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Category Archives: Censorship
Iron Man Unnecessary Censorship – Video
Posted: May 26, 2014 at 7:42 am
Iron Man Unnecessary Censorship
Unnecessary Censorship of the Iron Man Trilogy. Hope you guys enjoy! My previous "Marvel Unnecessary Censorships" are in the description below! --- Subcribe if you #39;d like! Follow me on Tumblr...
By: DailyAsgardianNews
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ViewsBit: Time to end campus censorship? (Full debate) – Video
Posted: at 7:42 am
ViewsBit: Time to end campus censorship? (Full debate)
On the 24th of March, there was a debate on campus censorship at the University of Sussex.The event was run by a Sussex student in partnership with Spiked Ma...
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Censorship fear over new GCSE syllabus
Posted: at 7:42 am
Councils education chief slams minister after books were cut from English syllabus
6:00am Monday 26th May 2014 in News By Mark Stanford, T&A Reporter
The ditching of Amercian classic novels from the GCSE syllabus smacks of censorship says Bradfords politician in charge of education.
Councillor Ralph Berry has heavily criticised Education Secretary Michael Gove after books including To Kill A Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, and John Steinbecks Of Mice and Men were removed from exam board OCRs draft GCSE English Literature syllabus.
Instead, more works by British authors will reportedly be included, such as pieces by Charles Dickens and Jane Austen.
The Department for Education (DofE) wants pupils to appreciate the power of the English literary heritage and more pre-20th Century works.
Coun Berry, Bradford Councils executive member for childrens services, said Bradford students could miss out if American classics were pulled.
It smacks of censorship. It seems to be getting to some sort of level of what people should, and shouldnt, know.
My main feeling is its a great shame. This is silly. There is some good, stimulating reading he is dismissing.
The new GCSE syllabus, which will start next year, will reportedly include more works by a host of British authors instead, including Charles Dickens and Jane Austen.
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Twitter caves to Pakistani blasphemy censorship requests
Posted: at 7:42 am
Twitter has honored five requests made by a Pakistani bureaucrat working for the country's Telecommunications Authority to censor tweets and accounts it considered "blasphemous" and "unethical."
According to the New York Times, the social network agreed to shield certain tweets from the eyes of Pakistani Twitter users at the request of Abdul Batin. The requests including censoring crude drawings of the Prophet Muhammad, photographs of burning Qurans, and tweets from anti-Islam bloggers and an American porn star.
This is apparently the first time Twitter has agreed to block specific content in Pakistan since it introduced its country-specific censorship policy in 2012. The policy takes into accounts local laws that apply to tweets and will consider reactively withholding access to certain content if they receive "valid and properly scoped" requests from authorized entities. Despite this, the NYT claims that a number of accounts were blocked not reactively, but in anticipation of the annual "Everybody Draw Muhammad Day," which falls on May 20.
The first time Twitter's censorship policy was enforced was in Germany in 2012 when it banned a neo-Nazi partywhich are not allowed under German lawfrom the social network. Since then the policy has come into effect in several countries, although Twitter aims to remain as transparent as possible using several mechanisms, including partnering with Chilling Effects to publish notifications of when it withholds content, as well requests to withhold it.
Pakistan's oppressive blasphemy laws have been enforced in an increasingly brutal manner recently, resulting in arrests, murders, and assassination attempts, which is why it makes it particularly concerning that Twitter is complying with them. Twitter's defense is that it would rather prevent a small amount of content that contravenes local laws than have the whole site blocked, denying a country the ability to use the platform at all.
This is what caused the social network to bow to pressure from the Turkish government last month. In the face of an outright ban, Twitter agreed to close several accounts the government had deemed harmful.
Several rights groups have questioned the legitimacy of the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority, as well as Twitter's decision to acquiesce to its requests. has put these concerns to Twitter and will update this article if we hear back.
Twitter caves to Pakistani blasphemy censorship requests
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Wolfenstein: The New Order – Censorship Comparison – Eurogamer – Video
Posted: May 24, 2014 at 7:41 pm
Wolfenstein: The New Order - Censorship Comparison - Eurogamer
Wolfenstein: The New Order - Censorship Comparison - Eurogamer Sometimes censorship can be a Nazi business, other times it #39;s a necessity. This was definitely the case with Wolfenstein: The...
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HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA | Unnecessary Censorship Recap | Censored Funniest Moments / Best Scenes Parody – Video
Posted: at 7:41 pm
HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA | Unnecessary Censorship Recap | Censored Funniest Moments / Best Scenes Parody
This week in unnecessary censorship, Hotel Transylvania! The voicework is so similar to Despicable Me it confuses me... kinda... but it was very well done! love Adam Sandler and Andy Samberg....
