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Category Archives: Censorship

Censorship on China’s Sina Weibo: VICE Podcast 28 – Video

Posted: January 19, 2014 at 4:42 pm

Censorship on China #39;s Sina Weibo: VICE Podcast 28
This week on the VICE podcast Reihan Salam sits down with Jason Q. Ng, author of Blocked on Weibo, a book which examines the keywords blocked on China #39;s most...


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Posted: at 4:42 pm


By: kevin2wokrayzee

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Turkish Riot Police Disperse Protesters With Tear Gas

Posted: at 4:42 pm


Turkish police detain a protester during an anti-government protest in central Istanbul.

Turkish riot police have fired tear gas and water cannon at hundreds of protesters in Istanbul and Ankara. The protesters were demonstrating against a controversial new internet censorship bill.

Police forcefully dispersed protesters chanting anti-government slogans in Istanbul's central Taksim Square on Saturday, with demonstrators attempting to escape into side streets.

Around 300 protesters gathered in the capital Ankara, with smaller demonstrations also taking place in the coastal city of Izmir.

One protester told Euronews: "I'm here to defend my internet right. It's wrong to be banned by somebody while you pay for the internet. I'm protesting about that. And censorship is a crime."

The draft bill is due to be debated in Turkey's parliament and would enable the mass surveillance of internet users.

I'm here to defend my internet right. Censorship is a crime

Turkish protester

The proposed law would increase controls on internet usage and give the government the authority to order web hosts to keep records of users' web activity for up to two years.

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Turkish Riot Police Disperse Protesters With Tear Gas

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China Censorship: Lady Gaga Unbanned, Rock Legend Cui Jian Shuns Official Favor

Posted: at 4:42 pm

Beijing OK's Lady Gaga but may want to tone album down

It's been a mixed week for freedom of expression in China, for two recording artists who could hardly be less similar.

Lady Gaga had her new set ARTPOP greenlit for sale in the mainland after she was banned for vulgarity in 2011. Meanwhile, similarly banned rock icon Cui Jian, who has been in and out of official favor in recent years since he supported the crushed democracy movement in China in 1989, has declined a major public appearance over censorship concerns.

Cui Jian was due to appear on the Spring Festival Gala of China Central Television (CCTV), a marathon variety show that airs on the eve of Chinese Lunar New Year, which this year falls on Jan. 31. The show watched by hundreds of millions of Chinese on the eve of what is China's biggest holiday.

However, China's "Godfather of Rock" seems to have changed his mind as he did not think the all-powerful State General Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television would let him sing "Nothing to My Name," the anthem of the democracy movement of 1989, which was crushed in Tiananmen Square in Beijing.

STORY: Will China Piracy Ruling Boost U.S. TV?

After her unbanning in China, the words on Lady Gaga's Twitter feed were breathless: "I'm so excited!!!! The Chinese Government Approved ARTPOP to be released in China with all 15 songs! Next I hope I can come to perform!"

It's hard to imagine Lady Gaga on stage in Beijing but stranger things have happened. When she was banned in 2011, another singer was also ruled out of contention, Katy Perry, and she made her Beijing debut earlier this month at the Beijing National Indoor Stadium.

It seems that Lady Gaga's album cover, designed by Jeff Koons and showing her straddling a big shiny blue ball while cupping her breasts, will have to be toned down for the censors.

When the authorities banned her for vulgarity in 2011, the list of songs included "Hair," "Marry The Night," "Americano," "Judas" and "Bloody Mary." The Back Street Boys were also among 100 songs banned, some 10 years after they released"I Like It That Way."

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China Censorship: Lady Gaga Unbanned, Rock Legend Cui Jian Shuns Official Favor

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Paranormal video codes that destroyed dreams pineal gland secret plot censorship! – Video

Posted: January 18, 2014 at 7:42 am

Paranormal video codes that destroyed dreams pineal gland secret plot censorship!
Key country ROMANIA city RomaN city Roma SromaN SeveN SisraelN street SanNio. Killings and genocide video, produced by Vatican Police Court TV media from ITA...

By: Giosaf Lefodas

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Paranormal video codes that destroyed dreams pineal gland secret plot censorship! - Video

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Sweden’s early adopter foreign minister on crafting digital diplomacy

Posted: January 17, 2014 at 7:43 am

As offline problems concerning freedom and censorship continue to become online ones, we need digital diplomacy to help connect the talkers and thinkers of the world with the doers, to facilitate change. It alone may not save the world, but it will help us find new ways to come together to save it.

This was Swedish Minister of Foreign Affairs Carl Bildt's message atTedxStockholm, held in conjunction with the two-dayStockholm Initiative for Digital Diplomacybringing together diplomats, academics and developers in a 24-hour hackathon with a difference.

"Some great changes in the world have been down to human talkers and thinkers -- but now we must join with the doers of the world," said Bildt, referring to the Diplohack, a multidisciplinary event designed to create models for how digital diplomacy can facilitate real world change.

