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Category Archives: Censorship
Sam Burnett’s thesis defense – Video
Posted: May 11, 2014 at 8:42 am
Sam Burnett #39;s thesis defense
Enabling bystanders to facilitate Internet censorship measurement and circumvention Free and open exchange of information on the Internet is at risk: more than 60 countries practice some form...
By: Sam Burnett
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Sam Burnett's thesis defense - Video
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JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders Episode 6 Review – GODDAMN CENSORSHIP! – – Video
Posted: at 8:42 am
JoJo #39;s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders Episode 6 Review - GODDAMN CENSORSHIP! -
Jotaro has an insane earning curve but he is still not a Master of his Stand. Series Link - KOL Gaming:
By: King Of Lightning
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JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders Episode 6 Review - GODDAMN CENSORSHIP! - - Video
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Stop YouTube Censorship. – Video
Posted: at 8:42 am
Stop YouTube Censorship.
Bad Email in the video use this one instead. Email: Twitter: @ericschmidt Youtube has been censoring the free speech of journalist who hold government accountable through...
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Stop YouTube Censorship. - Video
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Screw Censorship & Beyond Part 3: – Video
Posted: at 8:42 am
Screw Censorship Beyond Part 3:
This is the shocking conclusion of The Lampshades three part episode Called Screw Censorship Beyond. Watch the final segment as Lucifer D. Lambew preaches and Teaches the Hebrew Nation regarding...
By: Sekuma08 .
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More speech, not censorship, best antidote for bigotry
Posted: at 8:42 am
Published: Saturday, May 10, 2014, 9:00p.m. Updated 12 hours ago
When the NBA banned racist team owner Donald Sterling, some said: What about free speech? Can't a guy say what he thinks anymore?
The answer: Yes, you can. But the free market might punish you. In America today, the market punishes racists aggressively.
This punishment is not censorship. Censorship is something only governments can do. Writers complain that editors censor what they write. But that's not censorship; that's editing.
It's fine if the NBA or any private group wants to censor speech on its own property. People who attend games or work for the NBA agreed to abide by its rules. Likewise, Fox is free to fire me if it doesn't like what I say. That's the market in action, reflecting preferences of owners and customers.
But it's important that government not have the power to silence us. We have lots of companies, colleges and sports leagues. If one orders us to shut up, we can go somewhere else.
But there is only one government and it can take our money and our freedom. All a business can do is refuse to do business with me, causing me to work with someone else. Government can forbid me to do business with anyone at all.
Of course, government never admits it's doing harm. Around the world, when government gets into the censorship business, it claims to be protecting the public. But by punishing those who criticize politicians, it's protecting itself.
That's why it's great that the Framers gave America the First Amendment, a ban on government abridging the freedom of speech. But I wonder if today's young lawyers would approve the First Amendment if it were up for ratification now.
There is a new commandment at colleges today: Thou shalt not hurt others with words. Students are told not to offend. At Wake Forest University, for instance, students cannot post any fliers or messages deemed racist, sexist, profane or derogatory.
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More speech, not censorship, best antidote for bigotry
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India’s Censorship Board Should Get Bolder Says French Director – Video
Posted: May 10, 2014 at 12:43 pm
India #39;s Censorship Board Should Get Bolder Says French Director
Visit - . India #39;s Biggest Bollywood Entertainment Website for More Exclusives Like us on Facebook - Follow us on Twitter -
By: Bollywood Masala
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Government try to ‘reassure public’ with ‘nonsensical’ measures – Russ Baker on internet censorship – Video
Posted: May 9, 2014 at 12:43 pm
Government try to #39;reassure public #39; with #39;nonsensical #39; measures - Russ Baker on internet censorship
Watch the full episode here: Russ Baker, editor-in-chief of, talks to Going Underground host Afshin Rattansi about internet censorship. Websites are being...
By: goingundergroundRT
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Unnecessary Censorship – SMITE God Jokes Bonus Video (CENSORED PARODY) – Video
Posted: at 12:43 pm
Unnecessary Censorship - SMITE God Jokes Bonus Video (CENSORED PARODY)
Unnecessary Censorship - SMITE God Jokes Bonus Video (CENSORED PARODY) Smite is made and owned by Hi-Rez Studios, like what you see here? Consider downloadin...
By: Unnecessary Censorship Central
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How the US Propaganda System Works
Posted: at 12:43 pm
Americans are told that other governments practice censorship and propaganda, but not their own. Yet, the reality is quite different with many reasonable viewpoints marginalized and deceptive spin put on much that comes from officialdom, writes Lawrence Davidson.
By Lawrence Davidson
Many Americans assume the U.S. government speaks the truth to its citizens and defends their constitutional right to free speech (be it in the form of words or dollars). On the other hand, it is always the alleged enemies of the U.S. who indulge in propaganda and censoring of the truth.
In practice it is not quite that way. Washington, and many local American governments as well, can be quite censoring. Take for instance the attempt to censor the boycott of Israeli academic institutions institutions engaged in government research that facilitates illegal settlement expansion and the use of Palestinian water resources.
In this case, the fact that a call for boycott is an age-old, non-violent practice also falling within the category of free speech, is mostly disregarded. Instead we get a knee-jerk impulse on the part of just about every American politician to shut down debate, even to the point where various state legislatures threatened their own state colleges and universities with a cutoff of funds if they tolerate the boycott effort on their campuses.
It is not only American academics who suffer censorship at the hands of a government that claims to defend freedom of speech. Academics of countries deemed unfriendly to the U.S. have been subjected to the same treatment. Take, for instance, Iranian academics. U.S. trade sanctions on Iran, put in effect in 1980, included strict curbs on academic exchanges.
Later, a few in Congress managed to ease these with a free trade in ideas amendment, but the U.S. Treasury Departments Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) sabotaged the effort. That office violated the spirit of the congressional amendment by asserting that while there could now be exchanges of information with academics in sanctioned states, say, in the form of manuscripts submitted to U.S. journals for publication, they could not be enhanced by such practices as editing for style purposes. Violation of this regulation could result in fines and imprisonment for journal editors.
On the other hand, as far as we know, no OFAC official was ever fined, fired or imprisoned for violating the intent of Congress.
Several organizations, including the American Association of Publishers, took the U.S. government to court over the issue in 2003. In 2004, the matter was settled out of court, granting the right of publishers to use standard editing procedures for manuscript submissions from Iran.
However, the OFAC has failed to officially promulgate this change in regulations, and as a result many journal editors are ignorant of the revised regulation. Many still play it safe and simply return submissions from Iran marked denied due to sanctions.
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How the US Propaganda System Works
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The Wolf Among Us – Part 9 (Episode 2) – "The Censorship! It’s real! XO" – Video
Posted: May 7, 2014 at 11:42 pm
The Wolf Among Us - Part 9 (Episode 2) - "The Censorship! It #39;s real! XO"
You don #39;t know how long it took me to put all those censor signs up. You don #39;t even know XP - Brandon In no way are we claiming this product as our own. The ...
By: BodaciousBrosGaming
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The Wolf Among Us - Part 9 (Episode 2) - "The Censorship! It's real! XO" - Video
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