By: NinjaPandaProductions
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Unnecessary Censorship – StarCraft 2 REMAKE Part 2 (Censored Parody) – Video
Posted: at 7:41 pm
Unnecessary Censorship - StarCraft 2 REMAKE Part 2 (Censored Parody)
Unnecessary Censorship - StarCraft 2 REMAKE Part 2 (Censored Parody) We decided to remake the StarCraft videos and combine them into 2 larger videos, the originals were the first time I ever...
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Assange names country targeted by NSA's MYSTIC mass phone tapping program
Posted: at 7:41 pm
IDG News Service - The U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) has been recording and storing nearly all domestic and international phone calls from Afghanistan, according to Wikileaks' front man Julian Assange.
Wikileaks revealed the name of the country after The Intercept reported Monday that the NSA was actively recording and archiving "virtually every" cellphone call in the Bahamas and one other country under a program called SOMALGET. The Intercept said it did not name the second country because of concerns that doing so could lead to increased violence.
The voice interception program is part of a broader program called MYSTIC revealed in March when the Washington Post published documents provided by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden.
MYSTIC is used to collect phonecall metadata and is used in Mexico, Kenya and the Philippines, according to The Intercept. SOMALGET enables the NSA to gather and store the contents of every conversation in an entire country, it said.
The program gives the NSA the capability to record and store the phone calls of an entire nation for up to 30 days, according to the Washington Post. The paper decided not to identify the countries affected on request of the U.S. government.
While The Intercept revealed the identity of five of the Mystic target countries, Assange said the decision not to name Afghanistan was "censorship."
"Such censorship strips a nation of its right to self-determination on a matter which affects its whole population," ="">he said on Wikileak's site. "By denying an entire population the knowledge of its own victimization, this act of censorship denies each individual in that country the opportunity to seek an effective remedy, whether in international courts, or elsewhere," he said.
To protect his source, Assange did not disclose how Wikileaks confirmed the identity of the second country. However, he said, it can also be independently verified through forensic scrutiny of imperfectly applied censorship on related documents released to date, and through correlations with other NSA programs.
The censorship of a victim state's identity directly assists the killing of innocent people, Assange said. The U.S. has been using mass interception programs as a key component in its drone targeting program that has killed "thousands of people and hundreds of women and children in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia in violation of international law," he added.
"We do not believe it is the place of media to 'aid and abet' a state in escaping detection and prosecution for a serious crime against a population. Consequently Wikileaks cannot be complicit in the censorship of victim state X. The country in question is Afghanistan," he said.
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Twitter Caught Censoring Blasphemous Tweets on Behalf of Pakistani Government
Posted: at 7:41 pm
In the most high-profile act of censorship yet, Twitter, which hails itself as a tool of free speech in oppressive regimes, was found to have blocked blasphemous and unethical tweets on behalf of the government of Pakistan at least five times in May alone. All of the censorship requests came from a Pakistani bureaucrat who wanted Twitter to block material related to anti-Islamic content, the New York Times reports.
While Twitter does have a country-specific censorship policy, which they implemented in 2012 to help the company adhere to local speech laws, this is the first time that the companys actively blocked tweets in Pakistan. As the Times elaborates, it comes at a time when Pakistans government is flexing its censorship abilities, even going so far as to remove an entire op-ed criticizing Pakistani censorship from the pages of the Times itself, leaving a conspicuously blank page:
A number of the accounts seemed to have been blocked in anticipation of the fourth annual Everybody Draw Muhammad Day on May 20.
This censorship comes as challenges to Pakistans draconian blasphemy law have become increasingly deadly, amid a flurry of arrests, killings and assassination attempts on secularists
A civil rights group in Pakistan concerned with Internet access, Bolo Bhi, called the legitimacy of the requests forwarded by Pakistan Telecommunication Authority to Twitter questionable. The law that defines the regulators power, the group explained, does not in any form give P.T.A. the authority to arbitrarily restrict content on the Internet.
In a strange coda, they also blocked blasphemous material related to Duke University student and porn star Belle Knox.
[NYT h/t Valleywag] [Image via 1000 Words /]
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The Mystery of the Flintstones Dick Joke
Posted: May 23, 2014 at 8:42 am
Television censorship isn't what it used to be. Back in the day, TV couples had to keep their beds separated, you couldn't say the word "pregnant," and Mary Tyler Moore almost wasn't allowed to wear pants. These days, things are more liberal. I mean, we here at The Soupshowed a 130-lb scrotum and got away with saying "wet muff" on TV. Repeatedly.
So imagine our surprise when we came across this clip from the original Flintstonescartoon from the early 1960's and heard what we're pretty damn sure is a dick joke coming out of Barney Rubble's mouth:
Here's the thing, though: The Flintstonesweren't exactly the apex of comedy, so we're hesitant to give them credit for this. The way we see it, this was either:
A.) A bad joke about Barney needing three heads to be tall B.) A bad joke about Barney not being able to count properly C.) A straight-up joke about Barney Rubble's caveman penis
Sadly, we'll never know the real answer, because the writers behind this joke were promptly executed for their transgressions against the censors. We're pretty sure that's how things worked back then.
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