"Diplomacy is essentially about communication -- human minds getting together to share information and change the way in which we think, act and do. Thus diplomacy is about changing behaviour, it's about informing and creating better opportunities that might not have been there before. Can we save the world? At least we can change things.

"Diplomacy is about communication between nations and we live, thank god, in a much more open world where the voice of individual people means much more. Governments are becoming more open than used to be the case, thus public diplomacy and digital is becoming more important. It's about getting to the pulse of what's happening."

Bildt has been at the forefront of technological change throughout his career. As Prime Minister, he sent thefirst email to then US President Bill Clintonon 5 February, 1994, congratulating him on the decision to end a US trade embargo on Vietnam. He couldn't help but add, as a sign off, "Sweden is -- as you know -- one of the leading countries in the world in the field of telecommunications, and it is only appropriate that we should be among the first to use the internet also for political contacts and communications around the globe". Bildt has not stopped since: he famously tweeted his Bahraini counterpart in 2011when he couldn't get hold of him (it was revolutionary at the time) and was last year named"best connected" Twitter leaderfor mutually following 44 other leaders (President Obama may have been the first leader to sign up to Twitter, and the most followed, but he's the least connected). Bildt told afterwards that in the real world that simply means, "Now I see what my colleagues are doing. I can see what kind of message they are trying to get across which is important for me to know, whereas before I'd know only when it happened."

Bildt might have 250,007 Twitter followers, but for him it's listening to the Twitterverse that is important -- reading the "pulse" of the citizens. The Minister arrived at the event, held near a snow-covered Humlegrden park, having come straight from meetings concerning the latest events in Ukraine, where laws were swiftly passed on 16 January to criminalise protests. The day's events clearly hung over Bildt as he took to the stage. Earlier he tweeted, "Dark designs against democracy clearly behind what we saw in Kiev today [16 January]. And ultimately against independence of Ukraine," and, "Outrageous the way laws severely restricting freedoms were pushed through Ukraine parliament today [16 January]. Clearly forces pushing Belarus scenario."

Consequently, in his talk he emphasised the need for good infrastructure and connectivity in ensuring the people have a voice. It's something the Ukrainian people showed us during the November protests following President Viktor Yanukovych's refusal to sign a free trade deal with the European Union in favour of maintaining stronger ties with Russia, and again on 16 January, on Twitter. Now, those kinds of protests could be criminalised with the new laws stating individuals can be fined or jailed for pitching a tent or setting up a stage, while online media outlets have to register with the authorities and those buying pre-paid mobile phone services must provide passport information. The state appears to be at war with public protest, particularly the anonymous kind.

"Today there was a dramatic development in Parliament in the Ukraine," said Bildt. "Suddenly the regime passed seven new laws, some draconian and including freedom of the net, in ten minutes without any debates. The fastest information is on the net, which started to explode over those issues -- you get the pulse of what's happened.

"Then there was the referendum in Egypt in the last two days on the constitution -- 98 percent voted yes mmm impressive. I'm surprised it wasn't 100 percent."

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Sweden's early adopter foreign minister on crafting digital diplomacy

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Elmo has a potty mouth Unnecessary Censorship – Video

Posted: January 16, 2014 at 6:42 pm

Elmo has a potty mouth Unnecessary Censorship
All the credit goes to Wamero for making this Video! Here is the link to his youtube Channel------ Subscribe to him for more and spam his ...

By: samyiscool95

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Elmo has a potty mouth Unnecessary Censorship - Video

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terrorism deceit and ideas, his … for, cultivating conversion infinite time space – Video

Posted: at 6:42 pm

terrorism deceit and ideas, his ... for, cultivating conversion infinite time space
You are intellectually sequestered. I gave you a place for information and betrayal at: secret, terrorism, censorship, trap, plot, hatred, discrimination, pr...

By: Milano Italia

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terrorism deceit and ideas, his ... for, cultivating conversion infinite time space - Video

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Tu protesteaza! Nu te mai lasa mintit izgonit inselat furat sechestrat mutilat! – Video

Posted: at 6:42 pm

Tu protesteaza! Nu te mai lasa mintit izgonit inselat furat sechestrat mutilat!
You are intellectually sequestered. I gave you a place for information and betrayal at: secret, terrorism, censorship, trap, plot, hatred, discrimination, pr...

By: Milano Italia

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Tu protesteaza! Nu te mai lasa mintit izgonit inselat furat sechestrat mutilat! - Video

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Order paranormal video that killed ideas lies scams! – Video

Posted: at 6:42 pm

Order paranormal video that killed ideas lies scams!
You are intellectually sequestered. I gave you a place for information and betrayal at: secret, terrorism, censorship, trap, plot, hatred, discrimination, pr...

By: Milano Italia

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Order paranormal video that killed ideas lies scams! - Video

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