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Category Archives: Censorship

Uncensored Censorship: The Sixth Sense – Video

Posted: May 17, 2014 at 10:42 am

Uncensored Censorship: The Sixth Sense
I S### dead people! If you like UCC then feel free to subscribe. Check out our other episodes here: list=PL63dDKY...

By: Evil Ice Cream Pictures

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Stop UK Internet Censorship – Indiegogo Update – Video

Posted: at 10:42 am

Stop UK Internet Censorship - Indiegogo Update
The UK is moving dangerously close to internet censorship and we need your help to stop it! Recently the Government, with the help of religious lobby groups, has persuaded ISP #39;s to introduce...

By: OpenRightsGroup

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By: Carrie Geren Scoggins

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Iran Takes Aim at Google, Wikipedia in Latest Internet Censorship Effort

Posted: at 10:42 am

Image: Mashable Composite. Wikimedia Commons

By Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai2014-05-16 15:15:49 -0400

Google and Wikipedia appear to be the latest victims of Iran's online censorship efforts, just two days after the Iranian government repeated once again that it's planning to loosen its grip on the Internet.

Iran has reportedly blocked access to another Google service, the hosting platform Google Sites, and censored at least two sensitive Wikipedia pages in Farsi in the last couple of days. It's unclear at this point if these blocks are government mandated, but if they are, activists think they would expose the Iranian government's double-sided stance on Internet freedom.

Ever since President Hassan Rouhani was elected last year, his government has pledged to open up to the Internet, while, at the same time, it has steadily censored various services and websites, and even jailed 16 tech bloggers. Twitter and Facebook also still remain blocked in Iran, even though Rouhani, as well as other members of the government, routinely use them.

On Wednesday, Iran announced that it was planning to loosen Internet censorship by using so-called "smart filters," which would allow the government to block only specific "depraved and immoral" websites and leave others untouched, according to Communications Minister Mahmoud Vaezi.

Iran has a long history of blocking Wikipedia sites, as previous research has shown, but these latest blocks, activists warn, seem to indicate that the future is more of the same, rather than more freedom.

"The fact that pages on Wikipedia are now being censored is a troubling harbinger of a tighter hold on access to information, as opposed to the notion that these new technologies will allow for 'looser censorship,'" Mahsa Alimardani, an Iranian Internet researcher based in Toronto, told Mashable.

On Friday, Nariman Gharib, an Iranian researcher based in London reported that the Wikipedia pages about the 1979 Iranian Revolution and the one about the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran were inaccessible within Iran.

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Iran Takes Aim at Google, Wikipedia in Latest Internet Censorship Effort

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Censorship on college campuses has left some uneasy

Posted: at 10:42 am

In this March 15, 2014 file photo, former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice gestures while speaking before the California Republican Party 2014 Spring Convention in Burlingame, Calif. Texas Tech University has invited Rice to take her pick and speak at summer, fall or 2015 graduation ceremonies after protests against her planned appearance at Rutgers University.

Ben Margot, Associated Press

The graduating class of 2014 has seen several college commencement speakers cancel due to student opposition, sparking a debate over whether it is right, or necessary, to censor these speakers.

The list of speakers who will no longer be speaking includes former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Christine Lagarde, head of the International Monetary Fund, and Robert Birgeneau, the former chancellor of the University of California in Berkeley.

While Ayaan Hirsi Ali was still permitted to speak at Brandeis University, her offer of an honorary degree from the school was revoked due to anti-Islamic comments she had made in the past.

She has her very real personal story, she has her views, and shes free to say what shed like to say, said Maya Berry, executive director of the advocacy group Arab American Institute, in the New York Times. But for an institution like Brandeis to choose to honor someone like this is really disappointing.

Ali, who has said that Islam is a cult of death, and the new fascism, according to the Times, has also supported the idea of closing down all Islamic schools in the West.

She is one of the worst of the worst of the Islam haters in America, not only in America but worldwide, Ibrahim Hooper, a spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, told the Times. I dont assign any ill will to Brandeis. I think they just kind of got fooled a little bit.

In its official statement on the issue, Brandeis said, She is a compelling public figure and advocate for womens rights, and we respect and appreciate her work to protect and defend the rights of women and girls throughout the world. That said, we cannot overlook certain of her past statements that are inconsistent with Brandeis University's core values. For all concerned, we regret that we were not aware of these statements earlier.

All of the previously listed speakers have been protested for various reasons, including past actions, associations or perceived bigotry. While many students from these respective universities supported the cancellations, other commentators have decried them as needless censorship.

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Censorship on college campuses has left some uneasy

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UNfree Press: As UN Censorship Alliance Prez Makes Claims, UNTV Shows FUNCA Skepticism – Video

Posted: May 16, 2014 at 1:42 am

UNfree Press: As UN Censorship Alliance Prez Makes Claims, UNTV Shows FUNCA Skepticism
UN #39;s Charade of World Press Freedom Day Had Bid to Censor Opposition By Matthew Russell Lee UNITED NATIONS, May 9 -- At the UN, the head of the UN Correspond...

