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Category Archives: Censorship
Industry insiders discuss censorship in the cinema
Posted: February 21, 2014 at 7:42 pm
From local independent productions to Hollywood blockbusters, all films screened legally in the Kingdom are subject to government censorship. But what are the boundaries?
While Rithy Panh will be the first Cambodian director to walk down the Oscars red carpet next month, many filmmakers at home are faced with a stickier path: through a good deal of red tape. Some directors report no problems while others have had their releases delayed indefinitely, but one thing is for certain: no film can be shown in Cambodias cinemas unless the government says so.
Under Cambodian law, every feature film released in the Kingdom must be approved by the Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts film censorship board. Such scrutiny is normal in the region, with every ASEAN state exercising direct film censorship to some degree, while government censorship in Western nations is usually only reserved for cases of extreme obscenity, such as depictions of pedophilia, bestiality or real-life violence.
For local productions in Cambodia, scripts must also be submitted prior to filming. If the film is rejected at either stage, it cannot be legally screened in Cambodia. Cambodian film censors have most recently held up the release of Martin Scorseses The Wolf of Wall Street starring Leonardo Dicaprio, which contains graphic sex scenes, drug use and more than 500 uses of the word f***.
Chhay Bora has directed two movies since becoming a filmmaker in 2010. PHOTO SUPPLIED
But filmmaker Chhay Bora, who directed the yet-to-be released 3.50, said that the censorship board has never explained to him their grounds for evaluating movies.
Its like walking in the jungle with no road map to follow, said Bora, whose film on sex trafficking was supposed to be released last October but never received final approval. Although his script was approved, Bora said that the censorship board has failed to reach a verdict on the final version. No specific cuts have been ordered by the ministry, he said, but feedback he received suggested that censorship board members were concerned about the movies heavy social commentary.
The Ministry of Culture film department said they didnt ban the film, but they didnt grant the licence yet, said Bora, adding that although the films dialogue did not seem to cause controversy, the censorship board expressed concern over not less than 10 shots. Some of the criticism, Bora said, was over shots that the board claimed represented Cambodia in a bad light, such as a taxi driver throwing a cigarette out the window and a scene within the impoverished White Building community on Sothearos Boulevard.
Bora also said that other scenes were too political for the censors comfort, such as a shot of a character walking down a dusty road with Prime Minister Hun Sens office visible in the background.
But it is not just edgy, socially provocative films that are sent to the censors. Sok Visal, whose debut feature film Gems on the Run premiered last December, said that the censorship board was never hostile to his project but expected a clean moral message for his family-friendly comedy, which involves two friends transporting $3 million of stolen gems. Since the plot features a police officer working with criminals, Visal made sure his script approached the subject with care.
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Industry insiders discuss censorship in the cinema
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"Censorship" TROLLING on Call of Duty Ghosts – Video
Posted: February 19, 2014 at 7:45 pm
"Censorship" TROLLING on Call of Duty Ghosts
Thanks for Watching! Please "Like" to support the Creator! Creator #39;s Channel: Follow me on Twitter! ...
By: GamingTV
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Critics Say Its Censorship, But Aquino Assures It Wont Be Used To Suppress Dissent
Posted: at 7:45 pm
Critics Say Its Censorship, But Aquino Assures It Wont Be Used To Suppress Dissent
Manila, Philippines President Benigno S. Aquino III yesterday defended the Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012 that penalizes online libel, saying the public has nothing to fear if they are telling the truth.
The President tried to allay public concerns a day after the Supreme Court ruled that the new laws online libel provision was constitutional.
Critics, however, said the libel provision will result in effective censorship and may be used against those who criticize anti-people policies and corrupt practices of the government.
But Aquino, speaking to reporters after an inspection of a government housing project in Manila, said Republic Act No. 10175 (Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012) will not be used to suppress dissent in the country.
Nothing To Fear
Will freedom of expression be stopped? I dont think that is the purpose of the law, Aquino said in Filipino.
We were taught in school that your rights end when they impinge on the rights of others, he added.
I repeat, if you are telling the truth, why would you fear libel? he added.
But Edre U. Olalia, National Union of Peoples Lawyers (NUPL) secretary general, said: The chilling effect of a Damocles sword for those who are wired basically remains. Any blanket threat of criminal prosecution for online libel tilts the balance for untrammeled state intervention and will practically result in effective censorship, if not timidity or inordinate trepidation.
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Critics Say Its Censorship, But Aquino Assures It Wont Be Used To Suppress Dissent
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{BBTRL-BTSvlog} #Youtube Censorship & The Illuminati Puzzle #CyborgAlphaTV-Network – Video
Posted: at 6:42 am
{BBTRL-BTSvlog} #Youtube Censorship The Illuminati Puzzle #CyborgAlphaTV-Network
Youtube #39;s violation of the 1st amendment congress; The Global Online Freedom Act; ...
By: Cyborg Alpha TV
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{BBTRL-BTSvlog} #Youtube Censorship & The Illuminati Puzzle #CyborgAlphaTV-Network - Video
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‘Censorship burning the media’ – Turkey Journalists – Video
Posted: at 6:42 am
#39;Censorship burning the media #39; - Turkey Journalists
In Turkey, around 200 journalists protested against censorship and government pressure on the media. Many referred to the ruling party when they chanted "AK ...
By: euronews (in English)
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'Censorship burning the media' - Turkey Journalists - Video
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Shit That Pisses Me Off Episode 1 "Self-Censorship" – Video
Posted: at 6:42 am
Shit That Pisses Me Off Episode 1 "Self-Censorship"
fucking kids mane.
By: BrandonAppleJuice
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Shit That Pisses Me Off Episode 1 "Self-Censorship" - Video
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{BBTRL-BTSvlog} Youtube Censorship, Scholarly Fantasy & The Illuminati Puzzle p3 – Video
Posted: February 18, 2014 at 5:42 am
{BBTRL-BTSvlog} Youtube Censorship, Scholarly Fantasy The Illuminati Puzzle p3
Youtube #39;s violation of the 1st amendment congress; The Global Online Freedom Act; ...
By: Cyborg Alpha TV
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{BBTRL-BTSvlog} Youtube Censorship, Scholarly Fantasy & The Illuminati Puzzle p3 - Video
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Feb 14, 2014: On Censorship and the Social Contract. – Video
Posted: at 5:42 am
Feb 14, 2014: On Censorship and the Social Contract.
Hey there. Uploading a day early because of some personal things that are happening tomorrow. Cats are statistically proven to increase viewership, But he wa...
By: awesome^2
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Feb 14, 2014: On Censorship and the Social Contract. - Video
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Posted: at 5:42 am
2-17-14 M2U02694 THIS IS BULLSHIT.
By: WheepingWillow2
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Posted in Censorship
Hillary Clinton orders censorship of public library papers – Video
Posted: at 5:42 am
Hillary Clinton orders censorship of public library papers
If you are like 70 percent of other Americans, who believe president Obama is overstepping his authority by executive actions, wait until you hear what Hilla...
By: DailyWorldwideNews
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