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Category Archives: Censorship

Denver Students Protest Censorship Of History In Curriculum

Posted: September 24, 2014 at 4:41 pm

One poster said Censoring history = No Education.

Another read We deserve to know the truth.

The signs were just a few lining the streets as hundreds of students from at least seven Denver-area schools walked out of their classrooms Tuesday and Wednesday to protest a proposal by a member of the Jefferson County School Board, according to CNN affiliates KDVR and KMGH.

The proposal calls for a new panel to review the schools curricula, but thats not the part that has students and parents outraged.

It is the call for a review of the Advanced Placement curriculum for U.S. history classes to ensure that teaching materials present positive aspects of U.S. history and its heritage. According to the wording of the proposal, teaching materials should promote citizenship, patriotism (and) respect for authority and not encourage or condone civil disorder, social strife or disregard of the law.

I understand that they want to take out our very important history of slavery and dropping the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki because it portrays the U.S. in a negative light, said Casey McAndrew, a high school senior.

Ben Murky, a high school junior, said, The censorship of U.S. history is wrong, and I think its pretty communist.

The protest followed walkouts by students on Monday and a protest Friday, when at least 50 teachers called in sick, according to KDVR.

I think its time we hear from the kids on how its impacting them, because it is, and its very scary for them whats happening here, parent Andrea Stevens said.

Jefferson County Superintendent Dan McMinimee tried to stem the outrage by stressing that no changes in the curriculum have been finalized.

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Denver Students Protest Censorship Of History In Curriculum

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Why is AP History causing controversy in Jeffco?

Posted: at 4:41 pm

GOLDEN, Colo. - Censorship is in the eye of the beholder.

Pardon the adulterated aphorism, but both sides of the controversy in Jeffco Public Schools seem to be concerned that the other wants to censor history.

The argument that has now caused disruptions over four consecutive school days, including massive walkouts involving hundreds of students, is centered on a proposed review of the Advanced Placement U.S. History curriculum -- abbreviated APUSH.

Newly elected school board member Julie Williams proposed forming a committee to review the content of the APUSH curriculum. One day after that proposal and another about teacher compensation appeared on a board meeting agenda, two high schools were forced to close because of a high number of teacher absences. The teachers returned to work Monday, but students have continued the protests.

The proposal submitted to the board suggested the committee would make sure that U.S. history materials "promote citizenship, patriotism, essentials and benefits of the free enterprise system, respect for authority and respect for individual rights. Materials should not encourage or condone civil disorder, social strife or disregard of the law. Instructional materials should present positive aspects of the United States and its heritage. Content pertaining to political and social movements in U.S. history should present balanced and factual treatments of the positions."

Conifer High School teachers took to the "Support Jeffco Kids" Facebook page on Monday, alleging that the proposal would "require teachers to completely ignore certain aspects of American history rather than teach the entirety of American history."

APUSH is administered by the College Board, the same group that runs the SAT test. The new curriculum, summarized in the framework document, became effective in fall of 2014. Hundreds of other documents posted by the College Board delve deeper into each area of the curriculum.

Williams links the changes in APUSH to the Common Core -- a set of academic standards supported by President Barack Obama's administration but rejected by some states. Williams noted in a letter that she had also previously proposed opting out of the Common Core.


Texas has notably rejected both APUSH and the Common Core. Their decision on APUSH came last week, amid uproar in conservative circles about perceived anti-American bias in the new curriculum and exam.

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Why is AP History causing controversy in Jeffco?

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Exhibit B: Victim Of Mob Censorship Or Vile History Used As Entertainment?

Posted: at 4:41 pm

24 September 2014 | On Stage | By: James Drury

Photo: Sofie Knijff

Protestors have forced the cancellation of the Barbicans latest show, Exhibit B, which has been branded racist by those opposing it.

The withdrawal of the work has polarised opinion some taking delight at the effectiveness of the protest, while others decry what they feel is censorship by a vocal group of protesters.

The work by South African artist Brett Bailey was to portray black actors in chains and cages in recreations of the human zoos which were an appalling feature of European 19th century history that saw publicexhibitionsof people, often kidnapped from Africa.

Over 23,000 people signed a petition to have the performance shut down, and many gathered outside the Barbican Centre last night to protest. Police were called, but no arrests were made.

The Barbican says it was the extreme nature of these proteststhat led it to cancel the event.

In a statement, the centre says:

We find it profoundly troubling that such methods have been used to silence artists and performers and that audiences have been denied the opportunity to see this important work.

Exhibit B raises, in a serious and responsible manner, issues about racism; it has previously been shown in 12 cities, involved 150 performers and been seen by around 25,000 people with the responses from participants, audiences and critics alike being overwhelmingly positive.

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Exhibit B: Victim Of Mob Censorship Or Vile History Used As Entertainment?

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Unnecessary Censorship Skyrim Part 1 (Censored Parody) – Video

Posted: September 23, 2014 at 10:44 am

Unnecessary Censorship Skyrim Part 1 (Censored Parody)
Unnecessary Censorship Skyrim Part 1 (Censored Parody) Check us out on facebook: And of course twitter: https://tw...

By: Unnecessary Censorship Central

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Unnecessary Censorship Skyrim Part 1 (Censored Parody) - Video

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Unecessary Censorship MMA Edition Part 1 – Japan – Video

Posted: at 10:44 am

Unecessary Censorship MMA Edition Part 1 - Japan

By: MikeFightMedia

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Unecessary Censorship MMA Edition Part 1 - Japan - Video

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Tokyo Ghoul Impression and Season 1 review; Why The Censorship – Video

Posted: at 10:44 am

Tokyo Ghoul Impression and Season 1 review; Why The Censorship
Tokyo Ghoul Season 1 Rating: 9.5/10... What stopped it from perfect score was all the censors... You can #39;t enjoy a series based on murder, killing an blood... if you don #39;t see any murder, killing...

By: Sintorace

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Tokyo Ghoul Impression and Season 1 review; Why The Censorship - Video

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Selective Censorship – Video

Posted: at 10:44 am

Selective Censorship
Haha I can say whatever I want -- Watch live at

By: Dude Ranch

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Selective Censorship - Video

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MSNBCs Tour Decries Media Censorship of War Images Before Censoring Graphic War Photo – Video

Posted: September 22, 2014 at 9:44 pm

MSNBCs Tour Decries Media Censorship of War Images Before Censoring Graphic War Photo
MSNBC #39;s Tour Decries Media Censorship of War Images Before Censoring Graphic War Photo Though never having been accused of being too self-aware, MSNBC #39;s Tou...

By: Buzz Sourse

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MSNBCs Tour Decries Media Censorship of War Images Before Censoring Graphic War Photo - Video

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Censorship In Metal – Video

Posted: at 9:44 pm

Censorship In Metal
Today we talk about Censorship In Metal. What do you think about Album Artwork, Lyrics Printed In Booklets, Live Shows, and all things involved with Censorsh...

By: Chainsaw

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Censorship In Metal - Video

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Coffee With Jaden: Censorship & No-knock ‘Raids’ – Video

Posted: at 9:44 pm

Coffee With Jaden: Censorship No-knock #39;Raids #39;
Here, I talk about the problem with no-knock raids, as well as everyday censorship in the U.S. and on the net.

By: Admiral Jaden

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Coffee With Jaden: Censorship & No-knock 'Raids' - Video

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