faceb00...
By: FaceBook
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Egyptian Army Wants More Censorship For Media – Video
Posted: at 12:41 pm
Egyptian Army Wants More Censorship For Media
A new video has emerged which appears to show Egypt #39;s military generals deciding how to deal with the country #39;s media. The footage, released by activists on ...
By: VideoMedia
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State Censorship of Internet Activity on the Rise
Posted: at 12:41 pm
wonderlane / Flickr
Russians are seeing their freedoms on the Internet increasingly restricted as it becomes more of a political battleground.
While Russia saw access to the Internet grow and the Web take hold as a platform for political commentary and organization, state censorship of online content and prosecutions for online activity increased between 2012 and 2013, a report published Thursday found.
In its yearly "Freedom of the Net" ranking, independent watchdog Freedom Net concluded that the Russian Internet was "partly free," comparable to a number of Asian, African and South American countries.
Its score worsened by two points over the course of the year from 2012 to 2013, a move that largely reflected judicial reforms that have prompted blocking access to websites and entire IP addresses, which is "the most common means in Russia to restrict user activity on the Internet," the report said.
The number of websites blocked by the Justice Ministry under a 2002 law against "extremist" material rose 60 percent between January 2012 and February 2013, from 1,066 to 1,704.
The definition of "extremism," which has been criticized for its vagueness and includes "xenophobia" and "incitement of hatred towards a social group," has in several cases been used against critics of law enforcement and the ruling United Russia party.
Furthermore, "the Internet blacklist law" that went into effect Nov. 1, 2012 has given the Federal Mass Media Inspection Service the power to unilaterally determine whether online content is legal and block it without judicial oversight.
Extrajudicial pressure has also become more common with police and officials from the General Prosecutor's Office often calling website administrators with demands to remove content. Self-censorship has also risen due to administrators' fear of ending up on the poorly understood "blacklist."
Criminal prosecution for online activities increased as well, from 38 cases in 2011 to 103 cases in 2012, primarily with reference to the anti-extremism law.
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State Censorship of Internet Activity on the Rise
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Navy Yard Shooting, Technology, ELF, Censorship NBC News 09252013 – Video
Posted: October 3, 2013 at 3:40 am
Navy Yard Shooting, Technology, ELF, Censorship NBC News 09252013
Misinformation is used for victims of technology, subjugation or homicide methods through technology. The NBC News reports mention a technology, ELF, when ou...
By: BullyingNewsVideos
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Navy Yard Shooting, Technology, ELF, Censorship NBC News 09252013 - Video
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Saints Row IV: (Spoilers!) Brutal 40’s Censorship (Lettuce) – Video
Posted: at 3:40 am
Saints Row IV: (Spoilers!) Brutal 40 #39;s Censorship (Lettuce)
Lettuce plays more Saints Row IV!
By: WGT Gamers
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Saints Row IV: (Spoilers!) Brutal 40's Censorship (Lettuce) - Video
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BLEEP OPS 2 – Funny Black Ops 2 Censorship Trolling – Video
Posted: at 3:40 am
BLEEP OPS 2 - Funny Black Ops 2 Censorship Trolling
leave a Like subscribe for more Funny videos uploaded daily! FPT Director? Follow Us On Twitter ?!/FPTro...
By: FirstPersonTroller
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AdamaTheAtheist Suspended Fight Censorship! MultiScienceChannel – Video
Posted: at 3:40 am
AdamaTheAtheist Suspended Fight Censorship! MultiScienceChannel
By: MultiScienceChannel
AdamaTheAtheist Suspended Fight Censorship! MultiScienceChannel - Video
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'Say no to Internet censorship' petition nears 100K signatures
Posted: at 3:40 am
One of the topics at the Trans Pacific Partnership free trade agreement talks is how to better control the Internet. Some people don't like this.
The "Say no to Internet censorship" petition has tallied nearly 100,000 signatures in the past week -- showing that opposition to possible government proposals on stricter Internet laws is growing.
Launched by advocacy organization OpenMedia, the petition calls on world leaders to reject proposed controls on the Internet and protect citizens' rights to Web access.
OpenMedia started its campaign in order to target the leaders of the 12 countries involved in the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) free trade agreement talks, which includes Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Peru, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Singapore, Vietnam, and the US.
"With talks about to conclude, this could be our last chance for citizens and innovators to speak out against the huge damage the TPP will do to free expression online," OpenMedia Executive Director Steve Anderson said in a statement. "Powerful old industry interests are pressuring leaders to agree to costly Internet censorship proposals that could break our digital future. Heads of state should make a commitment to not impose Internet censorship rules through the TPP."
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