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Category Archives: Censorship
INAPPROPRIATE TIM (Unnecessary Censorship) – Video
Posted: March 9, 2014 at 2:42 pm
INAPPROPRIATE TIM (Unnecessary Censorship)
Subscribe on iTunes Full Episode Get a Free Netflix Month! 10% off Lootcrat...
By: Tobuscus
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Posted: at 2:42 pm
B/S ALERT Executive Order Blocking Property of Certain Persons Contributing to the Situation in Ukraine More stats
By: tatoott1009
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Cullen Plays – South Park: The Stick of Truth (EU Censorship #1) – Video
Posted: at 2:42 pm
Cullen Plays - South Park: The Stick of Truth (EU Censorship #1)
[REDACTED] South Park: The Stick of Truth is out now on PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC from Ubisoft and Obsidian Entertainment.
By: Johnny Cullen
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Inmate mail censorship case settled
Posted: at 2:42 pm
A lawsuit, alleging censorship of inmate mail by the Upshur County Jail, has been settled in the plaintiffs favor.
Prison Legal News settled the lawsuit for $175,000.
Named as defendants in the suit, which was filed in October, 2012, were the county, Sheriff Anthony Betterton and Sheriffs Lt. Jill McCauley.
The suit stated that Upshur County Jails inmate handbook contained no written criteria explaining when a publication will be rejected, and the jails mail policy did not provide a sender any notice or explanation when a book is censored, stated a story in the February, 2014, edition of Prison Legal News (PLN), reporting the settlement.
The story stated that PLN had mailed copies of its monthly magazine to prisoners at the Upshur County Jail, as well as letters, renewal notices, brochures and copies of a book, Protecting Your Health and Safety.
The article said that the jail rejected about 90 of PLNs publications over a one-year period, stamping them No Newspaper, Unauthorized Mail, Not Approved, or Refused.
The article said the jail also rejected legal mail sent to prisoners by PLNs attorney. No notice was provided regarding this censorship, and PLN was not afforded an opportunity to appeal the rejection of its publications.
Lance Weber, general counsel for the Human Rights Defense Center (HRDC), the nonprofit parent of PLN was quoted in the article as saying The purpose of jail is to hold the criminally accused for trial, not to punish them. Depriving pretrial detainees too poor to afford bail, who are presumed innocentof access to information that could assist them in enforcing their rights is inexcusable.
The article reported that on Sept. 30, 2013, a federal district court granted PLNs motion for a preliminary injunction, finding that the withholding of at least some of the correspondence with prisoners deprived the plaintiff, PLN, of its First Amendment rights without due process of law.
While the jail had adopted a new mail policy before the granting of the preliminary injunction, and the court said that was a clear improvement, but that it still falls short of establishing the minimum procedural safeguards constitutionally required to protect PLNs First and Fourteenth Amendment rights without due process of law.
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Iran Media Censors Polish FM On Iranian Media Censorship
Posted: March 8, 2014 at 9:44 pm
ByGolnaz Esfandiari, RFE/R
The Polish foreign minister was in Iran to explore business opportunities in the country.
WASHINGTON -- Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski expressed shock after seeing Iranian media censorship at work during his recent trip to Tehran, and bewilderment after discovering his critical message was not aired on Iranian television.
Speaking at a joint press conference with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif on March 1, Sikorski publicly put his counterpart on the spot.
"I would also like to add that I mentioned to the minister that yesterday from Isfahan I tried to log onto a website of a major Polish newspaper and, unfortunately, I could not do it. I was told that the website was blocked by censorship. For us, coming from a country that fought for freedom of speech, this came as a shock,"Sikorski said.
The Polish foreign minister went on to say that he also stressed to Zarif the need for human-rights dialogue, and underscored that the world has taken note of the recent rise in executions in the Islamic republic.
Avideolater released by the Polish Foreign Ministry puts Sikorski's comments on the record for all to see, but Iran's tightly controlled media left his criticisms on the cutting floor.
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Unnecessary Censorship – Video Games: The Last of Us [Part 1] – Video
Posted: at 9:44 pm
Unnecessary Censorship - Video Games: The Last of Us [Part 1]
Taking you though the story of The Last of Us, one bleep at a time. Enjoy
By: Shotgun6343
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Unnecessary Censorship - Video Games: The Last of Us [Part 1] - Video
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Unnecessary Censorship: Assassins Creed 4: Black Flag – Video
Posted: March 7, 2014 at 8:42 am
Unnecessary Censorship: Assassins Creed 4: Black Flag
Unnecessary Censorship: Assassins Creed 4: Black Flag because gaming can be unnecessary sometimes Twitter: Assassins Creed ...
By: High Society Games
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Venezuelan Communication Minister decries censorship on CNN – Video
Posted: at 8:42 am
Venezuelan Communication Minister decries censorship on CNN
On last March 2, the Minister of Communication and Information of Venezuela, Delcy Rodrguez, decried on her Twitter account an act of censorship committed b...
By: teleSURenglish tv
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facebook and censorship – Video
Posted: at 8:42 am
facebook and censorship
or lack of.
By: Chris Henzler
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Jackie Chan criticises Chinese film censorship
Posted: at 8:42 am
"I know there's a risk to saying this, but I do not care now, because it seems normal that I speak inappropriately," he said.
Director Feng Xiaogang (Rex Features)
Feng Xiaogang, one of China's most famous directors, also hit out at the dead hand of the censors. "Don't make directors tremble with fear every day like [they are] walking on thin ice," he said.
"Is the patriotism, political judgment and artistic taste of the censors better than ours, the directors?" he added.
"We don't have a 'film censorship law'; to kill a film or not depends on examiners. Is their patriotism, political judgment and artistic taste better than ours, the directors?" he said.
Two of Mr Feng's films, Assembly (2007) and Aftershock (2010), had to be changed to comply with censorship and Assembly was nearly banned.
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