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Category Archives: Censorship
10/18/13: Video from 10/18/13: Censorship from the hateful YouTube – Video
Posted: October 20, 2013 at 5:43 pm
10/18/13: Video from 10/18/13: Censorship from the hateful YouTube
October 18, 2013 YouTube and the rest of the conglomerate ridicule me all the time. If YouTube is sure that nobody takes me seriously, and that nobody could ...
By: journalfrombadalternateuniverse
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10/18/13: Video from 10/18/13: Censorship from the hateful YouTube - Video
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Internet Censorship in China – Video
Posted: at 2:40 am
Internet Censorship in China
New Project.
By: Maggie Czarnecki
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Internet Censorship in China - Video
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Call of Duty: BLEEP OPS 2! – (Funny Black Ops 2 Censorship) – Video
Posted: at 2:40 am
Call of Duty: BLEEP OPS 2! - (Funny Black Ops 2 Censorship)
A like would be so amazing guys!!! Our vine video last night! - Remember to check out the creator here: https://ww...
By: BestCodComedy
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Call of Duty: BLEEP OPS 2! - (Funny Black Ops 2 Censorship) - Video
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Nintendo censorship in the 80s and 90s – The effects it caused – Video
Posted: October 18, 2013 at 9:43 am
Nintendo censorship in the 80s and 90s - The effects it caused
Wanted to talk about not why, but the effects of Nintendo #39;s strict censorship they instituted in the 1980s and the 1990s.
By: KITT171
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Nintendo censorship in the 80s and 90s - The effects it caused - Video
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Posted: at 9:43 am
I don #39;t want censorship for myself. I don #39;t want it for my most bitter enemies. My billboard video:
By: TJdoeslife
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Chinese Communist Censorship Ends Domestic Cartoon Pleasant Goat – Video
Posted: at 9:43 am
Chinese Communist Censorship Ends Domestic Cartoon Pleasant Goat
Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: Recently, a Chinese animated televis...
By: ChinaForbiddenNews
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Chinese Communist Censorship Ends Domestic Cartoon Pleasant Goat - Video
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"’Braking News’: Censorship, Media and Ukraine" Panel 1 – Video
Posted: at 9:43 am
" #39;Braking News #39;: Censorship, Media and Ukraine" Panel 1
Panel 1: The Media, the Market, and Democracy: Ukraine in a Global Context Participants: Marta Dyczok (University of Western Ontario); Anastasiia Grynko (The...
By: columbiauniversity
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"'Braking News': Censorship, Media and Ukraine" Panel 1 - Video
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"’Braking News’: Censorship, Media and Ukraine" Introduction – Video
Posted: October 17, 2013 at 3:41 am
" #39;Braking News #39;: Censorship, Media and Ukraine" Introduction
Opening Remarks: Mark Andryczyk (Columbia University) Introduction: Ann Cooper (Columbia Journalism School) Keynote Address: Andriy Kulykov (ICTV) "Ukrainian...
By: columbiauniversity
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"'Braking News': Censorship, Media and Ukraine" Introduction - Video
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Cricket body accused of censorship over ads
Posted: October 14, 2013 at 3:41 pm
Oct. 15, 2013, 3 a.m.
Cricket Australia has refused to run an advertisement telling fans that ''alcohol and sport don't mix'' on the grounds it thinks they mix perfectly well.
Healthway, the main sponsor of the Western Australian Cricket Association, was offered advertising along with all the other big state team sponsors at the Ryobi Cup, now under way in Sydney.
But the group was told its advertisement was not appropriate as it could affect "other partners" in the game, said Mike Daube, from the McCusker Centre for Alcohol and Youth. "This is appalling censorship by Cricket Australia," Professor Daube said.
Its alternative says "Under 18. No Alcohol. The Safest Choice", but Professor Daube said health groups were frustrated that even a mild message trying to remove the link between alcohol and sport would be rejected.
"Their priorities are clear. They are keen to protect their alcohol sponsors from messages that might offend them but do nothing to stop alcohol promotion that might offend health-promoting sponsors," he said.
The war to control the messages sent by sporting stars will be
prominent next week when the XXXX GOLD Queensland Bulls face off against the Alcohol. Think Again Western Warriors.
A sponsorship deal between Carlton & United Breweries and Cricket Australia is thought to be worth $65 million over five years. The Healthway deal is worth $2.1 million over three years.
The dean of the Victoria University college of sport and exercise science, Hans Westerbeek, said alcohol sponsorship was now as important to sport "as tobacco sponsorship was 20 or 30 years ago".
Originally posted here:
Cricket body accused of censorship over ads
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Adam Sandler’s "Thanksgiving Song" Censored (Unnecessary Censorship) – Video
Posted: at 3:41 pm
Adam Sandler #39;s "Thanksgiving Song" Censored (Unnecessary Censorship)
In the vein of "The Count Censored" and Kimmel #39;s "Unnecessary Censorship." What would happen if you beeped out the word "turkey" in Adam Sandler #39;s cherished ...
By: ViolentVBC
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Adam Sandler's "Thanksgiving Song" Censored (Unnecessary Censorship) - Video
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