By: InnerCity Press

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Published on May 14, 2014 By: tatoott1009 Raise Sea Levels Higher MSM Pushes Doomsday World War III Has Begun In Ukraine

By: Spiritwolf Ofthewild

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Rape Culture is a Panic Where Paranoia, Censorship, and False Accusations Flourish

Posted: at 1:41 am

Living Sexual Assault Larry Contratti

Christina Hoff Sommers is a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, a TIME contributor, and author of several books, including The War Against Boys. She hosts a weekly video blog The Factual Feminist

On January 27, 2010, University of North Dakota officials charged undergraduate Caleb Warner with sexually assaulting a fellow student. He insisted the encounter was consensual, but was found guilty by a campus tribunal and thereupon expelled and banned from campus.

A few months later, Warner received surprising news. The local police had determined not only that Warner was innocent, but that the alleged victim had deliberately falsified her charges. She was charged with lying to police for filing a false report, and fled the state.

Cases like Warners are proliferating. Here is a partial list of young men who have recently filed lawsuits against their schools for what appear to be gross mistreatment in campus sexual assault tribunals: Drew SterrettUniversity of Michigan, John DoeSwarthmore, Anthony VillarPhiladelphia University, Peter YuVassar, Andre HenryDelaware State, Dez WellsXavier, and Zackary HuntDenison. Presumed guilty is the new legal principle where sex is concerned.

Sexual assault on campus is a genuine problembut the new rape culture crusade is turning ugly. The list of falsely accused young men subject to kangaroo court justice is growing apace. Students at Boston University demanded that a Robin Thicke concert be cancelled: His hit song Blurred Lines is supposedly a rape anthem. (It includes the words, I know you want it.) Professors at Oberlin, University of California, Santa Barbara, and Rutgers have been urged to place trigger warnings on class syllabi that include books like the Great Gatsbytoo much misogynist violence. This movement is turning our campuses into hostile environments for free expression and due process. And so far, university officials, political leaders, and the White House are siding with the mob.

It appears that we are in the throes of one of those panics where paranoia, censorship, and false accusations flourishand otherwise sensible people abandon their critical facilities. We are not facing anything as extreme as the Salem Witch Trials or the McCarthy inquisitions. But todays rape culture movement bears some striking similarities to a panic that gripped daycare centers in the 1980s.

In August 1983, an anguished mother reported to the police that her 2-year old son had been horrifically abused in the McMartin preschool in Manhattan Beach, California. She described a network of underground tunnels where school staff had sodomized her child and forced him to watch animal sacrifices. The mother was mentally disturbed and her story had no basis in reality. But the news media seized on the story, and paranoia about Satanic Cults became a national epidemic. Parents were already on edge: advocacy groups, politicians, and the media had warned that nearly 50,000 children were being abducted by strangers, and 4,000 of them murdered, every year. As news of the McMartin barbarity spread, daycare personnel in schools across the nation found themselves implicated in the crime of satanic-ritual child abuse. A national network of abuse-therapists promptly materialized. Through the use of intimidating interviewing techniques, they egged on children to remember terrible abuses in their daycare.

The abuse therapists were joined by an influential group of conspiracy-minded feminists, including Gloria Steinem and Catharine MacKinnon. When a few civil libertarian feministsCarol Tavris, Wendy Kaminer, Ellen Willis, and Debbie Nathantried to blow the whistle on the witch-hunt, they were vilified by the conspiracy caucus as backlashers, child abuse apologists, and obedient daddies girls of male editors.

From the start of the scare in 1983 until its ending in the mid-1990s, untold numbers of children were subject to manipulative therapies and hundreds of innocent adults faced charges of ritual child abuse. Several of the accused would spend years in prison for crimes that never happened. A recent Slate article called it one of the most damaging moral panics in Americas history, which only began to abate when skeptical journalists got round to checking facts and asking questions. A 1985 story in the Los Angeles Times informed readers that, according to FBI reports, the number of child kidnappings by strangers in 1984 was 67, not 50,000

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Rape Culture is a Panic Where Paranoia, Censorship, and False Accusations Flourish

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Unnecessary Censorship – Avatar: The Last Airbender – Video

Posted: May 15, 2014 at 12:41 am

Unnecessary Censorship - Avatar: The Last Airbender
Well, I felt like doing it so I did it. Here you go! I unnecessarily censored my favourite cartoon show of all time, I give you; "Unnecessary Censorship - Avatar: The Last Airbender". Avatar...

By: brianian16

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Censorship BANS ‘The Xpose’ from EXPOSING – Video

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Censorship BANS #39;The Xpose #39; from EXPOSING
Yo Yo Honey Singh Himesh Reshamiya #39;s The Xpose under censorship scruntiny for BOLD Content -- Sonali Raut #39;s transparent Saree Subscribe now to watch more of Bollywood Hangover Videos http://www....

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