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Category Archives: Censorship
Unnecessary Censorship – Borderlands 2 Part 3 (CENSORED PARODY) – Video
Posted: September 29, 2014 at 4:42 am
Unnecessary Censorship - Borderlands 2 Part 3 (CENSORED PARODY)
Unnecessary Censorship - Borderlands 2 Part 3 (CENSORED PARODY) Re-uploaded due to a couple of issues in the original video. Borderlands 2 is made by Gearbox...
By: Unnecessary Censorship Central
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Unnecessary Censorship - Borderlands 2 Part 3 (CENSORED PARODY) - Video
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Terra Formars Episode 1 First Impression & Review – Dat Censorship & Pacing – Video
Posted: at 4:42 am
Terra Formars Episode 1 First Impression Review - Dat Censorship Pacing
Not happy.. this episode has some saving points, but there are somethings I cannot ignore! Like, Share, Comment, Subscribe. Thanks for watching!
By: AnrikuZer0
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Terra Formars Episode 1 First Impression & Review - Dat Censorship & Pacing - Video
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Education official says proposal isn't censorship
Posted: at 4:41 am
DENVER (AP) As a new wave of young protesters in suburban Denver rallied against an education proposal to promote patriotism and downplay civil disobedience, the district's school board president said Thursday that students were being misinformed and used as "pawns."
Ken Witt, head of the Jefferson County Board of Education, said teachers are upset over a compensation plan and supporting the demonstrations as pretext for union demands.
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Education official says proposal isn't censorship
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Censorship and the hopeless crusade of social justice – Video
Posted: September 27, 2014 at 5:41 pm
Censorship and the hopeless crusade of social justice
Wherein Hawkeye decrees the pups who think themselves alphas.
By: Lord Hawkeye
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Censorship and the hopeless crusade of social justice - Video
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Banned Books Week: Comic Books and Literary Censorship – Video
Posted: at 5:41 pm
Banned Books Week: Comic Books and Literary Censorship
"Comic books are being challenged with greater frequency than they ever have been," says Charles Brownstein, executive director of the Comic Book Legal Defen...
By: ReasonTV
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Bledsoes take on censorship
Posted: at 5:41 pm
ASHEBORO A less than packed auditorium did not stop New York Times best-selling author and Randolph County resident Jerry Bledsoe from speaking from the heart Thursday night at Randolph Community College (RCC).
Bledsoes topic of choice was censorship.
His talk was part of the seventh season of RCCs Cultural Arts Series and Randolph Reads: Invisible Man community reading initiative. Although Bledsoes RCC lecture was not planned to coincide with it, this is Banned Books Week across the nation.
Ive been involved in censorship for over 50 years, Bledsoe said. Ive written stories that never saw print. That in the newspaper business is called editing.
Bledsoe, author of 21 books, is known for several true crime titles based on murders in North Carolina. His journalism career, which spanned more than 20 years, included newspaper work in the North Carolina cities of Kannapolis, Charlotte and Greensboro, and work at Esquire magazine.
Some people in our country are trying to become visible, Bledsoe said. Im the opposite Im visible and trying to become invisible.
Bledsoe went on to explain a phone call he received from the U.S. Attorneys Office.
I called him and didnt get him, Bledsoe told the audience. Within a few minutes he called me back and we met at the FBIs office. They told me that they had listened to a recording from an informant and told me that they thought someone was going to put a hit on me. At the time I was writing about an officer involved in a national drug cartel. For the next three weeks, my wife, dog and I lived in a safe house.
When you get a hit put on you, that is the ultimate form of censorship.
Bledsoe shared several stories about his writings being censored. His first book, The Worlds Number One, Flat-Out, All-Time Great Stock Car Racing Book, was published in 1975. The book observes the sport of stock car racing and its links to the South. It talks about the driver, the fan and the promoter, and how all of their actions lead to race day. However, the book was banned by Catholic schools in Wisconsin opposed to the language used by the NASCAR drivers.
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Michael Smith calls for censorship – Video
Posted: September 26, 2014 at 10:42 am
Michael Smith calls for censorship
Incredibly, Largo City Commissioner calls for "censorship" of a fellow elected official. Will he want to censor you next? He also calls his colleagues actions "aplorable", a word not in the...
By: Thomas Rask
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Schools Protest ‘Conservative Censorship’ Of Textbooks – Video
Posted: at 10:42 am
Schools Protest #39;Conservative Censorship #39; Of Textbooks
On Tuesday, hundreds of high school students in Jefferson County, Colorado walked out of classes this week to protest conservative censorship of the national Advanced Placement U.S. history...
By: Secular Talk
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Schools Protest 'Conservative Censorship' Of Textbooks - Video
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Protest NBC Weather Control Disinformation & Censorship – Video
Posted: at 10:42 am
Protest NBC Weather Control Disinformation Censorship
Military Chaff or Climate Engineering? A group of activists participating in the First and Second Global March Against Chemtrails And Geoengineering have tar...
By: SoCal SkyWatch
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Unnecessary Censorship MMA Edition Episode 2 Feat. McGregor, Jones, Cormier – Video
Posted: at 10:42 am
Unnecessary Censorship MMA Edition Episode 2 Feat. McGregor, Jones, Cormier
Video by @MikeFightMedia -
By: Mike Fight Media
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Unnecessary Censorship MMA Edition Episode 2 Feat. McGregor, Jones, Cormier - Video
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