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Category Archives: Censorship
Examiner Gaming Podcast Ep. 3 – South Park The Stick of Truth and Censorship – Video
Posted: April 3, 2014 at 8:42 pm
Examiner Gaming Podcast Ep. 3 - South Park The Stick of Truth and Censorship
An audible is called on this week #39;s Examiner Gaming Podcast. Instead of the Console Wars, the topic of censorship in video games will be discussed. Specifica...
By: Jim Hawking
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South Park: Stick of Truth | Part 12 | CENSORSHIP IS SHIT – Video
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South Park: Stick of Truth | Part 12 | CENSORSHIP IS SHIT
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By: BroFist Games
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US plan to end ICANN oversight could lead to 'Net censorship, lawmakers say
Posted: at 8:42 pm
A U.S. National Telecommunications and Information Administration plan to end its formal relationship with the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers could open the door to Internet censorship by China, Russia or Iran, some U.S. lawmakers said.
The NTIAs plan to end its 16-year oversight of ICANN could embolden those countries to seek greater control of the Internet domain name system, several Republican members of a U.S. House of Representatives Energy and Commerce subcommittee said during a hearing Wednesday.
Representative Steve Scalise, a Louisiana Republican, questioned whether the NTIA plan, announced last month, contains assurances against an ICANN takeover by countries that want to censor the Internet. Russia and China have made it very clear they want to suppress freedom, he said. Russia and China have proven to be very resourceful in trying to figure out what that process is so they can manipulate it.
Under the NTIAs plan, the agency contract with ICANN to operate key domain-name functions would be allowed to expire, if the Internet community comes up with an acceptable alternative. The NTIA will not accept a transition proposal from ICANN that has government control as its outcome, agency administrator Lawrence Strickling said. Period. End of story, so it wont happen.
Some countries have been trying to influence ICANNs process for years without success, added Fadi Chehad, ICANNs president and CEO. ICANNs community has not allowed that to happen, he said.
No one has yet explained to me the mechanism by which any of these individual governments could somehow seize control of the Internet as a whole, Strickling added.
Still, some lawmakers questioned why the NTIA needs to end its contract with ICANN for the organization to operate the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) functions. Whats so wrong with the current system that we want to change it? said Representative Joe Barton, a Texas Republican.
The NTIA proposal would make good on a long-time promise to transfer ICANN oversight to the Internet community, Chehad said. In addition, the plan would take away a perception in some parts of the world that the U.S. government controls Internet governance, even though the NTIA role is largely symbolic at this point, he said.
The change sends the right message to the world that the U.S. government trusts a multistakeholder model of governance by the Internet community, he said.
Some Republicans called for the NTIA and ICANN to slow down the process. One possible date for a transition would be in September 2015, when the NTIAs IANA contract with ICANN expires, Strickling said.
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Unreasonable Censorship Ep.1 – TRAITORS! – Video
Posted: April 2, 2014 at 8:42 am
Unreasonable Censorship Ep.1 - TRAITORS!
Subscribe for more Not convinced yet? Check out my other videos! WILL DRAGON BE ABLE TO MAKE THINGS AS...
By: DragonLegends
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Photography Portfolio Review #6: ADD, dysentery, and the subliminal censorship of Nippolas Cage – Video
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Photography Portfolio Review #6: ADD, dysentery, and the subliminal censorship of Nippolas Cage, coupon code #39;portfolio #39; for 10% off For more, SUBSCRIBE and like Links to the Photography Buyi...
By: Tony Northrup
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Photography Portfolio Review #6: ADD, dysentery, and the subliminal censorship of Nippolas Cage - Video
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Private Censorship and Perfect Choice – Video
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Private Censorship and Perfect Choice
Conversation about intellectual property issues focusing on the Digital Millennium Copyright Act and the the sharing of content on the Internet. Recorded on ...
By: Duke Law
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Rachel Aumiller, Villanova University, "Laughing at the Law: Marx on the Censorship of Affect" – Video
Posted: at 8:42 am
Rachel Aumiller, Villanova University, "Laughing at the Law: Marx on the Censorship of Affect"
Rachel Aumiller, of Villanova University, delivers her paper "Laughing at the Law: Marx on the Censorship of Affect" at the 6th Biennial Philosophy and Liter...
By: Donovan Irven
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Rachel Aumiller, Villanova University, "Laughing at the Law: Marx on the Censorship of Affect" - Video
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In our age true censorship is information overload: Jacopo Barigazzi at TEDxRoncade – Video
Posted: at 8:42 am
In our age true censorship is information overload: Jacopo Barigazzi at TEDxRoncade
Journalist, deputy editor of Pagina99, he co-founded and was editor-in-chief of Linkiesta. He graduated in Philosophy at the University of Milan and majored ...
By: TEDx Talks
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In our age true censorship is information overload: Jacopo Barigazzi at TEDxRoncade - Video
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Are your comments randomly disappearing? In Google #39;s new comment layout system they are automatically track spamming people and completely removing comments ...
By: Why are we here?
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Censorship: Left, Right, and Center – Video
Posted: at 8:42 am
Censorship: Left, Right, and Center
Attorneys Wendy Kaminer and Harvey Silverglate, known for their outspoken social criticism and their provocative positions on civil liberties, lead this disc...
By: Forum Network
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